Article Analysis Presentation Humanities Assignment Help. Article Analysis Presentation Humanities Assignment Help.
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Arredondo, P., & Toporek, R. (2004). Multicultural counseling competencies = ethical practice. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 26(1), 44-55.
Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (remember reference and title slides do not count in the total) to brief the class on your selected article. Include the following:
- A properly formatted title slide
- An agenda for your presentation
- An outline of the purpose or focus of the article
- An evaluation of the ethical issues presented in the article
- An explanation of the conclusions drawn by the article and implications for the clinical practice of psychology
- An analysis of the implications of the ethical issues presented in the article to the practice of psychology
- A properly formatted reference slide
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Proofread for spelling, grammar, sentence structure and punctuation. Review your paragraph structure and do not include long quotes (over one sentence). You are to be analyzing the article, not restating the article. Use Power Point Tips (below) for the best grade. Remember to have slides formatted rather than having white slides that you simply insert text boxes onto.
Article Analysis Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Assignment and Discussion forum. Writing Assignment Help
Task 1:
Discussion forum:
Chapter 3 presented the approach Mars, Incorporated used to implement ERM, and chapter 5 presented the University of California Health System’s ERM development. In what ways are the two organization’s approaches to ERM similar? How do they differ? Choose one aspect of each ERM implementation from which the other organization would benefit and explain why.
To complete this assignment, you must do the following:
A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, describe in what ways the two organization’s approaches to ERM are similar. Also, explain how they differ. Choose one aspect of each ERM implementation from which the other organization would benefit and explain why.
B) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads, evaluating the pros and cons of that student’s recommendations. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.
ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)
NOTE: These discussions should be informal discussions, NOT research papers. If you MUST directly quote a resource, then cite it properly. However, I would much rather simply read your words.
Task 2:
Assignment :
- At the end of Chapter 4, there are 8 questions. Answer each question in a Word document and submit for grading.**Keep in mind that SafeAssign will be turned on so do your own work!!!
- By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
Please refer below text book:…
please attached refed text book
1. Discussion forum in 500 words.
2. Assignment in 50 words.
Vulnerability Analysis Science Assignment Help
Students are required to submit one screen shot from the each lab exercise. This will demonstrate that
the student has actually performed the lab work and hasn’t just clicked Done until the lab completes.
The screenshot should include output from the tool that is used in the exercise. The Student will need
to do this for each lab exercise and then submit the screen shots in a Word document to the lab
assignment folder for that week. For example, in week 1 students are required to complete modules 02,
03 and 04. If module 02 contains 5 exercises, module 03 contains 11 exercises and 04 contains 11
exercise the Word document should contain screenshot each exercise for total a of 27 screen shots, one
for each exercise.
This is an example for iLab Module 02 only. Students also will be required to submit screen shots
Module 03 and Module 04 incorporate then into the document.
Does Social Media Change our behavior? Writing Assignment Help
- Abstract (10 points) written last – summary of your project ~250 words.
- Background research
- State problem trying to explain ( 5 points)
- Site research (3 minimum) that supports problem (5 points each)
- Site research on Variables – (5 points)
- Final paragraph – state your hypothesis and measures in experiment (5 points)
- Methods (10 points)
- Detailed description of your measures
- Detailed description of how you collected your measures
- Results (20 points)
- Description of Data collected
- Analysis of primary hypothesis
- Any other interesting findings
- Summary of results
- Discussion (30 points)
- What do results have to do with background?
- Do you support hypothesis or reject hypothesis?
- Why?
- What could you do to change experiment?
- References (5 points)
- List of citations
- APA format please!
assignment Writing Assignment Help
This assignment will introduce the student to data analysis using SAS® Visual Analytics. The SAS® Visual Analytics environment includes many resources that will help the student understand data analysis methodologies. SAS® Visual Analytics is the leading data analysis software used by businesses today, and skills learned here will be used in later course assignments.Resources: SAS® Visual Analytics softwareReview the instructions and examples provided for accessing the SAS® Visual Analytics software and uploading your data. Upload your data from the Week 2 assignment and save it in the system. Perform a basic analysis in SAS® Visual Analytics using the PROC MEANS command appropriate for your data set. Verify from the results if the data is loaded correctly and the data is usable, and create a simple summary report. Create a basic graph or bar chart (i.e. PROC can create a table, basic statistical analysis, and also a graphic representation) using SAS® Visual Analytics to display the results of your analysis. Describe your analysis and the process of loading and executing the commands in the SAS® Visual Analytics environment in a maximum of 700 words. Include a screenshot of the results of your PROC MEANS analysis.Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.Submit your assignment.
- Center for Writing Excellence
- Reference and Citation Generator
- Grammar and Writing Guides
- Learning Team Toolkit
Copyright 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
Scanning Networks Science Assignment Help
Students are required to submit one screen shot from the each lab exercise. This will demonstrate that
the student has actually performed the lab work and hasn’t just clicked Done until the lab completes.
