Arizona State University a Perfect Marriage from Jean Saunders Book Review Humanities Assignment Help. Arizona State University a Perfect Marriage from Jean Saunders Book Review Humanities Assignment Help.
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Module 0: Final Paper Description
It might be good to start thinking of the book you are going to read for your final paper. Please read the final paper description below to help you start thinking of your choice.
This paper is due during the final unit and is a 5 page double spaced paper worth 110 points and is due Friday, August 7th by 11:55 PM AZ time.
For your book review paper you are to choose an advice book. This advice book should be about dating, relationships, marriage, sex, etc. The first two pages should give an overview of your book, main points/topics discussed, etc. The last half of your paper should focus on addressing stereotypes associated with men and/or women, assumptions made about men and/or women and relationships; gender role expectations and/or sexual scripts.
For example: What assumptions about sexuality are made? Are there gendered expectations? What is the author assuming about its audience and their sexual orientation? Please incorporate at least one scholarly article to help support your argument.
Here are some examples of book chosen by students in the past. Please note: these are just examples – you do not have to pick one of these books.
- He’s Just Not That Into You
- Be Honest, You’re Just Not That Into Him Either
- The Rules
- The Hook Up Handbook
- The Bitch in the Bedroom
- Dating for Dummies
- Dyke Drama
- It’s Called a Breakup Because It Is Broken
- The Perfect Marriage for Dummies
A Perfect Marriage – Jean Saunders is the book I chose I am trying to attach the ebook and it won’t allow me to. If the tutor can purchase the ebook I am more then happy to reimburse them. It cost $4.74 on google books
Arizona State University a Perfect Marriage from Jean Saunders Book Review Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Volunteer Plan in The Computer Science Profession Paper Writing Assignment Help
To use your gifts to give back and promote social good. In light of the Covid-19 situations, social distancing is strictly enforced.
Assignment (2 Parts)
Part of being in a profession is giving back. Find a way to give back to the profession in some way by volunteering in a technical capacity.
- 8 hours of actual work (not including time for planning, documenting, etc.) will be sufficient.
- 5W2H:
Ø What needs to
be done?
Ø Why it should
be done?
Ø When to do and
when will be done?
Ø Where should it
take place?
Ø Who will do and
who are the customers?
Ø How to do it?
Ø How much/many?
How much time/budget is required to do it, and how many (to what extent in
quantity)? Deliverables 1) Draft plan with 5W2H
stated - 2) Report
- Once you have done the volunteer work, you need to document what you did, when you did it, the impact to the profession, how many people participated, etc. You must also include contact info (e.g., names, telephone numbers, email address, etc.) for the person/group you helped so the grader can verify.
Grantham University Project Management Organization & Evaluation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Project Management Organization Framework
Project Selection Techniques
For a hypothetical organization, propose project X to be undertaken first, along with a detailed justification of why you recommend choosing this project. The proposal should include methodical reason of its relationship between other ongoing projects and aligned to the organization’s strategic objectives.
