ANTH 130 Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Mid to Late Pleistocene Homo Discussion Writing Assignment Help. ANTH 130 Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Mid to Late Pleistocene Homo Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Introduction: Mid to Late Pleistocene Homo Discussion Board
For years we have been able to analyze the fossils of extinct humans like those of Neanderthals. Their bones gave us clues to how they looked, how they lived, and how they might be related to us. In the last few years, we have been able to get a better view into these extinct species and their relationship to our species. Thanks to next generation genomic sequencing technologies, we have been able to obtain genetic data on Neanderthals, Denisovans and others that have allowed us to make direct comparisons between our species and theirs. In addition, we have been able to observe the presence of DNA from these extinct species within our own genomes which tell us that we had kids with these now extinct humans.
Comparing Neanderthal DNA to ourselves, we find that we share 99.5 percent of our DNA with them. Which means that we and Neanderthals were separated from each other for more than 500,000 years. This also means that we were genetically similar enough to be able to have offspring with each other. We see evidence of this genetic introgression, or exchange of genes, between us and Neanderthals when we look at our DNA. Interestingly, if we obtain one thousand DNA samples from our college students, we estimate that we would be able to extract at least 20% of the Neanderthal genome from them. This means that 20% of our collective nucleotide sequences are shared with Neanderthals but this doesn’t mean that 20% of our genes are Neanderthal specific genes. Of the twenty-one thousand genes that Neanderthals had, only a few dozen of their genes survive in our species today. The same holds true for Denisovans. What is more interesting is that older versions of ourselves have a tendency to have higher levels of DNA from extinct humans compared to ourselves. In other words, over the course of thousands of years we have been slowly weeding out the DNA of the other humans from our genome in favor of our genes.
One basic question that we might like to ask is why have we been losing Neanderthal and Denisovan genes over time? Also, why do we still have a significant amount of DNA segments that don’t seem to be going anywhere? The answer to this has to do with selection.
The answer to the first part of the question has to do with the fact that we were not fully genetically compatible with the other human species to begin with. Basically, to have had Neanderthal or Denisovan genes in the past meant that an individual’s level of fitness was decreased. In other words, their ability to survive and pass on their genes to the next generation was reduced.
The answer to the second question has to do with the fact that Neanderthal and Denisovan genes that remain within us have been selected for since they confer an advantage to our species.
What you are doing
Your task for this week is to look for information about one Neanderthal or Denisovan genetic variant that have survived within our species and to research their adaptive advantage.
What you have to do for points
In your post, discuss ONE Neanderthal or Denisovan gene variant that is currently found within our species.
- Tell us about only one gene that we inherited from Neanderthals or Denisovans. Make sure you mention its name and what species it came from.
- Explain in your own words how your chosen Neanderthal or Denisovan gene has enhanced our species fitness. Make sure you give an informed opinion that is grounded in your research.
- You will have to respond to one other student posts.
- Make sure you cite your work.
Grading rubric
Click on the “Gear icon” located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.
Tips for success
- Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.
- I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
- I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.
ANTH 130 Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Mid to Late Pleistocene Homo Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Employee Motivation and Understanding Motivation Theories Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Answer both questions below:
- Choose one theory from the chapter from the content perspectives and one from the process perspectives. (chosen theories are attached). Describe actions that a manger might take to increase worker motivation under each of the theories. What difference do you see between the theories in terms of their implications or managers?
- Think about the worst job you have held. What was it? What approach to motivation was used in that organization? Now think about the best job you have held. What was it? What approach to motivation was used there? Can you base any conclusions on this info? If so, what are they?
See attachment for theories chosen.
Southwestern Community College Easy Reflection Discussion Board Humanities Assignment Help
Part A
Before posting on this Discussion Board, please read through this description of grief from “An old guy” on Reddit. Reflect on what you read.
