Answer two questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Answer two questions Computer Science Assignment Help. Answer two questions Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Need Help on below Task,

need to write 300 words on each question,

Question 1: What was your Main term course? Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from this courses and how those have been or could be applied in the work place.

Include the following: Course Name, Course ID, and a 300 word description of how knowledge and skills obtained in this course were applied in your current position or an employment opportunity in your field of study.


“Strategic Leadership, BADM645 – Over the duration of the Strategic Management course I expanded my knowledge and skill set in the areas of….. I am able to apply this skill to my current position of __ by……”

Main term course: ISOL631 Operations Security

Question 2: What was your IG or IIG term course? Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from this courses and how those have been or could be applied in the work place.

Include the following: Course Name, Course ID, and a 300 word description of how knowledge and skills obtained in this course were applied in your current position or an employment opportunity in your field of study.


“Strategic Leadership, BADM645 – Over the duration of the Strategic Management course I expanded my knowledge and skill set in the areas of….. I am able to apply this skill to my current position of __ by……”

IIG term course: ISOL536 Security Architecture and Design

Current role in my Work place: Information Security Analyst

Answer two questions Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Accounting Research Business Finance Assignment Help

Please read the outline carefully, and write my part in the group term paper. “in red color”

My part about Philippines (( read the file )) don`t forget to mention the company as an example. I wrote the company name on the file read it please

The writing must be clear of what the outline said.

it must be zero plagiarism.

-Font size 12.

– 3 pages

double space .

– APA style

– Add the references used

I have attached the outline to get an idea of what you are going to do.

Just do what is in red color which is about Philippines .

Also I need you to do in power point for 3 slide only


I need a esssy about a museum analysis in nyc I have a choice of museums to go to and talk about two of them Writing Assignment Help

. In a 1000-1500 word essay provide a historical overview and description of the museums. Follow the Writing Guidelines uploaded to the Google Folder. Please make sure you include a description and analysis of the exterior of the museum. In this essay, demonstrate knowledge of the topics we have covered thus far in the course. Upload essays to the Google folder labeled “Museum Analysis.”

Write the history of a museum: Who is/are the founder/s? Why was it founded? What is the mission? Is the mission the same now as it was at its origin? If not, why?

Where is the museum located? Is this significant? Who is the audience for this museum? How does the museum stay afloat? How is the museum organized? How do each of the galleries fit into the history of gallery exhibition that we discussed in class? Do any of the readings shed light on how or why the museum operates the way it does? I do expect that at least four readings will be cited in this essay in order to demonstrate your understanding of the research of museum studies academics. It cannot be simply an echo of my voice and opinions.

Remember that you have information on academic honesty (ie. how to properly cite your sources including the readings you use to support your findings) and grades on the syllabus. Thus you have access to all of the information you need about plagiarism (including me!), so there should be no excuses about this issue.

Photos of the exhibition and the objects you choose to write about should be included. You can take them with your phone, download them onto a desktop of a computer, and then cut-and-paste them into your document. You are essentially providing me with an illustrative narrative.

Does this museum differ from the Met or any other museums you are familiar with? This paper requires that you speak to/interview individuals at this gallery. Please properly cite these conversations in your paper. See the Chicago Manual of Style guide.

Choose from the following:

El Museo del Barrio

The Studio Museum of Harlem

The Museum of the African Diaspora

The Museum of Chinese in America

Queens Museum of Art

Bronx Museum

Tenement Museum

The Cloisters

Weeksville Heritage Center

Museum of Jewish Heritage

Morgan Library and Museum

Ellis Island Museum

New York Historical Society

Historic Richmond Town


c++ structure Computer Science Assignment Help

please type in word documents thanks

Q1. Write a complete C++ program that implements a heap in an integer array of size 50. Implement the heap class with add and remove member methods and call the add method in the client code to add 15 randomly generated numbers to the heap. Show it works correctly by removing 5 values from it. These would be the 5 largest out of the 15 numbers stored in the heap.

Add a method that accepts a number between 0 and 49 and returns two data values. It uses the number as an index into the heap array and reports the data value stored. It also identifies and reports the data value stored at its parent node. Your program should report if any of these indices are empty or out of bounds.

Q2 Given the data as below, implement it as a binary search tree insidean array.Assume the data is arriving in thisorder to build the tree.

53, 62, 24, 12, 27, 73, 58


data structure Computer Science Assignment Help

check the question below for the details please type each answer in word document and attach it thanks

Q1. You are given a complete binary tree with arbitrary values stored in an array. It is not a binary search tree and it is not a heap. Your job is to convert it into a heap. Write a program in rough C++ code below to convert it into a max heap. If you call a method within your program, you should also write the complete rough code of that method below your program.

