Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help. Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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Using the collection of articles/sources about Online and Classroom education found in the “Rogerian Argument, Toulmin Logic, and Oral Argument” (reading to be provided by instructor), write a 3-4 page argumentative essay on the topic, “Is Online Education as Good as Classroom Education?”

For this essay, use the principals of either Rogerian argument or Toulmin logic to structure your essay.

Format Requirements:

3-4 pages in length

Typed, double space (Times New Roman, Calibri font)

MLA Format (be sure to cite correctly)

Correct grammar, punctuation and sentence/paragraph formation (academic writing/language)

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Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

need ppt assignment and writing assignment completed Business Finance Assignment Help

PPT Assignment:

PS360 Abnormal Psychology – Week 7 Assignment 2

Maltreatment of the Elderly

If you turn on the news, you will often hear stories of child abuse and domestic violence. However, the maltreatment of the elderly is less heard of. As you have learned, neurocognitive disorders affect people more when they are older. Those disorders, combined with old age, leave many individuals susceptible to abuse.

Assume you are presenting at a mental health symposium. Develop a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes discussing the concept of elder abuse. In particular, what forms it can take and how it can be prevented. In your presentation, you should provide a news story as an example of elder abuse.

You will need to do some outside research for this presentation. Provide at least one credible outside source besides your textbook and the news article. Make sure to cite all of your sources on the last slide.

View your assignment rubric.

Writing Assignment:

Describe a behavior you engage in, analyze it in terms of the three term contingency, explaining the relationship among the discriminative stimulus(S-D) – behavior – outcome (reinforcer), and how this relationship would be different with S-Delta as the antecedent stimulus condition, vs. S-D. Post a minimum of 300 wds.


Read the article posted below and write a paper discussing your understanding of the model presented Business Finance Assignment Help

Link for article

Use the Gibbs’ Cycle to reflect on your personal experience, providing relevant examples; ensure that you clearly separate the content of different stages

  • Write the paper using APA style with 6-8 references (i.e., many citations for each source/reference required). In addition to the textbook, including several peer reviewed references. .
  • All sources must have: authors, publication dates, and publishers included in the reference list.
  • “Anonymous” authors, and sources without dates or publishers will not be accepted as valid sources and marks will be deducted (as they are not academic).
  • The paper should be atlest 1500 – 1800 words,
  • Exhibit good writing and analytical skills – review the grading rubric.
  • For citations provide Complete
    a reflection on an experience utilizing the article (40-50% of cites) you
    have been given
  • ·
    Also use your
    textbook (40-50% of cites) as the second source and one other journal
    (10-20% of cites) to support your thoughts and discussion.

    Grading rubric needs to be strickly followed and assignment should be made in template provided


UNO Treatment for pneumonia PPT & Progressive Office Furniture Comp Market Plan Writing Assignment Help

1.Final Marketing Plan

Assignment requirements:

  • Using your template describe the following:
    • Complete all of the relevant sections based on your work so far
    • Update sections based on the instructor’s feedback and new information
  • In a separate document, in 500 words or less, briefly discuss:
    • The largest change(s) you have made
    • The most important thing you learned creating this plan

    2.Presentation: Patient Education

As a healthcare employee, there are times when you will need to explain complex information in easy to understand terms for your patients. This presentation will be designed to give you practice researching a medical condition or treatment you are interested in, that a patient in your line of work may be diagnosed with or benefit from.

In order to do this successfully, you will need to establish what resources your patients are likely to encounter when attempting to educate themselves. Then, as a professional, you’ll need to search the journal databases to find what the science says about the condition or treatment, and then provide your patients with some education as summary of the research.


