ANT 101 Ashford University Healthcare in Perspective & Cultural Beliefs Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

ANT 101 Ashford University Healthcare in Perspective & Cultural Beliefs Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help. ANT 101 Ashford University Healthcare in Perspective & Cultural Beliefs Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Research Paper Topic: Healthcare in Perspective

  • Describe an aspect of your own culture from an etic (outsider’s) perspective in Part I of the paper.
  • Describe an aspect of another culture from an emic (insider’s) perspective in Part II of the paper.
  • Apply cultural relativism in order to examine misconceptions about culture that may occur due to ethnocentrism.
    • Keep the distinction between cultural relativism and moral relativism in mind as you write your final paper.
    • Even if you do not personally agree with a cultural practice, explain how the practice makes sense in its cultural context.
    • Avoid opinionated or judgmental language in your paper.
  • Analyze your chosen aspect in terms of how it developed as part of a social system within both your culture and another culture.
  • Analyze your chosen aspect in terms of its purpose as part of a social system both within your own culture and another culture.

The Final Research Paper

Please incorporate these sources in the paper:

Lyford, S., & Lash, T.A. (2019).America’s Healthcare Cost Crisis: As the cost of U.S. healthcare continue to escalate, three commonsense reforms could reverse this unsustainable trend. Generations, 7-12

Mulemi, B.A. (2008). Patients’ perspectives on hospitalisation: Experiences from a cancer ward in Kenya. Anthropology & Medicine, 15(2), 117-131. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

Miner, H. (1956). Body ritual among the Nacirema (Links to an external site.). American Anthropologist, 58(3), 503–507. Retrieved from

Crapo, R. H. (2013). Cultural anthropology [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

ANT 101 Ashford University Healthcare in Perspective & Cultural Beliefs Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Morrisville State College The History of Elmira New York Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Two or Three Pages Typed in Word, Times Roman

Center Title, Local History Research Project

Name your city or village – City is Elmira, New York

Type assignment single space using font 10, Times Roman

  1. Summarize the history of your city or village in a paragraph or two
  1. Describe the physical geography of the area, cite source
  2. Include the native Americans that lived in the area, cite source
  3. The name and the reasons why this region was settled by Europeans, cite source
  4. Name important businesses that helped the area grow, cite source
  5. Name the important people that lived in the area, cite source
  6. Name important events

Work cited for history

  1. Import pictures throughout the two pages of important people, businesses, events, buildings etc.
  1. Include a bullet list and a brief explanation of the historical significance of the most interesting people, events, buildings, historical places
  1. Site sources at end of each section


ENG 1A CCCC In the Analysis of Oryx and Crakes Novel Paradise Lost Discussion Humanities Assignment Help


Turn in your Final Portfolio here, including your:

(PP5/Final) Proof of Goals Cover Sheet

And your revised:

(PP1) Literacy Narrative

(PP2) Discourse Community Rhetorical Analysis

(PP3/Midterm) Persuasive Essay (Motif or Op-Ed)

(PP4) Research Narrative

PUT ALL OF YOUR ESSAYS INTO ONE SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT – USE THE ORDER LISTED ABOVE. Use continuous page numbers, so the beginning of PP5 is page 1, the beginning of PP1 is page 4 or 5 and so on, up through the end of the PP4/Research Narrative on page 25 or so. Attach Works Cited with their correlative essay, not at the end of your text as one giant works cited. i.e. put the works cited for PP3 at the end of PP3.


You will want to tell me: 1). what your goals were at the beginning of the semester and 2). show me that you have completed (or at least tried to complete) these goals. Include direct textual evidence from your own papers – – this means you will need to quote from your own texts!! You must quote from at least two different papers (PP1 – PP4) you’ve written this semester! Include citations (text, page number)!!). You will probably need at least 500 words to really show me how you’ve met your goals.

Don’t skimp on explanation – this is just the same as embedding a quote from an academic source (but now you are the academic). Don’t just drop in a quote and assume it proves your point – tell me why and how the evidence you have selected from your texts shows you have met your reading/writing goals.

You may feel it is appropriate to include growth or development from the different versions and revisions of the papers that you have written . If you do so, be clear about where you are drawing your evidence from.

You may also want to draw from class discussions, the literary reading we have done (poetry and short stories toward the end of the semester), pair or group activities, peer feedback, or the like. Don’t rely solely on these, though, as you are being required to include textual evidence from the formal graded work.