The “old guy” writes:
As for grief, you’ll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you’re drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it’s some physical thing. Maybe it’s a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it’s a person who is also floating. For a while all you can do is float. Stay Alive. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don’t even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you’ll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between you can breathe, you can function. You never know what’s going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything… and the waves comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and its different for everybody, you find the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O’Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow, you will again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you’ll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow, you don’t really want them to. But you learn that you’ll survive them. And other waves will come. And you’ll survive them too. If you’re lucky, you’ll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.” (Reddit, 2014)
In your initial post, please address the following questions:
- Is this an accurate description of grief, in your experience?
- What is an example of a “piece of wreckage” that you have or could hold onto?
- How does reading this help someone who is grieving (if at all?)
Part B
In addition, read over the helpful tips in the module. In your initial post, please answer the following questions:
- Three things you can do to help someone who is grieving
- Answer the following question in two or more sentences: What is something on the list that I think would have actually helped me when I was grieving and why? OR, if you have not experienced any significant grief, what is something on the list that you think would actually help and why?
Remember to answer all questions in your post.
University of Maine Death Scenario Paper And Relationships Brochure Law Assignment Help
Death Scenario Paper
Read the scenario in Appendix A of the “Greed, Death, and Values: From Terror Management to Transcendence Management Theory
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following:
- Describe, in detail, the thoughts and emotions you felt while imagining the scenario.
- If you did experience this event, how do you think you would handle the final moments?
- If you did experience this event, how would you describe your life up to this point?
- In what ways can traumatic events be growth opportunities?
Relationships Brochure
Create a brochure in which you communicate the following to engaged couples:
- The effect of intimate relationships on well-being
- Strategies to maintain healthy relationships
North Lake College Introduction to Information Technology Conceptual Map Other Assignment Help
1. Find this year’s Oscars nominated movies in the following categories: Actor in a Leading Role and Actor in a Supporting Role. Write down the movies titles (not actor names) from the above categories in a list.
2. Research the metadata for these movies. Then You need to create two organizational schemes for these movies using the metadata.
The 1st of your organization scheme needs to be based on 1 factor.
For example, Oscars arranges the movies in different Category: nominated for Actor in a Leading Role and nominated for Actor in a Supporting Role.
The 2nd organization scheme needs to be based a combination of two or more factors.
For example, I can first arrange the movies by decreasing number of nomination received (Continuum), then by the Alphabetic order of the movie titles.
3. You should describe the two organizational schemes in the following format:
(a) the list of movies from Step 1. (5 points)
(b) A list of movie title resulted from applying your 1st organizational scheme (5 points), and explain in details how your scheme works – how you arrange the list of movie titles from Step 1 to the result, what is the metadata used. (10 points).
(c) A list of movie title resulted from applying your 2nd organizational scheme (5 points), and explain in detail how your scheme works – how you arrange the list of movie titles from Step 1 to the result, what is the metadata used (15 points).
No matter what organizational scheme you create, the organizational scheme must be able to identify each individual movie.
Management at Work A Critique of Practical Leadership Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Management at Work
A Critique of Practical Leadership
ING Direct Canada was launched in 1997 by veteran Canadian banker Arkadi Kuhlmann as a subsidiary of ING Groep NV, a global financial-services corporation headquartered in the Netherlands. It was the first test of a new direct banking business model featuring no-frills, high-rate savings accounts that could be accessed online only. Doing away with the costs entailed by a network of branches, ING Direct depended instead on a small network of ING Direct Cafes as face-to-face contact points. The motto was “Sip, surf and save”: You could hang out over a specialty coffee and use the free Internet and Wi-Fi services, or you could get help from a bank representative to open a savings account paying 4 percent interest—at least twice as much as anything offered by Canada’s biggest banks.
Kuhlmann developed the ING Direct strategy, assembled the leadership team, and served as CEO from 1997 to 2000 (being “reelected” annually by a vote of the company’s employees). The bank broke even in just four years and was well on its way to becoming, by 2008, Canada’s largest direct bank. An initial investment of US$50 million had been turned into total assets of US$23 billion. And where was Kuhlmann by this time? In 2000, he left to launch ING Direct USA, taking his strategy, his executive team, and his ideas about leadership with him. The new bank hit breakeven after just two years, and after just six, it had become the largest online bank in the much bigger U.S. market, with $92.2 billion in assets.
