ANU Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese and Violence Cameos and Homage Paper Humanities Assignment Help

ANU Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese and Violence Cameos and Homage Paper Humanities Assignment Help. ANU Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese and Violence Cameos and Homage Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese and Violence, Cameos and Homage:

Be sure to include link to scenes and/or films that you reference and to support your work.

1. How does Quentin Tarantino approach violence on screen in a way that is different from Scorsese’s approach? Are there similarities between the two approaches?

2. How does each director’s frequent cameos in their work function? Is their cameo serving a purpose in the film? Is it taking away from the film? Are there other directors who have made consistent cameos in their own work?

3. How does Tarantino’s philosophy and approach to homage (or referencing other films) differ from Scorsese’s? What do they have in common in the ways that they reference other films and filmmakers?

Need to be the length of about 1 page, 12 pt. standard font, and just normal spacing in Microsoft Word. Please submit a .pdf. and a Microsoft Word document

ANU Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese and Violence Cameos and Homage Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Luna Community College Communication Skills and Abilities Self Assessment Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Utilizing the chapters in the text as a guide write a self assessment of your communication skills and abilities. Include in your paper things you have learned in the course and where you need improvement. You can also express where you feel are your strong points in communication. In addition do a self evaluation of the video you submitted. the paper should be a minimum of 8 pages. I am looking for you to write it in first person. If you have any questions about the assignment please email me your questions.


University of Washington Financial Instruments and Bonds Issue Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

-Describe a particular bond issue (because there are usually many outstanding bond issues for the same company) by providing information on the following: term of the bond, maturity date, coupon rate, coupon payment dates, $ amount for each coupon, whether it is convertible or callable (or neither), target fund raising amount, actual amount raised, seniority, issuing price (as a ratio), premium/discount/par bond at issue, current bond price (as a ratio), premium/discount/par based on current price. Based on the relationship between premium/discount/par bond and yield, what can you tell about the relationship between yield to maturity and coupon rate?

-Examine the plot of yield and bond price over the year and summarize the relationship between bond yield and price in one sentence.


Saudi Electronic University Clinical Research in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia PPT Health Medical Assignment Help

Research the ethical and legal concerns of clinical research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. What aspects of clinical research design helps to protect the human subjects? What are the best practices of creating an informed consent? Finally, create an informed consent form and include all the components that you have found are necessary to protect the patient. Please use one of your references to support your informed consent components.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of 9 slides, not including the title and reference slides. Keep bullet points to 3-5 words and include your discussion in the speaker notes, explaining your findings for each slide.

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Consist of 9 slides, this does not include the title and reference slides.
  • Each slide must provide detailed speakers notes—a minimum of 100 words.
  • Speaker Notes must use and cite relevant reference materials to support for your statements from a minimum of four scholarly articles.

Follow APA and Saudi Electronic University writing standards.


SPCH 1321 UIU Organizational Culture on Organizational Effectiveness Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Choose from one of the following:

Organizational Culture

Nonverbal Messages


Business Ethics

Listening Skills

Speaking at Work

Workplace Conflict

Interviewing Skills

Verbal Messages

Interpersonal Relationships

Diversity in the Workplace

Leadership/Management Styles

Once you have chosen a topic, you will next need to find a scholarly article discussing your topic.

An APA or MLA formatted citation of the article at the top of the review.

A one-page summary of the article that briefly outlines the article in your own words. Explain what the article discusses without quoting the author(s) word-for-word.

A one-page critique of the article which discusses the following four questions:

How does the information in this article increase your understanding of the field?

What did you learn that was surprising? Or, what did you learn that you disagree with based on your experience?

How could this information impact you as a current or future businessperson?

What is your overall opinion of the usefulness of this article?

Your article reviews should follow this format:

Double-spaced, 12 point font size, Times New Roman or Calibri.

Exactly two pages in length: one page for the summary and one page for the critique.

A link to the article should be included. The link to the article and the APA/MLA citation are not the same thing. I should be able to cut and paste the link in a browser to access the article.



BUS 204 Northern Virginia Community College Porters Five Forces Model Essay Writing Assignment Help

Pick an organization/company and evaluate it using Porter’s “Five Forces Model.” I’m expecting you make a statement (e.g. “Threat of substitute products is low/med/high. This is because …..). Be sure to address all five forces. After you have done that, analyze the organization/company’s strategy in accordance with Porter’s “Three Generic Strategies.” Also, analyze how IT is helping/hindering the organization’s viability. Minimum length of the paper is four pages (double spaced), maximum length is six pages (double spaced). The paper is intended to be an analytical product similar to something you would submit to your boss. It doesn’t need to have citations or footnotes but it does need to be grammatically correct. The grading is: one point for each of the forces; one point for the strategy; one point for the IT aspect; and 3 points for grammar and presentation.

BUS 204 Northern Virginia Community College Porters Five Forces Model Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCSD When Politics Is the Topic Laughter Is the Best Medicine Response Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion 1

1. Each of Negin and Clint was amazingly touching in their own way. Nigen caught me the most when she turned the Ad ” Fighting bigotry with delightful poster campaign” after the rejection from MTA thinking it was too political to a winning, comedian kind of way poster ” Fighting Bigotry with delightful lawsuit campaign”. She didn’t quit making it something fun and at the same time learn something about the Muslim community.

