ART 448 California State Government Funding of Art Containing Sexual Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

ART 448 California State Government Funding of Art Containing Sexual Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. ART 448 California State Government Funding of Art Containing Sexual Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a art discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Please respond to the following prompt in a paragraph or two. Your response must be written in your own words. You are welcome to reply (thoughtfully) to your classmates’ posts.

The so-called culture wars of the 1980s and 90s started when “conservative legislators began a concerted assault on government funding of art containing sexual or otherwise challenging content” (Arnason and Mansfield, 695). Do you believe that there are certain rules of decorum that artists must adhere to? Should politicians be able to determine which artists/artworks merit funding? What constitutes an offensive artwork? Please substantiate your discussion by discussing relevant examples of artworks (they do not need to be from this week’s readings).

ART 448 California State Government Funding of Art Containing Sexual Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ARTH 150 University of California Irvine Nuclear Environment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Please write a script indicating what I will be saying for each slides. I think I can manage the first 11 slides, which I practiced and mastered. Please help me write the script for the rest of the slides. From 12-20. He wants not a short script. He wants me to write down what exactly I will be saying during the presentation for each slides. Hence, it needs to be covering all the info and key words on each slides, and it can not be too long because the time limit. Write it as if you were presenting it.


North Lake College What Aristotle Can Teach Us About Persuasion Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

post that addresses the video / topic above using 2-3 #DiscussionPowerUps (listed below). Then, comment on other student post(s) using 2-3 additional powerups.


  • ? Remember: List or restate something from the content presented; then, add an opinion in your response. Use #remember
  • ? Understand: Ask a question regarding something you are unsure about related to the content presented and provide your best guess at an answer. Use #understand
  • ?️ Apply: Organize the content presented into something new. This could take the form of a table, chart, timeline, diagram, model or other visualization. Use #apply
  • ? Analyze: Examine a quote or an excerpt from the content presented, and then compare it to a different source. Explain why you think they’re related. Use #analyze
  • ⚖️ Evaluate: Critique something from the content presented in a respectful manner. Cite evidence to support your critique in your response. Use #evaluate
  • ? Create: Create something new based on the content presented. You can use text, images, photos, video, screencasts, audio recordings, digital media, or other supplies in your creation. Use #create
  • ? Connect: Connect the content presented to an issue or experience outside of this course. Think either globally or from your own personal experience, and share how you feel it makes a relevant connection. Use #connect

Typically, you’ll need at least 2 or 3 sentences to properly address each of the powerups that you select. Identify your responses by using the appropriate bolded #hashtag that corresponds to the discussion powerups that you’re addressing.


North Lake College How to Magically Connect with Anyone Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

post that addresses the video / topic above using 2-3 #DiscussionPowerUps (listed below). Then, comment on other student post(s) using 2-3 additional powerups.


  • ? Remember: List or restate something from the content presented; then, add an opinion in your response. Use #remember
  • ? Understand: Ask a question regarding something you are unsure about related to the content presented and provide your best guess at an answer. Use #understand
  • ?️ Apply: Organize the content presented into something new. This could take the form of a table, chart, timeline, diagram, model or other visualization. Use #apply
  • ? Analyze: Examine a quote or an excerpt from the content presented, and then compare it to a different source. Explain why you think they’re related. Use #analyze
  • ⚖️ Evaluate: Critique something from the content presented in a respectful manner. Cite evidence to support your critique in your response. Use #evaluate
  • ? Create: Create something new based on the content presented. You can use text, images, photos, video, screencasts, audio recordings, digital media, or other supplies in your creation. Use #create
  • ? Connect: Connect the content presented to an issue or experience outside of this course. Think either globally or from your own personal experience, and share how you feel it makes a relevant connection. Use #connect

Typically, you’ll need at least 2 or 3 sentences to properly address each of the powerups that you select. Identify your responses by using the appropriate bolded #hashtag that corresponds to the discussion powerups that you’re addressing.


GCU Social Determinants of Health & Development of Disease Discussion Writing Assignment Help

What are social determinants of health? Explain how social determinants of health contribute to the development of disease. Describe the fundamental idea that the communicable disease chain model is designed to represent. Give an example of the steps a nurse can take to break the link within the communicable disease chain.

Resources within your text covering international/global health, and the websites in the topic materials, will assist you in answering this discussion question.

All initial responses to the DQ must be a minimum of 250 words including research for additional knowledge and Citations/References in APA format are required.



De Anza College Examine the Power of Influence Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

et’s shine a light on the ideas and concepts that influence our sense of self and our perceptions of others. When we first encounter an individual from a different background, we often bring with us a set of ideas or assumptions that may not be accurate. In the TED Talk linked below, Chimamanda Adichie shares an important insight about the danger of having a single story about anyone. Consider the impact of having such a limited perspective can have on both the one doing the viewing and the one being viewed.

Watch this video:

The Danger of a Single Story (Links to an external site.)…

The Task:

  1. Briefly describe the stories that you grew up with, whether these are from books, TV shows, movies, or another source. (Links to an external site.)
  2. Explain how these stories influenced your perceptions of yourself and of the world. Share if there is a certain area of the world or certain people about whom you only have a single story and how you could work at broadening your understanding.
  3. Your submission should be 150+ words.

