ART 200 American University of Puerto Rico Media Analysis Presentation Writing Assignment Help. ART 200 American University of Puerto Rico Media Analysis Presentation Writing Assignment Help.
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Activity 3.2: Media Analysis
In the discussion this week, you explored the process of making art in different media. In this activity, you will compare two works of art on the same subject but in a different medium. This will allow you to see the effect a medium can have and why artists may choose to work in a specific medium. You may also find that you have a preference for certain types of art, like pastels or assemblages, for example.
Develop a narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you compare and contrast two works of art in different media on the same subject. Address the following:
- Identify each work: artist, title, date of creation, and medium
- Explain the medium used for each work.
- How are they similar?
- How are they different?
- Which do you find more aesthetically pleasing or which would you prefer in general (if aesthetics is not a driving factor for you)? Explain why.
Include a detailed analysis comparing and contrasting the artworks you selected. While you may and should discuss the elements and principles of art in this assignment, remember that the focus is on the medium. For example, you may note the space in each work, but consider how the medium contributes to the depiction of space.
This assignment will require research for you to understand not only the medium used but also the artist’s intent with the work of art.
You can select from the pairs listed in this activity or select two of your own — two works on the same subject but in a different medium.
# | First Work of Art | Second Work of Art |
1 | Pieta – Michelangelo | Röttgen Pietà |
2 | Depression Bread Line – George Segal | White Angel Breadline, San Francisco – Dorothea Lange |
3 | Christ Healing the Sick at Bethesda – Carl Bloch | Christ Healing the Sick – Rembrandt van Rijn |
4 | David with the Head of Goliath – Caravaggio | David – Bernini |
5 | The Goldfinch – Carel Fabritius | Bird in Space – Constantin Brancusi |
6 | Maecenas Presenting the Liberal Arts to Emperor Augustus – Giovanni Battista Tiepolo | Augustus of Prima Porta |
7 | The Kidnapping of the Sabine Women – Giambologna | Abduction of the Sabine Women – Nicolas Poussin |
8 | Apollo and Daphne – Bernini | Apollo and Daphne – attributed to Piero del Pollaiolo |
9 | The Kiss – Auguste Rodin | Paolo and Francesca da Rimini -Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
10 | The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer – Edgar Degas | Dancer Tilting – Edgar Degas |
11 | Fall and Expulsion from Garden of Eden – Michelangelo | The Expulsion from the Garden of Eden – Masaccio |
12 | The Good Samaritan, after Delacroix – Vincent van Gogh | The Good Samaritan (stained glass, Chartres Cathedral) |
13 | Ceiling mosaic of Arian Baptistry — Baptism of Jesus by Saint John the Baptist | The Baptism of Christ – Verrocchio and Leonardo |
14 | Mr. Colimard, if you don’t immediately stop ogling the dancers…, from ‘Theater sketches,’ published in Le Charivari – Honoré Daumier | In the Loge – Mary Cassatt |
15 | 5875968“>Roll Call in Camp Gleiwitz I – David Friedman’s | The Living Dead at Buchenwald – Margaret Bourke-White |
16 | Kiss of Judas – Giotto | 154717360“>Betrayal of Christ (from S Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna) |
17 | Annunciation with St. Margaret and St. Ansanus – Simone Martini | Miniature of the Annunciation in Book of Hours |
18 | The Last Judgment (tympanum at Notre Dame, Amiens) Full Scene |
Last Judgment – Michelangelo |
19 | White Fence – Paul Strand | Running Fence – Christo and Jeanne-Claude (This is an installation, so compare with the finished installation and not preparatory drawings of the work.) |
20 | Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO – Eero Saarinen | Arch at Goodwood – Andy Goldsworthy |
Integrate at least 2 reliable sources.
- How to integrate: Incorporate quoted or paraphrased ideas from the sources, including both in-text and reference citation (and quotation marks if using quotes).
- Do not use more than 20% quoted material. Most of the content should in your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the material.
- o When using quotes, make sure to elaborate and provide further explanation or analysis of your own.
- How to check reliability: You will need to locate the author and determine if the author is an expert on the topic (will likely have an advanced degree in art history or a related area). If no author is discernible or the author is not reliable, locate a different source. The library is a good place to find reliable sources. You may also find some good resources on museum websites or in Google Books.
