Arizona Microbrewery, Inc.: An Instructional Case on Management Decision Making Business Finance Assignment Help. Arizona Microbrewery, Inc.: An Instructional Case on Management Decision Making Business Finance Assignment Help.
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David is determined to make $50,000 after tax. After listening to your advice, he
makes a radical choice: discontinuing the production of Bock and Stout beers.
Assume that David has conducted some market research that shows he will
continue selling Ale and Pilsner beer at a ratio of 2 to 1. Given David’s current
productive capacity, can he now achieve his goal? How many cases of Ale and
Pilsner would he have to sell to reach his goal? Given the 2:1 sales mix and the
available number of machine hours, what is the maximum after-tax profit David
could attain using this strategy?
Arizona Microbrewery, Inc.: An Instructional Case on Management Decision Making Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MUST! Be familiar with the Book! (Give Me Liberty vol 1 edition 5) Humanities Assignment Help
Research Assignment #1
For this assignment, not only would I like you to seriously consider your research paper topic, but
start considering your approach to writing this paper. What types of sources you will be using.
For example, if you decide to write about the Haitian Revolution during the early 19th Century,
where would you begin? How and why the revolution began are important factors to consider as
you explore why it was so significant, not just as a historical event, but also how this impacted
other social, cultural, and political changes throughout Latin America. For something like this,
sources vary far and wide from letters, paintings, speeches, pamphlets that address other themes
such as racism, slavery, revolution, gender, public sphere. These are just some examples of what
you could do with a topic like the Haitian revolution. There are many more topics, so go through
your textbook carefully when selecting a topic from one of the chapters.
You are free to pick a
topic of your choice, but DO NOT pick a topic that goes past 1970 (for the sake of the length of
the class). Other topics include, but are not limited to: Simon Bolivar, Mexican Revolution,
California Mission System, etc.
What I need from you:
Please submit a write up (
between 1-2 pages!!
) on what your research paper will be about. This
is not the research paper you will submit, but a well thought out proposal for what your paper will
be about. Both Research Assignment 1 & 2 are assignments built into the paper (or to make the
paper flow more smoothly). Give me a clear idea of what your paper will be about, what you
hope to uncover or answer as you write it, and possibly what kind of sources and evidence you
will be using and working with. This corresponds to some of the Student Learning Outcomes
(SLO’s) I have included in the syllabus this semester.
**This research paper must incorporate both primary and secondary sources. There are various
primary sources within the textbook that you may consider using, which is fine. Be sure you are
able to distinguish between primary and secondary sources.
secondary source
is how historians and scholars have written about a specific
topic/theme/time period
. This includes books, journal articles, and monographs. Please note that
you will likely find primary sources within the secondary literature, which is why it is important
to visit libraries and digital collections from academic databases and institutions. All of this will
consist of some preliminary research and possibly a visit to your closest library. I would highly
recommend that you consider research and writing about a topic or theme that is of interest to
you. Please be mindful of the time period I would like you to work with. Please submit Research
Assignment #1 via Canvas. Not all topics will be approved because some may lack historical
focus. This has happened in the past, let’s not repeat it (pun intended). I will send you a follow
up, giving you the approval, or may make some suggestions for you to consider as you move
forward in this writing process. Any comments or suggestions I make regarding this proposal is
intended to strengthen the quality of your work, and/or narrow the focus if your topic is too
broad, or similar to someone else’s. To avoid students writing their papers on the same topic, the
sooner you submit your proposal the more likely I am to approve it without major suggestions.
Avoid taking the shortcut, and please submit original work. I will submit assignments via to check for originality and /or detect plagiarism. is quite effective
when it comes to checking for online plagiarism, or info that is taken from papers submitted
wright about FIVE MOVIES plz and GET OUT should be one of them Writing Assignment Help
Review the Power Point for Aristotle’s Poetics.
Pay Particular attention to the order in which the importance of play constructions is spelled out by the Ancient Greek teacher. The order of Poetics and their six part structure could not have been any more important for Aristotle.
Over the centuries that the essay has been written, many playwrights and storytellers have broken from this method of play structure but you can always see the six elements within any story when we look. This includes television and film.