If you feel that you HAVEN’T met your goals, that is OK. Show me evidence of growth, attempts to fulfill your goals, or opportunities for further development, as demonstrated in the many diverse texts you have created this semester. You may also be able to show me why you haven’t met your goals.

The third part of your cover sheet is where you will tell me what’s next. Now that you’ve worked toward these goals, what is next? What reading and writing goals will you set for yourself as you move on to ENG 1A, your disciplinary curriculum, and beyond? Why? What opportunities for future growth, as a reader and writer, have you seen within yourself as you have navigated the course this semester? Use this last section to set explicit reading/writing goals that you would like to achieve. You’ll probably need something like 250 words to fulfill this reflective section, bringing the total word count to 750 for this letter (for a total of between 2 and 3 pages, double-spaced).

You can write this as a formal academic essay, or as a letter (to whom exactly is up to you). Show off the hard work you have put in this semester by adhering to our textual conventions of purpose-driven work, audience awareness, structure and organization, paragraph focus, constructing logical arguments, evidence selection and integration, (counterargument, maybe), editing/proofreading/language/mechanics, and thorough task fulfilment.

PP4 Part 5 + Whole project submission

Part 5: Reflections

Read back over your entire research project. Give special attention to parts 2 and 3, where you detailed some of your experiences with developing a research inquiry and partaking in focused research.

In a well-structured, reflective mini-essay of 300-400 words, consider the following:

Which aspects of the narrative demonstrate your strengths with research? What about your project demonstrates opportunities? Where did you get stuck along the way as you worked through your project? How did you overcome those obstacles? Where along the way did your research project change or evolve? Why, do you think? Was it out of need? Interest? Lack of information? Too much information? When you inevitably take on research projects in the future, what will you do the same way? What will you do differently? How might you approach the formulation of a research topic when you’re faced with that challenge?

As with any of the reflections we do, any relevant and focused thoughts are welcome!

Word Count: 300-400 Words



> Combine all parts into a single document, but maintain divisions between the different “Parts.”

> TOTAL WORD COUNT: Minimum 2000 – Maximum 2500.

> Add a title for the whole project, and subheadings for each “Part.” Your whole project should have only 1 “Heading” (Name/Date/Prof./Word Count) appearing on the first page of your text.

> Parts 2 and 3 (the “Journal Entries”) may be combined into a “Part.”

> Note that the different “Parts” of the text ask you to demonstrate different skills and proficiencies – don’t assume you can just “do a research project” without actually looking at what the task is asking you to do!!

> MLA Formatting, Citation Convention, and Works Cited Page.

> One Works Cited page should appear at the end of the project.

> An ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of 6 discrete texts should appear on your Works Cited, including Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, as you found at least 5 sources as you completed parts 2 and 3. You likely found more as you completed “Part 4,” so be sure to include citation for ALL outside information, or anything that you wouldn’t consider “common knowledge” for your reader.

> Great job! Way to make it through!

PP4 Reflection

PP4 is a monster. In a brief paragraph, reflect on your experience writing it. Some ideas to consider:

What was comfortable or easy? What posed difficulty for you? How did you deal with those difficulties and get it done? If you look back at the assignment sheet, is there anything you might have missed? Did you spend your time well? How were the conditions of creating your text (author context)?


Dublin Institute of Technology Transport Issues of Music Festivals Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Topic: The transport issues of events: A case study of music festivals (15,000 words)

Research Questions:

1. What causes the traffic pollution and congestion of music festivals?

2. What would encourage people to have a green travel to the music festivals?

3. What strategies can be implemented to reduce the traffic issues of music festivals?


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Literature Review (4000 words, provide with 2000+ words draft)

Chapter 3: Methodology (4000 words, provide with 2000+ words draft, research questionnaire)

Chapter 4: Presentation of results (provide with results of questionnaire)

Chapter 5: Interpretation and Discussion

Chapter 6: Conclusions

List of References (APA style)



ENG 102 MCRC Letter from a Birmingham Jail Rhetorical Analysis Essay Writing Assignment Help…

***Essays should be saved as Microsoft Word Documents and uploaded as an attachment. Essays submitted in the submission area will not be graded. PDFs and Pages documents cannot be graded.

***Essays should be saved by your last name and the type of essay. For example, barnes_description.

Using standard academic essay writing conventions, construct a rhetorical analysis of the text you chose from the website American Rhetoric’s Top 100 Speeches.