For Kuhlmann, the opportunity to manage ING Direct Canada provided a perfect situation in which to put his ideas about leadership into action. First and foremost, the bank was founded to launch an innovative business model and, in the process, to disrupt the savings end of the banking industry. As it happens, Kuhlmann already believed that “culture-based leadership is necessary in order to adopt innovative business strategies and to unleash the power of disruptive ideas.” He was also convinced that “culture-based leadership” had become the most promising approach to launching and operating a company in the contemporary business environment.
According to Kuhlmann, the critical factor in today’s business environment is the simple but pervasive fact of change. Nowadays, he says, the forces of competitive pressure change directions more or less constantly and with relatively little warning. As a result,
companies’ life cycles are getting shorter…. Businesses are successful and not successful over shorter lifetimes…. So the world is getting…. more short-cycled, but at the same time, we keep hoping for the silver bullet. You want that one spark in the party, that one hit in the company, that one person to stand up and grab it all, and it’s tougher than ever before.
As Kuhlmann sees it, a new company has to hit the ground running with a strategy to innovate and disrupt: If it doesn’t, it risks finding itself in a market that’s entered yet another cycle—one in which competitors are already innovating its planned innovation.
So how does a company start out—and stay—innovative and disruptive? The key, says Kuhlmann, is identifying a “cause”: “A successful company,” he argues, “must have a cause that is bigger and broader than the organization itself.” What, for example, was the “cause” that Kuhlmann identified for ING Direct? “When we started the bank in 2000,” he recalls, “it was a time when instant gratification and spending without regard for one’s ability to pay back the money had enveloped America. It was a recipe for disaster, and we believed that the right thing to do was to set off on a crusade to lead Americans back to the old-fashioned values and saving.” Having established a cause, a successful leader must ensure that it’s embodied in the company’s “vision,” which, for Kuhlmann, means what the company intends to do in order “to make a difference” and “make things better,” at least in the environment in which it does business. “An effective vision,” he maintains, “has to be one that shakes up the status quo and starts a revolution.”
All of this is not as abstract as it may seem. “When we started the company,” explains Kuhlmann, “we wanted to start with a big idea. Let’s go back to some roots and fundamental values: self-reliance, independence, having a grub stake.” At the same time, the “big idea” had to be “important and clear” to the new company’s prospective customers, and at ING Direct, says Kuhlmann, “that idea was leading Americans back to savings. We saw that there was too much spending going on. Credit cards had become the opium of consumerism. Let’s encourage people to save, we decided, and that has been our mission.”
What’s the difference between vision and mission? According to Kuhlmann, “vision is aspirational, and mission is how you hold yourself accountable. Our vision was to lead Americans back to saving. Our mission was to simplify financial products.” Being accountable, then, means “walking the talk,” as Kuhlmann likes to say—in other words, delivering the actual products that will make things better for targeted customers. Thus the product strategy at ING Direct—both for designing and delivering products—focused on simplicity: “Simplifying financial products,” explains Kuhlmann,
was our tactic for helping people save their money…. Our model was…. a high-volume, low-margin business. We would target the people…. who we thought needed a better value proposition—that is, more affordable savings. We could offer significantly higher rates if we removed costs from our model. Branches are usually a huge cost…. so we didn’t have branches and could pass on the savings to our customers. All our services are provided over the telephone and the Internet. We also opened up several ING Cafes to underscore the idea that opening an account should be as easy as buying a cup of coffee.
None of this, Kuhlmann is quick to point out, is feasible without the right kind of leadership—that is, “culture-driven leadership.” A company’s leader, he argues, “must come up with the mission statement him- or herself. Defining the company’s purpose is a leader’s—and only a leader’s—responsibility…. The leader must embody the company’s cause, and that includes being responsible for defining it.” A successful leader strives to be “a person devoted to a cause [rather] than a manager running a company…. He or she must be identified with the cause.”
