anthropology writing -04 Writing Assignment Help. anthropology writing -04 Writing Assignment Help.
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For this assignment, you can choose one or two readings from the attached file . Describe what archaeologists might find as remnants of the culture group you chose, what of their material culture is likely to survive in the archaeological record. Describe specific types of artifacts and ecofacts you think would preserve, as well as features (or partial features), and site types. How might archaeologists distinguish this particular culture group, as separate from others, based on material remains alone?
All answers must be written in proper essay format using correct grammar, spelling, etc.
Essays should be a minimum of 750 words (2-3 pages, double-spaced).
All articles and chapters referenced must be included in a separate References Cited page at the end.
anthropology writing -04 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
anthropology writing -06 Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you can choose one or two readings from the attached file . Describe what archaeologists might find as remnants of the culture group you chose, what of their material culture is likely to survive in the archaeological record. Describe specific types of artifacts and ecofacts you think would preserve, as well as features (or partial features), and site types. How might archaeologists distinguish this particular culture group, as separate from others, based on material remains alone?
All answers must be written in proper essay format using correct grammar, spelling, etc.
Essays should be a minimum of 750 words (2-3 pages, double-spaced).
All articles and chapters referenced must be included in a separate References Cited page at the end.
anthropology writing -04444 Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you can choose one or two readings from the attached file . Describe what archaeologists might find as remnants of the culture group you chose, what of their material culture is likely to survive in the archaeological record. Describe specific types of artifacts and ecofacts you think would preserve, as well as features (or partial features), and site types. How might archaeologists distinguish this particular culture group, as separate from others, based on material remains alone?
All answers must be written in proper essay format using correct grammar, spelling, etc.
Essays should be a minimum of 750 words (2-3 pages, double-spaced).
All articles and chapters referenced must be included in a separate References Cited page at the end.
Writing essay -0333 Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you can choose one or two readings from the attached file . Describe what archaeologists might find as remnants of the culture group you chose, what of their material culture is likely to survive in the archaeological record. Describe specific types of artifacts and ecofacts you think would preserve, as well as features (or partial features), and site types. How might archaeologists distinguish this particular culture group, as separate from others, based on material remains alone?
All answers must be written in proper essay format using correct grammar, spelling, etc.
Essays should be a minimum of 750 words (2-3 pages, double-spaced).
All articles and chapters referenced must be included in a separate References Cited page at the end.
anthropology writing -05 Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you can choose one or two readings from the attached file . Describe what archaeologists might find as remnants of the culture group you chose, what of their material culture is likely to survive in the archaeological record. Describe specific types of artifacts and ecofacts you think would preserve, as well as features (or partial features), and site types. How might archaeologists distinguish this particular culture group, as separate from others, based on material remains alone?
All answers must be written in proper essay format using correct grammar, spelling, etc.
Essays should be a minimum of 750 words (2-3 pages, double-spaced).
All articles and chapters referenced must be included in a separate References Cited page at the end.
Project#2: International Financial Markets Business Finance Assignment Help
The world’s financial markets have become a 24 hour-a-day business. Advances in
technology and the Internet allow investors (serious or casual) and students to keep a
constant watch over their affairs. Many websites allow users to get market information
from around the world in just seconds. This cyberproblem uses CNNMoney
( to learn more about global financial markets. **Please write
down the date when you do the project.
a. Access the “Markets” section of the CNNMoney site. Was it good day for the
U.S. financial markets? How did foreign markets do today? Are they
correlated with U.S. markets?
b. Scroll down to “Sector performance”. Select several different industries and
comment on how they performed today.
c. Select one firm from “gainers” and one from “losers”. Read today’s column and a
couple of recent profiles by clicking on the symbol of the stock. What do you
think about these companies’ prospects? Are these the kinds of companies
you could invest in? Why or why not?
d. Click on “Currencies” and examine how exchange rates of various currencies
have changed in recent three months. In general, have most currencies
strengthened or weakened against the dollar over the last three months? Offer
one or more reasons to explain the recent general movements in currency
values against the dollar.
e. Does it appear that the Asian currencies move in the same direction relative to the
dollar? Does it appear that the Latin American currencies move in the same
direction against the dollar? Explain.
