As per writer Other Assignment Help. As per writer Other Assignment Help.
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Compensation and Reimbursement Plans
One way in which an MCO can control cost, quality, and access is
through various structured compensation and reimbursement plans. The two
most common examples are fee for service and capitation. Moreover,
there are different types of reimbursement systems for inpatient and
outpatient services. Answer the following questions in regard to the
above information:
- Examine the three types of inpatient or outpatient reimbursement systems?
- Evaluate the key advantages and disadvantages of each system from the point of view of a managed care plan and the hospital?
- What is the difference between capitation and FFS? Evaluate the type
of market appropriate for each reimbursement method. Support your
answer by providing an example of an MCO using either of these methods. - What do you understand by the term “UCR”? With what form of
reimbursement is this term associated? Search current information from
the Internet and evaluate the use of UCR in the managed care industry.
Reimbursement procedures are complex and detailed, especially those
associated with government programs such as Medicare. Part of the
regulatory requirements of Medicare is to prevent illegal billing
practices such as churning, upcoding, and unbundling. You can search
these topics by clicking here.
You can also search for federal regulations for reimbursement
procedures and fraud and compliance guidelines and education materials.
Based on your research, respond to the following questions:
- Review the latest enforcement actions on this website. Identify a
case where at least one of the following illegal actions was
used—churning, upcoding, and unbundling. - What are some of the specific examples of actions taken against providers engaged in these practices?
After answering the above questions, read the following information:
P4P is a type of compensation method for providers based on
evidence-based practices that promote better quality outcomes. Find at
least two online sources of information, such as professional
associations and government resources, from the South University Online
library or the Internet on P4P compensation programs: one in favor of
and one against this type of compensation program for providers.
Now, using the readings this week and the information gathered from the above sources:
- Explain, in your own words, the negative consequences of P4P program.
- Describe the market forces making this type of compensation program popular.
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
As per writer Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
paper needs annotated bibliography Writing Assignment Help
need it fixed to the following comments:
This is a good research paper and generally includes all of the elements normally found in a paper of this sort. You have the requisite number and type of references, and they are properly formatted according to APA format requirements. You also have at least one good illustration that helps the reader understand important concepts in your argument. Your abstract fulfills standard format requirements, though it could have been clearer about outline the basic problem at the heart of your research.
The draft is missing the Annotated Bibliography at the end and it is short of the assignment word count requirement of 2000 words. As a result, I am unable to give you full credit for the assignment.
Thank you for your work on this project.
write an essay on question: what can happen when an interdependent culture meets an independent one in a composition classroom? Writing Assignment Help
Read book “TIGER WRITING” by Gish Jen. In the third chapter,which is the last of the three lectures Jen gave to the Harvard University students, she discusses what can happen when an interdependent culture meets an independent one in an engineering classroom? in your essay, with little twist i want you to write on question : what can happen when an interdependent culture meets an independent one in a composition classroom?To put it in another way, how has Jen’s book affected what you understand of yourself and your writing? Meanwhile, do realize that this assignment offers you an opportunity to write an essay that can function as your statement of writing,while it responds to my question.
Essay should be in Times new roman font and be at least 1200 words,double-spaced and in 12 pt.It should use at least two database sources. Its title needs to be effective and its works cited page, meticulously done. Please use MLA system of documentation to record materials from textbook.
Management and implementation of investment portfolio Business Finance Assignment Help
James O’Hara, an ABC client, is a single, 37-year-old, self-employed plastic surgeon who currently owns a condominium in Tiburon, CA, worth $1.4 million. James is doing quite well financially. His gross income from his practice last year exceeded $350,000. Upon graduation from medical school, he began investing in stocks and opened an IRA. He made his selections mostly on the basis of articles he read describing good investment opportunities in various personal finance magazines. Because of his hectic schedule, Dr. O’Hara has seldom taken the time to evaluate his portfolio performance, but he feels it is not quite up to par.
Dr. O’Hara currently has about $350,000 in investable funds with about $130,000 currently invested in several stocks at a local discount brokerage house, as well as an IRA account funded with three mutual funds that are currently worth about $170,000. After working with a staff financial planner and investment advisor at ABC, the following investment strategies have been drafted for Dr. O’Hara based on his financial needs and objectives:
- Dr. O’Hara will contribute the maximum allowable yearly contribution to his newly established private practice 401(k) plan, which will also be managed and monitored by ABC. The account is to be funded with only one well-performing mutual fund. The fund investment objectives must include the ability to earn market returns consistently and minimal yearly management fees.
