Anthem College WK7 Board Presentation Game Plan Hilton Worldwide Hotels Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Anthem College WK7 Board Presentation Game Plan Hilton Worldwide Hotels Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Board Presentation Game Plan (Due: Week 7) This part of the Capstone Project is designed help you gather and organize the information that will be a part of the presentation of your strategic plan. It is organized as a “Game Plan” designed to help guide you through your preparation for your presentation to the Board. While such documents can never be exhaustive, this experience should provide you with a model that will not only help you prepare for Part 2 of the Capstone Project but can be a useful tool as you continue your career beyond JWMI. Much of what you include in this component will be from the analysis, insights and recommendation you have gleaned from Weeks 1 – 5 discussions.
Selected company: Hilton Worldwide Hotels 2019 annual report
Goal: Re-employ staff and make up lost of revenue due to COVID-19 while reopening safely according to COVID-19 guidelines for our guests.
Anthem College WK7 Board Presentation Game Plan Hilton Worldwide Hotels Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Florida Institute of Technology Primary Flight Display Paper Programming Assignment Help
Choose a display that is used in aviation. It can be one that is used by air traffic controllers, pilots, or anyone else involved in aviation. Take a picture of the display (or draw it). Then write a 300+ word paper about how you would redesign that display to better improve the human-machine interaction. Explain what your changes would be and why you would make them. Finally, include a drawing of the new design.
- APA format, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins
- Due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. ET
- Submission method: submit via Turnitin
PSU History in Zadie Smiths Man vs Corpse and Ta Nehisi Coates Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Our final readings of the term deal very differently with questions of existence and death. Zadie Smith in “Man Vs. Corpse,” focuses on the intrusion of mortality on the experience of living, combined with concerns around technologies’ influence on documentation and the “real.” Ta-Nehisi Coates’ “Letter to My Son” is a different form of essay than we’ve encountered thus far, which deals in personal experience and an overview of history intended to inform a reader (presumably Coates’ son) of the variety of risks and violences Black bodies are subjected to in the American system. Both of these pieces, from their different positions, present a collage of material that equates to an experience, yet neither concludes with a firm ending (because technology is present and so is racism) that might satisfy a reader. These texts seem focused on the experience of details, of trains of thought (Nelson deals in this realm), and on commonplace, but also obscure, information that influences a reader’s interaction with the text.
Consider these questions, or diverge from these trains of thought in favor of your own impressions and critical examinations of the text(s):
- Smith and Coates both deal with the past in different ways. Consider how each references events and objects of history, both from a mechanical perspective, but also an emotional one. How does each author integrate this historic information into their narrative, and how do each depart from these ideas?
- Similarly, though each of these pieces is now several years old, how do these authors deal with the present moment of these works? Does this influence our ability to connect to them now, years past their conception? How do these authors keep these texts open to interpretation, or are we past their time?
- What kind of organization can you track within these pieces? Is there a progression or pattern you can identify within each text? If those patterns differ, do you prefer one over the other and why?
- How much of the author is captured within these essays? Do Coates and Smith deal with themselves in the ways prescribed by Philip Lopate? Do they define themselves in terms accessible to you, as a reader, or is there an inherent challenge to embrace the writer’s experience? How might you adapt these techniques to your own writing?
- Related to 1, what kind of reference material is brought up within these texts? How much is necessary to understanding, and how much might be necessary for these texts to be considered “academic”? Both of these pieces were previously published as articles on websites, and each has also been published in a book, but do these mediums supply the authority we expect or desire? This is a question about style guidelines and expectations, but also about how we establish legitimacy in writing. Do you see nods to one realm of writing or another in these texts (via language, references, or even content)? How do these references influence your experience of the text? 350 words
University of Nairobi Northwind Data Warehouse and Customer Dimension Table Project Computer Science Assignment Help
This Critical Thinking Assignment has two parts: creating the Northwind data warehouse and creating the Customer dimension table.
Part I: Create the Northwind Data Warehouse
Refer to the instructions from Module 1 for creating a database. Modify those instructions to create a database which you will name “Northwind_DW”. Once the database is created, capture a screenshot of the tree-type structure on the left side of PostgreSQL window to confirm that the database was created correctly. Submit the screenshot as part of the assignment deliverables.
Part II: Create the Customer Dimension Table
Using the Entity-Relationship Diagram below, construct and execute the SQL commands to create the Customer dimension table you will name “NW_Customer_DIM”. Review the SQL commands CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE. If necessary, refer to the SQL commands in the northwind.postgre.sql file, used in Module 1, for creating tables and altering tables to apply constraints.
NOTE: For this assignment, assume that all of the variables and their attributes from the source OLTP Customers table will be used in the NW_Customer_DIM table. Normally, only a subset of the variables from the OLTP source are loaded into a data warehouse. Which variables from the source that should be loaded into the data warehouse are driven by business questions and business needs? Capture a screenshot of the created table and a listing of your SQL commands.