Write a 700-word critical assessment quoting 3 scholarly references, including at least two peer-reviewed references from university library. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
Exemplary 18-20 points |
Proficient 16-17 points |
Developing 14-15 points |
Beginning 12-13 points |
Inadequate 0-11 points |
Comprehension of Assignment (20% of grade) |
Addressed the question completely and thoroughly. Provided additional supporting evidence, demonstrating a full comprehension of subject matter. |
Addressed the question(s) completely and thoroughly. |
Addressed the majority of the question(s). |
Addressed minimal portions of the question(s). |
Did not address the question(s). |
Application of Course Knowledge and Content (20% of grade) |
Thorough technical application of course knowledge and content in a complete and concise manner. |
Technical application of course knowledge and content is mostly accurate, concise and complete. |
Technical application of course knowledge and content is partially accurate, concise and complete. |
Technical application of course knowledge and content is minimally accurate, concise and complete. |
Technical application of course knowledge and content is inaccurate and incomplete. |
Organization of Ideas (20% of grade) |
Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order throughout the entire assignment. Includes adequate and appropriate supporting evidence. |
Original ideas are effectively developed and presented in a logical, sequential order within a majority of the assignment. Includes acceptable supporting evidence |
Original ideas are partially developed and presented in a somewhat logical, sequential order. Inadequate supporting evidence. |
Original ideas are not present and/or not presented in a logical, sequential order. Organization is difficult to follow throughout the assignment. Lacks supporting evidence. |
Little to no original ideas or organization present throughout the entire assignment. Lacks supporting evidence. |
Writing Skills (20% of grade) |
Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are flawless, including proficient demonstration of citations and formatting throughout the entire assignment. |
Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are accurate including demonstration of citations and formatting within a majority of the assignment. |
Partial errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) including demonstration of citations and formatting within minimal portions of the assignment. |
Multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), inaccurate demonstration of citations and formatting. |
Assignment is incomprehensible due to multiple errors with mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation). No demonstration of citations or formatting present. |
Research Skills (20% of grade) |
Accurate and applicable use of resources relevant to the subject matter that enhance the overall assignment. |
Appropriate use of resources relevant to the subject matter. |
Adequate use of resources, not all resources relevant to the subject matter. |
Minimal use of resources relevant to the subject matter. |
No evidence of resources apparent. |
The Gospel of Luke Response to Justice Wealth and Family Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
- READ: Gospel of Luke in The Oxford Study Bible: Revised English Bible with the Apocrypha
- Discussion 900-1000 Word response, please avoid using preachy or biased opinions
- The prompt for the post is of your choosing
- Posts must incorporate direct quotes from the reading with in text citations and work cited
- For example, take something fresh you have realized or learned from our reading, class discussions, and article presentations and apply that new knowledge with examples from the reading
- This is NOT a research paper. No other sources other than the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Qur’an need to be quoted.
- Posts do not have to be a formal short essay; however, they must use some logical organization with language usage appropriate to college level (no first person); this is not a journal post
- 2-3 paragraph posts are NOT research papers. They are close readings of our texts.
- MLA Format
- Attached notes might be helpful
San Diego State University Clients Taxation Income & Treatment Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help
Assume you own and operate your own tax accounting business. Listed below are several tax issues that you need to research for current tax clients. Select one tax issue and then write a memo for your tax files that explains the facts, analysis, and conclusions based on your tax research on CCH Tax Research Network / Intelliconnect. You need to rely on (and cite) at least one primary source of law (e.g., Internal Revenue Code or Treasury Regulation).
1)Your client, Jane Smith, traveled to Las Vegas for a fun weekend with her friends from college. The first night she did well at the black jack table and won $2,000. Unfortunately, her luck turned and she lost $500 the second night and another $1,000 the third night of the trip. Your client has otherwise never gambled in her life, and thus has requested your help in the proper treatment of these gambling winnings and losses. What is the proper tax treatment? Are these winnings and losses included in taxable income?
2)Your client, Ricky Smith, works full-time as a computer programmer. In his spare time, Ricky makes custom wood cabinets and bookcases. Ricky started this hobby years ago when he and his wife had little furniture and storage in their home. Ricky’s skills and artistry improved through the years, and he now occasionally builds and sells pieces for family and friends. In fact, he now earns more revenue from his woodworking than his costs (e.g., costs of materials and supplies). He has come to you, his accountant, to find out whether the revenues from his hobby need to be reported on his Federal tax return. What is the proper tax treatment? Are the revenues and costs included in taxable income?
3)Your client, Pierre Latrell, recently received a tax penalty for failing to file his tax return. He was very upset to receive the penalty. However, he paid it and tells you that he is happy he will get a tax deduction for paying the penalty. Is this true? Can the penalty be deducted?
4)Your clients, Gary and Judy Olson, have 3 children. Their eldest child is currently enrolled in their first year of college. Their second child intends to enroll next year, and their youngest child expects to enroll at a university two years after. Gary and Judy are concerned about the rising costs of college tuition and the possibility of having 3 children enrolled in college at the same time. They are aware of the American Opportunity Credit (AOC) that helps taxpayers pay for the costs of higher education. Will Gary and Judy be able to claim the AOC? What requirements must be met?
MEMO #: ____
NAME: ________________________
FACTS: Briefly describe the facts behind the tax issue.
ISSUE: What is the tax issue you are trying to answer?
AUTHORITIES: [List at least one primary source of law on which this memorandum is based, e.g., IRC Sections, Treasury Regulation Sections, Revenue Ruling, etc.]