Q2. Show how your program would work step by step using the following array of arbitrary values as a complete binary tree example.









Implementing Network Access Control – Access Control Strategy Report Computer Science Assignment Help

This assignment has two parts (Implementing Network Access Control and Access Control Strategy Report), please submit them separately.

Implementing Network Access Control

Companies face stronger regulations, such as HIPAA, SEC/SOX, and PCI DSS, which makes Network Access Control more critical.

    • Using the Google search engine, search for the following term: Security Controls Implementation Plan. Click here to open the pdf from called “Implementing the Critical Security Control“. Summarize the process to implement the CIS critical Security Controls. Out of the list of twenty controls, pick the top two pertinent controls that every company should implement. Explain your reasoning. Explain the best approach to determining which controls should be implemented first.

Access Control Strategy Report

Your recent endeavors to convince upper management at LOTR Experience not to cut the security budget have paid off. After hearing your rationale, management agreed to keep the existing budget intact.

As you have consistently proven your value to leadership, you and your team have now been asked to determine the best approach for mapping access controls. For this scenario, your goal is to assess the necessary requirements and provide guidelines that will sufficiently meet the organization’s current needs.

Write a report to management in which you:

  1. Analyze access control best practices and determine the best strategy for LOTR to implement. Provide three sites or links within the analysis that could be used as guidelines for your team.
  2. After assessing the LOTR diagrams, define all subjects and objects. Explain how they relate to the access control strategy you recommend.
  3. Outline how your team will approach the implementation phase of the access control strategy.
  4. Describe administrative strategies related to the creation and deletion of new accounts.
  5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

The specific learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine methods that mitigate risk to an IT infrastructure with confidentiality, integrity, availability, and access controls.
  • Determine appropriate access controls for information systems within IT infrastructures.
  • Diagnose risk from unauthorized access to IT systems through proper testing and reporting.

Implementing Network Access Control – Access Control Strategy Report Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Collaboration: Terminal Layout and Ground Access Business Finance Assignment Help


By now, your group should have completed the description of the physical facilities of your airport, including the design of the terminal layout and ground access for your airfield. The body of the deliverable should be from two to four pages long, not including the cover page, references, appendixes, or graphics. The writing and format, including citations and references, must comply with APA guidelines.

write up a section on the terminal design. Again using MCO as our example that we are designing Apollo Airport

My section is:

Ancillary passenger terminal facilities (pg. 260), – talk about food/beverage, retail, hotels, information kiosks, worship areas, bars, smoking lounges, pet relief areas, etc)

ISBN-10: 9780071750240


by Seth Young (Author), Alexander T. Wells (Author)

i also attached our layout so far


Study guide Humanities Assignment Help

Chapter 6 – Learning

Define learning.

What is behaviorism?

What is classical conditioning and operant conditioning? How are they different?

Can you recognize and provide an example of:

Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

Unconditioned response (UCR)

Conditioned stimulus (CS)

Conditioned response (CR)

Understand that what makes classical conditioning work – the pairing of the US and CS. In general, when should this pairing happen in time? How often should this pairing happen in order for classical conditioning to work well?

Can you describe why food aversion (getting sick from food once and then never eating it again) along with lack of alcohol aversion (when you get sick from drinking too much yet this does not stop you from drinking again) do not make sense in combination according to classical conditioning.

What is extinction, stimulus generalization and spontaneous recovery? Can you recognize an example of each?

Can you recognize an example of classical conditioning in advertising?

What did Watson try to show with classical conditioning? For example can you describe how he showed that fear is learned?

Can you recognize or provide an example of each of these:

What are positive reinforcement

Positive punishment

Negative reinforcements

Negative punishments

What do reinforcement and punishment do with future behavior?

What is shaping? Can you give an example?

What are the problems for behaviorism? Can you give me two examples of these problems?

From the textbook only:

What is observational learning?

What is a model in observational learning?

What are the three kinds of models identified by Bandura?

Chapter 8 – Memory

What is memory?

Be able to define, recognize and describe examples of the following types of memory:


  • Episodic
  • Semantic


  • Procedural

Have a good understanding of the three-system theory of how memories are formed:

  • Sensory register > > short term memory >> long term memory

What is the capacity of each and the duration of how long memories stay there?

  • Be able to define & describe the three processes of memory with examples: Encoding, Storage & Retrieval
  • Why are most of our early memories from after we are three years old?
  • Memory is largely a reconstructive process. What does that mean in terms of the accuracy of your memories?

