answer the 20 questions below with the best of your knowledge using the information and the instruction given in the attachment Science Assignment Help. answer the 20 questions below with the best of your knowledge using the information and the instruction given in the attachment Science Assignment Help.
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The Barnacle Zone – Intertidal Simulation
- What is a neap tide and when does it occur? (1 pts)
- What is a spring tide and when does it occur? (1 pts)
- Hypothesize: How do you think each type of tide will impact the distribution of each barnacle species? (2 pts)
- Copy and paste the graphs of species abundance over time for BOTH barnacle species (2 pts)
- Describe what happens to the abundance and elevation of each barnacle species with 1 meter and 4-meter tides. (2 pts)
- Did you predict correctly? Explain. (1 pts)
- Do you think these tides are an accurate simulation of what happens in real life? Explain. (1 pts)
- What are other factors that may be affecting the barnacle abundance and elevation? (1 pts)
- Describe the differences between fundamental and realized niche? How might competition change an organism’s niche size? (2 pts)
- Hypothesize:What do you think will happen to Chthamalus if you exclude Balanus from settling on the rock? (1 pts)
- Hypothesize: What do you think will happen to Balanus if you exclude Chthamalus from settling on the rock? (1 pts)
- After removing Balanus, did you predict correctly? Explain. Include the graph. (2 pts)
- After removing Chthamalus, did you predict correctly? Explain. Include the graph. (2 pts)
- Based on your hypothesis, do you predict that Balanus is capable of overgrowing and killing Chthamalus? Explain. (1 pts)
- Was the Chthamalus you tracked overgrown by Balanus? Explain. (1 pts)
- Did you predict whether the Chthamalus would be overgrown correctly? Explain. (1 pts)
- Hypothesize: What do you expect to happen to the abundance of each barnacle if there are more predators around? What will happen to the elevation of each barnacle species? (2 pts)
- Did you predict correctly? Explain. Include the graph. (2 pts)
- Mussels, such as Mytilus californianus, are commonly found in the middle to mid-high zone of the intertidal. As dominant competitors in the ecosystem, they are able to take over space claimed by other sessile organisms like barnacles or macroalgae. Given that, why are they generally not found higher with the barnacles? Why don’t they venture into the low zone? Given at least one reason for each question. (2 pts)
- Intertidal photosynthesizers face unique challenges compared to their animal neighbors when it comes to the tides: too much time above water, and they risk desiccation; however, too little time above water, and they may not get the sunlight they need to photosynthesize. Give examples of two potential adaptations for algae to live in high intertidal zones, and two potential adaptations for living in the lower zones. (2 pts)
answer the 20 questions below with the best of your knowledge using the information and the instruction given in the attachment Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Forensic Investigation paper Writing Assignment Help
I need 2-3 pages for each section. In APA format. Please see attachment: I have provide all off the screen shoot for my investigations along with a more detail sheet about the project.
Part 2: Analyzing an E-mail Archive for an Electronic Discovery Investigation
Write a report in which you:
oDocument your investigation methods.
oDocument your findings. Explain what you found that may be of interest to a forensic investigator, and provide your rationale for including each selection.
Part 3: Analyzing Evidence from Mac OS X
Write a report in which you:
oDocument your investigation methods.
oDocument your findings. Explain what you found that may be relevant to the case, and provide your rationale for each item you have identified as an indicator or evidence that John Smith was or was not committing corporate espionage.
oAnalyze the potential implications of these findings for the company and for a legal case.