In turn, a leader must see to it that the cause is the driving force behind the company’s culture—the set of values that helps employees understand what it wants to do and how it goes about accomplishing its goals. If a leader doesn’t take responsibility for the company’s culture, says Kuhlmann, it “gets created on its own. Or you can direct it in a certain way…. I believe you need to direct the culture—and let the culture direct the business.”
Kuhlmann also thinks that directing the culture is the best way to attract and keep committed employees in an age in which career cycles, like environmental cycles, are shorter. Today, he says, “people that are successful and stay ahead are those that gravitate to a culture that is meaningful for them. They’re on a mission. It’s not a job.” Companies can no longer count on employees to perform their jobs simply out of “corporate loyalty and trust…. I think right now,” says Kuhlmann, “the only reason you would follow me—the only reason—is that I would voice the attributes of the culture in a way that you would say, ‘Yes, that’s meaningful to me. I’m connected to that.’”
Case Questions
- First, review the definition and discussion of “The Organization’s Culture” in Chapter 2. Then address the following question: What effect is a company’s culture likely to have on the efforts of management to practice each of the following approaches to leadership: LPC theory, path-goal theory, the decision tree approach, and the LMX model?
- “The way we look at leaders,” says Arkadi Kuhlmann, “has changed, and who we follow has become ever more situational.” According to one researcher, situational leadershipevolved from a task-oriented versus people-oriented continuum…. representing the extent that the leader focuses on the required tasks or focuses on relations with followers…. Task-oriented leaders define roles for followers, give definite instructions, create organizational patterns, and establish formal communication channels. In contrast, relation-oriented leaders practice concern for others, attempt to reduce emotional conflicts, seek harmonious relations, and regulate equal participation.
First, use this definition of situational leadership to get a sharper focus on the discussion of the topic in the text (“Situational Approaches to Leadership”). Then explain how Kuhlmann’s concept of “culture-driven leadership” can be understood within the context of situational approaches to leadership.
- The same researcher writes that the transformational leaderconvinces his followers to transcend their self-interest for the sake of the organization, while elevating “the followers’ level of need on Maslow’s hierarchy from lower-level concerns for safety and security to higher-level needs for achievement and self-actualization.”… Over time, four components of transformational leadership emerged: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration.
- First, review the section in the text on “Transformational Leadership” and, if necessary, the discussion in Chapter 10 of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.” Then explain how Kuhlmann’s concept of “culture-driven leadership” can be understood within the context of the transformational approach to leadership.
- What about you? In 2011, Kuhlmann published a book entitled Rock Then Roll: The Secrets of Culture-Driven Leadership, which gathers some ideas on management collected over more than a decade at ING Direct. “The book,” he says, “is really for a younger audience—people who are really looking around and trying to figure out how to make a difference.” He adds thata lot of younger people who join us, starting at the entry level at ING Direct, are not totally motivated by money. It’s amazing what percentage say, “Wait a minute, I’m committing time. I’m investing my time, and that means a lot to me.” They have a little different focus. If you roll back the calendar a couple of decades, it was all about, “How much money am I going to make?” There are still some people like that, but it’s amazing how many people really think about the fact that they’re investing time.
- Kuhlmann implies a spectrum of attitudes toward work life running from “How much money am I going to make?” on the one end to “I’m investing time and that means a lot to me” on the other end. Where would you put yourself on this spectrum? Have you pretty much been at the same place for your adult life, or has your attitude shifted to some degree? In any case, explain how you currently feel about the issue that Kuhlmann raises.
Management at Work A Critique of Practical Leadership Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Designing Mixed Methods Research Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Mixed methods research designs refer to a set of designs that purposively mix or integrate both qualitative data and quantitative data. As with quantitative research and qualitative research, the choice to use mixed methods research is influenced by the researcher’s philosophical orientation.
This week’s readings provide an overview of various types of mixed methods research designs. As with previous discussions on design, the selection of the most appropriate mixed design is guided by the study’s purpose and research questions and/or hypotheses. The choice of design links the research questions and/or hypotheses to the data that will be collected achieving alignment among research components.