  • Compose a voice-over slide presentation (Google Slides or PowerPoint) using Screencast-o-Matic that explains your selected condition or treatment to your patient.
  • Your presentation could be over a pamphlet you have created (using powerpoint or google slides) to review with your patient or you can do a traditional slides presentation. Justbesureyou:
    • Verbally and parenthetically cite your sources
    • address any advancements in research or misconceptions a novice may develop
  • Criteria

    • After performing a thorough literature search, compile your findings into a patient-friendly presentation in order to educate your patient about the diagnosis or treatment option you choose.
    • Your presentation should include an APA formatted reference list


Complete APA Guideline Activity (CSU) Business Finance Assignment Help

One of the biggest concerns for many public speaking students is learning APA style and doing citations correctly in their speeches and speech outlines (especially when they’ve had a lot of MLA in high school and freshman English classes!). For this activity, you will complete the two following interactive quizzes on APA references and inline citations. This should help familiarize you with APA style. Please take a screenshot of the end of each quiz, with your score, and upload both screenshots to this assignment. If you have any questions about screenshooting and uploading the images, please let me know.

  1. APA: Formatting in-text citations:
  2. What’s wrong with this journal article reference?



Session 6 – Weekly Topic Response (WTR) # 6 Writing Assignment Help

Chapter 2 presented the strategic role of Human Resource Management. Chapter 3 discussed employment law with an emphasis on Equal Employment Law. Chapter 4 discussed analyzing jobs and designing work in support of a business’ strategy. Chapter 5 revealed the link between the HRM function of HR Planning and workforce forecasting, and how the workforce forecasting produces an HR Recruiting plan. Chapter 6 discussed the selection process and the roles of HRM and managers in the selection process for identifying the most qualified applicant to fill a job. Once selected, new employees require training; Chapter 7 discussed a process for identifying employees’ training needs; Chapter 8 discussed performance management. Within HRM, performance management is depended upon Job analysis, recruiting, selection, and training. Within the functions of management, performance management evaluates employees’ performance against performance standards identified within respective jobs. The manager’s evaluation of employees’ job performance also identifies additional training needs. Performance management is also linked to chapter 9, identifying and developing selected employees. Performance management is also linked to chapter 10, employee separation and retention. Finally, chapter 11 discussed compensation and how compensation is linked to job analysis and the worth of jobs to an organization.

A common theme throughout these eleven chapters is that competent employees in designed jobs support a business’s ability to compete. A business achieves success in a marketplace by effectively arranging jobs [structure] and employees’ competencies to perform jobs towards designated goals. A business links outcome performance to incentives to motivate employees’ performance towards designated goals.

Chapter 12 discussed recognizing employee contributions. Once again, performance management is linked to a business’s incentive reward programs, that are linked to a business’s designated goals. The purpose of an incentive rewards program is to motivate and incentivize employees’ behavior towards desired outcomes.

You are the manager of a department with 3 supervisors and 18 employees. Your department produces “Do-dads.” Your department received new technology designed to improve production output and quality of product output. This new technology claims to increase productivity by 18%. Your department produces 5,052 Do-dads a product cycle. With the introduction of the new technology, senior management changed production output goal to 5,950 Do-dads a product cycle, an 18% increase. Senior management granted you permission to develop a pay-for-performance incentive program. You see a need to provide an incentive program for the 3 supervisors and an incentive program for the 18 employees.

From the position of a Manager: Identify and argue two reasons WHY it is important to collaborate with HRM on developing your department’s pay-for-performance [incentive] program. Second, review the table 12.1, page 513, and select a pay-for-performance program or a combination of pay-for-performance programs to incentivize the performance of your three supervisors to perform as “performance coaches.” Argue WHY this pay-for-performance program or the combination of pay-for-performance programs will incentivize (motivate) the three supervisors.

Session 6 – Weekly Topic Response (WTR) # 6 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

L its my homework Writing Assignment Help

  • Choose one sculpture and one piece of architecture that you particularly like or fascinate you.
  • Research the pieces on Smarthistory or an online art encyclopedia.
  • Write a summary of your research for each piece (one paragraph each–6-8 sentences). Do not copy and paste the information; write it in your own words.
  • Give a short explanation as to why you like the pieces: what particularly fascinates you? Why do you think it is an important piece? (approximately one paragraph each–6-8 sentences).
  • Please include a heading (your name, my name, HUM 101-001, and the date you submit); the heading should be single spaced and does not count towards the word count.
  • Please use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Please use MLA correctly. To Cite the from either Smarthistory or an on-line encyclopedia, use an abbreviated title of the piece and the source you got it from: (The Parthenon, Smarthistory).