Tips for Success
- Prepare your narration beforehand. Reading from a script will help eliminate unnecessary pauses or ums. For help with recording the presentation, review 8741161c” target=”_blank”>PowerPoint Video Recording Tutorial.
- Review your narration. Go through all slides and re-record if narration is cut off or inaudible.
- Notes area is not required but may help in preparing your narration.
- Include arrows or cropped images to point out details that you address that may not be obvious to the viewer.
- Do not overcrowd your slides. Do not place paragraphs of text on the slide. Use narration for full analysis instead.
Writing and Submission Requirements
- Minimum of 5 slides, not including title slide and references slide
- Narration length: 5-10 minutes
- Include a video/audio recording for each slide except the title and references slides.
- Any photo, video, or other image used that is not created by the student must be cited.
- Title slide
- References slide (minimum of 2 reliable resources)
ART 200 American University of Puerto Rico Media Analysis Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HSA 515 Strayer University Health Policy Analysis Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Policy Analysis
Organizational policy alignment and adherence to laws and regulations is critical for overall corporate compliance and to decrease organizational risks (patient falls, medication errors, cyber hacks and PHI data breaches, infection control, et cetera). In this assignment, you will select, evaluate, and update one health care provider’s policy related to a significant regulatory risk to the health care organization.
If you do not work in the industry or do not have access to a health care policy, use the Hahnemann Falls Policy to complete this assignment. Then follow these assignment instructions:
- As you can see, this policy was written in 2012. Now, imagine you are a health care administrator working at the health care organization where this policy originates from. Analyze the policy, taking into consideration the changes in HIPAA and PHI since 2012. Evaluate what information and where that information would need to be updated for a current revision of this document. Locate the areas where you would update or add information to this 2012 version. Propose revisions that are based on current identified standards and/or new guidelines that you have researched in the text or identified in other high-quality sources (that is, journals, government websites, and the like). Analyze the significance of the selected policy updates as it relates to potential litigation. (Why did the policy need updating? What threats do these changes help avoid?) Summarize your perspective on the revisions as well as any additional changes that should be considered. Present your work as an executive summary suitable for distribution to your organization’s board members.
Your paper should be 3–5 pages long and should include a title page and references for a total of 5–7 pages.
Strayer Writing Standards
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
Grading Criteria
The grading criteria for this executive summary is as follows. It must include the elements listed below, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion in the scoring guide to see how your work will be assessed:
- Analyze a problematic or dated health care policy, explaining its primary purpose and effectiveness.
- Determine the issues the selected policy poses as it is written and any related ramifications.
- Research the changes needed to update and align the policy with current standards and guidelines.
- Propose revisions that are based on current identified standards and/or new guidelines.
- Analyze the significance of the selected policy updates as it relates to potential litigation.
- Summarize personal perspective on the revisions as well as any additional changes that should be considered.
- Meet clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.
Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need a reference to help me study.
In your post, consider:
What were the different scores of each country according to the Hofstede dimensions?
For each of the 5 main categories (power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity and long term/short term orientation), discuss how these might impact people at work. Are the countries similar or dissimilar on these measures? Where you note dissimilarities, please discuss what you as a manager might need to do or what approach you may need to take to be more successful if you were to work in your chosen country.
It is anticipated that your initial post will be 500 words in length (one page, single spaced) and reference a minimum of 3 cited sources. In addition to in-text citations, please include your works cited at the end of your post.…
Saudi Electronic University Develop a Motivation Plan Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical case study and need guidance to help me understand better.
Case Study 5–6 Develop a Motivation Plan
Jane Couch is the director of nursing for a 400-bed nonprofit hospital in the Southwest. Susan
Smith joined the hospital as a staff nurse three years ago after relocating from the northeast. She is
30 years old and has been a staff nurse since graduating from a two-year college nursing program 10
years ago. She is married to a lawyer, and they have two children, ages 6 and 8.
The hospital’s inpatient census has been extremely high because of another hospital’s closing. The
tension on the nursing floors has been running pretty high because of time pressures to discharge
patients early, lack of professional staff, and an upcoming accreditation visit from The Joint
Commission. Because of time restraints, Jane was unable to complete the staff’s annual performance
evaluations. However, all nurses received a 5 percent pay increase. With this increase, the hospital
staff is now the highest paid as compared with other hospitals within the region. Jane believes the
higher pay compensates the nursing staff for their increased workload and related stress levels.