- A sum of $30,000 is to be earmarked for Dr. O’Hara’s upcoming wedding and honeymoon trip in June of next year. Dr. O’Hara wants this portion invested in a very safe place with no expense, sales, or early withdrawal charges.
- Dr. O’Hara is also planning to assist his nephew with medical school expenses in 3 years. To this end, he wants $60,000 earmarked in an account with higher than current certificate of deposit or money market rates but minimal market volatility.
- Dr. O’Hara’s average, long-term (5 years and on) minimum required rate on equity investments is 9%.
- Dr. O’Hara’s risk tolerance questionnaire indicates that he is a moderately aggressive investor.
You are asked to assist the ABC financial advisor in charge of Dr. O’Hara’s account with the compilation of a presentation package. Present the information in a report of 4-5 pages that covers the following:
- Construct an asset allocation model for Dr. O’Hara given his financial objectives and risk tolerance level.
- Explain and defend the rationale behind recommending the model.
- The asset allocation must have between 3 and 5 asset classes.
- Recommend a suitable investment alternative for Dr. O’Hara’s wedding and his nephew’s tuition assistance objectives.
- Thoroughly explain and defend your recommendations.
- Recommend a suitable mutual fund for Dr. O’Hara’s 401(k) plan. Provide detailed information about the fund, including the following:
- The name of the fund
- Its portfolio manager’s name, experience, and qualifications
- Its investment philosophy and strategy
- How long this fund been in existence
- Its current NAV
- Its yearly management fees, which must not exceed 1% of amount invested
- The fund’s 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year returns*
- An assessment of some of the risks involved in investing in this fund
*Please do not pick a mutual fund that has been in existence for less than 5 years because it may not have an established track record. Providing a link to a fund Web page is not an acceptable substitute for your executive summary for the client.
- Assuming a risk-free rate of 4%, the following data were derived after a close examination of Dr. O’Hara’s IRA mutual fund portfolio:
Fund Average Annual Return Beta Franklin Domestic Fund 0.078 0.950 Scudder Pacific Basin Fund 0.125 1.250 American Mortgage Securities Fund 0.0750 0.25
Using the Treynor ratio (also known as the Treynor measure), which fund has the best risk-adjusted performance? Show your calculations.
apa citations format
ENG1300 Sacrificial Role of Women in Doll’s House Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Poetry Analysis – Rough Draft
By Tuesday, attach the rough draft of your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area. (The rough draft is worth up to 70/100 points of this grade.) By Wednesday, comment on at least two of your classmate’s submissions using the peer review questions provided below. (The peer reviews are worth up to 30/100 points of this grade.) NOTE: Peer reviews are participation and cannot be accepted after Wednesday.
The essay assignment for this week is to compose a paper of at least 750 words in which you offer your interpretation of a literary element poem (such as theme, imagery, symbolism, or characterization) in one of the assigned poems. You may choose any poem from our reading list except for “The Chimney Sweeper.” If you wish, you may base your paper on the analysis you began in this week’s discussion.
Tips for the Essay
- Open your introduction with an engaging opener, such as a question, quote from the poem, or interesting idea. Then, connect to the poem and mention the title and the author. End your introduction with a thesis statement that interprets one literary element of the poem (such as theme, imagery, symbolism, or characterization).
- The body paragraphs should support your thesis. Present specific aspects of the poem that help to illustrate your points. Make sure to quote from the poem and analyze specific lines that support your argument.
- Include a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and explains the significance of the thesis.
APA Reminder
Use APA style for formatting the essay and for source citations. Begin with a title page. Include a running header, and use proper font and spacing. End with a separate references page. Refer to the Week 1 lecture on avoiding plagiarism for an APA essay template and additional resources.
Important Note: Do not do any outside research for this essay. This analysis should be your own insights regarding the poem. If you need help, refer to the sample student paper shared in the lecture on themes, and contact your instructor with questions. Remember that all peer responses must be posted by the end of the week to earn credit.