De Anza College Examine the Power of Influence Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Bowie State University A League of Their Own Film Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

7-10 pages, includes title and reference page, APA format

Leadership vs Management

Virtual Teams and Leadership Challenges

Racism in Organizations

Strategies of Teamwork

LGBT Organizations

Organizational Violence

Morality and Leadership

Gender Stereotyping

Styles of Leadership

Social and Sexual Behavior at Work

Ways Social Class Shapes Organizational Thoughts, Actions, and Cultures

How People Influence Others at Work

Images and Impressions in the Workplace

Corporate Social Responsibility

Status Quo: How it Affects an Organization

Hierarchies Efficient or Non-Efficient

Individual Organization Behavior

Micro-Organizational Behavior vs Macro-Organizational Behavior

Group Organizational Behavior

Workplace Bullying

If you are interested in another term topic, please discuss with the instructor

ANALYSIS PAPER MOVIE CHOICES, 7-10 pages, includes title and reference page, APA format

(can be viewed on Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc)

Remembering the Titans


Coach Carter

Training Day


Finding Forrester

The Blind Side

Jerry McGuire

The Express

Facing the Giants

Jackie Robinson

Inside Man

The Negotiator

Twelve O’Clock High


Hidden Figures

A League of Their Own

Thurgood Marshall

Black Panther

Miss Evers Boys

The Butler


Citizen Kane

Crimson Tide

Top Gun

If you are interested in another movie topic where leadership can be dissected, please discuss with the instructor

Analysis Paper:

Example of an analysis paper (not inclusive of the requirements for this class):

This paper should be written in APA format, 7-10 pages, includes title and reference page and should include the following information:


Describe what the movie was about (summary)


Discuss and describe your emotions/reactions after reading the movie (this is the only place in the paper in which you can use “I”)


What are the origins of organizational behavior (chapter 1)

What were the emerging issues in the organizational behavior (chapter 1)

What were the ethical issues (chapter 2)

What were the ethical organization issues (chapter 2)

Discuss the Big 5 personality traits (chapter 3)

Were there other personality traits (chapter 3)–explain

What were the emotional roles that contributed to the behavior (chapter 4)

What was the organization’s motivation or an individual’s motivating behavior—view the various theories, more than one may apply (chapter 5)

What were the hierarch of needs (chapter 5)

How does job characteristics theory fit into the movie (chapter 6)

Diagnose the team (chapter 7)

What was the nature of decisions making (chapter 8)

What was the organizational communication style (chapter 9)

What was the nature of the conflict (chapter 10)

What traits of leaderships were exhibited (chapter 11)

What contemporary situational theories were used (chapter 12)

Was there a difference in how the organization treated women in leadership (chapter 12)

What kind of power, influence, and politics existed in the organization (chapter 13)

Were there organizational behavior expectations, explain (chapter 14)

What type of organizational structure (chapter 14)

What were the contemporary issues in the organizational structure (chapter 14)

Were there cultures of conflict present, explain (chapter 15)

Conclusion: should include the following

Detailed discussion of what the organization could/should have done differently

Discuss how management could/should change the organizational behavior

Discuss if/how the psychological contract was violated, provide examples (support your comment with class readings)

All papers must be:

  • written in APA system,
  • must use peer reviewed articles no older than 5 years
  • there should be at least 2-3 references cited in your paper
  • paper must be 7-10 pages of content (includes the title page and reference page)
  • Again—paper must be written in APA style


BC Child Development in Context to Of Adversity Article Critiques Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Conduct 2 article critiques (1 research credit per article) of 2 different empirical papers on a topic of your choice (2 pages per article critique). You have until Tuesday, November 24th at 11:59pm to complete your article critiques. Use Georgia Tech’s online library to find the articles and use the following link as a guide to what is an acceptable journal for a published article for this assignment: This assignment should be written in APA style (

The main points of the paper should include answers to the following questions:

  1. What was the hypothesis of the study?
  2. Identify the IVs, DVs, extraneous variables, and confounding variables.
  3. What were the study results?
  4. What are the general conclusions?

Child Development in the Context of Adversity (ARTICLE 1)

Neighborhood disorder, psychological distress, and heavy drinking (ARTICLE 2)


De Anza College Cultural Organization of Human Groups Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Cultural anthropologists specialize in the study of culture, including the beliefs and practices, and the cognitive and social organization of human groups. Researchers study how people sharing a common cultural system, organize and shape the physical and social world around them – and are in turn – shaped by those ideas, behaviors, and physical environments. This practice involves making observations, forming conclusions, and (especially in the past) collecting objects as examples of material culture. Much of this artifactual bounty has been preserved in museum and university collections and we’re going to explore anthropology by looking at some of these collections!

Visit ONE (1) of the following anthropology museums and complete the task below:

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Cambridge (Links to an external site.)

National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City (Links to an external site.)

Museum of Peoples and Cultures at Brigham Young University (Links to an external site.)

The Task:

  1. Identify an object related to this week’s topic – include the URL. 
  2. Provide an image and a brief description of the artifact you selected. Identify the purpose and origin of the artifact – explain what it is and where it comes from. Your post should be a minimum of 250+ words. 


University of Akron New Advertising and Promotional Campaign Creative Brief Business Finance Assignment Help

1. Visit the following Web site, view some of the television spots that interest you, and select one ad and product to use in the following assignment. The Link to the Super Bowl Ad Website is shown below this document.

2. Walk this product and the ad you have selected through the CREATIVE BRIEF process described in our text book in Chapter 8.

3. Using the Creative Brief you have just developed from number 2, describe or create one ad (print, radio, television) that shows the NEW creative direction proposed that would move this client and product beyond the Super Bowl ad.

4. Submit one Creative Brief and ad to the instructor of this course via the Drop Box. Also, attach any ads created or ad descriptions.…





ART 448 California State Government Funding of Art Containing Sexual Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

ART 448 California State Government Funding of Art Containing Sexual Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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