The introduction should begin with an attention getter, include context and/or background information and move gracefully into the thesis. Include the author and title of the speech somewhere in your introduction. The thesis should also include/reference directly or indirectly the rhetorical devices/techniques that you will be analyzing and an assessment of the use of the devices.

The body should include transitions, topic sentences for each paragraph, and support (major and minor). This essay is an analysis and NOT a summary. Do not paraphrase the speech/text; instead discuss why stylistic, rhetorical choices may have been made for the specific audience, and if those choices were affective. Integrate evidence from the speech/text and cite parenthetically.

The conclusion should remind the reader of your thesis and give the big picture. What have you learned about the power of language/rhetoric from the speech/speaker, etc.?

Include a works cited/reference list and include the speech and any other source material you used.

Introduce all borrowed material (including paraphrases and summaries).

***Remember your paper requires your analysis and opinion; it should not be a summary or paraphrase of another source.

Do not begin a sentence with a quote.

End borrowed material with a parenthetical citation.

Never end paragraphs with quotes, paraphrases, or summaries.

Capitalize the first letter of each significant word in titles.

Underline or italicize titles of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, films.

Use quotation marks around titles of articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, short stories, book chapters, poems, and songs (for MLA Style).

The word count does not include the Work(s) Cited.

Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet

The following questions are meant to help guide you through the process of analyzing the techniques used in the text. Not all of the answers will be conducive for your essays, but some may provide you with material that can be used as support. Attempt to answer all of the questions after listening to/reading the speech. Choose several of your answers to begin crafting a thesis statement and drafting your essay.

  1. Who is responsible for the message/text/speech?
  1. How does he/she/it establish credibility/ ethos in the speech/work?
  1. What is the author’s purpose/thesis?
  1. When and where did the content/message appear? Where was the speech given?
  1. What situation(s) triggered the message? What is the Kairos?

What was the socio/political/historical backdrop of the content/message?

  1. What evidence/facts/statistics are used? (Logos)
    • Figurative language (metaphor/simile)
    • Imagery
    • Allusions (indirect reference to historical or literary events)
    • Repetition (of words, phrases, sentences)
    • Rhetorical questions
    • Parallelism (structure of words, phrases, sentences are the same)
    • Race
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Socio-economic class
    • Political affiliation
    • Religious affiliation
    • How can you tell?
  2. How effective is the message for the audience? What is the evidence to support your claim?
  1. What persuasive strategies/stylistic techniques are employed?
  1. Who is the writer’s intended audience?
  1. Is the audience friendly, neutral, or hostile?



CMU Mock Constitutional Convention on Settling on A New Planet Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

For this assignment, my role is executive.

Mock Constitutional Convention”

The History
It may not appear that constitutions are written or rewritten often. But it does happen, perhaps more frequently than we realize. Chile, Russia, the People’s Republic of China, and Turkey are among states that revised their constitutions recently. The Japanese government has been debating proposals to rewrite parts of its constitution in the past few years. In some countries, the constitution can be changed relatively easily, while in others, such as the United States, the process is deliberately arduous. Even so, individual state constitutions in the United States are frequently amended by a simple majority in a referendum (“a proposition”). In our course, we have studied the constitutions of multiple governments, including the Roman Republic, Revolutionary France, the Weimar Republic, Meiji and post-1945 Japan, the Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. These documents have strengths that enabled the corresponding states to be established and thrive. But they also have weaknesses that led to their downfall or distorted the spirit of democracy.

The Scenario
Our hypothetical scenario takes place in the year 2859. Humans are sending spaceships to nearby solar systems to establish colonies. You are in one such spaceship that is about to arrive at the Earth-like planet 79-104/1. Before you disembark, you agree to hold a convention to draw up a constitution that will establish a democratic form of government for the human community on this planet. As you now know, “democracy” has many qualities, some of them contradictory, so it will be up to you to decide how the government will look like. You also decide to draw on lessons from history to guide your endeavor. Whatever ideas you propose, be sure to cite historical evidence to justify your position.