Project#2: International Financial Markets Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Project Assignment 3: Dow Jones U.S. Corporate Bond . Business Finance Assignment Help
Now that you have selected a market/asset class; updated the monthly index values for 2016 as well as verified and corrected (if necessary) the historical data on your market’s index
(Assignment 1); learned and shared knowledge of the index designed to track your market/asset class (Assignment 2) the next steps are to start the analysis, assessment and evaluation of the market/asset class itself
Measuring your market/asset class’s performance over the lengthy history of the data base is a critical first step in the analysis.
With a few exceptions, the statistical measures we will be using are ones you have learned and used in classes such as Math 152, Fin 319, and Bus 311. They are all easily computed via the Excel Statistic
Formula Function.
However, great care must be taken to ensure you are properly computing the measures of performance. This is not a mechanical exercise! Attention to detail is critically important.
In particular, compute the following measures of return and risk for your market/asset class. The Excel spreadsheet entitled Return and Risk Example should be most helpful here.
I.Return Measures:
1.First, calculate monthly returns for January, 1996 – December, 2018 (23 years, 296 months).
2. Second, calculate monthly average returns (arithmetic and geometric mean returns) for 1996 – 2018.
3.Third, calculate annual returns for 1996 – 2018.
4.Calculate average returns (arithmetic and geometric means for the annual returns).
5.Compound Growth Rate. If $1,000 was invested in your market on December 31, 1995
what would have been its value on December 31, 2018? Show its value for every month
from January, 1996 through December, 2018.
6.Line graphs of monthly returns, annual returns, and item 5 above.
7.Histogram of monthly returns.
2 II.Risk Measures: Standard Risk Measures.
Calculate for monthly and annual time period frequencies. Easily done via Excel Statistic Formula Functions.
1. Maximum and minimum returns.
2. Range of returns (sum of absolute values of maximum and minimum returns).
3. Mean absolute deviation.
4. Variance of returns.
5. Standard deviation of returns.
III. Risk Measures: Lower Partial Moments/Downside Risk Measures.
Use Excel commands to develop formula from Class Discussions and Chapter 5
1. Semi-Variance.
2. Semi-Standard Deviation.
IV.Distribution Measures:
Use Excel commands.
1. Skewness.
2. Kurtosis.
V. Overall Return –Risk Measures:
Calculate after class discussion.
1. Sharpe Ratio.
2. Sortino Ratio
Present the data as follows:
(1) Excel spreadsheet for monthly returns.
(2) Separate Excel spreadsheet for annual returns.
(3) Separate Graphs per items I5 and I6. Three line graphs per I5 above with time on the abscissa and monthly return on the ordinate, plus a separate histogram of monthly returns per I6. One graph per sheet/page.
(4) Excel spreadsheet showing formula and data for items II, III, IV, V.
(5) Summary table showing: (a) monthly measures of arithmetic and geometric
returns, risks, downside risks, distribution measures, overall return/risk measures; (b) annual measures of same statistics as monthly ones above. See Table below.
After calculating the above measures and plotting the graphs discuss the
characteristics of your market; be prepared to discuss them with your
classmates; and be prepared to submit your data in a format that allows for it to
be part of a class data base on comparative returns and risks across the various
asset classes.
What do the data and graphs tell you about your market? This is an intentionally
open-ended question.
The only directed question is whether or not you consider the returns in your
market to be normally distributed? Why is this question important?
Network Design Proposal Writing Assignment Help
You have been hired as part of the networking team at UMUC. After completing orientation and training, your manager calls you into a meeting to discuss your first project.
The university has recently leased a single building in Adelphi, Maryland. The building will house faculty and administrative offices, classrooms, a library, and computer labs. Security is important at UMUC, as the university has a responsibility to protect student and employee data as well as any intellectual property that UMUC maintains on its servers and computers.
