Answer Questions 2 & 4 of Tanglewood Case Seven Business Finance Assignment Help

Answer Questions 2 & 4 of Tanglewood Case Seven Business Finance Assignment Help. Answer Questions 2 & 4 of Tanglewood Case Seven Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Using chapter 11 , the Appendix D and case 7, answer Questions 2 & 4 of Tanglewood Case Seven.

IMPORTANT: Also Instructional Tip are attached and need to be used to insure all questions are answered within the guidelines.

Questions that need to be answered:

2. Develop assessment scores based on several multiple predictor methods described
in your book. This entails developing distinct scores for each applicant based on clinical
prediction, unit weighting, and rational weighting schemes. For each method, develop a
list of your top three finalists to provide to the regional manager. Compare these to a
multiple hurdle selection procedure that uses test scores as a first stage to find the five
strongest candidates, and then uses interviews and résumés to select the top three finalists.
Which of the methods do you believe works best? Why?

4. Based on the three previous portions of the assignment, develop an official guide
to selection that can be supplied to all the stores. This official guide should provide the
information from the selection plan, suggestions for how to combine predictors, and
guidelines for managers on who should be involved in the final decision. The decision
makers do not necessarily need to be the same ones participating in the selection decision
for the Spokane flagship store.

Answer Questions 2 & 4 of Tanglewood Case Seven Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

about positive and negative change in my class and expresing differe3nt route. Writing Assignment Help

Discussion Chapter 9

Options Menu: Forum

Read Chapter 9

1. Try taking a different route to class the next time it meets. Before you do this, think about how many changes, large and small, you will have to make to do this.

a-Will you have to leave earlier to be in class on time?

b-Will you meet different people on your way to class?

c-See different sights?

d-Would you change your route to class on the day of the final exam?

e-Why or why not? Summarize the positives and negatives of this small change. Relate your responses to this change to the way staff nurses feel when an administrator makes what he or she thinks is a “minor” change.

2. Think about a change that has occurred in your life. Some examples may be a change of role, a move, a marriage, a birth, a divorce, or a death.

a-How did you react to the change?

b-Would you have reacted differently if you had had more information?

c-Using Lewin’s model, describe the basic elements in the situation and how you eventually achieved a comfortable outcome.


Apply basic theories and methods of survey research. ◾ Describe the purposes and uses of action research, comparative research, descriptive research, ethnographic research and experimental research. ◾ Distinguish the purposes and uses of quantitative and Writing Assignment Help

Apply basic theories and methods of survey research.

◾ Describe the purposes and uses of action research, comparative research, descriptive research, ethnographic research and experimental research.

◾ Distinguish the purposes and uses of quantitative and qualitative research to inform decisions, to plan and assess programs, to design accountability systems, to plan for improvement, and to develop and conduct research.


◾ Descriptive Research

◾ Experimental, Quasi-Experimental, and Ex Post Facto Designs

◾ Mixed-Methods Research

◾ Strategies for Analyzing Quantitative Data


Review the Lynda videos from previous modules to review quantitative research.

Research – Continue your research on your project.

Create quantitative data collection tools.

Use the tools.

Analyze the data.

Upload 2 sample tools and the results.

• Write the methodology section of the research paper

Research Activity- Quantitative Research

Design tools for each of the following you can use in your research.

◾ Pre/Post Test

◾ Case Study

◾ Survey

◾ Correlation

◾ Comparative

◾ Observation

◾ Numbers of…

◾ Other

Evaluate the data once the research is conducted.

Rewrite the research paper on this section. Get help where needed.


PCN 540 Topic 2 Short Answer Questions Writing Assignment Help

Directions: Provide short answers of 100-150 words each for the following questions/statements. Do not exceed 200 words for your response. Use the textbook, and any other scholarly resources to support your responses. Include at least two to three peer-reviewed journal articles beyond the textbook and course readings.

1. What is the definition of and the core meaning of research literacy as it relates to counseling psychology?

2. What specific methods would you utilize in beginning your review of the literature within counseling research? Discuss the steps and rationale for conducting a review of the literature. Include specific examples related to the methods and steps for conducting a review of the counseling literature in your response.