CONCLUSION: Briefly state your conclusion.
ANALYSIS: The analysis should start with a description of the general area(s) of tax law that applies to the issue (e.g., IRC Section), followed by a discussion of specific authorities (e.g., Regulation Sections, Revenue Ruling, etc.). Next explain how the law applies to the tax issue. Complete your analysis with a brief conclusion.
Writing ‘Basics’ to Keep in Mind:
1.The memo should be one- to two-pages in length.
2.Double-space the text.
3.Indent the paragraphs.
4.Use one-inch margins.
5.Use topic sentences.
6.Paragraphs must have at least three sentences.
7.Keep sentences short. If a sentence goes over two lines, check to see if you can use two sentences in place of one. Resist wordiness.
8.Use the ‘Spelling and Grammar’ tool available on Microsoft Word! Note that a spelling error occurs even if the word is spelled correctly, but the word usage is incorrect (e.g. there instead of their).
9.Do not use contractions.
10.Focus on subject/verb agreement when using terms such as ‘Congress’, ‘Internal Revenue Service’, and ‘Treasury Department’. (These terms are singular, not plural!)
11.Write ‘12 percent’ instead of ‘12%’ or ‘twelve %’.
12.Limit usage of the passive voice.
San Diego State Assistive Technology Recording and Post Lecture Questions Writing Assignment Help
1. During class, we went over many types of assistive technology and barriers to accessing them. As a person with a disability, how would you determine the type of assistive technology you might need? And how would you go about getting access to it?
2.In class, there was a comparison and contrast discussion about Stephen Hawking and Bob McGee. What were the main distinctions that contributed to Stephen Hawking’s life quality and threatened Bob McGee’s life quality?
3.In the lecture, we discussed approaches to determining which assistive technology works best for people. What is the best approach to help someone with a disability find the right technology?
4.Now that you have gotten to know someone with a disability who uses assistive technology, explain how learning about their life has impacted your understanding of the concepts we have been discussing in class.
San Diego State Assistive Technology Recording and Post Lecture Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CRM 220 Saint Leo University Regulations & Policies in Cyber Security Essay Law Assignment Help
The U.S. Department of Justice’s organizational structure changed after 9/11/01. One section that was added is the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. Combatting cybercrime has implications that concern whether law enforcement must disregard some Constitutional rights to protect Americans. Some of these issues concern privacy laws and electronic surveillance.
For this paper, assume you are a policy maker in Washington, D.C. Outline the problem and propose suggestions you recommend to encourage law enforcement and lawmakers to protect Constitutional rights of Americans while continuing to fight cybercrime.
Your paper must be at least 700-800 words in length, excluding the title and reference pages, and must adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) writing format. If your paper does not comply with this format, you will lose points. You may want to visit Purdue OWL for assistance with formatting your paper in APA style.
You must cite at least two scholarly references for your paper. Please be aware that websites such as Wikipedia are not scholarly sources. You are encouraged to access the University’s online library resources to find scholarly journal articles, etc. The ProQuest and EBSCO databases may be helpful, but remember to limit your search to scholarly journal articles. You may also want to view the instructions for locating articles for Saint Leo classes. Please remember to review the information about locating and citing proper sources in your syllabus.
University of Michigan Basis of Grammatical Borrowing Essay Writing Assignment Help
Borrowing and Sociohistorical context
TASK: In 250-300 well-written words, give a reasoned explanation of how and why English borrowed words in the semantic domains of diplomacy, politics, and government from the French language. (To help you think about this, some words borrowed from Medieval French into English include accord, treaty, alliance, plebiscite, regime, sovereignty, state, administration, constitution, jurisdiction.) To answer this question you should:
- Briefly describe the French-English history around 1066 (You can find information on this in Chapter 2 of your textbook, and in many other sources. Be sure to cite your sources—even if you just use the textbook.)
- Analyze and describe what borrowings in these semantic domains (diplomacy, politics, and government) suggest about the power relations between the Medieval French and the Medieval English populations.
To see the purpose and skills this assignment is designed to address, check attached file
Criteria for success: See the grading rubric below.
If you want to see annotated examples of good and poor essays for a different prompt than what you are given here,, One example essay attached.
