APUS Civil War Slavery and Justice System Discussion Writing Assignment Help. APUS Civil War Slavery and Justice System Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Discussion Topic:
The common perception is that because the South maintained the immoral institution of slavery and seceded from the Union, it must have caused the Civil War. However, there are various interpretations of the coming of the Civil War. Some historians argue that both North and South caused the Civil War by misinterpreting each other’s motives and failing to seek real reconciliations to settle grievances fairly. According to this view, following the introduction of the Wilmont Proviso, the country was increasingly divided along sectional lines, which destroyed the ability of the national parties to find workable compromises. The Compromise of 1850 exemplifies such failure. The nature of this failure to compromise rested on fundamental disagreement over the issue.
We discussed a similar question before the Revolution but we will also consider here: was the Civil War inevitable given the staunch disagreement and failure/unwillingness to compromise? Explain your position using specific reasoning. Then….
…what modern issue can you find a correlation to in this process (i.e. the failure to compromise due to a fundamental disagreement over the issue)? Explain both the correlation and your perspective.
APUS Civil War Slavery and Justice System Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENGL 1010 Tennessee State University English Courses Essay Writing Assignment Help
write a 300-500 word (typed, MLA) essay in which you evaluate your progress from the beginning of the semester to the end.
I expect the essay to be free from grammar errors and to be well-thought out and organized.
You may want to consider these questions as you prepare your essay:
1. Reflect on the assignments/readings for the course. What skills have you gained from ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1020 that will help you in your other courses? (ex: MLA, Research, building arguments, and so on)
2. What area (grammar, organization, thesis, and such) did you improve the most?
3. What advice would you offer to someone who is going to take 1010 or 1020 for the first time? Perhaps,
this is what you wished you had known.
4. What assignment was your favorite and why? Least favorite and why?
5. Since this was an online course, what did you struggle with and why? What would you have done differently? What advice would you have for someone taking an online 1010 and/or 1020 course?
i will provide the least favorite and the most favorite and some reasons
UNT Transportation Safety and Vulnerable Road Users Case Study Writing Assignment Help
The paperis requiredto be a maximum of 2,000words(excluding cover, tables, figures and references). It must be typed, double–spaced, times new roman size 12. Please select one of the following topics:
1.Transportation safety and vulnerable road users
Follow these requirements so that you do not lose points.
You must include in your paper:
•Cover page with title, name, class name, date and keywords
•Introduction/background section•Main content/body section
•Conclusions/Findings/Discussion section
•References: Minimum of 5trustworthy (i.e. not Wikipedia, not random internet sites, and not class lecture material, etc.) articles/reports(preferably peer reviewed journal articlesand/or State or U.S. DOT reports)
HRM 510 Strayer University Week 9 Performance Evaluation Appraisal Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
HRM 510 Business Employment Law Week 9 Discussion Performance Appraisal
Please respond to the following:
- From the discussion preparation, explore the article topics inherent in the performance appraisal process and select any two you feel might be more prevalent during the performance evaluation process in organizations. State your rationale and be specific.
From Employment Law:
- Chapter 15, “Privacy on the Job.”
- Chapter 16, “Performance Appraisals,” pages 689–691.
- Review the document on Discretion and Bias in Performance Evaluation. Be prepared to discuss.
PSY 4800 South Heterosexism & Sexism Psychological Distress in Lesbians Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. | |
Socioeconomic Factors: Literature Review The research and application of psychology is influenced by external factors, such as what we discussed in the previous assignment regarding multiculturalism. Other issues that impact psychology are socioeconomic factors including such things as poverty, access to health care, education, and living conditions/quality of life.
In your synopsis, make sure to include:
WRTG 394 University of Maryland Global Campus Tuition Assistance Program Paper Writing Assignment Help
Summary of assignment
•Task: You will complete the following:
oSelect a topic for writing assignment #4 o Research that topic in OneSearch
oLocate at least seven articles from scholarly or credible trade journals on the topic o Write a synthesis of the articles.
•Length: 1000-1400 words.