3. Read “Self-Maintenance Therapy in Alzheimer’s Disease,” located in the reading materials.

What were the variables under investigation by this study? What methods were used to obtain the study’s sample? What specific measurements were used to assess or analyze the study’s variables? Discuss any potential methodological problems in this study. Include specific examples in your response.

4. How would you define Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)? Discuss the inherent strengths and limitations of EBP. Be sure to include your comments regarding what is meant by “validity of treatments.”

5. Watch the Objectivity and subjectivity in social research video. What are the issues of objectivity and subjectivity as they relate to methodological issues in conducting counseling research? What makes a counseling treatment empirically supported and validated? Include the description of at least two empirically supported and validated treatments from the course textbook and readings in your response. Include the mental health conditions that are treated by the empirically supported and validated treatments identified.

6. What were the variables under investigation by this study? What methods were used to obtain the study’s sample? What specific measurements were used to assess or analyze the study’s variables? Discuss any potential methodological problems in this study. Include specific examples in your response.

Read “Self-Maintenance Therapy in Alzheimer’s Disease,” by Romero and Wenz, from Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (2001).

Watch “Objectivity and Subjectivity in Social Research Video,” from Sage Research Methods (2015).


ISOL 532: Telecommunications & Network Security Case Project (Network Security Plan) Engineering Assignment Help

The Acme Corporation is a new startup that wishes to sell their new phone, called
Acmephone, to the public. Acmephone plans to offer two options. 1) a secure
version of the phone designed for business organizations called the Acmephone B+,
and 2) a highly secure version of the phone designed for the government, called the
Acmephone G+.
Due to the fear of corporate espionage and government security requirements, there
are many security concerns that must be addressed. As a network security
professional, you have been employed to design a network infrastructure for their
two campuses located in Atlanta and Cincinnati based upon the following
1. There needs to be a constant connection between the two locations that can
carry at least 50 Mbps of data.
2. Each facility has three floors. The buildings are rectangular with each floor
3. There will be 200 network connections on each floor with an additional 100
network connections in the data centers located on the third floor of each
4. The primary data center will be located at the Atlanta location.
5. There will be a failover data center at the Cincinnati location.
6. Each location should be protected from intrusions that are not limited to
state change attacks.
7. The Atlanta location will house the two secure development teams. As such,
it will need the a greater level of security. The primary database servers and
the corporate Web servers will be housed at that location as well.
8. Database servers will also be located at the Cincinnati site as well.
9. All servers must have redundancy.
10. The solution must have a plan to verify security measures.
Your task is to develop a report addressing the details of the secure network
infrastructure design that meets the requirements above. Your submission must
address the following items. Please provide as much details as possible. Please make
sure that while addressing these points, your discussion must be specific to the case
scenario given and it must not be discussed in generic terms. In other words, make
sure that you directly address all the following points
1. Create a network drawing, specific to Acme Corporation, listing the
network’s topology including any necessary hardware. Your drawing must be
detailed enough and show how the topology is interconnected. Viewing this
diagram should give the reader detailed understanding about the Acme
network environment including devices and device locations.
2. Your network diagram must be drawn professionally and you must discuss
your drawing and justify your choices. Please don’t submit your drawing
without a detailed discussion of all of its aspects
3. Address any recommended cabling for this installation.
4. Recommend wiring closets for both campuses and their configuration
wherever you determine they are needed.
5. Recommend ways to ensure that the network is safe from being attacked.
Discuss what measures and installations are required in terms of firewalls,
IDS, Anti-Virus software or other measures as you see appropriate.
6. Make recommendations for laying traps to stop attackers and prevent
damage to the Acme network infrastructure.
7. Include recommendations for WAN connections that takes into
considerations the geographical factor of the two locations.
8. Include recommendations for wireless technology and the type of wireless
communications to be used in both locations.
9. Include recommendations for any technology needed in the data center for
high availability.
10. Justify your recommendations with external sources referenced using APA format.