The Roles
The passengers are divided into groups according to their functions:

  • Legislative: The main responsibility of the legislative branch is to write laws to govern the community. Questions to consider include, but are not limited to, are:
    • How will the legislature be organized? One chamber? Two chambers?
    • Who will serve in the legislature? And for how long? Should there be term limits?
    • Will legislators represent an area or a certain population? Should there be seats reserved for certain groups? If so, who?
    • Will legislators be selected through a winner-take-all system or proportional representation?
    • What to do with a military, by nature an undemocratic institution?
    • To what extent can the people directly vote on laws?
    • What happens if there’s conflict with the executive or judiciary?
  • Executive: The main responsibility of the executive branch is to carry out the laws created by the legislature. Questions to consider include, but are not limited to, are:
    • How many executives will there be? One? Two? A committee?
    • How will the executive(s) be selected – indirectly by the legislature (as in a parliamentary system) or directly in a general election? Should there be something like an electoral college? How may they be removed?
    • Will there be a different head of state and head of government?
    • What power will the executive(s) have?
    • To what extent can the people directly exercise power?
    • What happens if there’s conflict with the legislature or judiciary?
  • Judiciary: The main responsibility of the judiciary is to decide whether laws are being followed or broken. Questions to consider include, but are not limited to, are:
    • How will the judiciary be organized? How many levels of courts will there be?
    • How will judges be selected? For how long? Can they be removed?
    • Is it a function of the judiciary to protect the people from the legislature or executive (like a plebeian tribune)?
    • What if the judiciary itself acts against the people?
    • Who will decide whether the legislature or executive is acting constitutionally?
    • To what extent can the people directly decide cases?
    • What happens if there’s conflict with the legislature or executive?
  • Rights and duties of the people: The people have rights and duties independent of the branches of the government. You may think in terms of freedoms versus responsibilities. Questions to consider include, but are not limited to, are:
    • Should voting be a right that people can choose to not exercise? Or should it be a duty that everyone should fulfill?
    • Does the community have a right to execute any of its members?
    • What rights should all community members have?
    • What duties should all community members have?
    • What is the proper balance between freedom and equality?
    • What is the proper balance between individual rights and community well-being?
    • How coercive can the government be to protect rights or to enforce duties?
  • Contingencies: The strength and durability of any system depend on its ability to flex without breaking or to react to unforeseen circumstances. Questions to consider include, but are not limited to, are:
    • How may the constitution be amended?
    • What if you discover intelligent life on this planet? What criteria will you use to decide whether it should be included in your community?
    • What safeguards would you build to prevent anyone from undermining democracy?
    • Under what circumstance, if any, should exceptions be made to the democratic process (for example, the Roman dictator or Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution)?
    • Under what circumstance, if any, may the constitution be suspended?
    • After some population growth, it may no longer be feasible to make decisions on a community-wide level, how should the population be divided and organized?
    • What, if anything, should be done if a part of the community wants to break away and form their own society?

CMU Mock Constitutional Convention on Settling on A New Planet Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Montgomery College Rockville Campus Existence of Afro Futurist Musicians Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Definition Argument (Words: 1200-1500)

***Essays should be saved as Microsoft Word Documents and uploaded as an attachment. Essays submitted in the submission area will not be graded. PDFs and Pages documents cannot be graded.

***Essays should be saved by your last name and the type of essay. For example, barnes_description.

Using MLA or APA format and citation style, including three (3) sources, write a definition argument in which you limit, expand, clarify the meaning of a contested/ambiguous term.

The body paragraphs should include examples that support your definition, and/or give examples that are purported to fit the dictionary/legal/philosophical definition but do not. The body should include transitions and topic sentences to aid in coherence and unity, and support—both major and minor. Integrate authoritative sources to support your claims and cite them both parenthetically and in a works cite/reference list.

The conclusion should remind the reader of your thesis and give the big picture or answer the “so-what” question. What have you learned about definitions/language and their import to society.

Sources should be parenthetically cited and listed in a works cited list

Introduce all borrowed material (including paraphrases and summaries).

***Remember your paper requires your analysis and opinion; it should not be a summary or paraphrase of another source.

Do not begin a sentence with a quote.

End borrowed material with a parenthetical citation.

Never end paragraphs with quotes, paraphrases, or summaries.

Capitalize the first letter of each significant word in titles.

Underline or italicize titles of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, films.

Use quotation marks around titles of articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, short stories, book chapters, poems, and songs (for MLA Style).

The word count does not include the Works Cited list.