Peer Responses
By the end of the week, respond to two peers’ essays, using the following questions:
- Does the introduction have an attention-getting opener? Does the introduction give the author and title of the poem? Does the introduction have a thesis statement as its final sentence? Does the thesis offer an interpretation that is clear and specific? What are your suggestions for the introduction and thesis?
- Is each body paragraph organized around a key point? Do the paragraphs offer support with direct quotations from the poem? Are the quotes and examples analyzed and explained? Do you disagree with any parts of the analysis? What aspects of the poem are left unexplained? Do you have any suggestions for improving the body paragraphs?
- Does the conclusion summarize the main points? Does it have a strong ending that leaves the reader satisfied? Do you have suggestions for improving the conclusion?
Assignment 2
Poetry Analysis – Final Draft
By the due date assigned, submit your revised analytical essay on poetry as a Microsoft Word document.
Consider the feedback you received on the Week 1 rough draft from your instructor, peers, and Smarthinking (if your paper was submitted for review), and determine what changes you want to make. Consider:
- Do you need a more engaging opener or a stronger thesis?
- Do you need to reinforce your arguments and add more supporting evidence?
- Do you have areas to develop or clarify?
- Are you satisfied with your conclusion?
Once you have revised the essay, review it for editing issues. Run the spell checker and grammar checker in Word, and then proofread, looking for typos the checkers might have missed. Read it aloud to listen for awkward places and to fine tune the flow. Make sure you have applied APA rules of style to source citations as well as the overall formatting of your essay.
Submit your final draft to the Submissions Area when you are happy with your finished product.
Assignment 3
Drama Analysis
By the due date assigned, submit your analytical essay as a Microsoft Word attachment.
Your instructor will assign a play for the class to read and will post the information as a Week 3 Announcement (i.e., The Glass Menagerie, A Doll’s House, or Trifles).
Select one of the topics from the list below. Use the questions to develop a short essay of at least three paragraphs and 500 words. In your response, be sure that you have the following: an introductory paragraph with a clear thesis, at least one body paragraph with supporting reasons, examples, and quotations from the play, and a concluding paragraph. Use APA style for formatting the paper and for in-text citations and end references.
(Choose either Character, Symbol, or Theme)
- Select one character from the play. What does he or she want? What is the conflict this character encounters? How does he or she attempt to get this desire? What prevents him or her from achieving it? What is the resolution by the end of the play for this character?
- Select one symbol from the play. What is the meaning or significance of the symbol? How is it used to further the story? How does it help the audience to better understand the characters or message of the play?
- Select one theme from the play. How would you describe the message that is conveyed? How is the theme expressed in the play? Give examples. How does the theme giving meaning to the drama for the audience?
- Use APA style, and include a title page, running header, proper font and spacing, in-text citations, and a separate references page.
- Do not use any outside sources to complete this response; rely on your own insights.
- Quoted material from the play should not exceed 25% of the essay.
- You may exceed the minimum word and paragraph count.
Assignment 4
Fiction Analysis – Rough Draft
By Tuesday, attach the rough draft of your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area. (The rough draft is worth up to 70/100 points of this grade.) By Wednesday, comment on at least two of your classmate’s submissions using the peer review questions provided below. (The peer reviews are worth up to 30/100 points of this grade.) NOTE: Peer reviews are participation and cannot be accepted after Wednesday.
Our story choices are the following:
*Eudora Welty, “A Worn Path” (p. 22)
*Ernest Hemingway, “A Clean Well-Lighted Place” (p. 48)
*Flannery O’Connor, “A Good Man is Hard to Find” (p. 117)
*Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown” (p. 29)
*Tim O’Brien, “The Things They Carried” (p. 184)
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must choose one of these stories to earn credit on the assignment.
Compose an analytical essay of at least 1,200 words in which you offer an interpretation of a literary element in one of the assigned short stories. Write your analysis focusing on one of the following elements in one of the assigned stories:
- Character
- Theme
- Symbolism
- Imagery
- Setting
Start by selecting one of the short stories assigned by your instructor. Brainstorm to identify the literary element that you would like to explore in the story. Choose from character, theme, symbolism, imagery, or setting. Then, develop a thesis that offers a specific interpretation of this element. If you have trouble coming up with a thesis, contact your instructor, who will help you. Do not do any outside research at this point. When finished, the draft should be at least 1,200 words (approximately four double-spaced pages).