Research idea is needed Other Assignment Help

I have a project whereas i require to have and idea that propose a solution for a problem or a modification/contribution to existing solution given in published journals.

The help needed is to formulate the problem.

The topic is in the area of detection and analysis of social media (twitter) of spam or malware or propaganda. You may consider to associate detection and analysis of non english text (arabic).

NOTE: This is not a paper. I am open for different topics within the domain. Once this question is answered we will have to work on the rest of the project as future work.

The validation needed for the research idea has to be feasible.

Research idea is needed Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program. Writing Assignment Help

Assignment 2: Designing a Training Program

Create a written proposal in which you detail the complete design of an employee training program.

Write a seven to nine (7-9) page paper in which you:

  1. Design a two (2) day training program for a group of twenty (20) employees.
  2. Identify two to three (2-3) training needs though a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and justify an approach for this training.
  3. Develop the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
  4. Determine the training cost for the training program you are proposing. Include a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
  5. Select key training method(s) to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-Learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
  6. Create an agenda of activities for the training program.
  7. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  8. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
  9. This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
  10. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  11. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  12. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
  13. Note:
    This is a template/ guide for Assignment #2. Please delete and replace the
    information in the brackets with your own information. Also remove the

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Identify when to conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA).
  • Analyze the various approaches to performing a Training Needs Analysis.
  • Develop strategies for training design.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in training and development.
  • Write clearly and concisely about training and development using proper writing mechanics.
  • Thoroughly designed a two (2) day training program for a group of twenty (20) employees.
  • Thoroughly identified two to three (2-3) training needs though a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and thoroughly justified an approach for this training.
  • Thoroughly developed the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
  • Thoroughly determined the training cost for the training program you are proposing,including a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
  • Thoroughly selected key training method (s) to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-Learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
  • Thoroughly created an agenda of activities for the training program.
  • Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
  • 0-2 errors present


Written Essay Humanities Assignment Help

This is our weekly essay question. Remember that the essays are weekly assignments, not Chapter specific assignments. Each week you will receive a listing of up to four possible essay topics that will generally fall into one of the following categories: factual, opinion, ‘what if’, and newspaper articles. Select one topic for your essay. For the News Paper article you will be expected to submit an article on a specific historical event from a specific period newspaper.

Barton utilizes the excellent Turnitin plagiarism detection software primarily as a teaching/coaching tool. The software detects suspicious passages and compares them against previously submitted works. This allows the student the opportunity to relook their work and make appropriate citations and format changes. An additional use is that it assists in identifying plagiarism. Use of the Turnitin software is a requirement in this course.

There is also an option for the ‘Wild Card’ essay. Remember that this are mini research papers and that I expect far more research and independent thought than in a short answer fill in the blank style question.


Document Anyazlis homeric hymn to demeter Humanities Assignment Help

2-3 pages, double spaced. The more you write, the more information you provide, the better grade. Complete sentences necessary, even in the short sections.

These reports require outside research and a bibliography and in-text citations.


Your report should begin with the following items in bulleted form single spaced at the beginning of your report.

  1. Name of item and type of item (e.g., the Ara Pacis, marble altar)
  2. Date made or created
  3. Artist or architect or sponsor or commissioner (or at least who was in charge the year this was made)
  4. Provenance–place where it came from
  5. Place where item is now (if in a museum, you need collection information; if in situ, say so)

Then, write a formal analysis of your piece. Consider questions such as: What is the piece about? What exactly does it look like? What’s going on it? Describe it, fully. You must also address questions such as its function, and, finally, its significance. For example, what does it tell us about the women of this world and era? How does it relate to what we’ve already learned? What can it add? Why is it important?