It is important that we begin to see how film, Theatre and TV, tend to fall into categories that help us engage with that storytelling medium. As we move through the course of our semester we will see how understanding Genre, Style and Poetics as an approach help us gain a fuller insight into what our film-makers, play-makers and storytellers want to us receive and react to when they tell their stories. In this way tragedy, cultural background, sociopolitical, class, race, relationship issues can be raised and addressed in a clearer way.
For this exercise you are to choose a FIVE favorites films of yours and decide how that movies are arranged with the main six categories that Aristotle gives us. Why does this movies fall within its specific category? What about the nature of the storytelling tells you that this movie is a plot driven movie, a character driven movie, an idea movie, a story that is about the language, a story that is rooted and driven with music or a story that is driven by its spectacle.
Make sure you answer ALL parts of the question, and BE SPECIFIC!! Minimum 200 words.
Interview QTS Writing Assignment Help
you will interview your chosen student affairs professional. It could be that you are interviewing your chosen professional through Skype, Google Hangouts, or over the phone. As we learned this week, our lives are highly dependent on technology and it has changed the way we interact, learn, and serve. Your interview, which was scheduled in advance, should consist of open-ended questions (why, when, how, what, etc.) rather than closed-ended questions (did, will, are). The questions you ask are created by your curiosity and within the topic of student affairs and technology. Perhaps you want to know more about how student affairs professions have used social networks, or how they use technology to support various student groups (disabled, international, distance, etc.).
Whatever you choose, ask your interviewee at least 10 questions, but no more than 15 questions. Using the questions as titles, create a PowerPoint presentation with a slide for each question and speaker notes to describe the answer and thoughts. Finish your presentation with a discussion of what you have learned about the topic relative to your own educational leadership and for society as a whole.
Length: 15 slides with a separate reference slide
Notes: 200-300 words per slide
References:Include a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.
Annotated Bibiography Writing Assignment Help
The annotated bibliography is designed to collect the research you conduct over the semester.
The bibliography will help you track your research, make initial connections between your
sources, ensure that your research in some way contributes to your research question, and help
you keep your research organized.
The annotated bibliography must:
1. include the most current version of your research question
2. include 7 sources; please number the sources. Given the types of projects most of you will be
working on, I would expect to see mostly sources from peer-reviewed journals, trade publications
or from government or credible research center sites. A few newspaper, magazine or blog
sources might be relevant, but I do not expect those sources to be included in the annotated
bibliography. Sources such as blogs, magazines, and newspapers serve to establish relevance and
timeliness of the research, and they do not need to be fully articulated in the annotated
bibliography (I will expect to see them in the references page of the proposal project).
3. include one summary paragraph and one evaluation paragraph for each entry (see sample)
4. be presented using APA citation style
I will grade the assignment based on the quality, relevance, and currency of sources, the quality of
summaries, and on how well the evaluation paragraph aligns with the current version of your research
question and with other sources in the bibliography. If you are listing sources in the bibliography that are
not closely related to the most current version of the research question, the evaluation paragraph should
include how the source was initially useful (how it helped you modify the research question to its current
Sample annotated bibliographies
Anderson, M. J. (2010). Diminishing the legal impact of negative social attitudes toward acquaintance rape victims. New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 13(4), 644–664.
The article provides a great explanation of the history of rape laws and argues for changes in the law to counteract the effects of older laws; even as those laws have been replaced or modified, there is still a tendency to judge women based on older standards. The author focuses on the following areas: corroboration requirement, a prompt complaint requirement, a resistance requirement, a chastity requirement, a marital rape exemption, and a cautionary instruction warning judicial decision makers to treat a rape complainant’s testimony with suspicion (647). The author suggests changes to the law, especially to marital rape exemption laws, which to this day influence notions of consent that affect acquaintance rape victims.
This article serves as background for how rape has been historically characterized in courts of law, which informs how media narratives might assign blame and responsibility in reporting. The article clarifies why consent remains a challenging term to define, why notions of chastity still lead to victim blaming, and why the notion of rape is that of stranger rape, rather than acquaintance rape. An analysis of passive and active voice might still reflect some of the previous legal understandings of rape and assault.
Bohner, G. (2001). Writing about rape: Use of the passive voice and other distancing text features as an expression of perceived responsibility of the victim. British Journal of Social Psychology, 40(4), 515–529.
