ANTH 130 University of California San Diego Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lecture Summary Humanities Assignment Help

ANTH 130 University of California San Diego Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lecture Summary Humanities Assignment Help. ANTH 130 University of California San Diego Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lecture Summary Humanities Assignment Help.

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Hi folks, if any of you would like to earn some extra credit you can view UCSD’s CARTA symposium that took place on May 16th.

What you will need to do for extra credit is to simply view one of the following lectures and write a short report on each of them. You can only do one report and it can be worth up to 3 points.

Your report must include the following items for points.

  • Short summary of the lecture.
  • How the lecture relates to this course.

You will have to turn in your work by the Jan 25 to get extra credit.

Follow the links below:

Infectious Disease and our Origins: Robert Schooley-SARS CoV-2: A Third Coronavirus Takes to the Air (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video
Infectious Disease and our Origins: Nissi Varki – Are There Human-Specific Infectious Diseases? (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video…Infectious Disease and Human Origins: Sujan Shresta-Dengue and Zika: Mosquito-Borne Viral Infections (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video

ANTH 130 University of California San Diego Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lecture Summary Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Lindsey Wilson College Frequency Division Multiplexing Computer Science Question Computer Science Assignment Help

Assignment Topic:

Research frequency-division multiplexing. Identify three everyday examples of FDM use. For each of these examples show how FDM is used and it works. Summarize your findings in a brief paper.

Instructions (from the syllabus):

In these writing assignments, there is not a “right or wrong” answer. Rather, cases provide a vehicle for you to demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply course concepts. You must use at least two appropriate sources (other than your course textbook) that are properly cited; do not solely use the case itself to support your position. You are strongly encouraged to use the following outline so that your analysis is organized appropriately:

  • Identify both the key issues and the underlying issues. In identifying the issues, you should be able to connect them to the principles which apply to this situation.
  • Discuss the facts which affect these issues. The case may have too much information. In your discussion, you should filter the information and discuss those facts which are pertinent to the issues identified above.
  • Discuss your proposed solution/recommendation to the problem and include how you would implement it. What actions would you propose to correct the situation, based on the knowledge you have gained in this course? Be sure to support your recommendation by citing references in the text and in the supplementary readings. You should also draw on other references such as business periodicals and journals. Remember that an ANALYSIS is more than simply a SUMMARY of the Writing Assignment.
  • Discuss follow-up and contingency plans (if necessary). How will the organization know that your proposed solution is working? What should they do if it does not work?
  • Word count is 500 words, not including references and figures. References should be in the APA style.


BIMM 101 University of California San Diego Biological and Technical Replicate Worksheet Science Assignment Help

Hello, I would like from you to answer the below questions as carful as you can and make sure to go over the slide lecture that I attached for you to help you solve these questions. if you don’t have a good background about Recombinant DNA then please do not bet on the question.

1. (6pts) With as much detail as you think is important (how many people, how long, etc), design an experiment to test the hypothesis: The longer a person stands in the sun, the more freckles will appear on their skin the next day.

2. (2pts) What would be a proper control condition for the experiment detailed above? Is this a negative or positive control?

3. (4pts) For the following conditions for our CRISPR experiment, what are at least two questions that can be answered by the following treatment conditions? Are any of these controls? If so, what kind?

4. (4pts) Briefly describe the difference between a biological and technical replicate. If for example, in our CRISPR experiment, I pick 10 yeast colonies that are red and send them to be sequenced, are these biological or technical replicates? Why?

5. (3pts) You want to learn more about the regulation of a gene called leu3 in yeast, and you use bioinformatics to determine there is the following promoter sequence that is recognized by transcription factors.

5’ – CCGGGACCGG – 3’

You want a few more specifics, so you use a program to tell you more about the consensus sequence within this, shown below. Based on this, if you wanted to mutate the promoter to reduce the levels of transcription for this gene, which of the following options would you choose? Briefly explain why.

