Application to Schlumberger Organization for A Job as An Assembler Letter Humanities Assignment Help

Application to Schlumberger Organization for A Job as An Assembler Letter Humanities Assignment Help. Application to Schlumberger Organization for A Job as An Assembler Letter Humanities Assignment Help.

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Find a specific job opening posted online within the last 9 months. You will develop a Job Application Cover Letter (as though you were applying to that position) that highlights and emphasizes why you are the most suitable candidate for this position. For the purposes of this assignment, you can present yourself as a recent graduate if needed.

Complete the cover letter on page 1 of the submission and then include a link to the job posting on page 2 (a copy and paste of the link is acceptable and the link must work).

The message should take the form of a business letter; .

The job letter / application message must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Content

    1. Highlight relevant background and job history information specific to the opening.
    2. Emphasize significant qualifications and exclude nonessential ideas.
  2. Format

    1. Follow proper letter formatting techniques per business letter format.
    2. Use an appropriate and professional greeting and closing.
  3. Style

    1. Use professional language.
    2. Paragraphs effectively developed and efficient. Note: Six (6) or seven (7) lines when possible.
  4. Mechanics

    1. Make sure there are no grammar or spelling errors.
    2. Eliminate wordiness and unclear sentence construction.

Application to Schlumberger Organization for A Job as An Assembler Letter Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Front Range Action Sports New Line of Action in The Rockies and Beyond Presentation Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a editing presentation and need a sample draft to help me study.


Open the PowerPoint filePowerPoint_Capstone1_Winter_Products.pptx downloaded with this project.


Change the Slide Size to Widescreen, and then change the Colors to Blue II.

Hint: Use the commands on the Design tab.


Format the background of Slide 1 with the picture downloaded with this project—pCap1_Skiing.jpg. Select the subtitle, and then use the Eyedropper to change the font color to the dark red color of the skier’s jacket. Apply bold to the subtitle.
Hint: To change the background, on the Design tab, in the Customize group, click Format Background. To use the Eyedropper, on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color arrow, and then click Eyedropper. To apply bold, in the Font group, click Bold.


With Slide 1 displayed, insert the second slide from the downloaded presentation named pCap1_Company_Overview.pptx.
Mac users: Insert all slides and then delete the title slide (FRONT RANGE ACTION SPORTS) and the third slide (SPECIALIZED MERCHANDISE) from the Company Overview presentation.
Hint: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click the New Slide Arrow, and then click Reuse Slides.


On Slide 2, in the content placeholder, center the paragraph, increase the font size to 32, and then apply bold and italic. Click the Bullets button to toggle it off.

Hint: On the Home tab, use the tools in the Paragraph group to change the alignment and toggle the bullets. Use the tools in the Font group to format the text.


On Slide 2, change the line spacing of the content placeholder text to 1.5. Change the shape fill to the first color in the sixth column, and then change the font color to White, Background 1—the first colorin the first column.

Hint: To change the line spacing, on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Line Spacing. To change the fill color of the content placeholder, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Fill arrow. To change the font color, on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color arrow.


On Slide 2, format the content placeholder with the first bevel shape effect—Round. Format the title with the first WordArt style and increase the font size to 80.

Note, the bevel effect may be named Circle depending on the version of Office used.
Hint: To change the shape effect, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click Shape Effects. To format the text as WordArt, on the Format tab, in the WordArt Styles group, click More.


Display Slide 3, and then change the slide layout to Content with Caption. In the content placeholder, from the downloaded project files, insert pCap1_Heights.jpg. Apply the first reflection picture effect—Tight Reflection: Touching.
Hint: To change the layout, on the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Slide Layout. To insert the picture, in the content placeholder, click the Pictures icon. To apply the picture effect, on the Format tab, in the Pictures Styles group, click Picture Effects.


On Slide 3, format the slide background with the last Theme color in the sixth column. Be sure to apply the background color only to Slide 3. Increase the font size of the caption placeholder text to 24.


Display Slide 4, and then in the content placeholder, insert the Process type SmartArt graphic Segmented Process. Change the color to Colored Fill – Accent 2, and then apply the 3-D Cartoon style. Center the slide title and hide the background graphics.

Hint: To insert the SmartArt, in the content placeholder, click the Insert a SmartArt Graphic icon. To hide the background graphics, on the Design tab, in the Customize group, click Format Background. To format the SmartArt, use the tools in the SmartArt Styles group.


In the SmartArt, in the top, dark blue text rectangle, type Washington and California Resorts and then click in the light blue text placeholder below and to the left. Type Mammoth Mountain in California and then click in the text placeholder to the right. Type Mission Ridge in Washington


In the middle of the SmartArt graphic, click the dark blue shape. Type Our Market Position and then click in the light blue text placeholder below and to the left. Type Trusted brand name and then click in the text placeholder to the right. Type Expansion planned for Western U.S. (include the period.)


