Arizona State University Ethical Issue of Vulnerable Population Article Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Arizona State University Ethical Issue of Vulnerable Population Article Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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This is the assignment:
Research an article, news story, or local issue (must be an issue focusing on a vulnerable population and located specifically in the Southwest) that relates to an ethical issue reflected in one of the chapters covered so far in this course.
Using concepts from the course, in 2 – 3 pages (double spaced, 1—inch margins, 12 point font), describe the ethical issue using 2 different perspectives or theories. Review the ETHIC Decision Making Model to help develop your format in describing the dilemma. Support your ideas with concepts from the reading and demonstrate critical thinking. Cite the article used.
I will provide book materials needed and Ethic Decision Making Model if needed. I would like to have it done around 11 tonight at the latest.
Thank You!
Arizona State University Ethical Issue of Vulnerable Population Article Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ch 2 Invitation to Law & Society Questions Humanities Assignment Help
- Durkheim. What kinds of law are linked with mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity? How do these two types of law differ from one another? Durkheim said that all societies are moral societies in that all societies are capable of moral outrage. What are the two examples given by Calavita in the book?
- What is Foucalut’s panopticism? How is the panopticon used as a metaphor for modern society?
Please be thorough with your responses. The questions are deceptively short. This is an upper division course and your responses should reflect the additional thought and consideration you’ve mastered as a seasoned student. Be wary of single-sentence responses. Engaging with more well-thought elaborations will help you earn full credit.
Pls read the book Chapter 2 (page 21 to 40)
Pls write 1 page or 1&half pages
Westchester Community College Abusive relationships Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
TOPIC: abusive relationship
Follow the instructions (step by step).
• Attention getter
• background information that makes the listener understand the importance of the problem
• a statement that gives both the problem and the solution,
• who the solution will workfor
• Describe the problem in more detail
• stating what the problem is
• who does it affect?
• How does it affects them?
• the reasons why it is still a problem.
Solution 1:Describe the proposed solution
• Provide clear description of the solution
o reasons
o evidence or examples to show why the solution will work.
o (use research and data- remember to say where it came from)
Solution 2: Explain why another solution would not work as well
• describe an alternative solution,
• why some people think it will work and
o reasons and examples why this idea will not work
o (use research and data- remember to say where it came from)
• Remind the audience of the importance of the problem
• recommend something for people to do to solve the problem.
FGCU Patient Confidentiality in Washington State Discussion Post Humanities Assignment Help
Below are the instructions needed for the discussion post
Informed Consent
Describe only the limits of confidentiality as required by your state laws (Washington State). How do these compare to the requirements of the APA ethics code? How would you explain these to future clients in words they can understand?
Support your discussion with specifics and at least one scholarly citation.
Must be at least 300 words.
Respond to the below discussion posts. Each response must be 180 word minimum and be supported by one scholarly citation. For the first post please include how the limits of confidentiality are different or the same in your two states. (Washington and Texas)
1. I live in Texas, where I intend to be licensed as a Clinical Psychologist. In the APA Code of Ethics (American Psychological Association, 2017), confidentiality is discussed as a series of general principles that may also be supplemented with state-by-state rules. The most significant of state-specific confidentiality parameters is in regards to Tarisoff; Texas mental healthcare providers do not have a duty to inform/protect their clients’ known and intended victims, and may choose to inform them only if they are medical or law enforcement personnel (Barbee, et al., 2018). The client’s confidentiality is otherwise protected, even when there are individuals known by the mental health professional to be at risk of harm. This does not apply when there is suspected child abuse (Barbee, et al., 2018). In the APA Code of Conduct section 4.05(b), it states that consent of the individual to reveal private information is required “only as mandated by law or where permitted by law… to protect others from harm,” (American Psychological Association, 2013) so it is made clear that although potential danger is a valid reason for breach of confidentiality, the state’s law supersedes. In Texas, this goes so far as to conceal the names and other identifiers of persons mentioned in the notes for one client if they were to breach privacy of another when released to other practitioners (Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, 2020).
Informing clients of their rights to confidentiality entails a layman’s-term explanation of their right to know if they’re being recorded, to have their identity concealed for the purpose of case discussion, to give consent before any other specialists are consulted, and to know that if email or teletherapy services are accessed there is always a minor risk (American Psychological Association, 2013). Ultimately, the client’s privacy is priority. Without confidentiality and assurance that one’s most personal and painful of thoughts are concealed, the practice of psychology would not be as effective. To best serve those in need of mental healthcare, we are able to offer as practitioners the reassurance that even with a subpoena, as much of their disclosed information is protected as possible through negotiation or motion for a protective order (American Psychological Association, 2016). The few limits do not come close to outweighing the dedication to privacy all licensed mental healthcare providers adhere to.