Clint was powerful in his words about speaking up and not being afraid. His thrust and demanding himself not to be silent anymore is full of meaning and makes a person be the reason that they shouldn’t be silent or afraid when it comes to the truth and honesty. As Clint said, ” silence is the residue of fear.”

2.If I got a chance to sit with Nigen Farsad, I would want to ask her what motivated her to become a Social Comedian? How did she face those that opposed her job? And was she accepted right away to be accepted by the audience since she is a Muslim Comedian?

3. My Essay was not easy to do, but I tried hard to follow the method of completing the essay and bringing together the resources. I would do what is asked of me after the comments are done about my essay. So far I believe I managed to finish it very well and happy about it.

Discussion 2

What AHA moments, or what moments stood out to you from these two talks? (Please outline at least one point from each talk.)

What stood out to me the most from Negin Farsad’s TED talk was how she was so funny and educated at the same time. She was willing to stand up for what is right regardless if that meant going to court. She understood that this was a blatantly false attack and it was not “politically motivated” whatsoever. My AHA moment from Clint Smith was the idea to write down values and make students sign their names. It is important to teach and instill what values are in the young minds of children’s and teens so I really love his Idea.

If you got a chance to sit down with either Negin Farsad or Clint Smith or both? What question(s) would you ask? What would you want to know from them?

If I got a chance to sit down with Negin Farsad I would probably ask her how the lawsuit went and if she received any more backlash than what she already went through. I feel like when you call people out for their lack of understanding they get extremely defensive. I would ask Clint Smith what he went through as an educator and as a human being to write an amazing and moving TED talk.

How is your research paper going? Are you enjoying it? Are you struggling? How can we (me and your peers) support you in successfully completing it?

Honestly, It is going harder than I thought. I thought it was going to go easier for me since I LOVE writing and reading but research papers are hard. I do not think I need any help aside from just someone re-reading it for grammatical errors.


Jurisdictional Principles Legal Proceedings & the Courts in Canada Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Question 1: Explain which jurisdictional principles can apply in case murder is committed in Peru by a Dutch Citizen against a Columbian victim. (Hint: National Jurisdiction)

Question 2: John, a foreign affairs writer, was invited to attend an official dinner at the premises of the embassy of the United States in the Capital of Canada. At the dinner, John was physically assaulted with a weapon by Alex, a diplomat of the United States in Canada. The assault caused serious personal injury to John. John has commenced legal proceedings in the court of Canada against Alex and the United States to recover damages for personal injury.

a. Give a legal opinion as to the jurisdiction of the courts in Canada over the respective defendants. (Hint: National Jurisdiction)

b. What would your opinion be, if Alex was an unmarried 18-year-old son of the Head of the diplomatic mission of the United States accredited to Canada, who came to that country with his father at the time of his father’s assignment, and was a student at a local university but who used to live, during weekends, with his parents at the diplomatic residence? (Hint: National Jurisdiction)

c. The court in Canada has issued an arrest warrant for Alex and the Police has arrested him for assault with a deadly weapon. The authorities of Canada are moving forward to prosecute Alex. The Ambassador of the United States believes that the arrest and prosecution of their diplomat is a violation of international law. You have been ask to provide advice on the alleged violation of international law by answering the following questions in your own words:

First, what sources you would need to look to determine whether Canada indeed broke the law? (Hint: Sources of Law)

Second, would some of these types of sources take priority over others? (Hint: Sources of Law)

Third, how would you know if the relevant laws apply specifically to Canada? In other words, the point of this question is to get you to discuss how we can know what international law says about any given issue and to whom, if anyone, a given law applies. (Hint: Sources of Law & Law of the Treaties)

Forth, if you determined that Canada indeed broke the law, what options might you propose to resolve the dispute before deciding to go to the International Court of Justice? (Hint: Dispute Settlement)

Fifth, if those options do not resolve the dispute, under what circumstances could the ICJ exercise jurisdiction over your case? (Hint: Dispute Settlement)

Question 3: Coastal states, Bahrain and Qatar have been involved in strenuous and unsuccessful negotiations for years concerning the delimitation of part of their respective land boundaries. Qatar wishes to involve a third party for purposes of setting the dispute by diplomatic means.

Please explain which diplomatic methods for settling disputes with the assistance of a third party are available to Qatar? Describe all the methods and refer to relevant treaty provisions. (Hint: Peaceful Settlement of Disputes)

Question 4: Mr. Cruz was removed from office as President of Honduras by the army and judiciary of Honduras. Subsequently, elections were held, and President Padilla was elected. A large Honduran community lives in Nicaragua, supporting Cruz. This community disagrees with the removal of Mr. Cruz from office and with the outcome of the recent election. As a response, they have been demonstrating peacefully in front of the Honduran Embassy for five days. The police have been monitoring the demonstrations. However, at one point the crowd becomes more violent, and they manage to enter the premises and cause substantial damage. The day after, the Nicaraguan authorities decide to send extra forces to the Embassy to stop the violence and arrest the protesters.