•Format: APA
•Sources: At least seven sources from scholarly or credible trade journals
•Writing Process: You will submit a first draft of the essay to the assignment folder. The first draft will not be graded. The instructor will provide comments to it. After receiving comments from the instructor, you will submit a revised draft. The final draft will be graded.
Continue to the next page
How This Assignment Informs Future Assignments in WRTG 394
This assignment is designed to help you prepare for the final paper in WRTG 394. Keep in mind that your final paper in WRTG 394 will be a report in which you define a problem in your workplace or community persuasively and accurately and propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issue.
For writing assignment #2, consider the problem you will address and conduct research in the library on the topic.
For example, let us assume that you are considering writing a report to the Dean of The School of Arts and Sciences at UMGC to recommend that UMGC move from LEO as its learning management system (LMS) to a different learning management system. In preparing to write this type of report, you might complete the following for writing assignment #2: Conduct library research on the topics of learning management systems for schools, online teaching, and effective teaching in an online environment.
What do We Mean by Synthesis?
In a background review and synthesis of the literature, you don’t take a stand on an issue. You review what the articles say on the issue, dividing the arguments in the articles into themes.
For example, let us assume that you conduct library research on the topic of learning management systems for schools, online teaching, and effective teaching in an online environment. You might find that three major themes emerge from your perusing of the seven articles:
•common reasons for resisting the move to a new LMS
•impact on faculty members when transitioning to a new LMS
•impact on students when transitioning to new LMS
Selection of Topics
Examples of Topics for Writing Assignment #4, the Research-Based Report
A student could write a report on a number of topics. The following are some examples. Please note that these are examples of topics. You are not required to choose any of them. They are provided here to help illustrate this assignment.
•a report to your supervisor at work suggesting that email be used less frequently for communication and that another application be used to improve communication
•a report to your city council suggesting a new smart traffic light system for parts of the city
•a report to the program chair of your major at UMGC to suggest changes to one or more of the classes required in the major
•a report to the manager of your unit at work noting that recycling facilities in the workplace should be improved
Examples of Topics for Writing Assignment #2, the Background Review and Synthesis, Based on the Suggested Topics Above
In any report of this nature, some background research is necessary. For example, consider the following strategies when collecting background research for the topics mentioned above:
•For a report to your supervisor at work suggesting that email be used less frequently for communication and that another application be used to improve communication, some scholarly literature or articles from credible trade journals on transitioning to alternative electronic communication would be beneficial. In addition, articles that demonstrate the problems with email communication would add to the argument.
•For a report to your city council proposing a new smart traffic light system, some trade journal or scholarly literature on such systems would augment the report considerably.
•For a report to the program chair of your major at UMGC, some scholarly or trade journal articles on the skills that a graduate of that major needs in the workplace would be very effective. This information would greatly enhance the credibility of a report that suggests changes to the curriculum.
•For a report to the manager of your unit at work arguing that recycling facilities in the workplace should be improved, some scholarly articles or studies on the challenges of and benefits to implementing recycling facilities in organizations would be persuasive. Of course, there are varieties of recycling programs. The articles you find would help define what type of recycling program you would propose.
Length of Your Paper
As noted above, your background review of the literature on your topic should be 1000-1400 words in length.
The sources should be cited throughout the paper in APA format and listed in a References page at the end of the paper in APA format.
You will find that your synthesis will be a helpful component of your final research-based report. In fact, if your synthesis is well written, you might be able to take parts of it and copy them into sections of the final report. The skills and strategies you gain from writing the background review and synthesis of literature will be very valuable in writing your final research-based report.
Guides to Help You in Writing this Assignment:
Please read the sample paper in our class from Tom Student.
In addition, the following links provide access to guides on writing a research-based business report. While the guides provide instruction on writing a research-based business report, for the purposes of writing assignment #2, you might focus on how each guide instructs you on the use of sources and secondary research for the report.
•Victoria University of Wellington
•Queen Margaret University
•Murdoch University
•Colorado State University
Additional Topics that Previous Students Have Used
Some possible workplace research topics are the following. These are examples to help you get started. Please contact your instructor to have other topic ideas approved.