This article reports on a study using t-test and ANOVA statistical analyses to test for correlations between the use of passive voice in describing an instance of rape and attitudes that assign blame to the victims of rape. The researchers showed silent clips from a television show and movie depicting a rape scene, with one clip showing more details that align with common “rape myths” about the responsibility of the victim in the rape. The researchers then asked study participants to 1) write descriptions of the rape scene; 2) write a newspaper-style headline for their descriptions; 3) answer a questionnaire about their perception of the victim’s and perpetrator’s level of responsibility in the rape; and 4) complete a survey to test the level of agreement with rape myths. The researchers found that the use of passive voice to describe the rape itself correlated with other indicators of victim-blaming attitudes. The researchers also found that participants used passive voice when referring to the rape itself significantly more than they used passive voice to describe other actions by either the perpetrator or the victim immediately before or after the rape.
This article demonstrates how statistical analyses can reveal correlations between grammatical voice usage in descriptions of rape and attitudes about victim and perpetrator responsibility. This article also provided a good description of the various reasons one might use passive voice when reporting a story about a rape. For example, in addition to explicitly or implicitly avoiding the assignment of blame to the perpetrator, the author might want to 1) avoid assigning blame to someone who has yet to be tried in court; 2) distance oneself from the upsetting elements of the story; or 3) empathize with the victim by making the victim the grammatical subject (if not the semantic subject) of the reported actions. Despite these possible motivations, however, the researchers did find a significant correlation between victim-blaming attitudes and the use of passive voice.
Genetic lab report Science Assignment Help
Part 1:
For the DNA sequencing, the
autoradiograph, write a full lab report. In the result section, show the sequences you obtained in
class along with the mutations. In the discussion, identify the mutations and the possible
consequences of these mutations in translation. Don’t forget a cover page!
Part 2, Copy and paste the table above into another Word file and then type your
answers in each trait expanding the space to fit each answer. Print it off and hand it in for this
part of the lab exercise. Attach this to your lab report.
Remember you cannot just copy and paste from OMIM, you must put it in your own
Genetic lab report Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Mythic theme essay Humanities Assignment Help
MYTHIC-THEME ESSAY (no more than 5 double-spaced pages typed in the 12-point Times font, using one-inch margins and 0.5-inch paragraph indentations and including your name and essay title): Please cogently identify a theme of continuing importance common to two classical myths that each occupy more than one page of Ovid’s Metamorphoses (other than the myth of Adonis), please succinctly and intricately summarize each myth, and please astutely explain the similarities and differences between these myths. Your essay should address the following six questions in any order:
1. What is a theme common to the two classical myths in question?
2. How does an actual or fictional example show that this theme continues to be important in modern times?
3. What are the main events that occur in each myth?
4. Why are these events worthy of more attention than the other events in each myth?
5. What are the similarities between the two myths?
6. What are the differences between the two myths?
Please include formatting title and page numbers
2 Covert attack Computer Science Assignment Help
Would like to request the services.
the following requirement will be:
2 different type of simple covert channel (provide screenshot for guidance on how to create and use it)
write description of each covert attack around 100 word count
Suricata configuration in Kali linux (provide screenshot for what to do in order to detect and prevent the covert channel you have created. if there any rules to be input in the local rules file. Which mean include IDS and IPS)
300 plus word count mention on each covert attack and what to counter measure(IPS) it by using suricata
All must be used in kali linux environment. Later I will attach the report. Currently i ask my group mate to send me the other attack they have created
Thank you.
chief complaint of a breast mass what would you do as an FNP Health Medical Assignment Help
A 35-y.o. woman is seen in the office with a chief complaint of a breast mass. She states she found the lump when she was in the shower, and she is quite visibly distressed. Her medical history is unremarkable, although she reports that she has not had a mammogram. She takes no prescription medications.
- You are the provider, so in addition to knowing disease process and management, patient will also look to you for what to do. What additional questions should you ask the patient and why?
- What should be included in the physical examination at this visit?
- What are the possible differential diagnoses at this time?
- What tests should you order and why?
- How should this patient be managed?
Students are expected to:
- Post an initial substantive response of to each questions as an FNP. Use Diagnostic Reasoning to answer each question.
- Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
- References and citations should conform to the APA 6th edition.