Rubric for Wrtten Assignment 1B
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting |
4.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDetails & ReasoningDetail on French-English historical situation. Reasoning sound, connections and motivations well explained |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength250-300 words |
1.0 pts |
Total Points: 10.0 |
Grantham University The Origin of Economics & Federal Reserve System Essay Writing Assignment Help
Each question should be 75-150 words in length.
1. The origin of economics as a science dates back to the publication of An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith in 1776. Smith believed a market economy would generally bring individual self-interest and the public interest into harmony.
Based upon those notions of self-interest and public interest and the bringing of both into harmony, according to Adam Smith, how would a market economy accomplish that harmony about which he describes? What is government’s place in that market economy?
Think about society’s need to choose amongst competing resources and goals. How does personal gain affect choices by individuals and government? Opportunity costs. While we want to do one thing, we can’t do others based upon scarcity and opportunity costs. Resources are finite. What about incentives as opposed to free offerings? What about trade?
2. Markets seek equilibrium, and the demand for goods and services will come to an equilibrium with supply of goods and services. When markets are not in equilibrium, surpluses and shortages, as well as underground markets, can exist. Sometimes, the government may want to intervene in markets to try to help reduce economic hardships.
What is the difference between a price floor and price ceiling? According to the laws of demand and supply and how market equilibrium, efficiency, and equity are reached, do attempts to repeal those laws and market results with price floors and price ceilings justify legislative bodies to implement price controls?
3. Politicians have a strong incentive to follow a strategy that will enhance their chances of getting elected and re-elected. Political competition more or less forces them to focus on how their actions influence their support among voters and political contributors.
Are voters likely to be well informed on issues and the positions of candidates? Why or why not?
4. Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the market value of final goods and services produced within the borders of a country during a specific time period, usually a year.
What is the GDP deflator? How does the GDP deflator relate to real GDP?
5. It is important to distinguish between changes that are anticipated and unanticipated because the impact on the economy will differ between the two. The economy is in long-run equilibrium when the short-run aggregate supply curve, aggregate demand curve, and long-run aggregate supply curve are in equilibrium.
What are the major factors causing a shift in aggregate demand (inward or outward)? What are the major factors that will affect short-run aggregate supply? Long-run aggregate supply?
6. When the economy is in a recessionary mode, aggregate demand shifting inward is often the culprit. Deflationary pressures on prices ensue, and output falls, causing problems like higher unemployment and contraction of the economy.
When the economy is in a recessionary mode, what will likely be the actions by government using fiscal policy? Is it better to concentrate on aggregate demand or aggregate supply? Why?
7. The Federal Reserve System was established to provide a stable monetary system for the entire economy. The Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) has three major tools to control the money supply: 1) reserve requirements, 2) discount window for loans to member banks, and 3) open market operations.
When the economy is in a recessionary mode, what will likely be the actions by the Federal Reserve using monetary policy? Suppose the Federal Reserve purchases a $100,000 bond from John Doe, who deposits the proceeds in the Manufacturer’s National Bank; what will be the impact of this transaction on the supply of money?
How do each of the Fed’s tools work? What is the fractional reserve system, and how does it work in relation to the Fed?
8. Imports increase the domestic supply and lead to lower prices for consumers. Exports reduce the domestic supply and push price upward. The net effect of international trade is an expansion in total output and higher income levels for both trading partners (law of comparative advantages).
“The United States is suffering from an excess of imports. Cheap foreign products are driving American firms out of business and leaving the U.S. economy in shambles.” Evaluate this view.
George Mason University Home Security Cams Hacked in Singapore Essay Writing Assignment Help
For this reflection assignment, you will use Graham Cluley’s website, (Links to an external site.). (Graham was the winner of The Legends of Cybersecurity -Grand Prix for best overall security blog at EU Security Blogger Awards). Select two articles from his website, one that details an information security concern and one that explains a new cybersecurity skill or knowledge. Summarize each article and include why you were interested in the articles, what you learned from them, and explain how you as a cybersecurity professional would use this information.
Your essay should be typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″), with 1″ margins on all sides. Font should be 12-point Times New Roman. In-text citations and bibliography follow the APA 7.0 style. Two-page (minimal) does not include the bibliography.