•Making a change in the computer infrastructure at your workplace
•Establishing a drug policy
•Establishing an employee leave donation program
•Establishing an equipment donation program for used computers, etc.
•Establishing a company recycling program (paper, etc.)
•Education/retraining for your employees
•Recommending the purchase of standing desks for employees
•Designing a training program for workplace safety issues
•Redesigning employee performance evaluations
•Establishing on-site day care or providing other child care benefits
•Providing gym membership or creating an on-site workout facility
•Creating or revising a charitable contribution policy
•Creating or improving a tuition assistance program
•Accommodations needed for employee/s with specific health issues (for example, migraines)
Some students have chosen topics outside of their workplaces, such as the following:
•Getting additional lighting in the neighborhood
•Changing traffic patterns around your child’s school
•Starting a PTA website for your child’s school
•Constructing a crying baby room at your place of worship
•Offering ESL courses at your church
•Increasing participation in a military Family Support Group
•Introducing a youth sports program to a school or community
•Changing the design of a class for your university
•Changing the learning management system for online classes for your university
Submitting the assignment:
You will submit a first draft of the essay to the assignment folder. The first draft will not be graded. The instructor will provide comments to it.
After receiving comments from the instructor, you will submit a revised draft. The final draft will be graded.
WRTG 394 University of Maryland Global Campus Tuition Assistance Program Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CRJ 180 UF Reforming Juvenile Justice A Developmental Approach Discussion Law Assignment Help
Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.
Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.
Select this example assignment to see what a proficient (or higher) submitted assignment would look like.
Assignment 1: Combating Juvenile Delinquency
Due Week 7 and worth 120 points
Use the Internet and Strayer databases to research your community’s current efforts to deter or prevent juvenile delinquency through incarceration programs or other sanctions.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
- Identify at least two (2) juvenile delinquency reduction efforts / programs currently in operation in your community.
- Determine the main sociological theories underlying these interventions that shape your community’s public policy for delinquency prevention.
- Propose one to two (1–2) ideas that you believe would improve your community’s juvenile delinquency prevention efforts. Justify the response with examples that illustrate your ideas being used successfully in other communities.
- Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
University of California Davis The Haitian and American Revolutions Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability via an analysis of evidence drawn from this week’s lectures and readings:
In what ways were the American and Haitian Revolutions similar? In what ways were they different? Using what you’ve learned in chapters 8-10 of The Counter-Revolution of 1776 and this week’s lectures/primary sources, explain why you think U.S. presidents like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison would have been against an independent Haiti.
Additionally, my graders have asked me to remind folks to try and proofread as best they can. Awkward phrasing makes it difficult to determine what you are trying to say/argue. Remember that a good trick is to read what you’ve written aloud; if it doesn’t flow as smoothly as something you would normally say, it needs editing.
Also, please remember that directly quoting the readings makes for far stronger arguments than paraphrasing, and better demonstrates that you have read the material. Paraphrasing can be useful, but it should not be your only analytical tool.
You may only cite this course’s readings and lectures in writing this response. You may not cite outside material.
- 12 point font (any reasonable font style will do)
- 1 inch margins
- 8-10 sentences
- When citing secondary sources, use Chicago Manual Style footnotes1 or parenthetical citations. For example, Gerald Horne states that his book is “about the role of slavery and the slave trade in the events leading up to 4 July 1776” (Horne, 3).
- When citing primary sources, write the author’s name and the year of publication, either as a parenthetical or as a footnote. For example, Columbus wrote that Native Americans “should be good servants and intelligent” (Columbus, 1492). Or, Columbus wrote that Native Americans “should be good servants and intelligent.”2
Reader Response grades are determined by how effective you are in answering the question via an analysis of lectures and readings. These will be graded based on a check plus (100%), check (83%), check minus (66%) system, with 0% scores reserved for those who do not submit a response, plagiarize, or put in little to no effort. If you wish to avoid plagiarism, keep the following adage in mind: when in doubt, CITE.
Grader feedback will be limited, so please refer to this rubric to see why your response received the grade that it did. Remember that I will also offer extra credit opportunities with each reader response so that you have the option to boost your grade with a bit of extra work.