Include a bibliography. You cannot use encyclopedias—they are not scholarly. Your sources must be scholarly—no encyclopedias, no websites that are pseudo scholarly (eg, National Geographic, Smithsonian, etc), and must be properly cited (Chicago style or APA or MLA, as long as you are consistent in which form you choose).


book report(The kite runner) Humanities Assignment Help

(Please answer according to each question before the answer serial number listed

1. Identify title(underline it), author, and copyright date of your novel

2. Identify Publishing Company, Place of Publication (one city only) and Date of Publication(mostrecent date)

3. Write a short I or 2 paragraph biography of the author. Pick only 3 or 4 pieces of impoinformation

4. Study the Setting by telling where and when the story takes place. Next give two exampleswhich show your where and when taken from your story. Remember, if you copy the examples,you must use quote marks and give the page number in parenthesis after the quote. Number them

5. Name three important characters and in a few words identify their role in the stor

6. Describe a main character’s thinking and feelings in the beginning of the story. Then explain whathappened to the character and how the character has changed (in his/her heart and/or mind) by theend of the story.

7. Write a 2-3 paragraph summary of the story briefly discussing the characters, setting, and plotsure to include situation at the beginning, several examples of rising action, and the conclusion

8. Evaluate your novel by explaining what you liked about the story and what you didn’t like. Youmust give examples from the story to explain your opinions. If your example is a quote, show pagnumber in parenthesis(#)after your quote You must give at least one negative and one positive

9. Identify the theme of your story by answering one of the following questionsa. What is the meaning of the story? What can a reader learn from the story?b. What can you learn about what people do or what happens to people based on theexperiences of the characters in this story?

10. Choose 10 college-level vocabulary words you found in your novel. Copy the sentence you foundeach in. Underline the word. Put quotation marks around the sentence and put the page number inparenthesis after the sentence. Identify the part of speech of your word as it was used in the sentence(N, V, Adj, or Adv). Write a short definition of the word as it was used in the sentence. See thebelow:”A good example of his blustering spirit seemed to have evaporated. “(86)def: acting in a loud,boastful way, POS Adj

[supanova_question] The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

  • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
  • Note:
    This is a template/ guide for Assignment #2. Please delete and replace the
    information in the brackets with your own information. Also remove the

  • The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Identify when to conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA).
    • Analyze the various approaches to performing a Training Needs Analysis.
    • Develop strategies for training design.
    • Use technology and information resources to research issues in training and development.
    • Write clearly and concisely about training and development using proper writing mechanics.
    • Thoroughly designed a two (2) day training program for a group of twenty (20) employees.
    • Thoroughly identified two to three (2-3) training needs though a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and thoroughly justified an approach for this training.
    • Thoroughly developed the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
    • Thoroughly determined the training cost for the training program you are proposing,including a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
    • Thoroughly selected key training method (s) to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-Learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
    • Thoroughly created an agenda of activities for the training program.
    • Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
    • 0-2 errors present


    Written Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    This is our weekly essay question. Remember that the essays are weekly assignments, not Chapter specific assignments. Each week you will receive a listing of up to four possible essay topics that will generally fall into one of the following categories: factual, opinion, ‘what if’, and newspaper articles. Select one topic for your essay. For the News Paper article you will be expected to submit an article on a specific historical event from a specific period newspaper.

    Barton utilizes the excellent Turnitin plagiarism detection software primarily as a teaching/coaching tool. The software detects suspicious passages and compares them against previously submitted works. This allows the student the opportunity to relook their work and make appropriate citations and format changes. An additional use is that it assists in identifying plagiarism. Use of the Turnitin software is a requirement in this course.

    There is also an option for the ‘Wild Card’ essay. Remember that this are mini research papers and that I expect far more research and independent thought than in a short answer fill in the blank style question.


    Document Anyazlis homeric hymn to demeter Humanities Assignment Help

    2-3 pages, double spaced. The more you write, the more information you provide, the better grade. Complete sentences necessary, even in the short sections.

    These reports require outside research and a bibliography and in-text citations.


    Your report should begin with the following items in bulleted form single spaced at the beginning of your report.