AMU Understanding School System in Germany Essay and Responses Humanities Assignment Help
MLA format, 250 words +
In our Lessons you have two readings in preparation for this cultural forum. One is a fact sheet about the German school system. The other is a subjective opinion piece written by a German who teaches in the American university system. Read the fact sheet (“The German School System”) before you read the subjective opinion piece (“A German Compares School Systems”). Then answer the questions below and post your response in 3 corresponding paragraphs.
- Please read the PDF titled “The German School System” and think about how the German school system differs from the American school system (or the school system in your native country). List 2 pros and 2 cons of the German school system based on what you learned from this fact sheet.
- Please read the PDF titled “A German Compares School Systems.” List at least two points on which you agree with the author, and 2 points on which you don’t agree.
- Did you experience a change of opinion between completing your reading of the fact sheet and completing your reading of the opinion piece? What aspect of the German education system would you like to know more about?
Response #1 – 100 words +
Hello All!
I do agree that the maternity and paternity leave is better in Germany and hence the school system is more geared towards that. Kindergarten in the states being free is nice but I have noticed that it is more of a day care because it is free whereas the German kindergartens aren’t free. I have personally seen how Germans handle kindergarten and realize that it is the building blocks of getting a child ready to live his life by teaching him normal daily functions and how to do certain tasks at his cognitive level. Also I agree with no doing homeschooling. I understand why it gets done..kind of…but it will never replace the social and academic knowledge you learn from attending an actual school system. The things I do not agree with is the fact that teachers are highly regarded in the states. I do feel that they are appreciated in what they do because it is a necessary job that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Also the fact that you can go to any college you want you just sign up I don’t agree with. Having to apply and being vetted against other applications makes the normal U.S. student want to do the best he can from day one. Knowing that you have to try harder than the person next to you will make people more successful in life I feel like.
For the German school system more specifically that fact that the kids are separated right off the bat is I believe a con. As well as the fact that only one of the 3 is poised for college. Splitting kids up the young I feel like won’t let them figure out what they want to do because they are so young. And having only one of the three types of schools going to college seems like if they are in another school they won’t try for that because they know it isn’t possible. The pros in my opinion are that the german children attend school in the morning and have a lot more homework. It seems as if Germany makes school match work with less breaks but a more consistent schedule. Another thing I like is the cheaper cost for tuition on higher level education. As someone who is currently going through school I have noticed that it is very costly and would prefer not to have to pay as much like some other countries.
No I didn’t see to much a change of opinion. Living in Germany has made me learn about the school system a little bit since I have a 3 year old that I was looking to put into school right before COVID happened. If there was anything id like to learn more about is how the actual german kids that are going through it like it and how they currently feel about it.
Response #2 – 100 words +
Through reading “The German School System” it is clear to me that education is much different in Germany than in the United States. There are some things that I noticed that I think are interesting:
-Students have more options to focus on their goals through the Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium. I think that this is great because it allows everyone the opportunity to pursue things that interest them and will help them get where they want to go faster instead of making everyone do the same classes.
-Combining vocational training with classes is great because it provides work experience which I think is important for learning any job.
-The families have overriding authority on the placement of their children. I think this could be good in theory but has the potential to be abused by parents who think their child belongs somewhere they may not succeed.
-It sounds like the system is inconsistent between states and I think this could be problematic for a widely consistent education for the citizens.
I also enjoyed reading “A German Compares School Systems.” It was interesting to read about the differences from someone who has experience in both.
Points I Agree With:
-Teaching in the US is considered to be just a job. I wish that teachers were paid more and had more resources to work with. Education is very important and it has never felt like the US placed as much emphasis on it as it should have.
-Attending college in the US is very expensive
Points I Disagree With:
-I don’t think that college degrees are as prestige oriented as they used to be. Of course there are fields where the college you attended matters, but for the most part I think that most employers only really care that you have the degree and don’t really care where it came from.
-I think that when the author speaks of half of all Americans getting degrees, this number is misleading. Only about a third of Americans have a bachelors degree which is what most employers desire.
Overall, these writings were very interesting and opened my eyes to so much that I had never even thought about. It is fascinating to see these differences between cultures.
FHU Phonics training for English Speaking Poor Readers Article Critique Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Part 1: Each student will find an article on each of the 5 five areas in reading (phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary) and 1 for writing: Phonics should be the topic for this journal article. All article responses must include an APA bibliography at the beginning and 2-3 page, double-spaced summary and reaction with each one labeled.
Part2: Please find and create two activities tied to Phonemic Awareness. Create one activity to use with students in K-3 and one activity to use with students in grades 4-6. *(Keep in mind that one or two of your 13 overall activities should be whole group activities and 2-3 of your 13 overall activities should be designed for reading centers/workstations.)
The activities may not be worksheets. When creating activities for learning centers, you must have enough for each child in the center.
A whole group activity is one that you would do with whole group instruction. While it can be something like a graphic organizer, it can also be a whole group activity or using manipulatives of some kind. Remember that you should have enough items made in their entirety for a class set.
Each activity should include a card stating the title of the activity, the objective(s), and the area in which the activity fits.
In addition, each activity should have a separate instruction sheet to be placed with the activity for the students to follow.
Each individual must have his or her own activities. An answer key should be provided if it is age appropriate.