- Substantive comments add to the discussion and provide your fellow students with information that will enhance the learning environment.
- The peer postings should be at least one paragraph (approximately
Timothy’s Response:
A 35-y.o. woman is seen in the office with a chief complaint of a breast mass. She states she found the lump when she was in the shower, and she is quite visibly distressed. Her medical history is unremarkable, although she reports that she has not had a mammogram. She takes no prescription medications.
According to Laronga (2017), Breast cancer is the most common female cancer in the United States, the second most common cause of cancer death in women (after lung cancer), and the leading cause of death in women ages 45 to 55. When found and treated early, breast cancer is most often curable. Breast cancer deaths have decreased by one-third or more over the past three decades. This is due in part to increased screening, as well as earlier and improved treatment for breast cancer. Screening usually detects the disease at an earlier stage, when the chances of successful treatment are higher. Early detection and treatment of breast cancer improve survival because the breast tumor can be removed before it has a chance to spread (metastasize). In addition, there are treatments that can be used to prevent cancer cells that have escaped the breast from growing in other organs.
What additional questions should you ask the patient and why?
According to Esserman and Joe (2017), the first question is to ask the patient is there is a family history of any type of breast cancer, especially a mother, sister, or daughter to help rule out past medical history of any possible carry genes such as the BRCA genes. The provider would also question the patient about their menstrual cycle and question if the knot was more prevalent during this time. The provider would need to ask when the knot or mass was found and has there been a change in its size. The provider would also need to know if the patient had any fever or chills and if any redness or discharge was noted from the nipple or dimpling of the skin of the breast.
What should be included in the physical examination at this visit?
According to Esserman and Joe (2017), there should be a complete breast exam using the pads of the finger and in a circular motion move upward and outward to under the arm and chest. The lymph nodes should be felt for swelling and tenderness. The main reason for the breast exam is to help the provider find cancer early, so it might be easier to treat and lowers the chances of the patient dying of breast cancer.
What are the possible differential diagnoses at this time?
According to Laronga (2017), some differential diagnoses could be mastitis, inflammatory carcinoma, benign breast disease, lymphoma, and fibrocystic disease.
What tests should you order and why?
According to Laronga (2017), a mammogram should be ordered, because Mammograms are currently the best screening modality to detect breast cancer. A breast ultrasound can be ordered and sometimes even a breast MRI can be used. A breast biopsy (needle biopsy) can be used to help confirm the diagnosis.
How should this patient be managed?
The management of the patient will be determined by the type of cancer or non-cancer the patient might have. According to Laronga (2017), many patients have success with surgery while others might need chemotherapy, radiation, and possible hormonal treatments. Optimal management in most cases requires collaboration between surgeons (breast cancer surgeons and reconstructive surgeons, who are typically plastic surgeons) and physicians who specialize in radiation and medical oncology. Each woman should discuss the available treatment options with her doctors to determine what treatment is best for her.
Esserman, L. J., & Joe, B. N. (2017). Clinical features, diagnosis, and staging of newly diagnosed breast cancer. UpToDate. Retrieved from…
Laronga, C. (2017). Breast cancer guide to diagnosis and treatment (Beyond the Basics). UpToDate. Retrieved from
Mirely’s Response:
Palpable breast masses are common and typically benign, but proficient assessment and prompt diagnosis are indispensable to rule out malignancy (Klein, 2005). According to Dains, Bauman & Scheibel (2016), approximately 90% of breast lumps are discovered by the patient or her partner before having a diagnosis using clinical breast examination or mammography. The three most likely causes of breast lumps are fibro-adenomas, fibrocystic breast changes, and breast carcinomas. A comprehensive clinical breast examination, imaging, and tissue sampling are needed for a conclusive diagnosis. In the presence of a palpable mass or nipple discharge, a diagnostic mammogram is necessary to identify palpable lumps or abnormal screening mammograms (Dains, Bauman & Scheibel, 2016). Further, fine-needle aspiration is fast, inexpensive, and precise, and it can distinguish solid and cystic masses (Klein, 2005).
The evaluation process of a patient that presents with findings of a breast lump needs to focus in the history of the breast lump, past medical history of the patient and a thorough examination and diagnostic testing. Therefore, asking key questions gives the clinician clues of whether the lump is likely to be malignant. Some key questions include:
- How long has the lump been present?