    1. Name of item and type of item (e.g., the Ara Pacis, marble altar)
    2. Date made or created
    3. Artist or architect or sponsor or commissioner (or at least who was in charge the year this was made)
    4. Provenance–place where it came from
    5. Place where item is now (if in a museum, you need collection information; if in situ, say so)

    Then, write a formal analysis of your piece. Consider questions such as: What is the piece about? What exactly does it look like? What’s going on it? Describe it, fully. You must also address questions such as its function, and, finally, its significance. For example, what does it tell us about the women of this world and era? How does it relate to what we’ve already learned? What can it add? Why is it important?

    Include a bibliography. You cannot use encyclopedias—they are not scholarly. Your sources must be scholarly—no encyclopedias, no websites that are pseudo scholarly (eg, National Geographic, Smithsonian, etc), and must be properly cited (Chicago style or APA or MLA, as long as you are consistent in which form you choose).


    book report(The kite runner) Humanities Assignment Help

    (Please answer according to each question before the answer serial number listed

    1. Identify title(underline it), author, and copyright date of your novel

    2. Identify Publishing Company, Place of Publication (one city only) and Date of Publication(mostrecent date)

    3. Write a short I or 2 paragraph biography of the author. Pick only 3 or 4 pieces of impoinformation

    4. Study the Setting by telling where and when the story takes place. Next give two exampleswhich show your where and when taken from your story. Remember, if you copy the examples,you must use quote marks and give the page number in parenthesis after the quote. Number them

    5. Name three important characters and in a few words identify their role in the stor

    6. Describe a main character’s thinking and feelings in the beginning of the story. Then explain whathappened to the character and how the character has changed (in his/her heart and/or mind) by theend of the story.

    7. Write a 2-3 paragraph summary of the story briefly discussing the characters, setting, and plotsure to include situation at the beginning, several examples of rising action, and the conclusion

    8. Evaluate your novel by explaining what you liked about the story and what you didn’t like. Youmust give examples from the story to explain your opinions. If your example is a quote, show pagnumber in parenthesis(#)after your quote You must give at least one negative and one positive

    9. Identify the theme of your story by answering one of the following questionsa. What is the meaning of the story? What can a reader learn from the story?b. What can you learn about what people do or what happens to people based on theexperiences of the characters in this story?

    10. Choose 10 college-level vocabulary words you found in your novel. Copy the sentence you foundeach in. Underline the word. Put quotation marks around the sentence and put the page number inparenthesis after the sentence. Identify the part of speech of your word as it was used in the sentence(N, V, Adj, or Adv). Write a short definition of the word as it was used in the sentence. See thebelow:”A good example of his blustering spirit seemed to have evaporated. “(86)def: acting in a loud,boastful way, POS Adj

    [supanova_question] The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

  • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
  • Note:
    This is a template/ guide for Assignment #2. Please delete and replace the
    information in the brackets with your own information. Also remove the

  • The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Identify when to conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA).
    • Analyze the various approaches to performing a Training Needs Analysis.
    • Develop strategies for training design.
    • Use technology and information resources to research issues in training and development.
    • Write clearly and concisely about training and development using proper writing mechanics.
    • Thoroughly designed a two (2) day training program for a group of twenty (20) employees.
    • Thoroughly identified two to three (2-3) training needs though a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and thoroughly justified an approach for this training.
    • Thoroughly developed the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
    • Thoroughly determined the training cost for the training program you are proposing,including a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
    • Thoroughly selected key training method (s) to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-Learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
    • Thoroughly created an agenda of activities for the training program.
    • Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
    • 0-2 errors present


    Written Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    This is our weekly essay question. Remember that the essays are weekly assignments, not Chapter specific assignments. Each week you will receive a listing of up to four possible essay topics that will generally fall into one of the following categories: factual, opinion, ‘what if’, and newspaper articles. Select one topic for your essay. For the News Paper article you will be expected to submit an article on a specific historical event from a specific period newspaper.

    Barton utilizes the excellent Turnitin plagiarism detection software primarily as a teaching/coaching tool. The software detects suspicious passages and compares them against previously submitted works. This allows the student the opportunity to relook their work and make appropriate citations and format changes. An additional use is that it assists in identifying plagiarism. Use of the Turnitin software is a requirement in this course.