In this Discussion, you will explore the basics of mixed methods research designs, calling upon your growing understanding of both quantitative and qualitative research.
With these thoughts in mind
Post your response to the question, “To what extent is mixed methods research simply taking a quantitative design and a qualitative design and putting them together?” Next, explain the types of research questions best served by mixed methods research. Then, explain one strength and one limitation of mixed methods research. Finally, provide a rationale for or against the utility of mixed methods research in your discipline.
Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style
Required Readings:
Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed Methods Research: A Research Paradigm Whose Time Has Come. Educational Researcher, 33(7), 14–26.
Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J. H. (Eds.). (2020). Research designs and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Chapter 8, “Mixed Methods Designs and Approaches”Collins, K. M., & O’Cathain, A. (2009). Introduction: Ten points about mixed methods research to be considered by the novice researcher. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 3(1), 2–7.…
Arizona State University Shifts in the Low Touch Economy Report Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Shifts in the Low Touch Economy.pdf
2. Grading Rubric for On-Line Forums and Discussions.pdf
Week 02-03, Online Discussion Forum: Shifts in the Low Touch Economy Report
This is a TurnItIn proctored INDIVIDUAL Learning Assignment and is worth 100 points
1st INITIAL Posting Due Date:
Sunday, January 24, 2021 at 11:55 PM
In the past, students that have excelled in this Learning Assignment have done (please click below to know more):
Best Practices – Learning Assignments
Please read the following Industry Report:
Shifts in the Low Touch Economy.pdf
Board of Innovation
Please, answer for your INITIAL posting and discuss ALL the following questions in great detail:
- Detailed – Comprehensive Summary for this Industry Report.
How to Write a Summary of an Article (Links to an external site.)
Your Detailed – Comprehensive Summary for THIS Industry Report post should be no less of 1,700 words.
- Which are the three most CRITICAL ISSUES for this Industry Report? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …
For EACH Critical Issue please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs
- Which are the three most relevant LESSONS LEARNED for this Industry Report? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …
For EACH Lesson Learned please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs
- Which are the three most important BEST PRACTICES for this Industry Report? Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …
For EACH Best Practice please post at least two strong comprehensive paragraphs
I expect high caliber reviews with top analyses and interesting insights for for this Industry Report reading and OnLine Discussion !!
If you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to help
Learning Assignment Guidelines
Please read our class syllabus section:
- Course Delivery – Learning Assignments Guidelines – 9.4 On-Line Discussions
to double make sure what do we have to do in these discussions.
Grading Requisite
In order for me to grade these discussions, you have to have your INITIAL posting plus
TWO additional SOLID and well supported postings to other people’s postings and/or discussions.
EACH posting to other people’s postings and/or discussions should be no less of 250 words.
Please do NOT attach any files for this OnLine Discussion.
Discussions and Posting submitted as Document ATTACHMENTS WILL NOT be GRADED.
Grading Rubric
This learning assignment will be graded according to the following grading rubrics :
- “Grading Rubric for On-Line Forums and Discussions” and
- “Grading Rubric for Writing and APA Style use”
located at our Canvas Learning Management System section:
Course Content: 2. Class Learning Assignments Guidelines, Grading Rubrics, and Peer Evaluation Forms
Some Learning Tips for this Learning Assignment
Please take a moment to read and get familiarized with the following learning concepts:
How to Write a Summary of an Article
. (Links to an external site.)
Lessons Learned vs Best Practices
Using APA Style and Tips in Writing
You can find several readings and support material for your writing learning assignments and APA Style use at our Canvas Learning Management System section:
Course Content: 1.2 Using APA Style and Tips in Writing
ENFP Personality Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me study.
My personality types is (ENFP You’re people-oriented, creative, and highly optimistic. Possible career as publicist, research assistant, playwright, restaurateur, columnist, conflict mediator.)
1- Write a minimum of three paragraphs about your personality type. Make sure you include stats about it such as the percentage of the population, famous people with the same type, some strengths your personality type brings to the workforce, and careers that would be good for you.