H its my homework Writing Assignment Help

  • Choose one sculpture and one piece of architecture that you particularly like or fascinate you.
  • Research the pieces on Smarthistory or an online art encyclopedia.
  • Write a summary of your research for each piece (one paragraph each–6-8 sentences). Do not copy and paste the information; write it in your own words.
  • Give a short explanation as to why you like the pieces: what particularly fascinates you? Why do you think it is an important piece? (approximately one paragraph each–6-8 sentences).
  • Please include a heading (your name, my name, HUM 101-001, and the date you submit); the heading should be single spaced and does not count towards the word count.
  • Please use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Please use MLA correctly. To Cite the from either Smarthistory or an on-line encyclopedia, use an abbreviated title of the piece and the source you got it from: (The Parthenon, Smarthistory).


Ancient Greek Philosophy ​paper Writing Assignment Help

Knowledge and Realty: Exam One Paper Prompt — Ancient Greek Philosophy

Question to answer in your paper: What does “Know Thyself” and “Love” mean to you through
the lens of Ancient Greek Philosophy and Stoicism?


Description of the Paper

This is a reflection paper on ancient Greek philosophy and the philosophy of Stoicism. Below is an
overview of what we will have read and discussed prior to the due date of this paper . Please use
what is listed below as inspiration and also include what ever else may have piqued your interest. In
short, please explain what it means to you to Know Thyself and to Love as you have experienced it
and come to think about it while studying ancient Greek philosophy and Stoicism.

Line of Reasoning:

In your paper, you will take a position and rationally defend your position. Keep
in mind that it is not merely a matter of taste, feelings, or emotions, but rather it must be a position
you can defend with textual evidence, life experience, and a line of reasoning.

Four quotes minimum: Please include at least four text quotes from the assigned readings to
support your claims.

• 4 quotes (see above)
• 1300 words (5 pages)
• Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font
• Double Spaced
• 1” Margins
• Cite ALL resources. You do NOT need to use any particular style (e.g., APA or MLA). Pick one style
and be consistent. For example, after a quote, (Rousseau, p. 572), (Zoom Lectures, June 29th).
Also, please include a Bibliography
• You may use first person “I”

Goal: Come to know yourself with the writings of Plato and the conversations Socrates engages in,
in the Symposium, and Aesop, PreSocratics, Sophists. Also, Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations and
Heloise’s first letter to Abelard. You do not need to use all of what you learned but at least one of
the ideas from the Symposium and at least one idea from Stoicism, either Marcus Aurelius or

How to Prepare: Review the readings and use the questions below to excite your thoughts. Also,
please review the study questions, slides, lecture notes, and resources provided on the slides and
lectures notes to be sure you understand the material

Overview of what we’ve covered so far

• Aesop’s Fables
• Mythos to Logos: Aesop, PreSocratics, and
• Plato’s Symposium
• Socrates and Plato’s Philosophy
• Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations
• Heloise’s First Letter to Abelard

Overview of Knowing Thyself and What is Love through Ancient Greek Philosophy and Stoicism

I. Know Thyself
A lifetime of uncovering one’s false opinions to move to become wise

[If]“ I am wiser than this man; it is likely that neither of us knows anything worthwhile, but he thinks
he knows something when he does not, whereas when I do not know, neither do I think I know; so I
am likely to be wiser than he to this small extent, that I do not think I know what I do not know.”
Apology (21 d)

Three different ways of knowing
• Belief
• Opinion
• Knowledge

II. Self

What defines you? Your body, i.e., the dwelling place of your soul? Your soul? What is your soul? Do
you identify with Socrates’s notion of the soul?
According to Socrates, the most important thing is to care for one’s soul. What does Socrates mean?
Do you agree? Why or why not? Does Plato’s description of the soul as described in Plato’s Phaedrus
(253 d-e & 254a-e) resonate with you? Why or why not?

