Anatomy Verify questions Science Assignment Help

Anatomy Verify questions Science Assignment Help. Anatomy Verify questions Science Assignment Help.

I’m working on a anatomy writing question and need support to help me learn.
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VERIFY 1. A person is out fishing and cuts their finger with a fillet knife. Although the wound is small, the laceration provides an entry point for bacteria (Vibrio vulnificus), which invade the tissue.

Describe the steps that would be employed by a neutrophil to eliminate a bacterial cell. Assume that no antibodies are present that recognize the bacteria as foreign. VERIFY 2. Vibrio vulnificus is particularly pathogenic because this strain of bacteria hides its surface molecules behind a polysaccharide coat, which prevents interactions with pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on phagocytic cells.

Describe how antibodies could be employed to eliminate this bacteria in the absence of complement proteins.

Anatomy Verify questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UC W1 Organizational Behavior Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. You are working as a manager of a financial planning office where you require your employees to have a presence on social media. One of your financial advisors posts to his Twitter account that he needs $500 to pay his rent for the month. Would you punish him? Why or why not?

[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!]

[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]


Troy University The Importance of Being Earnest Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.

1. For your final project, you will need the script (SEE BELOW)

This term we will use The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. It is found free online at (Links to an external site.)

All FINAL PROJECTS use the same play! DO NOT make up your own story.

You must use our selected play listed on course schedule

2. You may choose your “mask,” taking the role of ONE of the following:

  • Actor
  • Designer
  • Director

3. READ!!!! The page that has all the instructions it is located in this module stated final project resources and documents!!! I can not STRESS this enough! In this module are the detailed instructions for each of these roles. Click on the instructions document for the mask you chose, and get started!

4. Also you will find links for additional paperwork right below those documents.

5. When you’ve finished all the parts of your final project, be sure to submit it as an attachment to this assignment. It is best to use word document or a powerpoint to organize your final project.

The exception to this is the Actor. I need the video file or a youtube link and your character analysis separate. Putting the videos in other types of documents slows them down and makes it hard to open.

This project should NOT be stressful…it’s your opportunity to be creative and express your ideas and opinions! The only way you can be “wrong” is if you don’t put in the effort. Note this project is 200 points- do not give me a 50 point project. Expand on your concept and ideas for the play. Have fun!


BIO 101 Jacksonville New Viral Agent First Detected in Wuhan China Case Study Ques Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Hi! I have a case study project for my BIO-101 class and I need a sample. I will be typing the instructions and attaching questions, rubric, and the list of sources you can use.

Read the case study and prepare a report answering each question separately. Do not forget to provide cited literature in the correct format. Do not surpass 20% plagiarism score (10% grade deduction, unless matches are trivial, citations or assignment questions). Plagiarism score higher than 40% will result in 40% grade deduction (unless the high score is determined to be due to trivial matches). Verbatim (literal copying of published or online sources) is inappropriate, even between “quotation marks”. Avoid completely the use of quotation marks anywhere in the report (10% grade deduction). Attached, find the questions you need to answer, a rubric with details on how your report will be evaluated, and a list of quality online sources that you can use for your report. Upload your report to Moodle in the correct format before the deadline. Only online reports correctly uploaded to Turnitin will be considered. No emails will be accepted as submissions. No collaborations in the report. No report = no credit

Good Luck!?


Norfolk State University Long Term Care System Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

you will write a critical analyses paper demonstrating understanding and application of key concepts learned on chapters 18-20. Your paper must be 3-4 pages in length excluding references pages, 12p font, and double spaced. Separate all major topics into individual headings for better flow and clarity. Adherence to APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines must be demonstrated where appropriate. Your paper will include a critical analyses of the questions below. A critical analyses entails a comprehensive examination of key concepts and/or theories.

Please critically analyze the following:
The importance of marketing in long-term care organizations.

The relationship between strategic planning and marketing in long-term care.

The major challenges that have faced the long-term care system in recent years.

The success of the system in responding to the challenges outlined.

The challenges and opportunities future long-term care managers are likely to face.

NECESSARY TEXTBOOK: Pratt, J. R. (2015). Long term care managing across the continuum (4th ed.). Sudbury: Jones and Barlett.



Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge and Chelmsford Katys Assessment Response Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

Please respond to katy with 270 words . Please provide an assessment of katys response, and also include the references and citations listed in katy’s response.

Question #1-Describe the factors that represent habitat and why each is important in determining the characteristics of individual plant communities.

Habitat is defined in the dictionary as a place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives or grows. Because of California’s size and unique location, California is home to one of the largest varieties of habitats in one state. We have deserts, grasslands, wetlands, coastline, scrublands and forests. The coastal habitat includes the tidal zones, coastal strand and coastal salt marshes. Knowledge of habitats is critical in the study of the distribution of plants and animals in California. Habitats hold a combination of physical factors such as climate, slope, soil, and drainage. Habitats are very important to the plants and animals of california, and represent the environmental conditions in which organisms live. A habitat must possess all the environmental settings a plant or animal needs to survive. A good habitat must include the right amount of sun, air conditions, rich soils, and water. Drier areas are home to more drought resistant plants such as the california sagebrush or the manzanita tree. Whereas the coastal regions are home to california poppies and redwood trees. California’s wide variety of beautiful plant species are just one of the reasons I love living in this great state.

Rediscovering the Golden State

William A Selby

Chapter 5

National Geographic Research Library (Links to an external site.)

California Habitats, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles (Links to an external site.)

Question #2-Explain how southern California plant communities have adapted to summer drought. Give specific examples.

Southern California’s plant communities have evolved over time. Many factors contribute to this exchange such as dispersal events, climate, slope, soils, fires, human interaction, and many others. The climate type in much of California is described as Mediterranean climate, with winter rains and dry, hot summers. The vegetation in these climates is adapted to seasonal drought because it typically experiences intensely low precipitation during the hottest times of the year, which is generally between July and late September, with regular highs around 99 degrees fahrenheit, and rarely dropping below 65 degrees fahrenheit. California’s climate has been this way for more than 11,00 years, since the last ice age. One example of a drought tolerant community in Southern California is Chaparral. Chaparral covers nearly 10% of the state. There, you will find short, dense, and scrubby vegetation. They look like this because short, dense and scrubby vegetation thrive very well in intensely dry habitats. This is called a drought-resistant strategy for survival. The plant species in this community are adapted to living in dry climates where water conservation is key. The plants in Chaparral display beautiful sclerophyll leaves, which work a bit backwards. As opposed to losing their leaves in the winter like most plants, they lose their leaves in the summer. They call these drought deciduous plants. This reduces the energy and water demand of the plant in the drier summer droughts. This is just one example of the drier plant communities.

Rediscovering the Golden State

William A Selby

Chapter 5

The Impact of Drought on Native Southern California Vegetation: Remote Sensing Analysis Using MODIS-Derived Time Series

RESEARCH ARTICLE (Links to an external site.)

Chaparral Biome: The Perfect Climate

Rob Nelson (Links to an external site.)

Question #3-Why is fire beneficial to plant communities and which species in particular are reliant upon it for their survival.

Californians have been known to build within numerous plant communities where fires are inevitable. Many popular locations such as Malibu, Laguna, Beverly Hills, Santa Barbara, Oakland, Berkeley, and even our beautiful, and might I add very important to myself personally, wine country. Fire season is the time of the year when wildfires are most likely to happen. With the most recent climate changes as a developing factor, some experts suggest that California’s fire season is now year round. Californians have built their homes within fire country, suppressed fires and paid the price for centuries. Although even the early California Indians started their fair share of wildfires, there is evidence of frequent smaller California fires even before human interaction was a factor. Sadly, because of past fire suppression, wildfires today burn so rapidly and with so much heat that they kill native plants and animals that would have most likely survived and thrived to quickly repopulate an area. We have only recently learned that by lighting controlled fires, or allowing some wildfires to burn, we can restore plant communities to their natural states and decrease the threat of more destructive and devastating fires. On days with higher humidity and low winds, fire crews may start controlled burns that are designed to clear out dead fuel and brush, and return a plant community to its natural state, therefore ensuring that the next fire will not burn so hot. Many species within these plant communities survive by “crown sprouting”. This is a process where the plant regrows from root crowns. Other plants shed seeds that will only germinate after the soil has been scorched and re moisturized. Some local herbs are known as “pyrophyte endemics” because they will only germinate and grow after a fire has deposited the necessary minerals in the soil. Some examples of fire thriving plants species are the coastal redwoods and our own giant sequoias.