1) Change the C in the first position to a G

2) Change the C in the second position to an A

3) Change the G in the fifth position to a T

4) Change the A in the sixth position to T

6. (3pts) Use the following portion of the alignment between yeast and human tubulin protein sequences to answer the questions below:



********::*********:*********** ***.*********:**:*:***:****

  • Please describe the amino acid changes comparing yeast tubulin to human tubulin in the format letter:number:letter
  • What is the percent identity of these aligned proteins?

7. (3pts) Briefly describe what a protein domain is.

let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I have attached all the question in a Microsoft word to have a better understanding.

thank you so much!


CUNY New York City College of Technology Health Care Industry Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a public health multi-part question and need a reference to help me understand better.

1.Discuss how the relationship between the government and the managed health care industry changed over the years.

2.Discuss how important it is that managed health care plans demonstrate that they offer quality care, and why that is the case.

3.Does operations management affect a hospital’s competitive advantage? Explain using examples

each question are to be answered under these requirements

  1. should be at least 250 words each question
  2. Support each question with at least one reference and in-text citations
  3. no book needed, please answer question gengernally


ANTH 130 University of California San Diego Anthropology and COVID 19 Lecture Summary Humanities Assignment Help

Hi folks, if any of you would like to earn some extra credit you can view UCSD’s CARTA symposium that took place on May 16th.

What you will need to do for extra credit is to simply view one of the following lectures and write a short report on each of them. You can only do one report and it can be worth up to 3 points.

Your report must include the following items for points.

  • Short summary of the lecture.
  • How the lecture relates to this course.

You will have to turn in your work by the Jan 25 to get extra credit.

Follow the links below:

Infectious Disease and our Origins: Robert Schooley-SARS CoV-2: A Third Coronavirus Takes to the Air (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video
Infectious Disease and our Origins: Nissi Varki – Are There Human-Specific Infectious Diseases? (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video…Infectious Disease and Human Origins: Sujan Shresta-Dengue and Zika: Mosquito-Borne Viral Infections (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video



Foothill College Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Question: The introduction of the new agricultural tools transformed the economies of the Western European kingdoms in the 11th Century. This stability ventured beyond the economy to impact politics as well. Strong, centralized kingdoms rose as a result. Where did strong and centralized monarchies succeed and where did they fail? Use the examples of England and the Holy Roman Empire as a case for your comparison.

Use your notes in LECTURE 3 ONLY to formulate your response. ( I posted three lecture here)

Read the question carefully. The lecture that you will be using to formulate your response has different components. I am not looking for you to summarize the entire lecture. Instead, focus on the topic that I have asked you to analyze.

Your response should comprise at least 6 to 8 pages, typed in font 12 and double-spaced.

I prefer that you use the contents of the lecture in answering the question. However, should you use outside sources, YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES. In the event that you fail to cite your sources, I will consider your work plagiarized.

Foothill College Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Campbellsville University Public Storage Company Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

I need 3 to 4 pages for a research paper on the public storage company:

In that Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. below topic

  1. The company’s position within the industry,
  2. Recent developments within the company/industry
  3. need to include the below point in a research paper for information from a variety of resources. For example:
    1. Consult the Form 10-K filed with the SEC.
    2. Review the Annual Report and especially the Letter to Shareholders
    3. Explore the corporate website.
    4. Select at least two significant news items from recent business periodicals
  4. need a conclusion for this topic
  5. no plagiarism and APA formate


Arizona State University Gender and The Position of Women Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

Please read book Than write a response What should be included in response will be uploaded

Format for apa and style etc will be uploaded Textbook and access to kindle will be uploaded Plagiarism report must be presented from turn it in and be 0 percent if it’s not 0 percent revision will be needed. It’s possible to get 0 percent change a word to another one.
will be consecutive

3 pages for responses Must read book! I’ll provide study notes of the book but no cliff notes. Etc. essay and quizzes will be given on it moving forward I’ll need help with and answers need to be from what you have read.