Why The Media Needs To Stop Saying ‘Thug’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Definition Essay Outline

  1. Attention Getter: “We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one tribe” (Black Panther).
    1. Discussion: The film Black Panther is an example of Afro-futurism at its most prominent. The representation of an African nation, self-sufficient, wealthy, technologically advanced and devoid of the issue “otherness” not because race doesn’t exist but because history and tradition do and are paramount to the story. The citizens of Wakanda just are, and they exist unapologetically black, not as one-dimension extras, but as the nexus of the story.
    2. Segue: The imagining of a world such as this was often missing in traditional science fiction. So African and African American artists began writing themselves into a future where they would be free from racial terror and bondage. They engaged in what would eventually be coined, Afrofuturism.
    3. Thesis: Though the term “Afrofuturism” has only existed for about 25 years, the definition can be applied to African and African American authors, visual artists, and musicians who wrote well before 1995 and has evolved since it coinage to be more inclusive.
  2. Topic sentence 1: Afrofuturism has an interesting if not ironic history and development.
    1. “The term was conceived a quarter-century ago by white author Mark Dery in his essay “Black to the Future” (Broadnax)
    2. The definition itself: “cultural genre or style, a re-imagining of African tradition that projects techno-futuristic possibilities” (Frank).
  3. Topic sentence 2: Before the term was coined, however, afro futurists existed.
    1. Musicians
    2. Psychedelics
      • i.Sun Ra
      • ii.George Clinton
  4. Topic Sentence 3: Not only did Afrofuturist musicians exists, so too did authors.
    1. Paule Marshall
      • i.Works influenced by the tradition
    2. Octavia Butler –works rooted in the tradition
      • i.Kindred—time travel
      • ii.Parable-series (alternate present/ future)
  5. Topic sentence 3: Derby’s definition provides a nice foundation; however, it is incomplete.
    1. Womanism
    2. Economic disparities/class
    3. Concepts of race
  6. Topic sentence 4: Others, too, have expanded and reimagined the term.
    1. Niama Safia Sandy
      • i.Artwork
    2. Nnedi Okorofor
      • i.Novels
  7. Topic Sentence 5: R&B and hip hop artists brought more attention to the tradition in the late 1990s.
    1. Erkya Badu “See Ya Next Lifetime” video
    2. OutKast—aesthetic
  8. Contemporary musicians are continuing the legacy and exposing a wider population to Afrofuturism.
    1. Janelle Monet
    2. Jay Z’s “Family Feud”
  9. Conclusion: Afrofuturism is not just about the world of Wakanda and Black Panther. It is about…

Works Cited

Broadnax, Jamie. “What the Heck is Afrofuturism.” Huffington Post. Verizon Media. 16 Feb. 2018,

Frank, Patricia. “Your Brief and Far Out Guide to Afrofuturism.” Huffington Post. Verizon Media. 25 April 2016,


Bowie State University Regression Analysis for Health Prediction Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Question 1

The accompanying data file contains survey information on 120 American adults who rated their health (Health) and social connections (Social) on a scale of 1 to 100. The file also contains information on their household income (income, in $1000s) and college education (College equals to 1 if they have completed a bachelor’s degree, 0 otherwise).

  • A)Build a linear regression model (Model 1) for Health using Social, Income, and College as the predictor variables in the training set. Provide the regression output and comment on the overall model fit in the training set, back up your answer with values from the regression output.
  • B) Use Model 1 to predict Health in the validation set and compute RMSE.
  • C)Build a linear regression model (Model 2) for Health using Social, Income, and College as well as interactions of Social with Income and Social with College as the predictor variables in the training set. Provide the regression output and comment on the overall model fit of the model in the training set, back up your answer with values from the regression output.
  • D)Use Model 2 to predict Health in the validation set and compute RMSE.
  • E)Which model would you consider a better predictor? Explain your answer.

Question 2

Annabel, a retail analyst, has been following Under Amour, Inc., the pioneer in the compression-gear market. Compression garments are mean to keep moisture away from a wearer’s body during athletic activities in warm and cold weather. Annabel believes that the Under Armour brand attracts a younger customer, whereas the more established companies, Nike and Adidas, draw on older clientele. In order to test her belief, she collects data on the age of the customers and whether or not they purchase Under Armour (Purchase; 1 for purchase, 0 otherwise). The data is shown in the accompanying file.

