answer the following questions Business Finance Assignment Help

answer the following questions Business Finance Assignment Help. answer the following questions Business Finance Assignment Help.

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1. The Gervais Fund has sold 200,000 shares to investors. Currently, the fund has accrued investment Management Fee obligations of $75.000. The funds portfolio is shown below. Calculate the fund’s Net Asset Value (NAV).


A 50,000 $12

B 45,000 10

C 35,000 30

D 30,000 150

E 40,000 20

2. using the commission schedule, determine the commissions on the following option transaction:

A. Fifteen contracts at a price of 6 7/8.

3. Five warrants are required to purchase one share of common stock for $70. The warrants are selling for $5 each and the common stock is currently selling for $85

A. What is the value of each warrant?

B. What is the warrant premium in percentage?

answer the following questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

write a journal Humanities Assignment Help

If I had kept a journal, here’s some random things I might have noted prior to writing them up in paragraph form: President Bateman makes an announcement to faculty—no classes next week. I have a week of trying to figure out how to teach my courses online. A next week of making mistakes, with some small triumphs. Difficulties finding supplies. So many people freaking out about no toilet paper. Then no eggs, no paper products. Then stores out of yeast and flour—people wanting to bake bread! Stages of change in my neighborhood with museums, businesses and restaurants changing, closing down. Veterinarians requiring curbside drop-offs. During 119 class one student relays message that Governor Northam just announced stay-at-home order—just when we are talking about Oran being put into quarantine—strange coincidence. My neighbors freaking out about people in our building sharing elevators. Wish I didn’t have to walk my dog so much. Woke up with sore throat—oh no, don’t let it be the virus! Whew, an hour later I’m fine, false alarm. Got email from Fresh Market—have to wear mask to enter grocery store. How to get a mask? Make a mask? Trump is telling people maybe they can inject disinfectant! Boy, we all like Dr. Fauci—he reminds me of Dr. Rieux—why? Jose, Each one of these things could get a paragraph in my journal.

You’ll have to try to go back in time, since you’re starting late, but write it as if you are experiencing it, day by day. You don’t have to have an entry for every day, but at least several times a week. The idea is, thirty years from now, you could come across this journal and relive a bit your experiences; see if it marked a turning point in your life, or in the world. You could even show your kid — “that was the year everyone got sent home from college.”


work in the onshpe? for EGD should allow the student to exhibit their ability to use a variety of sketching techniques, 3D features, and assemblies. Typically a solidworks exercise this semester your final will be a project to create a custom cornhole ? Humanities Assignment Help

work in the onshpe?

for EGD should allow the student to exhibit their ability to use a variety of sketching techniques, 3D features, and assemblies. Typically a solidworks exercise this semester your final will be a project to create a custom cornhole board. Cornhole boards are often uniquely painted to reflect the interest of the person who owns it. (My parents who are big Alabama football fans have a roll tide cornhole board). While this is great and in deed custom your cornhole board should focus more on custom features such as unique ways to operate or store the cornhole bags.


Phil1 proposals based on textbook reading Writing Assignment Help

(2C) Advance an objection to one of the following: the Conjoined Twins Argument, the Body Swap Argument, the Blackout Argument, or the Fission Argument (ch. 5) (page 78 – 99)

(2D) Advance an objection to the Against Fearing Death argument (ch. 6) (page 100 – 109)


  • Each paper proposal is a four-sentence summary of a paper that you could write for the class
  • Here is the structure:

So-and-so says __________.

I will argue that __________, because __________.

One might object that __________.

I would reply that __________.

  • For purposes of these assignments, you may pretend that it is Kormans own view being presented in the chapter.
  • Here is a sample version of what you might submit for the first assignment. You are welcome to use the topics described there in your actual paper, but (needless to say) you cannot submit these exact proposals as your own paper proposal assignment.

Sample proposal:

Proposals for Prompts 1A and 1B Your Name Here

Prompt 1A

Korman says that God couldnt allow suffering. I will argue that God could allow suffering, because he would want to test our devotion. One might object that God wouldnt need to test our devotion since hes all-knowing and would already know how devoted we are. I would reply that even an all-knowing God cannot know what we will freely choose to do.

Prompt 1B

Korman says that believing in God has a higher expected utility than disbelief. I will argue that disbelief also has infinite expected utility, because for all we know God may send everyone to heaven. One might object that God couldnt send everyone to heaven, since God is perfectly just and it would be unjust to allow wrongdoers into heaven. I would reply that this objection fails, since there is at least some chance that God isnt perfectly just.


English 103 Mendel in the Kitchen Humanities Assignment Help

“You will create 7 PowerPoint slides , each slide rewriting and illustrating an important idea from the chapter you’ve been assigned rom Mendel in the Kitchen for a 10-year-old. Each slide must include an illustration or illustrations that help clarify the information you provide. Illustrations can be original or can be found images.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to pick specific content/topics from the chapter you have been assigned from the book Mendel in the Kitchen rather than a general overview of GMOs.”

I am required to create 7 powerpoint slides having to do with 7 main ideas mentioned in the chapter I am assigned. I am assigned chapter 11. I will attach the file of the chapter that must be read.