Tips for the Essay
- Open your introduction with an engaging opener, such as a question, quote from the story, or interesting idea. Then, connect to the short story and mention the title and the author. End your introduction with a thesis statement that interprets one literary element of the story (such as theme, symbolism, or characterization).
- The body paragraphs should support your thesis. Present specific aspects of the short story that help to illustrate your points. Make sure to quote from the story and analyze specific lines that support your argument.
- Include a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and explains the significance of the thesis.
APA Reminder
Use APA style for formatting the essay and for source citations. Begin with a title page. Include a running header, and use proper font and spacing. End with a separate references page. Refer to the Week 1 lecture on avoiding plagiarism for an APA essay template and additional resources.
Peer Responses
By the end of the week, respond to two peers’ essays, using the following questions:
- Does the introduction have an attention-getting opener? Does the introduction give the author and title of the story? Does the introduction have a thesis statement as its final sentence? Does the thesis offer an interpretation that is clear and specific? What are your suggestions for the introduction and thesis?
- Is each body paragraph organized around a key point? Do the paragraphs offer support with direct quotations from the story? Are the quotes and examples analyzed and explained? Do you disagree with any parts of the analysis? What aspects of the story are left unexplained? Do you have any suggestions for improving the body paragraphs?
- Does the conclusion summarize the main points? Does it have a strong ending that leaves the reader satisfied? Do you have suggestions for improving the conclusion?
Remember that all peer responses must be posted by Wednesday to earn credit.
Assignment 5
Fiction Analysis – Final Draft
By the due date assigned, submit your revised analytical essay on short fiction as a Microsoft Word document.
Revise the Week 4 analytical essay by doing the following:
- Consider how you want to incorporate the ideas and arguments from the outside source you located for your Week 5 scholarly article discussion. Include at least one quotation from the source in your final draft. Be sure to use APA style to cite it appropriately in the body of the essay and in the references section.
- Consider the feedback you received on your rough draft from your instructor, peers, and Smarthinking (if submitted for review), and determine what changes you want to make. Do you need a more engaging opener or a stronger thesis? Do you need to reinforce your arguments and add more supporting evidence? Do you have areas to develop or clarify? Are you satisfied with your conclusion?
- Once you have revised the essay, review it for editing issues. Run the spell checker and grammar checker in Word, and then proofread, looking for typos the checkers might have missed. Read it out loud to listen for awkward places and fine tune the flow.
- Make sure you have applied APA rules of style to source citations as well as the overall formatting of your essay.
Submit the essay to the Submissions Area when you are happy with your finished product.
13 hours ago
REQUIREMENTSschool APA bookmarkENG1100 Composition I and ENG1300 Composition II
How are human rights portrayed in the movie “The Help”? Writing Assignment Help
Film chosen: “The Help”
Long Paper Guidelines
The purpose of the long paper is to allow you (as student activists) to experiment with analyzing and
researching human rights and politics, based on literature and /or film. The content and direction of the
paper is open to much negotiation. The only papers that are out of bounds are those that focus primarily
on ideas that have little or nothing to do with the course topic. Nor should your paper comprise a
generalized research paper. It must privilege representations of human rights issues as pertains to multiple
genres of literature or film. You may select strictly from required course materials or a topic of interest to
you not adequately covered in this course and on which you would like more information.
As active learners, present why you think the issue is important, what conclusions you have provisionally
drawn from the information you have gathered and, as appropriate, what you think are the biases or
inadequacies of the sources that you used. The grading grid indicates the content areas of exemplary
importance: argument, theory, and examples
. You may utilize theoretical approaches based on the Drezner text or other interdisciplinary evidence. Do not shy away from the issues the zombie canon imposes, relating to the question: “Who is the ‘human’ in Human Rights?” Remember,
an analysis usually examines only a single topic and relates it to the entire work. Avoid literary summaries.
To put to rest any potential “blatant confusion,” regarding the paper’s presentation, without exception, the
required length of the short analytical paper should be, at least, 12 pages, using the Times New Roman 12-point
font. You should conduct a modicum of research (referencing, at least, three credible resources). No Wikipedia, please. You must acknowledge the use of all outside sources.
How are human rights portrayed in the movie “The Help”? Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Response Essay on reading homework MLA format Writing Assignment Help
I need someone to write me a 806 words count essay.