In the last dark blue shape, type Poised for Growth and then click in the text placeholder below and to the left. Type New warehouses in Washington and then click in the text placeholder to the right. Type Proposed retail division in California


Display Slide 5, and then insert a new slide with the Two Content layout. On the inserted slide, enter Our Most Popular Winter Products as the slide title. Center the title.
Hint: To insert the slide, on the Home tab, in the Slides group, click the New Slide arrow.


On Slide 6, in the content placeholder on the left, type the following six list items and then change the font size to 36 and apply the default numbering style.
Hint: To apply numbering, on the Home tab, in theParagraph group, click Numbering.


Display Slide 7, and then in the content placeholder, insert a Clustered Column chart. In the worksheet, enter the following data:
OregonColorado British Columbia
Year 214.519.28.7
Year 311.918.610.6
Year 417.622.411.3
Hint: To insert the chart, in the content placeholder, click the Insert Chart icon.


Apply Chart Style 8, and then remove the Chart Title element. Animate the chart by applying the Wipe entrance effect.

Hint: To apply the chart style, on the Design tab, in the Chart Styles group, click More. To remove the title, select the placeholder and press DELETE. To apply the entrance effect, on the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click More.


Display Slide 8, and then hide the background graphics on the slide. Format the background with the downloaded picture file—pCap1_Lake.jpg.


On Slide 8, align the text placeholder to the top and center of the slide. Change the Font Color to White, Background 1—the first color in the first column, and the Font to Calibri (Body). Apply Bold.

Hint: To align the placeholder, on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align Objects.


In the slide thumbnails, select Slides 5 and 9. Apply a Solid Fill background color using the second color in the sixth column, under Theme colors.

Hint: To select the slides, select Slide 5. Press and hold CTRL, and then press Slide 9.


Display Slide 9. Insert the downloaded picture file pCap1_ Mountain.jpg. Change the picture Height to 2.25 and then apply the second glow effect in the first column.
Hint: To insert the picture, on the Insert tab, in the Images group, click Pictures.


To all of the slides in the presentation, apply the Page Curl transition with the Single Left Effect Option.

Hint: On the Transitions tab, use the tools in the Transition to This Slide group to apply the transition and effect options.


Display Slide 6, and then apply the Split entrance effect to the numbered list.

Hint: On the Animations tab, use the tools in the Animations group.


Display Slide 3. In the Notes pane, type The key elements necessary to achieve our goals are the expansion of the winter sports product line and an aggressive marketing campaign. (include the period).
Hint: Click the Notes button and type the indicated text.


Insert a Header & Footer for the Notes and Handouts. Include the Date and time updated automatically, the Page number, and a Footer with the text Capstone1_Winter_Products.
Hint: On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Header & Footer.


Save and close the file, and then submit for grading.


Missouri Western State University Mechanics of Solids Essay Engineering Assignment Help

For this assignment upload to the course’s blackboard site by Monday 12/14/2020 5:00 pm a 1000-word
essay explaining how the content of this course “facilitates the application of engineering design to
produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as
well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.”

There are no requirements for this assignment except that (1) the rhetorical arguments you make must be
rational and believable. Also they must address “consideration of public health, safety, and welfare” also
they must address” global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.” (Note the conjunction
“and” used here.)

References are not required for this assignment; however, all of these will be passed through an online
plagiarism checker so if you are using quotes from other sources you will need to cite these.

Textbooks and Other Content:
Mechanical Behavior of Materials 2
nd Edition by Marc Meyers and Krishan Chawla (2013)

eBook can be found in Google.


FYE 115 Wonderful World of Real Estate According to King Street Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help

I need two 1 page essays

First essay – Choose your favorite speaker from the entire semester and write an essay on how their presentation has influenced your understanding of real estate markets and ultimately real estate market analysis (1 page) I attached information on a speaker that you can use to help make up a little about it (information about speaker is on “before.pdf”

Second essay – What are five things you have learned this term about analyzing a real estate market? (you can just make up simple commercial real estate ideas that someone would learn)(1 page)


Cal Poly Pomona Business Intelligence and Information Systems Research Paper Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a python project and need support to help me study.


1.SELECT a domain area of research

2. FORMULATE a problem statement & hypothesis. describe the problem in details you wish to explore.

3.FRAME the question(s) according to your domain

a. Understand A Business

b. Understand A Stakeholders

4.OBTAIN data for your project

a.Describe the Data: Information about the dataset itself, e.g., the attributes and attribute types, the number of instances, your target variable.

5.SCRUB the data, this includes cleaning and preparing the data for analytic purposes

6.ANALYZE the data, looking for patterns and insights (EDA & Analytics)

7.SUMMARIZE your findings



Mission College Hypothetical Country and Rampant Government Corruption Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The scenario

The hypothetical country is Freedonia and is considered a fragile state. Rampant government corruption is present, and inside forces such as opposition parties and rebel groups, are vocally and physically against the government. Outside forces are threatening invasion or government overthrow because of long-standing animosities ever since the breakup of the original country.