2. I have some experience with different psychotherapies. My background in in biopsychology but I work as a social worker. In my work experience I have worked with families that are involved with the Department of Human Services and have confirmed or founded cases of child abuse. I assist families with different techniques to use to help make the families more successful and better able to cope with the stressers in their lives.
I found the video “Getting it Together?” very informative and full of lots of great information. It is amazing to see how far the field of psychology has come and what advances are being made. The video did a good job with explaining the behavioral approach and the steps that are involved such as modeling the behavior that is wanted and developing manageable tasks for the client to perform. One fact that suprised me was that certian medications can actually assist with regenerating neurons. I also liked how the video stated that “people are not all the same”. I feel this is important to remember with working with people in general. What works for one person may not work at all for the next. It is important to work with an individual to find out how to best assist them so they can have the best results (Beaty, 2006).
I am most drawn to B. F. Skinner’s approach. I think this is because this is the style I am most familiar with. I have used and taught operant conditioning techniques for many years. I have used this with parents and I have also used operant conditioning in residental settings (Capella, 2020).
MN 566 Purdue Global University Diagnostic Reasoning Case Study Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
This case portrays a poor patient outcome after a misdiagnosis.
Case scenario
A previously healthy 35-year-old lawyer presents to a primary care office with a chief complaint of chest pain and a non-productive cough. The pain started suddenly 2 hours prior to coming to the office while the patient was sitting at his desk. The patient describes the pain as sharp in nature, constantly present but made worse with inspiration and movement, and with radiation to the base of the neck. His blood pressure in the right arm and other vital signs are normal.
On physical examination, the only findings of note are chest wall tenderness and a faint cardiac murmur. The ECG in the office is normal. The patient is observed for an hour in the office and assessed. He is diagnosed with viral pleurisy and sent home on non-steroidal analgesics.
The following day the patient collapses at home and cannot be resuscitated by the paramedic service. An autopsy reveals a Type 1 aortic dissection with pericardial tamponade.
Discussion Assignment:
Developing a list of possible conditions that might produce a patient’s symptoms and signs is an important part of clinical reasoning.
- As an NP in primary care, what would you have done differently?
- Discuss the importance of creating a list of differentials for this patient. How could it have changed this outcome?
If a serious diagnosis comes to mind based on a patient’s symptoms:
- Ask yourself: Have you considered the likelihood of a serious diagnosis and whether it needs to be ruled out by testing or referral?
- Because many serious disorders are challenging to diagnose, have you considered ruling out the worst-case scenario?
- Ask yourself: Do you have a sufficient understanding of the clinical presentation to offer an opinion on the diagnosis?
- What other diagnoses could it be? How might the treatment to date have altered the patient’s outcome?
- What other diagnostic and laboratory or imaging was needed in order to make a complete differential list? What support tools would you consider using in helping to create a differential diagnosis list?
- Are you familiar with the current clinical practice guidelines for the investigation of a suspected condition such as chest pain?
- Please support with up-to-date evidence-based standard of care guidelines.
About one page in length.
Purdue University Gender Roles in Global Labor Force Outline Humanities Assignment Help
write a minimum 800 words OUTLINE based on the instructions
Write a 3 page, full-sentence outline that answers the prompt. Include the following information:
- The argument/thesis statement (this is your answer to the prompt – put it in the introduction)
- The paragraph topics
- Connect it to an event/topic from our class’ time period.
- Specific examples from the library sources that will be used in your paper. Include citations for all examples.
- A full citation for each library source
- A full-sentence outline means that each point of your outline is a full sentence that could be included in your final paper.Use an alphanumeric outline format. The alphanumeric format begins with roman numerals for your main points, then use capital letters, then numbers, etc. The below outline is an example. Make sure you write your outline on the historical object you discussed in the proposal.
Purdue University Gender Roles in Global Labor Force Outline Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Walden University Week 3 Childrens Social Work Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Ask a probing question.
Share an insight gained from having read your colleague’s posting.
Offer and support an opinion.
Make a suggestion.
Expand on your colleague’s posting.
Be sure to use references in response
DB 1
Post a brief description of a common child or adolescent fear or phobia other than fear of the dark. Sadly, children and adolescents today are growing up with an additional set of fears or phobias because of the current times we live in. According to Burnham (2009, pg. 1), children fear crime, racial tension, poverty, divorce, pollution, overpopulation, world hunger, guns, shootings, gangs, dying, kidnapping, and behind home alone. This is in addition to the classical fears such as thunderstorms, darkness, death, animals, disease, and ghosts. I have worked with one client specifically who was an 11-year-old male who had a huge fear of the world ending and this was right before COVID-19 entered into our minds and lifestyles. He would want to know exactly what to do for each scenario and how he could help his family survive.