III. Wrong Doing

Socrates claimed, “All wrong doing is due to Ignorance” as opposed to Aristotle’s position on

IV. Plato Forms

– The Really Real
One comes to the knowledge of the laws of mathematics and geometry, according to Plato, through
recollection. This must NOT be confused with memory (e.g., what one had for breakfast).

V. Recollection, according to Plato, is a coming to knowledge through:
(1) utilizing the dialectic to rediscover the knowledge of mathematics and geometry that is written
into the soul of all human beings.
(2) the desire to know the Forms.

VI. Ladder of Love
Form of Beauty (beauty itself) is how one moves toward the form of beauty, toward the form as well
as coming to know oneself. What is the role of erotic love? Love is, ultimately, wisdom, love of
wisdom. In a word, “Philosophy”.

VII. Stoicism — Questions to inspire your thoughts
Aurelius (Stoicism) & Heloise (Medieval Stoicism):

a. Marcus Aurelius
What does it mean to have your thinking and willing in accordance with nature? Do you have
virtuous intentions? Do you trust the unfolding of divine logos? Have you applied the Stoic Credo to
your decisions making? What is useful? How might thinking in accordance with the Stoic Credo
inspire you to love more? How is the phrase “Carpe Diem” essential to the philosophy of Stoicism?
How might being in the present moment result in you loving fully and completely? Might fear of the
future or trauma from the past interfere with your ability to love in the present?

b. Heloise
Is Heloise’s medieval stoic notion of the lover/beloved relationship a practical (useful) way to
determine as if you are in a healthy relationship with friends, partners, family, etc? Why or why not?
Heloise compares love to tending to a garden that needs attention, light, shade, water. If you were
to love your beloved in line with Stoicism, might it improve your relationships? How can Stoicism
(Aurelius or Heloise’s) inspire you to love more?

Writing a Philosophy Paper Guidelines
• Grammar matters. Please use complete sentences.
• Reasoning matters. Please be sure that sentences relate to each other. For example, sentence two
follows from sentence one, and so on.
• Use new paragraphs to indicate a new idea.
• Consider using sub-headings to organize your thoughts and convey them in an organized fashion.
• Be sure to introduce a quote and follow it with a sentence explaining why it is important to the
point you are defending.
• The goal is, in short, to understand the material, convey an understanding of the material, take a
position on the material, and defend the position with reasoning, and quotes from the text as
• While word count and page number matters, conveying your point and defending your position
matters as well.


discussion post of 200 words and respond to classmate post Writing Assignment Help

Discussion 3

View these videos related to finding a job in the healthcare administration field:

How to Find a Job in Healthcare Administration | Health Job (Links to an external site.)How to Find a Job in Healthcare Administration | Health Job

Here is a quick summary of the career path I took but keep in mind everyone’s path will be unique. Think Michael Jordan was a standout player at North Carolina University while LeBron James went straight to the NBA from high school, but I think both have been relatively successful in the basketball field ?

  • College > internship while in college > obtained undergraduate degree > entry-level position > switched companies for a project management role > obtained masters degree while working > promoted > enrolled in doctoral program > started teaching as a collegiate adjunct instructor part-time > switched companies for a manager position > obtained doctorate > currently seeking full time collegiate faculty position.
  • By day 1 make an initial post that is at least 200 words in length (but the post can be longer). Answer these questions:
    • Describe your career path and where you eventually want to end up. It’s OK to include your high school endeavors. Hey, you have to start somewhere.
    • Based on the video, what additional steps are you going to take to help expedite your desired end goal?
  • By day 2 of this week, respond to at least two of your classmate’s initial posts. Each of the response posts should be a minimum of 100 words (but they can be longer).
    • The responses should as a probing question to garner more conversation. For example, “I want to work in a hospital’s billing department too. Have you tried…if so, let me know if it was helpful or a complete waste of time?” or “That is an interesting field that I have never heard of until now. How did you find out about this? I think there is a ton of growth in this field considering….”
  • Be sure to not just make the response posts to get points and never check the discussion board again. The students who perform best truly engage with one another and do not just “do the minimum.