IT management would like to review multiple proposals to determine how best to address the university’s specific security issues. As a junior network engineer, you are asked to prepare a network proposal that addresses how best to establish a secure network infrastructure to support university operations in the newly-leased building. The proposal requires three submissions covering network design, network addressing and security, and network customization and optimization.
After speaking to your manager, you are excited about the project, but you realize you will have a busy schedule. As you are writing your proposal, you will also have to prepare for the CompTIA Network+ Certification exam. One of the conditions of your employment at this university is that you obtain this certification within 60 days of being hired.
The network proposal represents a great opportunity to document your expertise. It is also an opportunity for you to gain an integrated view of the different aspects of networking that you will be asked about in the certification exam.
critical response, discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please use the following steps to complete this assignment:
Step 1: Download the Word document version of the Unit 2 Articles, Set #2 (3 articles total), located in this module. Be sure to save this document to your computer, flash drive, or Google Drive. You can use the annotation tools in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, or you can print the articles and annotate by hand. It is your choice, so long as you upload your document.
Step 2: Annotate the articles, using at least one method, such as highlighting, underlining, bold, etc. If using more than one method, it is important that you indicate what the different methods mean. For example, Bold=Words I Need to Look Up and Highlighting=Important Ideas.
Step 3: Include some notes/comments/questions–either in the margins or in a different font/color on the article as well. Your task is to prove you read the article thoroughly.
You need to integrate at least one of the sources (articles or videos) you have encountered so far in this unit. Be sure your paragraph includes at least one arguable claim. Most importantly, you will select a minimum of 2 of the 4 moves discussed in Chapter 2 ofRewriting: illustrating, authorizing, borrowing, and/or extending. You will label these moves in your writing using a highlighting method. * USE THE SAME ARTICLE YOU READ IN DISCUSSION ONE THE FIRST ONE (Solving the Problem of Fake News)
- Whatever claims that you made (your own opinion on the topic) will be highlighted using green.
- Whatever forwarding moves (illustrating, extending, borrowing, or authorizing) you made when integrating one of the videos or articles will be labeled however you see fit. For example, you can use blue highlighting for illustrating; or you could use underlining. It doesn’t matter, so long as you include a key somewhere in your document or submission comments that indicates what this pattern is.
- Paragraph is 250-500 words, and word count is included.
- At least one clear claim is provided and highlighted green.
- At least two different forwarding moves are made and annotated or highlighted. THIS WOULD BE ON THE POWERPOINT I HAVE ATTACHED
- Somewhere in the document or submission comment a key is included which indicates the highlighting or annotation pattern.
Now that you have read the guidelines for Essay #2, which key question do you plan on choosing, and why? Also, which 2-3 articles are you leaning toward using in your upcoming essay, and why? It’s OK to change your mind later. This is just to get you thinking about things, initially.
Solving the Problem of Fake News AND
A New Journalism for Democracy in a New Age
Special Order Pricing Business Finance Assignment Help
Previous assignments attached
This week you will submit your final project.
You are looking for additional funding for your cookie company and will prepare a presentation for investors. In a clear, professional and concise manner prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation to introduce your company to a group of investors.
Your presentation should cover at a minimum the following:
- Your company name, vision, mission, goals, and strategies
- A balanced scorecard
- Review the mission statement and strategies you developed and submitted for the Module 02 Course Project Assignment.
- Fit the strategy points into the 4 perspectives of the balanced scorecard (you may need to create more strategies or fine tune your Module 02 strategies).
- Develop performance measures for each strategy point.
- State which department(s) would be responsible for each performance measure.
- Comment on how the departments must work together as a team to execute the balanced scorecard and how diversity among team members would enhance the outcomes.
- Cost information including contribution margin and break-even
When preparing your presentation, be mindful of the information in which an investor might be interested. Please include talking points on slide notes where appropriate.
Include in-text citations and a reference page where necessary.
[supanova_question] One of the conditions of your employment at this university is that you obtain this certification within 60 days of being hired.
The network proposal represents a great opportunity to document your expertise. It is also an opportunity for you to gain an integrated view of the different aspects of networking that you will be asked about in the certification exam.