2- Write a one paragraph reflection about your assessment and personality type. Are you surprised by your results? Why or why not? Give 2 examples about yourself that support the findings of the test.
My personality types is (ENFP You’re people-oriented, creative, and highly optimistic. Possible career as publicist, research assistant, playwright, restaurateur, columnist, conflict mediator.)
IT 212 Intro to Computer Networks Milestone 1 LAN Topology Report Computer Science Assignment Help
In Milestone One, you will:
- Given the provided scenario, explain the key considerations (must-haves) and constraints of the networking project at the firm’s new location.
- Then make a well-reasoned recommendation of local area network (LAN) topology.
You work for an advertising firm with offices in Albany, NY, and Springfield, MA. The offices in Albany serve as the headquarters.
The Albany headquarters is home to the executive team and 150 employees. The headquarters also stores the corporate data and is the corporate internet backbone. It hosts the IT department that centrally manages all LAN services, including the wireless LAN. The IT department also manages the wide area network (WAN) that connects all of the offices via site-to-site virtual private network (VPN) tunnels. The Springfield office hosts about 50 employees. Approximately 50% of these employees are mobile, defined as traveling more than 80% of the time.
To hire and retain the best talent, the firm allows employees to work from home. This removes the constraint that employees have to live within commuting distance from the firm’s offices. Remote and mobile employees are provided access to the corporate network via a VPN client. The VPN client requires employees to have access to reliable internet services to allow for effective collaboration across teams and for access to media content. The company provides all employees with a laptop with full disk encryption, data loss prevention (DLP), and antivirus software. The IT department manages all corporate laptops and has the ability to access all systems for support. This means that all laptops are centrally managed by the one IT department.
Due to an increase in opportunities for expansion to new markets, the firm has embarked on an initiative to hire and train new college graduates for the company’s Future Vision program. Future Vision focuses on global expansion. The initiative is to hire graduates into the marketing, finance, and IT departments. You were hired as part of the Future Vision program and have been working at this for some time now. You have spent a considerable portion of your time troubleshooting and analyzing the organization’s computer network to keep it running smoothly. Your direct supervisor and lead network administrator have been very impressed with your skills and fast learning abilities.
To determine whether you are ready to take on more responsibility, you have been asked for your input regarding the new Fayetteville, NC, office setup project. Your task is to conduct research on this area and deliver a report to the team with key considerations and recommendations for the setup of the network infrastructure. The Fayetteville office will be home to 50 employees, including the new executive vice president of sales and marketing. All the possible sites have offices located in an office building with access to fiber, cable, and T1 internet service providers. In addition to the standard network, the site must support live video teleconferencing calls with employees based at the other sites. It must also reliably send print jobs to billboard printers located in the company headquarters in Albany.
Your primary task is to respond to these questions:
- How would you approach designing the network at the new location in Fayetteville, NC?
- What considerations are key in informing the systems and resources necessary to meet the organization’s needs and support the business goals and objectives?
Keep in mind that this milestone contributes to the final project for this course. It is designed to help you succeed in finalizing the project. You will complete two milestones that provide the opportunity to draft key sections of the project, receive valuable feedback from your instructor, and submit a finalized report for the final project in Module Seven.
Specifically, your report should include the following:
- Key Considerations: Summarize the key considerations of the project, being sure to identify your chosen location. For example, what are the must-haves? What are the constraints? In this section, you will:
- Determine the appropriate communications media and mode of data transport for the new network.
- This could be an opportunity to explain the OSI stack in relation to a modern communications network.
- Identify the common network hardware components for this new location.
- Describe the important IP range considerations for a company of your size.
- Determine the appropriate communications media and mode of data transport for the new network.
- LAN topology
- Describe possible LAN topologies that could be used at the new location that support the desired architecture.
- Compare the identified LAN topology possibilities based on their relative strengths and weaknesses in regard to support practices.
- Based on your comparison, determine the appropriate LAN topology for this location to allow for optimal support practices. Be sure to explain your reasoning.
What to Submit
Your work must be submitted as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.