Until recently, Jane had been pleased with Susan’s performance. Susan had demonstrated her
willingness to work hard and had made very few, if any, patient-care errors. However, over the past
three months, Jane has noticed that Susan is not performing at her same productivity level and
appears to argue frequently with the treating physicians and other nurses about the patients’
treatment plans. Jane frequently hears Susan complaining that “no one listens to me,” “no one wants
to hear my opinion,” and “they don’t pay me enough to do this job.”
Susan was once a highly motivated, productive member of the nursing staff. Jane understands that
everyone is experiencing more stress than usual because of the increased workload, but what can be
done to motivate Susan to her prior “self”?
Within the principles of the content theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and Alderfer, explain to the
director of nursing why Susan is behaving the way she has over the past three monthsCritical Thinking: Case Study –
Develop a Motivation Plan .
First, read “Case Study “Develop a Motivation Plan” on page 121 in Organizational Behavior in Health Care.
Within the principles of the content theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and Alderfer:
1.Explain why Susan is behaving the way she has been over the past 3 months.
2.Offer three specific recommendations to addres s the problem of Susan’s job performance.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 4-5 pages in length, not including the required cover and reference pages.
- APA writing guidelines.
- Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of three scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journal articles.
- avoid plagiarism
Utica College Communication Patterns in Conversation Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
Communication Patterns
After reviewing the communication presentation, discuss how this knowledge helps us look at others, including our patients, in a different light.
We all have communication patterns; ways we talk with our children, our spouse, co-workers, parents, etc. If you observe a family you are assessing you might hear the same behaviors repeating themselves.
1. Describe conversations you are aware of that have an ongoing pattern (maybe the way you talk to a friend, or a conversation you have heard between co-workers, or conversations you have heard between a nurse and patient). What you are looking for is an ongoing communication pattern. Describe the repetitive pattern you see and give an example of a conversation.
2. What are the patterns you see? What is the dynamic or ongoing behaviors?
3. How can you use this insight to alter how you interact with patients? How does it help you to notice the ways your patient interacts with others?
COM 200 AUPR Week 3 Effects to Innovative Characters and Storylines Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Week 3 Discussion 1
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
- Textbook: Chapter 8
- File (PDF): Presentation (Straubhaar, 10e) – Chapter 8 (attached)
- One scholarly source referenced (at minimum) in the initial post
Innovation in films can come in many forms. From state-of-the-art special effects to innovative characters and storylines, Hollywood continues to break new ground year after year. This discussion asks you to provide your thoughts on innovation in films and to reflect on different eras in your analysis.
Initial Post Instructions
In your opinion, what are some of the most innovative films released over the past 25 years? What older films (over 25 years old) would you consider innovative? Why would you consider these films innovative? Please be specific in your responses.
Secondary Post Instructions
Read and respond to posts made by at least two peers. Respond in one of the following ways:
- Ask a probing question.
- Share an insight from having read your peer’s post.
- Offer and support an opinion.
- Validate an idea with your own experience.
- Make a suggestion.
Writing Requirements
- In addition to one initial post, respond to at least two peers.
- Initial Post Length: minimum of 250 words
- Secondary Post Length: minimum of 200 words per post
- Using APA formatting, cite the scholarly source that was used in the initial post
Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 2, 3
1. Describe how communication has evolved throughout history and how it affects life currently.
2. Explain technology’s role in both forming new media and making current media outlets obsolete.
3. Analyze the role of television and the Internet as a communication medium.
COM 200 AUPR Week 3 Effects to Innovative Characters and Storylines Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CJ 130 Grand Canyon University Correctional Facilities Analysis Paper Law Assignment Help
Why are some correctional facilities prone to more violence or safety issues? As you have read in this unit, one of the answers could be how the facility is operated by top management. Typically, top management sets the tone on how the facility will be operated. Some administrators pay particular attention to detail, while others may not. Top managers need to know how to manage staff to keep morale at a high level for the orderly running of the facility.