Check plus responses must consist of 8-10 proofread and grammatically correct sentences, refer to that week’s lectures, specifically cite something from that week’s readings at least twice (and have proper citations), and contain thoughtful analysis that demonstrates an effort on your part to think critically through the material when answering the question.
Note: writing more than 10 sentences will not improve your score, and in fact can lower it. Reader responses are an exercise in being simultaneously concise and comprehensive.
Writing Advice
In these reader responses your goal should be to answer the question using critical analysis to demonstrate an understanding of readings and lectures. Questions are designed to provoke an argumentative response from you that will require you to cite and analyze evidence.
Your paragraphs should have a topic sentence that clearly states the point you are making in that paragraph. They should also have a direct quote from the readings that proves this point (direct quotes should be smoothly integrated into the text, not awkwardly placed). Finally, they should include an analysis of that quote that demonstrates your knowledge of the source and further proves the point you are trying to make.
When in doubt, refer to this guide on how to structure a paragraph:
Sentence #1: A topic sentence introducing the point you want to make.
Sentence #2: A sentence containing evidence (in the form of a quote) that you think proves the point you want to make.
Sentence #3: A sentence putting the quote in your own words and relating it to the point you are making.
Sentence #4: A sentence with original analysis that further proves your argument, or addresses potential counter-arguments.
Sentence #5: A sentence that wraps up your thoughts on this particular point and motions to where you are heading to in the next paragraph.
Extra Credit
Note: Extra credit should be appended at the end of your reader response in a separate section clearly marked “Extra Credit.” Extra credit will not be accepted on late submissions.
Read the following documents and cite five specific ways that each is similar to or different from the Declaration of Independence. Non-specific or vague answers will not receive credit.
Declaration of the Rights of Man
UCW Organizational Behaviour Senior Manager Underperforming Employee Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
– Make sure that you have included proper text citations and APA style references for all sources in your assignment. (Minimum 3-4 references)
- You are working as a Senior Manager in a multinational company. One of your employees, Jesse has been underperforming at work, coming in late, and causing some problems with the other workers. Previously Jesse has been one of your star employees. Using any one of motivational theories, identify a reason for her underperformance and explain what steps you might take to motivate Jesse to perform better.
2. Please go to the video link of the TED talk below. Write a brief summary based on the TED talk using an example/incident from your personal or career life
Each Question should be of 500-600 words
The University of Alabama The Police Encounter that Changed My Life Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Please be sure to complete by 8/28
Length: 750 word
Format: MLA (12 pt.
times new
Roman font,
double spacing,
1 in. margins)
The goal of this project is to develop skills in generating ideas by
reflecting on personal preferences and experiences and how they enhance
your knowledge or interest in the future. You will need to assess your
audience and follow conventions of narrative essays to complete this
project successfully. You will also use the steps of the writing process to
compose a successful draft.
The goal of this assignment is to show your audience how a real life event inspired your interest in a social issue. You will have to choose a
social issue that is important to you (this can be as simple as hair care or as
complex as a key political issue). The story should be used to show your
audience why this social issue is important to you.
Beyond telling a story, you are explaining why that story is
important to your interest and understanding of your issue.
This genre requires details and information that will help your
audience visualize the events you are recounting. You are telling a story
about a single event that influenced your interest in the social issue you are
discussing. You get to choose the issue and decide how to approach it.
This is creative non-fiction and you must focus around an actual
event, but this can be interspersed with details that have the essence of the
event even if they are not completely accurate. For example, if you cannot
recall a conversation verbatim, you can still use that conversation in text by
telling your audience the essence of what was said, even if it is not the
exact language used. The conversation and topic must be based on real
The overall goal of this essay is to relate an event to your interest in
your chosen social issue. Do not focus solely on the narrative aspects of
your experience and fail to explain what it led to and what it taught you
about your issue.
APUS Civil War Slavery and Justice System Discussion Writing Assignment Help
APUS Civil War Slavery and Justice System Discussion Writing Assignment Help