Geology Project 3 – Mount Pinatubo Eruption Science Assignment Help
Project 3 – Mount Pinatubo Eruption In June 1991, Mount Pinatubo, located in the island of Luzon in the Philippines, erupted which resulted in effects felt worldwide. This volcanic eruption was the second-largest terrestrial eruption of the 20th century. Clark Air Base, at the time was the largest overseas U.S. military base, and located less than 10 miles from the volcano, along with another U.S. military base, U.S. Naval Base Subic Bay located less than 25 miles away. Fortunately, the Pinatubo eruption was predicted by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology along with the U.S. Geological Survey, and this allowed evacuation of most U.S. military personnel and their families from the Air Force Base prior to its big eruption. Additionally large numbers of the local population were also warned far enough ahead of time to evacuate. Further complicating the event was the arrival of Typhoon Yunya near Mount Pinatubo during its eruption. For this project, create a presentation in a format of your choice (Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, Microsoft Word, Adobe pdf, YouTube, etc.) based on the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 and the prediction of its eruption by volcano seismologists. In your presentation, include the following items: – Mount Pinatubo geological & volcanic history, Be sure to have appropriate figures, maps, graphs, tables, etc. in your presentation. Include a listing of the references used. Since this is a presentation and not a formal writing assignment, your citing & listing of references does not have to be in APA format. There is no required minimum or maximum length for this project, but do include a cover page (slide) with your name & title, plus a references list page (slide) at the end. Use at least 5 different references in the creation of this project. This project will be scored according to the following: – organization & clarity (25%) – – – – – Below is a link by PBS Learning Media, “Mount Pinatubo: Predicting a Volcanic Eruption” which may have some helpful information to start: – – – – – Submit this ‘Project’ into the ‘Assignment’ folder as a single document in one of the appropriate formats. Be sure to include your name on the 1st page of your assignment. Visible satellite image of Typhoon Yunya passing over Mount Pinatubo during its eruption in June 1991. |
Self Introduction Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help
In your reflection, provide an introduction about yourself and address the following questions:
- Who are you and what are your goals?
- What is your personal definition of success?
- What kind of person do you want to be?
Write a well-organized reflection, about 2 pages in length (typed, single-spaced).
Be sure to review the guideline for writing a reflection paper that I posted in Blackboard.
There is only attempt for this submission.
HOW TO WRITE A REFLECTION PAPER INSTRUCTOR: JARED OLUOCH, PH.D. In this class, you will be required to write reflection papers on various topics presented. The reflection paper expresses your opinion and understanding of the topic under discussion. As such, the reflection paper should have a professional tone. Your opinion should be backed by evidence. This document outlines the format I expect of the reflection papers in this class. 1. Format I do not want to restrict you on the format to follow. I want you to have the academic freedom to express your thoughts. As scientists and engineers, we are training you to have the utmost level of professionalism and ettiquette. The reflection paper should be about two pages in length, single-spaced, 11 or 12 points font size. It is okay to go beyond two pages if you have more thoughts to share. The maximum should be four pages. The reflection paper should have the following contents. (1) Title (2) Introduction. Here is where you write your general views about the topic under consideration. (3) Main paragraphs. Here you should expand on the views you had in the introduction. They should flow logically. You should look at both sides of the coin. In other words, you should discuss the positives and negatives if they exist. (4) Conclusion. Summarize the key ideas from the paragraphs. 2. EXAMPLE Let me give an example from the first session in class. The title of the reflection paper would be ”Welcome, Introduction, Syllabus & Academic Policies”. Here is how I would structure the rest of the paper. The first session of the class ENGT 1000 was to welcome students, and introduce us to the syllabus and academic policies. [You may insert a personal reflection]. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, I had been indoors most of the time and really looked forward to getting my first campus experience. Except for a few technical glitches in the first few minutes, the session went well. The instructor of the course, Dr. Jared Oluoch, introduced himself and walked us through the syllabus and Blackboard. Dr. Oluoch explained the structure of the weekly modules, assignments, and reflection papers. We had opportunities to ask questions through the chat. In the sections that follow, I will describe in details what the class is about. Here, you should discuss the structure of the weekly modules, assignments, and reflection papers each in its own paragraph. In conclusion, I found that the class is what I was hoping it would be [or not]. I wish the class would cover more [a, b, c]. One thing I like about the structure of the class is […..] It is my hope that this class will provide me with the necessary preparation I need to succeed in my undergraduate studies at the University of Toledo.
An exam project for “Business Law” Business Finance Assignment Help
Hi there, hope this finds you well!
You will have all the information needed in the file attached to this.
It will be an application where there are given 2 small case studies to elaborate them relating to Business Law.
The project will take place on THURSDAY (18th of September), 9:00am (CEST Time) and will last for only 1h and 30min. [ from 9:00am to 10:30pm ]
Note that you will have to be in time as I mentioned and it will have to be done in that specific time or else I will fail. Hopefully everything is provided efficiently and let me know if you have any questions furthermore :). Good luck!
Best greetings.