What must you do as a government official, business representative, or private citizen do to help prevent the potential chaos that will tear your country apart.


Choose one of the roles whether an official, business representative, or private citizen and explain if and why you should have loyalties to your country. Then, identify three key sectors or ideals that you can help build stability in your country while not violating human rights as established by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Please write your essay in a standard format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your essay should be not less than 150 but no more that 250 words. Be aware I am not looking for word count but substance.

Mission College Hypothetical Country and Rampant Government Corruption Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 1301 Northlake College Reasons to Attend College Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english practice test / quiz and need an explanation to help me understand better.

MLA format

Times New Roman, 12 point font 1-inch margins all around Double-spaced Black ink Works Cited page (if outside sources used) No separate cover page On only the first page, in the top left corner, one below the other, put your name, my name, ENGL 1301 and the date the paper is due On EVERY page (starting with the first page) in the top right corner put your last name and the page number Total length of essay: 2.5 – 4 pages (double spaced, not counting works cited page; length starts with first word of introduction, not top of 1st page). Minimum is 2.5 pages = 2 full pages and 15 lines on page 3; maximum is 4 pages = 4 full pages and 5 lines on page 5.

I can give you an example of the essay


Syracuse University Sports Analysis Liverpool FC Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Choose any professional team of your choice (the only restriction is that is should not be the one you did the group project on) and do an economic analysis of the team.

The assignment is in the form of a power point presentation that will include 2 parts – overall economics of the team and current team performance/roster construction (and expectations of future)

For the first part – things you could consider to include:

1) Attendance

2) Media Rights/Deals/Ratings

3) Overall Franchise Value

For the 2nd part – things you could consider to include:

1) Current and Future Player Contract Values

2) Salary Cap Situation

2) Team Position Strengths and Weaknesses

Last Slide should be your recommendations for the team moving forward (as it relates to overall profitability and/or player/cap management. Recommendations could include moves you would make as General Manager.

Please include some charts and graphs – Tableau is likely easiest, but feel free to use Excel charts if you prefer. Use economic reasoning where possible.

Maximum length of presentation – 12 slides.


Mission College Story of Human Rights Unlawful Arrests and Murders Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help


Your final paper is a brief 200-word report, a reflection paper, based on your learning from course materials and world events.

This is an opportunity for you to reflect on what you have learned and gained insight during the course of the semester: readings, discussions, videos, exercises. This is a time to write in the first person narrative. Do not be fooled that the paper is summarizing what you learned. The paper is for you to reflect if your way of thinking has been challenged or changed from being in the class.

Here are videos related to topics that I have learned in this class:

Human right: The Story of Human Rights from Youth for Human Rights. 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 70 Year Anniversary (Links to an external site.)

Free speech: 2019: A Year of Protest from Turkish Radio and Television Corporation George Floyd killing sparks worldwide protests against racism | DW News

China: Understanding the rise of China | Martin Jacques Hong Kong protests: what’s at stake for China? from The Economis

India: India Rising—Full Episode

MENA Sectarianism: Reality Check : The myth of a Sunni-Shia War from Al Jazeera’s UpFront program The Last Prayer? Christians in the Middle East from Real Stories

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: How the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Began

Climate change: Climate Change: A Threat Multiplier from the World Government Summit (2018)

Oceans: The Fish on My Plate (Links to an external site.).


Acadia University The Story Guatemala 1954 Funeral of The Bird Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Read the short story Arias_Guatemala_1954.pdf

After reading the story do some research and explain what you think the story is about. You should be able to satisfy the assignment with a page or two. Please include any outside sources you use in your research.


This article is very interesting and especially fitting this time of year. Read the article document.pdf After reading the article write a reaction to what you have read. Include things you liked/ disliked, what surprised you, what you found interesting/ not interesting, did you like the writing style, etc.

Minimum: 2 pages double spaced.

[supanova_question] After reading the article write a reaction to what you have read. Include things you liked/ disliked, what surprised you, what you found interesting/ not interesting, did you like the writing style, etc.

Minimum: 2 pages double spaced.

[supanova_question] After reading the article write a reaction to what you have read. Include things you liked/ disliked, what surprised you, what you found interesting/ not interesting, did you like the writing style, etc.

Minimum: 2 pages double spaced.

[supanova_question] After reading the article write a reaction to what you have read. Include things you liked/ disliked, what surprised you, what you found interesting/ not interesting, did you like the writing style, etc.

Minimum: 2 pages double spaced.


Application to Schlumberger Organization for A Job as An Assembler Letter Humanities Assignment Help

Application to Schlumberger Organization for A Job as An Assembler Letter Humanities Assignment Help

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