    There is also an option for the ‘Wild Card’ essay. Remember that this are mini research papers and that I expect far more research and independent thought than in a short answer fill in the blank style question.


    Document Anyazlis homeric hymn to demeter Humanities Assignment Help

    2-3 pages, double spaced. The more you write, the more information you provide, the better grade. Complete sentences necessary, even in the short sections.

    These reports require outside research and a bibliography and in-text citations.


    Your report should begin with the following items in bulleted form single spaced at the beginning of your report.

    1. Name of item and type of item (e.g., the Ara Pacis, marble altar)
    2. Date made or created
    3. Artist or architect or sponsor or commissioner (or at least who was in charge the year this was made)
    4. Provenance–place where it came from
    5. Place where item is now (if in a museum, you need collection information; if in situ, say so)

    Then, write a formal analysis of your piece. Consider questions such as: What is the piece about? What exactly does it look like? What’s going on it? Describe it, fully. You must also address questions such as its function, and, finally, its significance. For example, what does it tell us about the women of this world and era? How does it relate to what we’ve already learned? What can it add? Why is it important?

    Include a bibliography. You cannot use encyclopedias—they are not scholarly. Your sources must be scholarly—no encyclopedias, no websites that are pseudo scholarly (eg, National Geographic, Smithsonian, etc), and must be properly cited (Chicago style or APA or MLA, as long as you are consistent in which form you choose).


    book report(The kite runner) Humanities Assignment Help

    (Please answer according to each question before the answer serial number listed

    1. Identify title(underline it), author, and copyright date of your novel

    2. Identify Publishing Company, Place of Publication (one city only) and Date of Publication(mostrecent date)

    3. Write a short I or 2 paragraph biography of the author. Pick only 3 or 4 pieces of impoinformation

    4. Study the Setting by telling where and when the story takes place. Next give two exampleswhich show your where and when taken from your story. Remember, if you copy the examples,you must use quote marks and give the page number in parenthesis after the quote. Number them

    5. Name three important characters and in a few words identify their role in the stor

    6. Describe a main character’s thinking and feelings in the beginning of the story. Then explain whathappened to the character and how the character has changed (in his/her heart and/or mind) by theend of the story.

    7. Write a 2-3 paragraph summary of the story briefly discussing the characters, setting, and plotsure to include situation at the beginning, several examples of rising action, and the conclusion

    8. Evaluate your novel by explaining what you liked about the story and what you didn’t like. Youmust give examples from the story to explain your opinions. If your example is a quote, show pagnumber in parenthesis(#)after your quote You must give at least one negative and one positive

    9. Identify the theme of your story by answering one of the following questionsa. What is the meaning of the story? What can a reader learn from the story?b. What can you learn about what people do or what happens to people based on theexperiences of the characters in this story?

    10. Choose 10 college-level vocabulary words you found in your novel. Copy the sentence you foundeach in. Underline the word. Put quotation marks around the sentence and put the page number inparenthesis after the sentence. Identify the part of speech of your word as it was used in the sentence(N, V, Adj, or Adv). Write a short definition of the word as it was used in the sentence. See thebelow:”A good example of his blustering spirit seemed to have evaporated. “(86)def: acting in a loud,boastful way, POS Adj

    [supanova_question] The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

  • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
  • Note:
    This is a template/ guide for Assignment #2. Please delete and replace the
    information in the brackets with your own information. Also remove the

  • The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Identify when to conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA).
    • Analyze the various approaches to performing a Training Needs Analysis.
    • Develop strategies for training design.
    • Use technology and information resources to research issues in training and development.
    • Write clearly and concisely about training and development using proper writing mechanics.
    • Thoroughly designed a two (2) day training program for a group of twenty (20) employees.
    • Thoroughly identified two to three (2-3) training needs though a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and thoroughly justified an approach for this training.
    • Thoroughly developed the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
    • Thoroughly determined the training cost for the training program you are proposing,including a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
    • Thoroughly selected key training method (s) to deliver the program to employees, such as an e-Learning module or a one-day face-to-face training program.
    • Thoroughly created an agenda of activities for the training program.
    • Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
    • 0-2 errors present


    Written Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    This is our weekly essay question. Remember that the essays are weekly assignments, not Chapter specific assignments. Each week you will receive a listing of up to four possible essay topics that will generally fall into one of the following categories: factual, opinion, ‘what if’, and newspaper articles. Select one topic for your essay. For the News Paper article you will be expected to submit an article on a specific historical event from a specific period newspaper.