There must be no plagiarism or ANY GRAMMARTICAL ERRORS. If you are going to quote the author, please quote the author correctly. Otherwise, every single word must be unique
The reading is called
YOU ARE TO ANALYZE THE AUTHOR’S ARGUEMENT. Just don’t summarize what the author is saying.
Response Essays Prepare short responses to any two sets of readings throughout the course. These are open-ended, allowing you to choose whatever aspects of the readings interest you. Feel free to argue or agree with the readings, analyze the authors’ arguments and evidence, draw comparisons to the present or to other time periods, etc. Aim for exactly 806 words, which is the length that New York Times columnists are supposed to hit.
You will need to rotate the page so you don’t have to read it side- ways. Reading from 116- 185. Focus mainly on “The Arranger of Marriage”. part of the book because it focus on identity and culture clash. Explain why identity was so important in the book and what problem did identity create for Adichie and husband?
I will upload the reading. Skip the “Tomorrow is Too Far’ section.
Paper on Biology Science Assignment Help
1. Write a comprehensive but yet efficient and realistic approach to meet the goals and objectives of projects listed below. In your proposal include following sections:
-METHODS (1 page)
-DISSCUSION (2 pages)
-CONCLUSION (1/2 page)
2. Style of the paper:
Text style: Arial or Times New Roman
Font: 11
Line spacing: single
3. What you should include in the Essay:
You should discuss in your proposal (essay) about strengths and weaknesses of each technique/approach you propose to use and explain why you selected them for your project (at least four different techniques must be included in your proposal). Explain in your proposal if and how exactly you can use these techniques/methods to address specific goals and objectives listed in your project. Along with this, provide rational (by citing literature, lecture notes or textbooks) why did you include or exclude particular methods or techniques. Finally, discuss in your proposal about possible problems and obstacles that you may encounter in the course of proposed study, and propose alternative strategies. Please be specific and provide examples for your statements in your proposal (again by citing literature, lecture notes or textbooks)!
Helpful tips: The main goal is to write focused, analytical proposal. Avoid writing long, purely descriptive and general sections!
4. What Each part should include or consist of:
Introduction: explain aims and objectives of the project and list technique you propose to use; explain/discuss biological relevance of the project.
Methods: give background information about each technique that “you propose to use”: explain how they work, what types of parameters and events you can measure with these techniques, and list advantages and disadvantages of each technique taking into account goals and specifics of your project!
Discussion: explain how each technique pertains to aims and objectives of your project, what parameters would you measure, and describe experimental steps that would allow you to test aims of the project; what are the obstacles (i.e. technical limitations of technique) and what are the alternative strategies (i.e. you can propose to use combination of techniques). In this section you should also be specific.
Conclusion: a short summary of project and experimental approaches (single paragraph).
5. The topic in which the paper should talk about is the SNARE protein complex and below is more details about it:
The main objective of this project is to characterize organization and structure of SNARE macromolecular complex. SNARE complex is a ~70 kDa membrane-associated heteroptotein complexes formed by self assembly of three SNARE proteins (Syntaxin-1/SNAP-25/VAMP-2). Studying dynamics of complex assembly is also one of the important milestones of this project.
6. I attached a powerpoint presentation that was done following exactly the same order in which this paper should be written about the same topic as well which is SNARE complex. it should help you a lot in writing the paper, you can use it to base the paper off of it and just change a few of the techniques.
Lastly, I am willing to extend it to 30 hours if you ever need it,
Thank you!
poetry analysis Humanities Assignment Help
Poetry Analysis – Rough Draft
By Tuesday, attach the rough draft of your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area. (The rough draft is worth up to 70/100 points of this grade.) By Wednesday, comment on at least two of your classmate’s submissions using the peer review questions provided below. (The peer reviews are worth up to 30/100 points of this grade.) NOTE: Peer reviews are participation and cannot be accepted after Wednesday.
The essay assignment for this week is to compose a paper of at least 750 words in which you offer your interpretation of a literary element poem (such as theme, imagery, symbolism, or characterization) in one of the assigned poems. You may choose any poem from our reading list except for “The Chimney Sweeper.” If you wish, you may base your paper on the analysis you began in this week’s discussion.