College of the Desert Heraclitus of Ephesus Passage Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Carefully explicate and discuss the above passage by Heraclitus of Ephesus, giving particular attention to the fact that Heraclitus has explicitly denied the existence of arche, and the existence of any other alleged substance. Since Heraclitus has denied the existence of substance(s), what does he suppose to be to be the ultimate reality? Be sure to discuss how Heraclitus’s concept of the logos provides an alternative to the design inference as an explanation of the origin and nature of kosmos.


University of the Rockies The Story of an Hour Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a response paper where you address ONE of the following prompts (if you pick more than one or write responses to all three, you will be asked to revise):

  1. Select any one of the readings from weeks 1-2, and read it again carefully. Why is this story still regularly taught and assigned in literature courses today? Should it be? Why or why not? What might it say about human nature or experience that could still be considered important or instructive today?
  2. Choose one character from two different stories in Weeks 1 and 2 (so two characters total) that stand out to you. Compare and contrast these two characters–how are they alike? How are they different?
  3. Argue for which one story from Week 1 or 2 is most relevant to contemporary society, discussing specific examples from the story as it can be seen in current-day issues.


  • Your analysis should contain at least ONE direct quote and ONE paraphrase from the text (with MLA in-text citations as necessary), and your paper should include an MLA-formatted Works Cited page.
  • Remember to observe MLA formatting: double-space your paper, with headings and a centered title on page 1; use 12 Times New Roman font.
  • Your finished response should be 600 words or more.




Foothill College Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Question: The introduction of the new agricultural tools transformed the economies of the Western European kingdoms in the 11th Century. This stability ventured beyond the economy to impact politics as well. Strong, centralized kingdoms rose as a result. Where did strong and centralized monarchies succeed and where did they fail? Use the examples of England and the Holy Roman Empire as a case for your comparison.

Use your notes in LECTURE 3 ONLY to formulate your response. ( I posted three lecture here)

Read the question carefully. The lecture that you will be using to formulate your response has different components. I am not looking for you to summarize the entire lecture. Instead, focus on the topic that I have asked you to analyze.

Your response should comprise at least 6 to 8 pages, typed in font 12 and double-spaced.

I prefer that you use the contents of the lecture in answering the question. However, should you use outside sources, YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES. In the event that you fail to cite your sources, I will consider your work plagiarized.

Foothill College Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Campbellsville University Public Storage Company Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

I need 3 to 4 pages for a research paper on the public storage company:

In that Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. below topic

  1. The company’s position within the industry,
  2. Recent developments within the company/industry
  3. need to include the below point in a research paper for information from a variety of resources. For example:
    1. Consult the Form 10-K filed with the SEC.
    2. Review the Annual Report and especially the Letter to Shareholders
    3. Explore the corporate website.
    4. Select at least two significant news items from recent business periodicals
  4. need a conclusion for this topic
  5. no plagiarism and APA formate


Arizona State University Gender and The Position of Women Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

Please read book Than write a response What should be included in response will be uploaded

Format for apa and style etc will be uploaded Textbook and access to kindle will be uploaded Plagiarism report must be presented from turn it in and be 0 percent if it’s not 0 percent revision will be needed. It’s possible to get 0 percent change a word to another one.
will be consecutive

3 pages for responses Must read book! I’ll provide study notes of the book but no cliff notes. Etc. essay and quizzes will be given on it moving forward I’ll need help with and answers need to be from what you have read.


College of the Desert Heraclitus of Ephesus Passage Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Carefully explicate and discuss the above passage by Heraclitus of Ephesus, giving particular attention to the fact that Heraclitus has explicitly denied the existence of arche, and the existence of any other alleged substance. Since Heraclitus has denied the existence of substance(s), what does he suppose to be to be the ultimate reality? Be sure to discuss how Heraclitus’s concept of the logos provides an alternative to the design inference as an explanation of the origin and nature of kosmos.