    Barton utilizes the excellent Turnitin plagiarism detection software primarily as a teaching/coaching tool. The software detects suspicious passages and compares them against previously submitted works. This allows the student the opportunity to relook their work and make appropriate citations and format changes. An additional use is that it assists in identifying plagiarism. Use of the Turnitin software is a requirement in this course.

    There is also an option for the ‘Wild Card’ essay. Remember that this are mini research papers and that I expect far more research and independent thought than in a short answer fill in the blank style question.


    Document Anyazlis homeric hymn to demeter Humanities Assignment Help

    2-3 pages, double spaced. The more you write, the more information you provide, the better grade. Complete sentences necessary, even in the short sections.

    These reports require outside research and a bibliography and in-text citations.


    Your report should begin with the following items in bulleted form single spaced at the beginning of your report.

    1. Name of item and type of item (e.g., the Ara Pacis, marble altar)
    2. Date made or created
    3. Artist or architect or sponsor or commissioner (or at least who was in charge the year this was made)
    4. Provenance–place where it came from
    5. Place where item is now (if in a museum, you need collection information; if in situ, say so)

    Then, write a formal analysis of your piece. Consider questions such as: What is the piece about? What exactly does it look like? What’s going on it? Describe it, fully. You must also address questions such as its function, and, finally, its significance. For example, what does it tell us about the women of this world and era? How does it relate to what we’ve already learned? What can it add? Why is it important?

    Include a bibliography. You cannot use encyclopedias—they are not scholarly. Your sources must be scholarly—no encyclopedias, no websites that are pseudo scholarly (eg, National Geographic, Smithsonian, etc), and must be properly cited (Chicago style or APA or MLA, as long as you are consistent in which form you choose).


    book report(The kite runner) Humanities Assignment Help

    (Please answer according to each question before the answer serial number listed

    1. Identify title(underline it), author, and copyright date of your novel

    2. Identify Publishing Company, Place of Publication (one city only) and Date of Publication(mostrecent date)

    3. Write a short I or 2 paragraph biography of the author. Pick only 3 or 4 pieces of impoinformation

    4. Study the Setting by telling where and when the story takes place. Next give two exampleswhich show your where and when taken from your story. Remember, if you copy the examples,you must use quote marks and give the page number in parenthesis after the quote. Number them

    5. Name three important characters and in a few words identify their role in the stor

    6. Describe a main character’s thinking and feelings in the beginning of the story. Then explain whathappened to the character and how the character has changed (in his/her heart and/or mind) by theend of the story.

    7. Write a 2-3 paragraph summary of the story briefly discussing the characters, setting, and plotsure to include situation at the beginning, several examples of rising action, and the conclusion

    8. Evaluate your novel by explaining what you liked about the story and what you didn’t like. Youmust give examples from the story to explain your opinions. If your example is a quote, show pagnumber in parenthesis(#)after your quote You must give at least one negative and one positive

    9. Identify the theme of your story by answering one of the following questionsa. What is the meaning of the story? What can a reader learn from the story?b. What can you learn about what people do or what happens to people based on theexperiences of the characters in this story?

    10. Choose 10 college-level vocabulary words you found in your novel. Copy the sentence you foundeach in. Underline the word. Put quotation marks around the sentence and put the page number inparenthesis after the sentence. Identify the part of speech of your word as it was used in the sentence(N, V, Adj, or Adv). Write a short definition of the word as it was used in the sentence. See thebelow:”A good example of his blustering spirit seemed to have evaporated. “(86)def: acting in a loud,boastful way, POS Adj


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