Here is a quick summary of the career path I took but keep in mind everyone’s path will be unique. Think Michael Jordan was a standout player at North Carolina University while LeBron James went straight to the NBA from high school, but I think both have been relatively successful in the basketball field ?

  • College > internship while in college > obtained undergraduate degree > entry-level position > switched companies for a project management role > obtained masters degree while working > promoted > enrolled in doctoral program > started teaching as a collegiate adjunct instructor part-time > switched companies for a manager position > obtained doctorate > currently seeking full time collegiate faculty position.
  • By day 1 make an initial post that is at least 200 words in length (but the post can be longer). Answer these questions:
    • Describe your career path and where you eventually want to end up. It’s OK to include your high school endeavors. Hey, you have to start somewhere.
    • Based on the video, what additional steps are you going to take to help expedite your desired end goal?
  • By day 2 of this week, respond to at least two of your classmate’s initial posts. Each of the response posts should be a minimum of 100 words (but they can be longer).
    • The responses should as a probing question to garner more conversation. For example, “I want to work in a hospital’s billing department too. Have you tried…if so, let me know if it was helpful or a complete waste of time?” or “That is an interesting field that I have never heard of until now. How did you find out about this? I think there is a ton of growth in this field considering….”
  • Be sure to not just make the response posts to get points and never check the discussion board again. The students who perform best truly engage with one another and do not just “do the minimum.


Here is a quick summary of the career path I took but keep in mind everyone’s path will be unique. Think Michael Jordan was a standout player at North Carolina University while LeBron James went straight to the NBA from high school, but I think both have been relatively successful in the basketball field ?

  • College > internship while in college > obtained undergraduate degree > entry-level position > switched companies for a project management role > obtained masters degree while working > promoted > enrolled in doctoral program > started teaching as a collegiate adjunct instructor part-time > switched companies for a manager position > obtained doctorate > currently seeking full time collegiate faculty position.
  • By day 1 make an initial post that is at least 200 words in length (but the post can be longer). Answer these questions:
    • Describe your career path and where you eventually want to end up. It’s OK to include your high school endeavors. Hey, you have to start somewhere.
    • Based on the video, what additional steps are you going to take to help expedite your desired end goal?
  • By day 2 of this week, respond to at least two of your classmate’s initial posts. Each of the response posts should be a minimum of 100 words (but they can be longer).
    • The responses should as a probing question to garner more conversation. For example, “I want to work in a hospital’s billing department too. Have you tried…if so, let me know if it was helpful or a complete waste of time?” or “That is an interesting field that I have never heard of until now. How did you find out about this? I think there is a ton of growth in this field considering….”
  • Be sure to not just make the response posts to get points and never check the discussion board again. The students who perform best truly engage with one another and do not just “do the minimum.


Here is a quick summary of the career path I took but keep in mind everyone’s path will be unique. Think Michael Jordan was a standout player at North Carolina University while LeBron James went straight to the NBA from high school, but I think both have been relatively successful in the basketball field ?

  • College > internship while in college > obtained undergraduate degree > entry-level position > switched companies for a project management role > obtained masters degree while working > promoted > enrolled in doctoral program > started teaching as a collegiate adjunct instructor part-time > switched companies for a manager position > obtained doctorate > currently seeking full time collegiate faculty position.
  • By day 1 make an initial post that is at least 200 words in length (but the post can be longer). Answer these questions:
    • Describe your career path and where you eventually want to end up. It’s OK to include your high school endeavors. Hey, you have to start somewhere.
    • Based on the video, what additional steps are you going to take to help expedite your desired end goal?
  • By day 2 of this week, respond to at least two of your classmate’s initial posts. Each of the response posts should be a minimum of 100 words (but they can be longer).
    • The responses should as a probing question to garner more conversation. For example, “I want to work in a hospital’s billing department too. Have you tried…if so, let me know if it was helpful or a complete waste of time?” or “That is an interesting field that I have never heard of until now. How did you find out about this? I think there is a ton of growth in this field considering….”
  • Be sure to not just make the response posts to get points and never check the discussion board again. The students who perform best truly engage with one another and do not just “do the minimum.


Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help

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