University of the Rockies The Story of an Hour Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a response paper where you address ONE of the following prompts (if you pick more than one or write responses to all three, you will be asked to revise):

  1. Select any one of the readings from weeks 1-2, and read it again carefully. Why is this story still regularly taught and assigned in literature courses today? Should it be? Why or why not? What might it say about human nature or experience that could still be considered important or instructive today?
  2. Choose one character from two different stories in Weeks 1 and 2 (so two characters total) that stand out to you. Compare and contrast these two characters–how are they alike? How are they different?
  3. Argue for which one story from Week 1 or 2 is most relevant to contemporary society, discussing specific examples from the story as it can be seen in current-day issues.


  • Your analysis should contain at least ONE direct quote and ONE paraphrase from the text (with MLA in-text citations as necessary), and your paper should include an MLA-formatted Works Cited page.
  • Remember to observe MLA formatting: double-space your paper, with headings and a centered title on page 1; use 12 Times New Roman font.
  • Your finished response should be 600 words or more.




Foothill College Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Question: The introduction of the new agricultural tools transformed the economies of the Western European kingdoms in the 11th Century. This stability ventured beyond the economy to impact politics as well. Strong, centralized kingdoms rose as a result. Where did strong and centralized monarchies succeed and where did they fail? Use the examples of England and the Holy Roman Empire as a case for your comparison.

Use your notes in LECTURE 3 ONLY to formulate your response. ( I posted three lecture here)

Read the question carefully. The lecture that you will be using to formulate your response has different components. I am not looking for you to summarize the entire lecture. Instead, focus on the topic that I have asked you to analyze.

Your response should comprise at least 6 to 8 pages, typed in font 12 and double-spaced.

I prefer that you use the contents of the lecture in answering the question. However, should you use outside sources, YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES. In the event that you fail to cite your sources, I will consider your work plagiarized.

Foothill College Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Campbellsville University Public Storage Company Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

I need 3 to 4 pages for a research paper on the public storage company:

In that Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. below topic

  1. The company’s position within the industry,
  2. Recent developments within the company/industry
  3. need to include the below point in a research paper for information from a variety of resources. For example:
    1. Consult the Form 10-K filed with the SEC.
    2. Review the Annual Report and especially the Letter to Shareholders
    3. Explore the corporate website.
    4. Select at least two significant news items from recent business periodicals
  4. need a conclusion for this topic
  5. no plagiarism and APA formate


Arizona State University Gender and The Position of Women Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

Please read book Than write a response What should be included in response will be uploaded

Format for apa and style etc will be uploaded Textbook and access to kindle will be uploaded Plagiarism report must be presented from turn it in and be 0 percent if it’s not 0 percent revision will be needed. It’s possible to get 0 percent change a word to another one.
will be consecutive

3 pages for responses Must read book! I’ll provide study notes of the book but no cliff notes. Etc. essay and quizzes will be given on it moving forward I’ll need help with and answers need to be from what you have read.


College of the Desert Heraclitus of Ephesus Passage Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Carefully explicate and discuss the above passage by Heraclitus of Ephesus, giving particular attention to the fact that Heraclitus has explicitly denied the existence of arche, and the existence of any other alleged substance. Since Heraclitus has denied the existence of substance(s), what does he suppose to be to be the ultimate reality? Be sure to discuss how Heraclitus’s concept of the logos provides an alternative to the design inference as an explanation of the origin and nature of kosmos.


University of the Rockies The Story of an Hour Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a response paper where you address ONE of the following prompts (if you pick more than one or write responses to all three, you will be asked to revise):

  1. Select any one of the readings from weeks 1-2, and read it again carefully. Why is this story still regularly taught and assigned in literature courses today? Should it be? Why or why not? What might it say about human nature or experience that could still be considered important or instructive today?
  2. Choose one character from two different stories in Weeks 1 and 2 (so two characters total) that stand out to you. Compare and contrast these two characters–how are they alike? How are they different?
  3. Argue for which one story from Week 1 or 2 is most relevant to contemporary society, discussing specific examples from the story as it can be seen in current-day issues.