Note: I will provide with more information if you can proceed with the material required from this firstly.
Demonstration speech and outline Writing Assignment Help
Create a speech outline following the attached example and then write a 2-3 minute demonstration speech on the follow topic: How to make lemonade.
A demonstration speech is a type of informative speech. You will demonstrate/teach/show/explain an idea or concept of your choice.
Teach your audience something you already know how to do.
The speech range is 2-3 minutes.
You will verbally cite 2 sources in your speech, and you will cite these sources in the text of your outline, as well as in your reference list, using the American Psychological Association [APA] format.
You are required to cite your sources — both in-text and in the reference list — in APA format.
Demonstration speech and outline Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSYC 332 Critical Reflection #2 Humanities Assignment Help
Critical Reflection #2
Step 1: Capture your topic. Take a moment to think about what you identify as one of the most meaningful, relevant lesson presented in the course readings or supporting materials, for Weeks 3 and 4. Select a 1-2 sentence direct quotation from the applicable learning resources that references, in a germane way, the issue, idea or concept key to that lesson. This quote will become the prompt for your Critical Reflection paper. That is, it will be a focal point of your paper, representing what you identify as an important takeaway that you hope others in class will consider as a deeply important truth or lesson of this class. To support deep reflections on the topic, and the writing of the paper, the quotation should be relevant to a topic you can tie directly to your own (or others’) experiences, observations, and critical reasoning. It should also be something you are willing to think critically about and are willing to discuss through the writing of this paper.
Step 2: Write your reflection essay. Once you have identified the quotation prompt that will anchor your reflection, place it at the top of your paper, below the title. Follow the quote by a line space. On the next line begin the body of your paper. In 300 to 400 words (organized in meaningful, well organized paragraphs) defend your belief that there is an important truth or lesson, relevant to this course, to be gleaned from this quotation. Essentially, your job is to clarify what the lesson to be learned is and to then strongly (and thoughtfully) defend why you think the lesson is vital.
To help you think about your topic and to write a well-organized essay, consider (and answer) these questions:
- What truth or lesson is being communicated by this quote?
- Why is this truth or lesson so important?
- How do your, or other’s, experiences and observations relate to and support this truth or lesson?
- In what ways does this lesson make logical sense to you?
- In what ways does this lesson make emotional sense to you?
- How might this lesson be relevant to your, or others’, life and career?
- Why do some fail to live as if this truth or lesson were important?
- Why might some suggest this truth or lesson is not important?
- How would you defend the truth of this lesson from those who disagree and believe the lesson is not important?
- What can we do (at an individual, community, or society) to make this truth or lesson better recognized or practiced?
In the writing of your essay, present your answer to these questions in a sequence of well-developed paragraphs (not bullet points).
You are encouraged to be creative in your reflections. Your reflections may include, when pertinent, links to media, pictures, or other supporting resources.
Step 3: Write a Discussion Question that Would Prompt Further Dialog on the Topic. End your reflection essay with a line space and then post a single, relevant, provocative, open-ended question that you believe would prompt further debate and reflection by readers on the topic addressed in your essay.
Step 4: Give Your Reflection a Title. Be sure to give your paper a relevant, catchy but professional title. The title should be something creative that sparks other learners to want to read your reflection. Your title should be like a creative, but good headline. The title should be placed at the top of Page 1 of the document.
Prepare your Critical Reflection paper according to the following guidelines:
- Structure your paper utilizing APA style; this includes headers, subheadings, in-text citations, reference page, and general paper format (1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-point font, etc.). The title of the paper should be correctly placed at the top of the page.
- Post the quote at the top of the paper, following the title line, as instructed above. Use proper in-text citation techniques. Once the quote is presented, begin the body of the essay on the next line, as directed above.
- At the end of your essay, insert a line break and then present your proposed discussion question.
- Submit as a single document in either Microsoft Word, PDF, or RTF format.
- Your final Critical Reflection essay should be approximately 300-400 words (excluding the quote and the reference page)
- Title: 2 points
- Quote: 8 points
- Critical Reflection: 20 points
- Discussion Question: 10 points
- Writing mechanics (grammar, spelling, formatting, references): 10 points
ENGL 1A Discussion:Essay/Structure Outlining Humanities Assignment Help
PART A. In your own words, define and describe the following terms:
1. Essay Structure
2. Thesis
3. Topic Sentences
PART B. Try to show someone who has never written an essay how to create an outline. How would you explain it, including the terms above? Create a guide, or instructions, for someone new to the essay writing process in creating an outline. Be as creative as you like! Using video, graphics, and any authoring tools you would like is encouraged!