The screenshot should include output from the tool that is used in the exercise. The Student will need
to do this for each lab exercise and then submit the screen shots in a Word document to the lab
assignment folder for that week. For example, in week 1 students are required to complete modules 02,
03 and 04. If module 02 contains 5 exercises, module 03 contains 11 exercises and 04 contains 11
exercise the Word document should contain screenshot each exercise for total a of 27 screen shots, one
for each exercise.
This is an example for iLab Module 02 only. Students also will be required to submit screen shots
Module 03 and Module 04 incorporate then into the document.
Scanning Networks Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
assignment about islam Writing Assignment Help
- Explain one of the Five Pillars in Islam and one of the social teachings of Islam that you find most interesting. Be sure to explain how they might relate back to the foundational theological concepts of Islam.
- Compare either the pillar or social teaching you discussed with a similar practice or position from any of the other religious traditions we have studied so far (e.g., you could use a practice from Hinduism or a social teaching from Christianity, etc.). How are they similar and/or how are they different?
- How do you think the underlying theology or understanding of reality in the different religious traditions impact the practices and social teachings that they promote?
- Draw on the text, videos, and other Unit 1-8 materials to help support your comparison. I will be looking for textual support!
Activities file Humanities Assignment Help
For this assignment you will create a activity file
You should submit an activities file that provides a profile of a variety of different recreation activities in each
lesson. The profile of each activity should ideally be kept on standard card file cards (126 x 76 mm) for ease of
handling; or if you prefer, as a print out from a computer file.
Each card should outline an activity containing the following information:
Name of the activity.
Equipment/facilities needed to conduct the activity.
Age/sex – If the activity is more suited to a particular type of person state it – otherwise describe
it as suitable for “all ages”.
Space needed in terms of area, under cover or outside.
Outline of how the activity is conducted.
Any other comments regarding the activity.
Each group of cards submitted should include a variety of activities as follows:
1 sport or fitness type activity
1 craft activity
1 game
1 nature/environmental activity
This is a minimum requirement. An example of the information you might place on each card would be as follows:
An example of the information you might place on each card would be as follows:
Ages: children (not toddlers) and teenagers (perhaps adults)
Space: sufficient to form a circle – If outdoors, face away from wind.
Description: participants form a circle each has a hat on their head and their right hand on
their neighbour’s hat. When the leader calls ‘shift left’ they put their hats on the person to
their left. When the leader calls ‘shift right’ they put their hat on the person to the right. If a
person is caught without a hat on their head they can be eliminated from the game.
Reference: “Playtime A World Recreation Handbook” by S. Jernigan and Co. Vendien
McGraw Hill 1972
Environmental Science 5 Pages Global Warming Articles Writing Assignment Help
Articles on Global warming (pick one)
Articles on Impacts (pick one)
- 5 Crops and Climate Change
- Sea Level Rise in LA
- Climate Change Nightmares are Already Here
- NPR: 5 crops will be lost to climate change
Cap and Trade v Carbon Tax (pick five)
- The Problem with Putting price on the End of the World
- Greenhouse Gas Tax vs Cap and Trade
- Cap and Trade Explained
- Is California a Leader or a Loaner on Cap and Trade?
- California Cap and Trade Faces Daunting Hurdles
- Carbon Tax? Yes!
- Enviro Justice Matters in Cap and Trade
- Memo Explains difference between Carbon Tax and Cap and Trade
- Gov Brown’s extension of cap n trade faces opposition from the enviros.
- Exxon and all agree re carbon tax!
- HuffPo on Jerry Brown and CA cap ‘n trade
- July 27 Cenk Uygur and Al Gore talk carbon tax and cap ‘n trade (mp4)
Assignment: Introduction to Quantitative Analysis: Visually Displaying Data Results Humanities Assignment Help
In this week’s Discussion, you determined the benefits of visually displaying your data. You also learned that different types of data require different visual displays to adequately “tell the story” of the phenomena. Although the Discussion was difficult, what is even more difficult and challenging will be deciding on how best to display the data for presentation purposes. As you move further along in your dissertation or doctoral study, you will find that displaying data will be critical component in presenting a robust and clear capstone project.
For this Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Assignment, you will explore how to visually display data for optimal use.
To prepare for this Assignment:
- Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider visual displays of data.
- For additional support, review the Skill Builder: Unit of Analysis and the Skill Builder: Levels of Measurement, which you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
- Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in this week’s Learning Resources.
- From the dataset you chose, choose one categorical and one continuous variable and perform the appropriate visual display for each variable.
- Once you visually display each variable, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.
For this Assignment:
Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document.
Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be.
Use appropriate APA format. Refer to the APA manual for appropriate citation