Then, explain at least three contemporary factors (environment, culture, society, family, or media) that may contribute to the development and persistence of the phobia, and explain how. As Burnham (2009, pg.1) explains, global events such as crisis, disease, and disasters have prompted researchers to study contemporary fears of children and adolescents. This can be something like COVID-19 currently and the children having to isolate in their homes with the news on in the background or hearing their families discuss what is currently going on. Television and Media Exposure considering we are mostly staying at home right now, the TV and screentime have been increased in some homes to keep the children busy. This in turn increases their exposure to the news and their visibility to the pandemic. Lastly, societal changes are a cause of contemporary fears of children. This is illustrated in the isolation that children are now having to experience and the changes in the family dynamic such as not seeing their family in person but only through a screen.
Finally, explain one way you might help the parents/guardians support their child or adolescent to overcome the fear or phobia and explain how. Flatt (2008, pg. 1) discusses that children react to fear in three different forms including cognitive, physiological, and overt behavioral responses. It is important to look at how that child we are working with is responding to the fear or phobia so we can tailor our services to meet their individual needs. In the case I mentioned above with my eleven-year-old male client, he had all three responses to fearing the world ending. One thing we did in partnership with the parents was limit the client’s exposure to the news. We didn’t want to shelter the child from what was going on around him as that could create additional fear, but we wanted to assist the family in being able to inform him of what was going on so they could put it in ways he would understand and be there to help with any coping strategies to decrease his heart rate like deep breathing. We also discussed safety planning to help him to recognize that there are steps that the family and he could take to feel safe in their home and the environment we are currently living in. This included what to do in case of fire, emergency contacts, and what to do for earthquakes. The parents created a binder that held all of the documents and worked with the child on building “go packs” that included water, extra clothes, snacks, etc that the entire family would keep in the car and another set that they would have in the designated spot in the home. This helped the client to feel that no matter where he was, he had items that could help him. Over time and through a partnership with his treatment team and parents, the client was able to feel safer in his environment and did not have a fear of the world ending at the same level he was having before the use of the interventions. Every once in a while, the fear will rise again and the parents know the proper grounding techniques, deep breathing, and communication tools to help him feel comfortable and at ease again.
Burnham, J. J. (2009). Contemporary fears of children and adolescents: coping and resiliency in the 21st century. Journal of Counseling and Development, 87(1), 28.
Flatt, N., & King, N. (2008). Building the Case for Brief Psychointerventions in the Treatment of Specific Phobias in Children and Adolescents. BEHAVIOUR CHANGE, 25(4), 191–200.
DB 2
A brief description of a common child or adolescent fear or phobia other than fear of the dark. Then, explain at least three contemporary factors (environment, culture, society, family, or media) that may contribute to the development and persistence of the phobia, and explain how.
I have a cousin, Jenna, that has a four-year-old daughter, Kennedy, that is very afraid of animals. One contemporary factor contributing to her fear is Jenna and her house environment. Jenna has anxiety and has a fear of animals that she expresses when around animals. Due to this fear, the family does not plan trips to places such as the zoo. They do not have family pets or expose anyone in the household to animals. Jenna requests that when visiting others, any animals present in the home are in cages or kennels when visiting. There are visible and invisible signs that Jenna feels anxious around animals, such as her body language facing away from animals, her body becoming tenser, and her tone of voice becomes higher (Liberman, 2016). Another contemporary factor is the family, as the parental style asserts more control over their children. Jenna runs a daycare in her home, where Kennedy attends. There are limited opportunities for Kennedy to be around other adults that provide less guided activities and more open exploration. Kennedy seeks support, comfort, and reassurance continually from her mother in all environments. When Kennedy is even in the same area as an animal, she runs to Jenna and wants to be held (Kane, Braunstein, Oilendick & Muris, 2015). A final contemporary factor is the media portraying girls in movies and television as needing to be saved, displaying more emotions and less aggression. Specifically for Kennedy, she loves watching Disney princess movies. Although the princesses often have pet friends, they are less likely to be the lead in a movie and more likely to seek support and reassurance from other such as male characters or fairy godmothers (Liberman, 2016). Kennedy’s fear impacts her ability to feel safe and comfortable when at others’ homes and in her community. Especially as she attends an in-home daycare, she has minimal exposure to other adult figures and animals. When she leaves the home, she asks if there will be animals at the destination and once there, will not leave Jenna.
Finally, explain one way you might help the parents/guardians support their child or adolescent to overcome the fear or phobia, and explain how. Be specific.