For each activity, please provide a 100 -word explanation for the purpose of the activity, what students would benefit from doing the activity, what part/s of reading are addressed by the activity, how the activity will be completed, and how you will determine completion/mastery of the activity’s objective.
- Phonemic Awareness Article
- Phonemic Awareness Article Critique
- Five Websites with descriptions – type those up and upload them
- Ten Activity Ideas with Title and Description – type those up and upload them/pictures would be great also!!
FHU Phonics training for English Speaking Poor Readers Article Critique Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Existentialism Philosophical Movements Crash Course Philosophy 16 Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Part 1: Video reviews
All reviews should be printed in 12 pitch/letter size, and 1.5 line spacing. 5pages Answer five/5 questions for the EACH film/article you revies. NUMBER ANSWERS 1 to 5, (do not write the subtitles, just the numbers). Below are the five questions you must answer in reviewing each film/article. no outside sources allowed, everything must be in your own words please. (two videos is in the link)
1. Telling the reader what is the subject matter of the video/article and a summary of the
2. Then give an account of the positive aspects of it—expressiveness, clarity of the
message, staying on the subject, usefulness, etc. Do NOT review the cinematography.
This is not a course on cinema.
3. Another account on the negative aspects (too confusing, central message unclear, too
technical, too distracting, etc, but NOT the cinematography. Some documentaries are
nearly 100 years old, or taken on a cell phone camera impromptu. Naturally they will be
black & white, grainy, or totally amateurish technically).
4. Follow this by another account explaining how helpful the film/article is to you to
better learn the course subject matter.
5. The last section should be your personal opinion: did you like it or not and why?
Part 2: Question answer
Points to cover one by one, and itemize your answer:
1. Are social ethics universal and absolute or local and relative?
2. Should all social habits/customs be considered “culture” and equally respected? If not, what
criteria should be used to dismiss any such practices and conducts?
3. Is “cultural relativism” valid? To answer this, you must first describe what is culture and what are
social habits/customs.
4. Are societies capable of exhibiting the same ethics as individual can? Explain why yes or no using
ethological examples of Lorenz and Sheller.
West Texas A & M University Evidence Based Practice Article Review Writing Assignment Help
Article Reviews:
Each student will review 1 article during the semester and write a summary of the article. The following questions must be addressed:
1. Is the article evidence based practice?
2. What is the source(s) of the information?
3. What are the implication(s) on APRN practice?
4. How can the information be applied to your future FNP practice?
The article for this semester should be focused on ethics.
The summary is to be in APA format and references included. A copy of the article reviewed should be submitted in the drop box.
A grading rubric for this assignment is provided.
Ethics in Business Jon Corzine organizational leadership & Ms O Brien Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Read Raiding Customer Assets at MF Global and complete the questions at the end of the case study.
Instructions – For each case study, conduct a search of online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed academic journal article (within the past 3 years) to include in your assignment.
2. Pick one of the following terms for your research: Strategic philanthropy, locus of control, ethical culture, ethical awareness, or normative approach.
Instructions – Select one of the key terms and conduct a search of online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed academic journal article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:
DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.
DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.
Include references and no plagiarism.
Portland State University Telemedicine and Patient Care Thesis Statement Writing Assignment Help
For your informal writing work through at least one of the below prompts. Consider how this
practice might disrupt your previous notions of how your essay will be shaped, or how you
introduce or approach your topic through essay (exploration).
1) Summarize the main idea/goal of your essay in a single sentence. This could be a
working thesis statement. Where does this appear? Typically, the thesis will be found
towards the end of our introductory paragraph(s). What happens if you start the essay
with your thesis statement. If you make an immediate claim, what do you need to define
throughout the paragraph this sentence starts? What needs to be approached after?
a) Write out your thesis (or a working thesis): “People need to believe in climate
change.” This thesis is too broad, but is a working example.
b) Pick apart the language of this statement. What’s the subject? What’s the object?
What’s the action? (People (subj.) climate change (obj.) believe (action)).
c) Alternatively, there is the action of climate change being in this thesis, which
might be another action to examine.
d) For each subject list as many ways that you have or can interact with that subject
as possible (people: talk, write, text, tweet, blog, email, etc.)
e) For each object list as many sources of information as you can about it (climate
change: articles, photographs, studies, anecdotes, books, etc.)
f) For the action list how it is achieved (belief: evidence, argument, dialogue,
personal impact (yes, this might be a flawed idea about beliefs and how they are
changed, but there’s studies on that).
g) Now the fun part: You’ve generated three lists so far. Set them side by side
(preferably hand-written, but can be done via highlighting). Try to associate
subject, object, and action together, drawing lines or coloring in like colors to
indicate a relationship:
500 words or more
[supanova_question] and complete the questions at the end of the case study.
Instructions – For each case study, conduct a search of online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed academic journal article (within the past 3 years) to include in your assignment.
2. Pick one of the following terms for your research: Strategic philanthropy, locus of control, ethical culture, ethical awareness, or normative approach.
Instructions – Select one of the key terms and conduct a search of online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed academic journal article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:
DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.
DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.
Include references and no plagiarism.