Rediscovering the Golden State

William A Selby

Chapter 5

Wikipedia “Pyrophyte” (Links to an external site.)

When is fire season in California (Links to an external site.)

Question #5-Choose an individual plant community and describe its habitat and common plants and animals within it.

I have chosen to write about the California Grasslands for this question. Originally about 13% of california was covered by these beautiful wavy fields. Mostly in the inland valleys and tucked coastal hills and mountains. Some of these beautiful valleys include Sacramento, San Joaquin, and Salinas, and other inland valleys surrounding the Bay Area as well as the inland coastal plains of Southern California. Most of California’s grasslands are accustomed to long, hot and dry summers, and lower winter precipitation, with winter rains draining quickly through the thick porous soil, often leaving dry plant roots. Most trees and even shrubs cannot survive in this environment due to lack of water or nutrients or both. Plants that are not properly adapted wither by early summer. In the classic book “An Island Called California” the writer, Elna Baker compares california’s grasslands to those of the U.S. Great Plains Grasslands, calling the plant community “California’s Kansas”. The pronghorn antelope and the tule elk play the role of the large grazers in the California valleys. There is an abundance of small herbivores, especially insects. Small mammals and birds such as the meadow mice, pocket mice, kangaroo rats, gophers, goldfinches and sparrows, and insects such as grasshoppers, ants and crickets call the grasslands home, and feast on seeds and native plantlife. With fewer large predators, the gopher community has grown to more than 30 per acre in some fields. Grasshopper mice, deer mice, and lizards feast on insects as do some small carnivorous birds. It is also home to a wide variety of snakes, coyotes, foxes and predatory birds. This wide variety of unique plants and animals thrive in California’s grasslands.

Rediscovering the Golden State

William A Selby

Chapter 5 pages 153-155

Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge and Chelmsford Katys Assessment Response Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grand Canyon University Health and Behavior DiscussionQuestion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Discussion and need support to help me study.

Please answer to the following DQ with 150 to 200 words each. thank you


Registered Nurses play an important role as hospitals continue to search for higher quality care and safety. As Advanced Registered Nurse, we focus on the leadership that provides quality and measures guide practice. Data and information came from staff, patient surveys assisting nursing leaders in making the decisions that impact quality care and has a special role to achieve all the plan of actions designed for the organization. Healthcare organization have formulated an action plan and how to use to improve the quality of care and increase patient’s safety. Quality improvement has a very crucial role in healthcare organizations. Meaningful use defines as all electronic health records are being used in a meaningful way that makes certain about health information is shared and exchange that improves patient care. It also provides quality, safety, effectiveness, and lessening the disparities. It also promotes care coordination, assures adequate safety and privacy protection. There are three phases that support the quality improvements. The first phase is the clinical decision support which supports the healthcare providers and patients to make the proper decisions during that time. Examples of meaningful use in clinical decision support are focused patient-data reports or conditions, drug-interaction checks, documentations, diagnostic support-specific condition order sets. The second phase is the electronic health records that share data that uses patient’s information to provide quality of care during the treatment and the last phase is the electronic clinical quality measures in which this tool will track the quality of services rendered by healthcare workers and help find areas for improvement.

AHIMA Foundation is advocating for people, research, and resources that provide health information and has an ethical obligation in the privacy, safeguarding, and securing patient’s health information. This promotes high standards of practice, establishes to use as a guide in decision making, establishes a framework for professionals with their responsibilities and behaviors especially if ethical issues arise. The very important result and meaningful data is about the quality of care data intended for its purpose.


Health it playbook. (n.d.). Retrieved May 02, 2021, from

4 ways Health Informatics improves PATIENT Care: UIC Health Informatics. (2020, July 08). Retrieved April 29, 2021, from…


As the number of APRN’s continue to rise and fill in necessary spots in healthcare, the need for NP specific quality measurements arises. According to Kleinpell and Kapu (2017), there are several organizations that offer quality measurements and techniques for NPs to incorporate into their practice. One such example is the National Quality Forum, whose outcome measures are considered by CMS for public reporting and performance-based reimbursement. For nurse educators specifically, the National League for Nursing regularly (n.d.) updates their core competencies that help evaluate the quality of teaching.