One way I would help Jenna support Kennedy would first be to address Jenna’s anxiety and fear of animals. I would utilize psychoeducation to teach her about her physiological symptoms she experiences when she is around animals. It is apparent to people around her that she is feeling anxious. I would want her to begin to understand her fear and not to fear the symptoms occurring in her body. I am curious about how she feels when she is anxious and if she has an awareness of the signs that she displays. In addition to that awareness, I would provide education about how her anxiety, responses, and lack of exposure for herself impacts Kennedy. Discussing the biological, psychological, and social impacts of the reaction to animals and then additional lack of exposure heightens Kennedy’s response. The more frequent heightened response situations her Kennedy experiences throughout her childhood and adolescent years, the more likely she is to develop anxiety as an adult. If Jenna was open to it, I would discuss potentially seeking cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy for herself and for Kennedy to address this fear of animals (Flatt & King, 2008).
Flatt, N., & King, N. (2008). Building the case for brief psychointerventions in the treatment of specific phobias in children and adolescents. Behaviour Change, 25(4), 191-200.
Kane, E. J., Braunstein, K., Oilendick, T. H., & Muris, P. (2015). Relations of anxiety sensitivity, control beliefs, and maternal-over control to fears in clinic-referred children with specific phobia. Journal of child and family studies, 24(7), 2127-2134.
Liberman, L. C., & Ost, L. G. (2016). The relation between fears and anxiety in children with specific phobia and parental fears and anxiety. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(7), 2127-2134.
The Electoral College Leadership and Christian Perspective Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Instruction: There is only 1 response. Write a 100 word response and must include biblical interpretation.
Response 1:) Deborah
The electoral college was established by the original 13 states to represent objectivity, in the selection for the office of President. Delegates were attempting to possibly model a system used in England to make the election process fair. Representatives from Virginia and New Jersey submitted proposals for the Virginia Plan and an alternative called the New Jersey Plan. The “Connecticut Compromise was the final agreement made on the design of the legislature that included two houses, the lower house elected proportionally and the upper house elected evenly by the states, (Fandl, 2019, P. 38). Based off the Connecticut Compromise, voters choose a candidate, but, the electoral college decide the best candidate. Today, states are given a certain number of electors. Although a candidate may win the popular vote, the electoral college can change the outcome of an election with its votes. Congressional Districts also play a part integral part in the electoral college.
States are divided into congressional districts, which have to be equally apportioned to the population. Census outcomes assist in districting and is meant to be a means for accuracy in calculating the 1% population and possible redistricting. Adjusting congressional districts, when the population changes is called redistricting. According to (Fandl, 2019), states are responsible for drawing redistricting lines. While there are rules for redistricting, the process may lead to gerrymandering. Redistricting which gives the particular party in power an advantage over another is considered gerrymandering. Cracking and packing are forms of gerrymandering that also dilute the voting power of particular groups. The Scripture readings for this unit encourage Christians and others to pray for leaders and not to judge. “And I charged your judges at that time, “Hear the disputes between your people and judge fairly, whether the case is between two Israelites or between an Israelite and a foreigner residing among you. Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of anyone, for judgment belongs to God. Bring me any case too hard for you, and I will hear it,” (Deuteronomy 1:16-17, New International Version). The preceding Scripture sets a firm foundation as it pertains to the electoral college and redistricting. However, politicians more often than not, abuse power instead of doing what is fair. It is important for those Christians in positions of authority to hold firm to God’s work and do what is good and acceptable, and perfect.
Fandl, K. J. (2019). Law and Public Policy. New York, NY: Routledge.
The Holy Bible
Purdue University Journal Writing Methods & Mock Research Instruments Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
continue working on the attached project (add 1200 words more – based on the instructions below)
also, add 8 or 9 more references from the attached bibliography and cite in text
journal 7:Describe your sampling designs, methods and inclusion and exclusion criteria of your mock research project.
journal 8 : What instruments are currently available to measure your variables? What constructs does each instrument measure? Describe reliability and validity of the instrument. How does a researcher obtain these instruments? Is there copyright? What is the cost?
journal 9: List the study procedures of your mock project
journal 10 : What data analysis techniques match your mock research project?
“Research Proposal”
Each journal you complete is a step towards your final proposal. Using these journals, each student will design a research project and write a mock report. The report will include:
- a statement of the problem being investigated, including the research question and hypothesis
- a literature review
- methodology
- implications of results and suggestions for future research questions
Correct APA style must be followed. A minimum of 12 professional references must be used.
Politics and Division TED Talks Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please watch the five TED talks below that center on our political choices and divisions, then post a response to this prompt:
What have you learned about political choices and divisions and why they exist? How can we approach and talk to those who disagree with us politically? Can the deep rift that has grown wider since the 2016 presidential election be healed? If no, why? If so, how can that be accomplished? What does all of this mean for the presidential election next month? What should the person elected to be president in November do to heal our country’s political divide?… (Links to an external site.)… (Links to an external site.)… (Links to an external site.)… (Links to an external site.)…