Tips for the Essay
- Open your introduction with an engaging opener, such as a question, quote from the poem, or interesting idea. Then, connect to the poem and mention the title and the author. End your introduction with a thesis statement that interprets one literary element of the poem (such as theme, imagery, symbolism, or characterization).
- The body paragraphs should support your thesis. Present specific aspects of the poem that help to illustrate your points. Make sure to quote from the poem and analyze specific lines that support your argument.
- Include a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and explains the significance of the thesis.
APA Reminder
Use APA style for formatting the essay and for source citations. Begin with a title page. Include a running header, and use proper font and spacing. End with a separate references page. Refer to the Week 1 lecture on avoiding plagiarism for an APA essay template and additional resources.
Important Note: Do not do any outside research for this essay. This analysis should be your own insights regarding the poem. If you need help, refer to the sample student paper shared in the lecture on themes, and contact your instructor with questions. Remember that all peer responses must be posted by the end of the week to earn credit.
Peer Responses
By the end of the week, respond to two peers’ essays, using the following questions:
- Does the introduction have an attention-getting opener? Does the introduction give the author and title of the poem? Does the introduction have a thesis statement as its final sentence? Does the thesis offer an interpretation that is clear and specific? What are your suggestions for the introduction and thesis?
- Is each body paragraph organized around a key point? Do the paragraphs offer support with direct quotations from the poem? Are the quotes and examples analyzed and explained? Do you disagree with any parts of the analysis? What aspects of the poem are left unexplained? Do you have any suggestions for improving the body paragraphs?
- Does the conclusion summarize the main points? Does it have a strong ending that leaves the reader satisfied? Do you have suggestions for improving the conclusion?
Assignment 2
Poetry Analysis – Final Draft
By the due date assigned, submit your revised analytical essay on poetry as a Microsoft Word document.
Consider the feedback you received on the Week 1 rough draft from your instructor, peers, and Smarthinking (if your paper was submitted for review), and determine what changes you want to make. Consider:
- Do you need a more engaging opener or a stronger thesis?
- Do you need to reinforce your arguments and add more supporting evidence?
- Do you have areas to develop or clarify?
- Are you satisfied with your conclusion?
Once you have revised the essay, review it for editing issues. Run the spell checker and grammar checker in Word, and then proofread, looking for typos the checkers might have missed. Read it aloud to listen for awkward places and to fine tune the flow. Make sure you have applied APA rules of style to source citations as well as the overall formatting of your essay.
Submit your final draft to the Submissions Area when you are happy with your finished product.
Assignment 3
Drama Analysis
By the due date assigned, submit your analytical essay as a Microsoft Word attachment.
Your instructor will assign a play for the class to read and will post the information as a Week 3 Announcement (i.e., The Glass Menagerie, A Doll’s House, or Trifles).
Select one of the topics from the list below. Use the questions to develop a short essay of at least three paragraphs and 500 words. In your response, be sure that you have the following: an introductory paragraph with a clear thesis, at least one body paragraph with supporting reasons, examples, and quotations from the play, and a concluding paragraph. Use APA style for formatting the paper and for in-text citations and end references.
(Choose either Character, Symbol, or Theme)
- Select one character from the play. What does he or she want? What is the conflict this character encounters? How does he or she attempt to get this desire? What prevents him or her from achieving it? What is the resolution by the end of the play for this character?
- Select one symbol from the play. What is the meaning or significance of the symbol? How is it used to further the story? How does it help the audience to better understand the characters or message of the play?
- Select one theme from the play. How would you describe the message that is conveyed? How is the theme expressed in the play? Give examples. How does the theme giving meaning to the drama for the audience?
- Use APA style, and include a title page, running header, proper font and spacing, in-text citations, and a separate references page.
- Do not use any outside sources to complete this response; rely on your own insights.
- Quoted material from the play should not exceed 25% of the essay.
- You may exceed the minimum word and paragraph count.
Assignment 4
Fiction Analysis – Rough Draft
By Tuesday, attach the rough draft of your essay as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area. (The rough draft is worth up to 70/100 points of this grade.) By Wednesday, comment on at least two of your classmate’s submissions using the peer review questions provided below. (The peer reviews are worth up to 30/100 points of this grade.) NOTE: Peer reviews are participation and cannot be accepted after Wednesday.