RESPONSE: Sunday by 11:59 pm
1. In your own words, what is self awareness, specifically, and how do we develop it? Why is it important? How does it help us function?
2. What is self management? How can we develop our skills in this area, and why would we want to do so?
EI Assignment 4 Business Finance Assignment Help
You will need to thoroughly listen to, analyze for comprehension, and describe correctly your understanding to the related questions below about the following videos:
What’s Being Position Is Argued Here? – clear understanding and be able to describe the point of view that is being presented to you in person or in writing;
Why So? – What’s the reason, underlying logic and supporting evidence compelling enough to persuade and convince you to buy into this position?
So What? – What effects and impacts are being suggested as to why this point of view/position matters and to whom does it matter?
Well Done? – How well is this point of view being argued in terms of its logical consistency, factual evidence, and completeness?
Who Cares? – How important is this point of view/position to the bigger context of our world?
1. From your analysis of the Dr Emoto Water Experiments Video – watch and study for clear understanding
a. Briefly explain the main implications that Dr Emoto Water Experiments suggests for human beings personally;
b. Briefly explain the main implications that Dr Emoto Water Experiments suggests for human interpersonal relationships;
c. Is Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiments implying Causal or Correlational effects?
2. Finally, you will now explore the Emotional Maturity implications for you and society of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Studies (ACES). From your analysis of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Studies Expert Speaks Video and Adverse Childhood Experiences Wikipedia page, answer the following questions:
a. Dr. Burke’s position and analysis presented in this video:
i. What Position Is Being Argued Here? – clear understanding and be able to describe the point of view that is being presented to you in person or in writing – YOU: clearly describe and explain Dr. Burke’s position;
ii. Why So? – What’s the reason, underlying logic and supporting evidence compelling enough to persuade and convince you to buy into this position? – YOU: clearly describe and explain Dr. Burke’s reason, underlying logic and supporting evidence for her position;
iii. So What? – What effects and impacts are being suggested as to why this point of view/position matters and to whom does it matter? YOU: clearly describe and explain why Dr. Burke believes her position and evidence matters and to whom it matters;
iv. Well Done? – How well is this point of view being argued in terms of its logical consistency, factual evidence, and completeness? ? YOU: clearly describe and explain why YOU think and feel how well Dr. Burke argues her position and evidence—specifically describe factual content from her presentation;
v. Who Cares? – How important is this point of view/position to the bigger context of our world? YOU: clearly describe and explain why YOU think and feel Dr. Burke’s position and evidence is either important or not important to the broader world context and peoples—specifically describe factual content from her presentation;
b. Is Dr. Burke arguing a position on the ACES Studies to be correlation or causal effects? Which one and explain why you state this understanding of Dr. Burkes position stated in this video.
Analyzing Supply Chain Using Tools Business Finance Assignment Help
John and Michael know that to be successful they need to properly staff their company and order the right amount of materials, and to do so, a new forecast method is needed. While they have used a simple forecast up to this point, they no longer believe that method will work for them and the company. They are now coming to you for help in selecting the right forecasting method and to develop an initial forecast.
Individual portion:
The first step in this project requires each member to research and select a relatively new company for which he or she will use as a benchmark. After researching your selected company, come up with a recommendation, for them, on which type of forecasting method they should use and why. Based on the recommendation, you must create a spreadsheet with a 12-month forecast highlighting the key factors used in its development. Your spreadsheet may also contain assumptions that support your argument.
For the Individual Portion of the Group Project, you must submit a spreadsheet consisting of 1,200-1,500 words in which you recommend a specific method of forecasting for your selected company. For full-credit, you must address the following in your spreadsheet:
- Research and select a relatively new company.
- Explain the various methods of forecasting to develop an aggregate forecast.
- Explain which type of forecasting method the company should use and why.
- Create a spreadsheet with a 12-month forecast highlighting the key factors used in its development.
- Explain why you chose the method that you did.
- Provide some assumptions that support your argument.