  • A)Estimate the logistic regression model where the Under Armour purchase depends on age.
  • B) Compute the predicted probability of an Under Armour purchase for a 20-year-old customer and a 30-year-old customer.
  • C) Is Annabel correct that the Under Armour brand attracts a younger customer? Explain.

Question 3

According to the 2017 census, just over 90% of Americans have health insurance (CNBC, May 22, 2018). However, a higher percentage of Americans on the lower end of the economic spectrum are still without coverage. Consider a portion of data in the following table relating to insurance coverage (1 for coverage, 0 for no coverage) for 30 working individuals in Atlanta, Georgia. Also include in the table is the percentage of the premium paid by the employer and the individual’s income (in $1,000s).

  • A) Estimate the logistic regression model where insurance coverage depends on premium percentage and income in the training set. Provide the regression output and comment on the overall model performance in the training set, back up your answer with values from the regression output.
  • B) Use your model to predict insurance coverage in the validation set. What percentage of observations is correctly classified in the validation set?
  • C) Consider an individual with an income of $60,000. What is the probability that she has insurance coverage if her employer contributes 50% of the premium? What if her employer contributes 75% of the premium?
  • D) In your opinion, what is the quality of the predictions in part c? Clearly support your opinion with values from your analysis.

Note: The excel files for all 3 questions will be uploaded


Queens College Technology and Society Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Over the past seven modules, you have explored a variety of topics that have hopefully challenged you to think differently about technology and its relationship to society. You have been asked to synthesize and integrate principles, theories, and perspectives from a number of different disciplines to draw informed conclusions. This final module represents the culmination of all your hard work.

Consider your research topic and the topics discussed by others by reflecting on the course overall, the introduction to the four lenses, and your collected research. Consider how the four lenses can be applied to a topic related to issues of technology and society. Perhaps there is a topic on the availability of internet and cell phones across the globe. You might consider history as a way to interrogate your topic. From a historical standpoint, you might trace the history of global communication. Was being able to communicate across borders ever a privilege? When was it considered something necessary for mass communication? How did the internet and cell phones change the way the world communicates? What other disciplines are embedded in this analysis? Can one see sociology (inequality), economics (marketing and technology), political science (policy disagreements over net neutrality), and anthropology (cultural relationship to devices)? This would clearly demonstrate an interdisciplinary perspective to an issue of technology in society. Developing and maintaining a pluralistic society is a matter of productive encounters that can take place only if people get out of the bubble of presuppositions that arrive with one’s own identity. This means pushing out of one’s comfort zone to recognize the common elements that all humanity shares and embracing what makes us different.

In your discussion for this module, you will reflect on your experience in this course. The purpose of reflective analysis is to review what you learned in the course, identify the topics that stood out for you, and integrate different aspects of technology into your own comprehensive, interdisciplinary perspective. Therefore, you will reflect on the aspects of the course that were most useful, relevant, and meaningful for you.

Discussion: In this final discussion, look back on your experiences in the course and provide an overview of what you have learned from the course with regard to technology and society. You can start by reviewing your final projects and your answers to the Module One discussion. In your initial post, address the following questions:

  • How has your definition of technology’s role in society changed?
  • How do the four lenses approach the study of technology with respect to the individual and society?
  • How do the four lenses represent a way of seeing technology?
  • What are the implications of technology on the future?
  • How are you going to implement what you have learned in this course in your own life?

half page minimum. 12 times new roman. no cover page. APA format.


University of Phoenix Week 5 Rethinking the Organization and Strategies Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

WK 5, 5030



In this assignment, you will apply what you learned in Week 5 to discuss the role of knowledge networks and strategies for managing them. You will also discuss the impact of growing technologies on knowledge management in organizations by focusing on three important components that shape any business: people (managers and employees), organizational processes, and emerging technologies.


Read the following article:

On the basis of your reading, answer the following questions:

  • What are the objectives and main findings of the paper? Discuss the background, decision-making goals, and challenges addressed in the paper.
  • Do you agree with the findings in the paper? Using the ideas learned this week, explain why or why not.
  • How does this paper address the perspective of managing dynamic knowledge networks? How generic is the framework described, and to what extent would it need to be adapted?
  • What key decisions are arrived at in terms of impacts on an organization? How do these decisions intend to achieve a competitive advantage for the organization?


ANT 101 Ashford University Healthcare in Perspective & Cultural Beliefs Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

ANT 101 Ashford University Healthcare in Perspective & Cultural Beliefs Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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