Retirement Planning Business Finance Assignment Help

Cash Balance Plan Fact Sheet

Type: Pension Plan, defined benefit

Funding: Mandatory funding each year based upon an actuary

Investment risk – born by employer

Max funding: Depends on amount actuary calculates

Max benefit: $225,000 per year

In service withdrawals – not allowed

Allocation of Forfeitures – can only be used to reduce plan costs

PBGC Insurance – Yes required for plans with more than 25 people

Credit for prior service – yes can be given when a new plan starts

Integration with Social Security – Excess and Offset methods are both allowed

Separate investment accounts – no funds are commingled, and payment depends on the company still being in business.

Vesting: 3 year cliff vesting must be used, no other options are allowed.

Top Heavy plans (60% of benefits going to key employees)– must provide at least 2% per year of service.

Eligibility: Standard eligibility rules apply. 1 year of service, 21 years of age, etc.

Insurance: Insurance can be part of the plan benefit. 100x limit, 25% of contribution limit

Employer stock: 10% of contribution can be in employer stock

Who benefits the most: plan favors young people.

Payout upon retirement: Must offer a Joint Survivor Annuity as the default payment plan.

for calculating the benefit: can be flat amount, flat percentage, and
unit credit. Most use the unit credit which looks like Percentage rate
per year x number of years of service x the average of the three highest
years of salary.

Other: Can be structured to benefit owners and higher compensated employees under certain circumstances.


addition to these facts for each type of account I would highlight the

things that are unique. In this case 3 year cliff vesting

Retirement Planning Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Principles of Programming Programming Assignment Help

Assignment Tasks

1) Compare three different types of loop available in java. Also discuss their general syntax. Create your
own programs using these three types of loops. The programs created should read input from user and
display specific patterns based on the input variables.

2) Write a note on Bitwise, Boolean operators available in java. Write and execute a JAVA program to
accept four numbers from the user to evaluate minimum 4 different Mathematical and Boolean
expressions having these operators (+,-,*, %,/,&&,||, !,?,&,~, ^) in them . Use appropriate data type for
each variable used.

3) A supermarket updates its customer`s credit points at the end of every month. It offers three
categories of membership: gold, silver and diamond. Minimum credit points is defined for these three
types of memberships. If the total credit points in that month falls below minimum level, there is a penalty
of 10 credit points for silver member, 20 credit points for gold member and 30 credit points for diamond
member .If the credit points exceeds minimum level then the credit points are calculated as follows,

 Gold member receives 8% credit points on current credit points.

 Silver member receives 4% credit points on current credit points.

 Diamond member receives 10 % credit points on current credit points.

Write an execute java program that reads customer`s account number (String type), account type (char
type: g or G for gold, s or S for silver, d or D for diamond), minimum credit points that account should
maintain and the current credit points (both of type double).The program should use switch construct for
calculation and then output the account number, account type, final credit points, and print appropriate
messages. Final credit points are calculated as per the conditions given above. Draw flowchart for this


complete Chapter 10 quiz Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment you must complete a child development chapter 10 quiz it has 10 questions and you must get atleast 9 questions correct . Please don’t bid if you are not familiar with child development. the book used in this course is Fabes, R. & Martin, C. (2009). Discovering Child Development 2nd edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. I do not have the book

  1. Which of the following is most likely to be seen in the pretend play of a 2 year old?


  1. Children who are spoiled, stuck-up or self-centered are likely to evidence


  1. The finding that younger children exhibit more aggression than older children is primarily due to increased


  1. Compared to older children, divorce may have a greater effect on younger children because they


  1. For young children, most conflicts occur over


  1. According to the text, preschoolers’ self-concepts reflect


  1. Which of the following best characterizes the development of anger and aggression during early childhood?


  1. The mother of 4 year old Claudia tells her that she will soon have a new neighbor, a girl her own age. Without any additional information, Claudia decides that she will like to play with her new neighbor. Claudia’s quick decision is likely based on her


  1. Young children’s friendships are based primarily on


  1. Four year old Patrick asks his dad to let him hammer the nail. Patrick’s father should be cautious because


analysis collected data and statistics Mathematics Assignment Help


I have crude data obtained from 25 respondents working in primary public health care centers and major public hospitals. The participants received 24 questions examining their knowledge and attitude toward educating senior adults on how to prepare for dust storms. The questions included medical and non-medical measures that are needed to prepare seniors for a dust storm. Based on the gathered data, it may be worth it to design an educational tool (i.e., a brochure, or a protocol. etc.) that helps doctors and nurses to educate their senior patients.

Request: Analysis of the raw data that was collected on Excel sheets, and also a discussion of the results.


Simple and basic report on some climate observations Science Assignment Help

You will refer to the latest National Climate Assessment Report (NCA4), Volume 1 discussing the underlying physical science – & Volume 2 discussing Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States – You will use the NCA4 to describe how an element (e.g. sea level rise or precipitation or temperature or the coastal oceans or …) of the climate has change already in observations for a particular state or region in the US (you can chose whichever state/region you find the most interesting). You will also describe how this element is projected by models to change in the 21st century.

The length requirement is 2 pages for text and up to 5 figures (pages with figures and figure captions are not included in the 2 page limit for text). The text should be written in Times New Roman, font 12, single spaced with 1 inch page margins.

A reference section should also be included referencing the original papers cited to support a given statement within the NCA4 report. Please use the same referencing style as used in the NCA4 report.


answer the following questions Business Finance Assignment Help

answer the following questions Business Finance Assignment Help

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