Please explain can Nicaragua be held accountable under international law for the damages caused to the Honduran Embassy and Why? Please explain your answer in detail with reference to relevant documents. (Hint: States Responsibility-Please use the attached Tehran Hostages Case and ICJ ruling for your answer.)

No exact word requirements for each question. Please read each question carefully and answer thoroughly.


Syracuse University Victim Centered and Violent Crime Analytical Essay Law Assignment Help


The project fulfills Course Outcome Number 1: “Prepare a victim-centered analysis.”


Group: Class will be divide into 7 workgroups of 5 students.


• Each workgroup will create a Victim Selected Analysis as outlined in the textbook (Karmen,
2020) on pages 31-39.
• Each workgroup must select a unique identifier of their choice, for example a team name.
• Each workgroup must select a particular crime to investigate from either the Part 1 or Part 2
offenses listed on the FBI page “Crime in the United States”…


1. 10-page report

2. 30-minute PowerPoint Presentation Due November 23


Karmen (2020) outlines 4 steps that comprise a Victim Centered Analysis (p.31-39) therefor the
workgroup may assign a member to each step with the 5th member assigned to collating the outputs
into a coherent single document. The group then produces a presentation that is recorded and viewed
by the class, using the medium of their choice, providing it is accessible to all. Unforeseen occurrences
or preferences may alter the organization of the project as determined by the workgroup.


All references, including the text, must be cited using APA style.


Murder Case by Dutch Citizen Against a Columbian Victim Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Question 1: Explain which jurisdictional principles can apply in case murder is committed in Peru by a Dutch Citizen against a Columbian victim. (Hint: National Jurisdiction)

Question 2: John, a foreign affairs writer, was invited to attend an official dinner at the premises of the embassy of the United States in the Capital of Canada. At the dinner, John was physically assaulted with a weapon by Alex, a diplomat of the United States in Canada. The assault caused serious personal injury to John. John has commenced legal proceedings in the court of Canada against Alex and the United States to recover damages for personal injury.

a. Give a legal opinion as to the jurisdiction of the courts in Canada over the respective defendants. (Hint: National Jurisdiction)

b. What would your opinion be, if Alex was an unmarried 18-year-old son of the Head of the diplomatic mission of the United States accredited to Canada, who came to that country with his father at the time of his father’s assignment, and was a student at a local university but who used to live, during weekends, with his parents at the diplomatic residence? (Hint: National Jurisdiction)

c. The court in Canada has issued an arrest warrant for Alex and the Police has arrested him for assault with a deadly weapon. The authorities of Canada are moving forward to prosecute Alex. The Ambassador of the United States believes that the arrest and prosecution of their diplomat is a violation of international law. You have been ask to provide advice on the alleged violation of international law by answering the following questions in your own words:

First, what sources you would need to look to determine whether Canada indeed broke the law? (Hint: Sources of Law)

Second, would some of these types of sources take priority over others? (Hint: Sources of Law)

Third, how would you know if the relevant laws apply specifically to Canada? In other words, the point of this question is to get you to discuss how we can know what international law says about any given issue and to whom, if anyone, a given law applies. (Hint: Sources of Law & Law of the Treaties)

Forth, if you determined that Canada indeed broke the law, what options might you propose to resolve the dispute before deciding to go to the International Court of Justice? (Hint: Dispute Settlement)

Fifth, if those options do not resolve the dispute, under what circumstances could the ICJ exercise jurisdiction over your case? (Hint: Dispute Settlement)

Question 3: Coastal states, Bahrain and Qatar have been involved in strenuous and unsuccessful negotiations for years concerning the delimitation of part of their respective land boundaries. Qatar wishes to involve a third party for purposes of setting the dispute by diplomatic means.

Please explain which diplomatic methods for settling disputes with the assistance of a third party are available to Qatar? Describe all the methods and refer to relevant treaty provisions. (Hint: Peaceful Settlement of Disputes)

Question 4: Mr. Cruz was removed from office as President of Honduras by the army and judiciary of Honduras. Subsequently, elections were held, and President Padilla was elected. A large Honduran community lives in Nicaragua, supporting Cruz. This community disagrees with the removal of Mr. Cruz from office and with the outcome of the recent election. As a response, they have been demonstrating peacefully in front of the Honduran Embassy for five days. The police have been monitoring the demonstrations. However, at one point the crowd becomes more violent, and they manage to enter the premises and cause substantial damage. The day after, the Nicaraguan authorities decide to send extra forces to the Embassy to stop the violence and arrest the protesters.

Please explain can Nicaragua be held accountable under international law for the damages caused to the Honduran Embassy and Why? Please explain your answer in detail with reference to relevant documents. (Hint: States Responsibility-Please use the attached Tehran Hostages Case and ICJ ruling for your answer.)

No exact word requirements for each question. Please read each question carefully and answer thoroughly.


ANU Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese and Violence Cameos and Homage Paper Humanities Assignment Help

ANU Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese and Violence Cameos and Homage Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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