  • Your analysis should contain at least ONE direct quote and ONE paraphrase from the text (with MLA in-text citations as necessary), and your paper should include an MLA-formatted Works Cited page.
  • Remember to observe MLA formatting: double-space your paper, with headings and a centered title on page 1; use 12 Times New Roman font.
  • Your finished response should be 600 words or more.




Foothill College Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Question: The introduction of the new agricultural tools transformed the economies of the Western European kingdoms in the 11th Century. This stability ventured beyond the economy to impact politics as well. Strong, centralized kingdoms rose as a result. Where did strong and centralized monarchies succeed and where did they fail? Use the examples of England and the Holy Roman Empire as a case for your comparison.

Use your notes in LECTURE 3 ONLY to formulate your response. ( I posted three lecture here)

Read the question carefully. The lecture that you will be using to formulate your response has different components. I am not looking for you to summarize the entire lecture. Instead, focus on the topic that I have asked you to analyze.

Your response should comprise at least 6 to 8 pages, typed in font 12 and double-spaced.

I prefer that you use the contents of the lecture in answering the question. However, should you use outside sources, YOU MUST CITE YOUR SOURCES. In the event that you fail to cite your sources, I will consider your work plagiarized.

Foothill College Rise of Kingdoms and the Growth of Church Power Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Campbellsville University Public Storage Company Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

I need 3 to 4 pages for a research paper on the public storage company:

In that Research and then describe your company’s primary business activities. below topic

  1. The company’s position within the industry,
  2. Recent developments within the company/industry
  3. need to include the below point in a research paper for information from a variety of resources. For example:
    1. Consult the Form 10-K filed with the SEC.
    2. Review the Annual Report and especially the Letter to Shareholders
    3. Explore the corporate website.
    4. Select at least two significant news items from recent business periodicals
  4. need a conclusion for this topic
  5. no plagiarism and APA formate


Arizona State University Gender and The Position of Women Writing Question Writing Assignment Help

Please read book Than write a response What should be included in response will be uploaded

Format for apa and style etc will be uploaded Textbook and access to kindle will be uploaded Plagiarism report must be presented from turn it in and be 0 percent if it’s not 0 percent revision will be needed. It’s possible to get 0 percent change a word to another one.
will be consecutive

3 pages for responses Must read book! I’ll provide study notes of the book but no cliff notes. Etc. essay and quizzes will be given on it moving forward I’ll need help with and answers need to be from what you have read.


College of the Desert Heraclitus of Ephesus Passage Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Carefully explicate and discuss the above passage by Heraclitus of Ephesus, giving particular attention to the fact that Heraclitus has explicitly denied the existence of arche, and the existence of any other alleged substance. Since Heraclitus has denied the existence of substance(s), what does he suppose to be to be the ultimate reality? Be sure to discuss how Heraclitus’s concept of the logos provides an alternative to the design inference as an explanation of the origin and nature of kosmos.


University of the Rockies The Story of an Hour Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a response paper where you address ONE of the following prompts (if you pick more than one or write responses to all three, you will be asked to revise):

  1. Select any one of the readings from weeks 1-2, and read it again carefully. Why is this story still regularly taught and assigned in literature courses today? Should it be? Why or why not? What might it say about human nature or experience that could still be considered important or instructive today?
  2. Choose one character from two different stories in Weeks 1 and 2 (so two characters total) that stand out to you. Compare and contrast these two characters–how are they alike? How are they different?
  3. Argue for which one story from Week 1 or 2 is most relevant to contemporary society, discussing specific examples from the story as it can be seen in current-day issues.


  • Your analysis should contain at least ONE direct quote and ONE paraphrase from the text (with MLA in-text citations as necessary), and your paper should include an MLA-formatted Works Cited page.
  • Remember to observe MLA formatting: double-space your paper, with headings and a centered title on page 1; use 12 Times New Roman font.
  • Your finished response should be 600 words or more.


ANTH 130 University of California San Diego Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lecture Summary Humanities Assignment Help

ANTH 130 University of California San Diego Coronavirus Disease 2019 Lecture Summary Humanities Assignment Help

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