Problems with memory:

Eye-witness testimony info (also see textbook for this):

  • Can you give an example of suggestibility?
  • What is the Misinformation effect paradigm? (Textbook)
  • What is elaborative encoding?
  • What is the self-referential effect?
  • What is the difference between recall & recognition?

What are the seven sins of memory (in the textbook) – be able to give an example of each.

  • We will talk about three of them in class: absentmindedness, misattribution and suggestibility.
  • Who is patient HM? What parts of his brain were missing and what problems did he have? What does the hippocampus do for memory?


Ecology lab report-LEAF DECOMPOSITION Science Assignment Help

Leaf litter entering streams and ponds provides an important source of allochthonous organic matter and nutrients. After a period of conditioning in the water where leaves are leached of organic and inorganic components, they begin to break down and are colonized (conditioned) by bacteria and fungi. Once the leaves have been conditioned, macroinvertebrates begin feeding on them. Bacteria and fungi provide an important source of nutrients to macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrate species serving as shredders (species that shred leaves) assist in breaking down leaves from coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) to fine particulate organic matter (FPOM). In turn, FPOM is consumed by collector-gatherers (species that gather FPOM) and collector-filterers (species that filter FPOM), which are themselves consumed by macroinvertebrate predators (Allan, 1995).

The rate of leaf decomposition varies depending on leaf structural content and the presence of macroinvertebrates. Stream studies have found that leaves with higher carbon content tied up in cellulose and lignin and less nitrogen content take longer to break down. Leaves higher in carbon and lower in nitrogen are also less palatable to many macroinvertebrates (Allan, 1995; Royer and Minshall, 2001).

The purpose of this lab is to 1) quantify the difference in leaf decomposition between two leaf species that differ in “toughness” (as a crude index of cellulose and lignin), and 2) determine if the presence of macroinvertebrates affects leaf decomposition.

All requirements are in attached files.

I will also give you my partner’s lab report, you can refer to his experimental report, but do not copy his word!!

You should make your own table, graph and use your own word to write this lab report.


course project 2 Business Finance Assignment Help

rocess Maps show the functional relationships between inputs and outputs. A Six Sigma Current State Process Map is a picture that identifies the steps, inputs & outputs, and other details that show how a process works. These Current State Maps provide a step-by-step picture of the process “as is.” The Map documents the hidden factors identifies opportunities for process improvement. Before we go any further, please review this 8-slide Process Map Development Guide.

What are inputs and outputs?

Inputs are the basic resources (products, material, services or information) needed to complete a task, make a product, or perform a job. Outputs are the products, material, services, or information provided to the customer (internal or external). Think of taking tomatoes (input) and making a can of tomato soup to sell to customers (output). This seems simple enough, but there are processes involved in making this can of soup.

Process Map Development Guide

  • Y = f (x) is used to characterize a process and the functional relationship of inputs and outputs
    • What does this mean? Y (outputs) equals a function of X (inputs)
    • X’s are inputs
    • Y’s are outputs
    • Outputs are a function of inputs
    • Variation in X’s cause variation in Y’s
    • The product depends on the process!
  • Big Y or Overall Process Output (Top Level, Process Map)
    • characterizes the product at the finished stage
    • a measurable or observable output characteristic
    • results oriented
  • Little y or In-Process Output (Detailed or Lower Level, Process Map)
    • characterizes the product during each interim step of the process, prior to the finished stage
    • a measurable or observable characteristic
  • Big X or Process Input (Top Level, Process Map)
    • an input to the overall process
    • a measurable characteristic, countable, observable
  • Little x or In-Process Input (Detailed or Lower Level, Process Map)
    • Little x or In-Process Input
    • an input to an interim step of the process
    • a measurable characteristic (also countable, observable)

Before you start this assignment, download and review the Six Sigma Process Map template which includes both a top and lower/detailed level process map. This template is a PowerPoint file since most Six Sigma presentations use this format. You will use this template for your assignment.


Assume you are a quality analyst for the same company that you used for your Project Charter in Unit 1. Go back to your Unit 1 Project Charter file. Look for the problem area in your Unit 1 Project file.

You must develop a top level, current state process map to illustrate the overall process step (inputs, and outputs) for the same problem area in your Unit 1 Project file.

Download and use the Process Map Template.

Your Six Sigma Current State, Process Map should include each of the following:

  • Top Level Process Step (e.g., manufacturing air bags, cell phones)
  • Boundaries, Beginning and Ending (e.g., cell phone battery procurement to installation)
  • Top Level Inputs (e.g., battery or air bag raw material supplier, manufacturing or assembly)
  • Top Level Outputs (e.g., defect-free cell phone, air bag)


Answer two questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Answer two questions Computer Science Assignment Help

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