- Is the lump getting bigger, worse, or more painful?
- Is the lump in one breast and in one area?
- Last menstrual period
- Is there any discharge from the nipple and description of discharge?
- Does the patient have any history of trauma to the breast or recent infection?
- Is there a past history of surgical interventions to the breast?
- Does the patient have any risk factors for breast cancer or history of cystic breast?
- Is there any family history of breast cancer?
During physical examination it is essential that the clinician performs a complete breast exam as well as a thorough evaluation of lymph nodes. According to Laronga (2017), the first sites of breast cancer spread is to the axillary lymph nodes. The
axillary lymph nodes can become enlarged and are usually felt during a breast examination. The clinician needs to pay close attention to the lump appearance, size, tender versus non-tender, soft versus hard and borders. According to Dains, Bauman & Scheibel (2016), a breast lump that is hard, non-tender, fixed, borders, irregular or not discrete, with increase vessel patterns and with or without nipple discharge is suggestive of malignancy.
Differential diagnoses for a single breast mass include:
- Breast cancer (typically older than 35 years)
- Cysts (typically younger than 35 years)
- Fibro-adenoma (commonly seen in adolescence)
- Abscess (usually the patient have a history of mastitis)
In this particular case, the patient is presenting with some anxiety related to the finding of the lump. Therefore, it is essential that the patient receives reassurance that not all breast lump is due to cancer and that fibrocystic symptoms are seen frequently in women age 30-50 years (Dains et al., 2016). However, it is essential that further testing is done to rule out any malignancies. Initially, the patient should have a diagnostic mammogram and come back to the clinic as soon as possible to evaluate the results and the need for further evaluation and treatment.
Dains, J. O., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2016). Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in primary care (5th ed.). St. louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. tsite=enterprise&gclid=Cj0KCQjw37fZBRD3ARIsAJihSr2S6v4LuJkhm6rOqaQZiXyxBEeTqaXAelSDKHMDQ6m5fHsLht-d00EaApMPEALw_wcB
Klein, S. (2005, May 1). Evaluation of palpable breast masses. Retrieved from
Laronga, C. (2017). Breast cancer guide to diagnosis and treatment (Beyond the Basics). UpToDate. Retrieved from…
Final Draft Essay Writing Assignment Help
Final draft:
- Length: 4 full pages, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, 12-point font.
- Your final draft must have a Works Cited page that uses MLA style. This page does not count toward the 4-page requirement.
Texts to use in this essay (Choose any two):
- Sean Blanda, “The ‘Other Side’ Is Not Dumb” (212-217)
- Robert Leonard, “Why Rural America Voted for Trump” (279-284)
- Danah Boyd, “Why America is Self-Segregating” (219-228)
- Gabriela Moro, “Minority Student Clubs: Segregation or Integration (269-277)
- Michele Alexander, “The New Jim Crow” (230-249)
- J.D. Vance, “Hillbilly Elegy” (251-267)
Topic for writing:
Feel free to use ideas generated on the Discussion Board to help frame your analysis.
Essay Requirements:
In your first timed and process essays, you had the opportunity to analyze the way two authors made their arguments persuasive (or not) to you. For your second out-of-class essay, I’d like you to use a more sophisticated strategy for bringing two readings together.
For this assignment, I’d like you to make an argument about how reading one essay affects your reading of another essay. Instead of asking yourself which essay is more persuasive, you should ask yourself: How can one essay help me better understand another essay? Or, what does one essay reveal about another essay?
You should make an argument about the specific way that text #1 shapes your reading of text #2. For example:
Does text #1 give you reasons to see that the argument in text #2 is valid?
Does text #1 give you reasons to question the argument made in text #2?
Does text #1 help you to better understand the argument made in text #2?
Criteria for a successful essay include:
- A title that captures the essence of your essay
- Well-developed introduction
- Clear thesis statement in the introduction. The thesis should state who has the more persuasive argument.
- Well-developed support for your argument (weave in quotes and analyze them)
- Logical organization with topic sentences and transitions
- Conclusion that adds a final thought
- Few sentence-level errors (grammar, spelling)
- MLA citation
I upload my first draft essay, you can edit it and add two more pages to that.