You have been assigned to a new position within the Department of Corrections. There is a facility that has been charged in a large number of lawsuits compared to other similar-sized facilities. The inmates have filed lawsuits alleging excessive force by correctional officers, as well as lawsuits alleging that the living conditions are not tolerable and violate their rights. You are also told there is a large union presence at this facility and several staff members have also filed union grievances against the facility, claiming management does not listen to their concerns and are creating an unsafe environment. There have also been several correctional officers and inmates recently injured because of fighting between inmates. The director has come to you and informed you that you are being transferred to this facility to clean things up. The director has given you as much latitude as you need to accomplish this task.
In your initial post:
- Discuss the first objective you wish to accomplish.
- Lay out the steps you will take to accomplish your stated objective.
- Locate two resources within or outside the facility that could positively assist you with your stated objective.
- Predict how the actions you described above will assist your endeavor to get this facility back to an orderly running institution.
Some resources attached
CSIA 350 UMUC Integrating NISTs Cybersecurity Framework With IT Governance Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
You have been assigned to your company’s newly established Risk Management Advisory Services team. This team will provide information, analysis, and recommendations to clients who need assistance with various aspects of IT Risk Management.
Your first task is to prepare a 3 to 4 page research paper which provides an analysis of the IT Governance, IT Management, and Risk Management issues and problems that might be encountered by an e-Commerce company (e.g. Amazon, e-Bay, PayPal, etc.). Your paper should also include information about governance and management frameworks that can be used to address these issues. The specific frameworks that your team leader has asked you to address are:
- ISO/IEC 27000 Family of Standards for Information Security Management Systems
- ISACA’s Control Objectives for Information Technology (COBIT) version 5
- NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework (also referred to as the “Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Security”)
UArizona Global Campus Managerialization of Criminal Justice System in US Essay Law Assignment Help
Write an essay on whether or not the justice system is simply a bureaucratic assembly line that does not promote justice as much as it simply ensures its own survival, with an emphasis on production. What should be the professional goals of the various actors in the system (judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys)?
You are expected to write professionally with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, developing your topic and providing solid examples from our readings, your own research, or your own experiences to back up your statements.
Essays should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Cambria font, with 1-inch margins all around. When citing resources, you must adhere strictly to APA style (all papers must include a title page and reference page, although you will not be required to provide an abstract). The paper must have a minimum of 500 words of meaningful discussion (title page and reference page do not count as part of the word count). The paper must include a minimum of 3 references (outside of the course text), with at least one reference from peer-reviewed academic journals (peer-reviewed references should be highlighted in bold type in the reference list). You must not to write in first person. All papers must be in a .doc, .pdf, or .rtf format.
All assignments must be your own original work and you are not allowed to turn in papers for this course that you have used previously for another course (even if it is from taking this very course during a previous session). All papers will be evaluated for originality by Turnitin.” Should the instructor deem the “Originality Index” score too high (50% or above), the paper may not be accepted
DDHA 8450 Walden University Project Management in Health Services Organization Paper Writing Assignment Help
Consider the following scenario:
You are the health care administrator for a physician practice with five primary care physicians. Your practice has an existing electronic health record (EHR) system, which has been in place for three years. The EHR system has some existing functionalities to support the reporting of quality measures to Medicare to comply with public reporting requirements. However, there are some new requirements that require your practice to upgrade the EHR system’s software. To meet Medicare deadlines, this project will need to be completed within the next 12 months within a budget of $20,000.
For this Assignment, reflect on the scenario presented. Think about what considerations a health care administrator should keep in mind to track the resources needed for this project. Reflect on what types of tools explored this week will best support the health care administrator for the project detailed in the scenario.
The Assignment (3–5 pages, not including the Gantt Chart, Activity Cost Estimates, and Work Breakdown Structure templates):
- Prepare a Gantt chart (including time and activities).
- Prepare a budget (including dollar amounts).
- Explain how you as a current or future health care administrator might use the Gantt chart and budget that you created to assess the project in the scenario presented. Be specific and provide examples.
- Complete the Work Breakdown Structure template. Explain how you would break down the activities and why.
ART 200 American University of Puerto Rico Media Analysis Presentation Writing Assignment Help
ART 200 American University of Puerto Rico Media Analysis Presentation Writing Assignment Help