Information technology has allowed healthcare capacity to grow exponentially by creating more effective ways to go about patient care, they are also able to draw trends from patient care metrics that can statistically show certain standards such as occurrence reporting of patient falls or the percent of medications scanned. These are some examples of how informatics can give feedback and improve quality of care for bedside nurses. While meaningful use incentivizes organization’s to efficiently use their electronic management systems, information governance is the cycle used in relation to that information management system to ensure that technology is being used appropriately while also protecting patient’s health information.


Kleinpell, R. & Kapu, A. N. (2017). Quality measures for nurse practitioner practice evaluation. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 29(8), 446-451. doi: 10.1002/2327-6924.12474

National League for Nursing. (n.d.) Nurse educator core competencies: NLN core competencies for academic nurse educators. Retrieved from


Quality standards play a vital part in the nursing profession. It is the foundation of our practice by giving us guidelines in which to operate. The quality standard that most guide my role as an advance practice registered nurse is ethics. It is what keep us just and fair to make the best decision for our patients. In a role of leadership you need to always remain ethical for your staff members and the patients you serve. Informatics can be used to improve quality of care because a data system that manages data and is programmed for best practice us unbiased which further supports the ethical standard. Meaningful measure focuses on identifying an issue using a quality measure and improving it. Meaningful use is utilizing the health technology in a useful way to provide quality care. The interoperability of the different informatics creates a working system with the patient’s privacy protected, evidence based practice usage as well as standards of care reflected. This will provide the best quality care for out patients which is every health care provider’s goal.


AHIMA. (2018). Standardization of standards. HIM Body of Knowledge. (2020, November 2). Quality Measures. Retrieved from


SHS High Risk Traffic Stop Script Law Enforcement Officer Scenario Outline Script Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a criminal justice project and need an explanation to help me understand better.


For this Project, write a script outlining a scenario for a high-risk traffic stop.

Using the information from the presentation, create a scenario for a high-risk

traffic stop which leads to a pursuit.

2. Develop a detailed script for a high-risk traffic stop between a law enforcement
officer and a violator. Be sure to discuss specific techniques taken by the law
enforcement officer.

3. Scripts should be three to four minutes long.

Attached is the video transcript for the presentation.

The high risk starts on page 6 3.risk.


Lincoln University Harlem Renaissance Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Part 1

The Harlem Renaissance produced an impactful cadre of artists and thinkers who were both creative and revolutionary, who have had a continuing salience to the African American experience. Accordingly, review and assimilate “Harlem Renaissance Against the Odds: Artists of the Harlem” which can be found on youtube. After this material has been inculcate prepare a five paragraph paper.

part 2 : write a 2 or 3 paragraph paper on all you know/ learned about these topics

Please sumbit in 2 different PDFs also no heading far as name and date


UCB The Vocal Music of The Late Renaissance Baroque Period Questions Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art Other and need support to help me understand better.

Responses to each prompt should be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. Please provide musical examples as needed to illustrate your point. (You can use time stamps if you’re speaking about a specific section of a piece).

In the vocal music of the Late Renaissance, early Baroque period, what were musical strategies to express the affective states represented in the sung texts.

In the Spanish Colonies of the Americas, how was music used to convert the indigenous population to Christianity? How were the colonized subjects represented in the Villancicos so-called “negrillas” of the Oaxaca Cathedral Songbook,?

Comparative listening :

Polyphony Vs. Monody

Listen to M. Casulana’s “Morir non puo il mio cuore” (My heart cannot die) and C. Monteverdi’s “Tu sei morta” (You are dead).

1) What are some striking (clearly audbile) differences with regards to:

The musical texture.

The vocal delivery (performance style)

2) How are the lyrics of the pieces expressed through music?

What was the guiding extra-musica discipline that contributed to the musical structure in the music of the baroque period? What was the purpose of such orientation?

Contemporary Extrapolation:

Music has been used in the past for political reasons, like the case of the Spanish colonizers, in order to serve a particular purpose. What are some ways you can think of in which music is used in our time to  “influence” or “persuade” the listener in some way?


Anatomy Verify questions Science Assignment Help

Anatomy Verify questions Science Assignment Help

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