Our story choices are the following:
*Eudora Welty, “A Worn Path” (p. 22)
*Ernest Hemingway, “A Clean Well-Lighted Place” (p. 48)
*Flannery O’Connor, “A Good Man is Hard to Find” (p. 117)
*Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown” (p. 29)
*Tim O’Brien, “The Things They Carried” (p. 184)
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must choose one of these stories to earn credit on the assignment.
Compose an analytical essay of at least 1,200 words in which you offer an interpretation of a literary element in one of the assigned short stories. Write your analysis focusing on one of the following elements in one of the assigned stories:
- Character
- Theme
- Symbolism
- Imagery
- Setting
Start by selecting one of the short stories assigned by your instructor. Brainstorm to identify the literary element that you would like to explore in the story. Choose from character, theme, symbolism, imagery, or setting. Then, develop a thesis that offers a specific interpretation of this element. If you have trouble coming up with a thesis, contact your instructor, who will help you. Do not do any outside research at this point. When finished, the draft should be at least 1,200 words (approximately four double-spaced pages).
Tips for the Essay
- Open your introduction with an engaging opener, such as a question, quote from the story, or interesting idea. Then, connect to the short story and mention the title and the author. End your introduction with a thesis statement that interprets one literary element of the story (such as theme, symbolism, or characterization).
- The body paragraphs should support your thesis. Present specific aspects of the short story that help to illustrate your points. Make sure to quote from the story and analyze specific lines that support your argument.
- Include a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and explains the significance of the thesis.
APA Reminder
Use APA style for formatting the essay and for source citations. Begin with a title page. Include a running header, and use proper font and spacing. End with a separate references page. Refer to the Week 1 lecture on avoiding plagiarism for an APA essay template and additional resources.
Peer Responses
By the end of the week, respond to two peers’ essays, using the following questions:
- Does the introduction have an attention-getting opener? Does the introduction give the author and title of the story? Does the introduction have a thesis statement as its final sentence? Does the thesis offer an interpretation that is clear and specific? What are your suggestions for the introduction and thesis?
- Is each body paragraph organized around a key point? Do the paragraphs offer support with direct quotations from the story? Are the quotes and examples analyzed and explained? Do you disagree with any parts of the analysis? What aspects of the story are left unexplained? Do you have any suggestions for improving the body paragraphs?
- Does the conclusion summarize the main points? Does it have a strong ending that leaves the reader satisfied? Do you have suggestions for improving the conclusion?
Remember that all peer responses must be posted by Wednesday to earn credit.
Assignment 5
Fiction Analysis – Final Draft
By the due date assigned, submit your revised analytical essay on short fiction as a Microsoft Word document.
Revise the Week 4 analytical essay by doing the following:
- Consider how you want to incorporate the ideas and arguments from the outside source you located for your Week 5 scholarly article discussion. Include at least one quotation from the source in your final draft. Be sure to use APA style to cite it appropriately in the body of the essay and in the references section.
- Consider the feedback you received on your rough draft from your instructor, peers, and Smarthinking (if submitted for review), and determine what changes you want to make. Do you need a more engaging opener or a stronger thesis? Do you need to reinforce your arguments and add more supporting evidence? Do you have areas to develop or clarify? Are you satisfied with your conclusion?
- Once you have revised the essay, review it for editing issues. Run the spell checker and grammar checker in Word, and then proofread, looking for typos the checkers might have missed. Read it out loud to listen for awkward places and fine tune the flow.
- Make sure you have applied APA rules of style to source citations as well as the overall formatting of your essay.
Submit the essay to the Submissions Area when you are happy with your finished product.
- URL: this is my online library for my school if you need to use it. I also have all my discussions because my assignments are from my discussions.
Choose a social issue ( Drunk Driving, Child Abuse, War, Teenage Smoking, High School Drop-outs, Technology, Global Warming etc) and then write 3 reasons arguing the opposite of what you and the society believe. Why we need more of it. Other Assignment Help
I already post the guideline and some examples that show how the paper should be. I would like to go with the idea of Abortion issue, Global Warming or Technology, but if you guy have a better issue it’ll be ok. My paper requires 5 paragraphs and includes Style Requirements: three telescoping and three freighting sentences; two melt-togethers words; at least two metaphors; at least two colons and two dashes; at least two double dashes and two parentheses; and always remember to use semi-colons and very short sentences.( ALL NEED TO HIGHLIGHTED)