Ashford University Big Data and Data Mining at Amazon Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Ashford University Big Data and Data Mining at Amazon Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Ashford University Big Data and Data Mining at Amazon Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Discussion Part 1

Prior to completing this discussion forum, read Chapter 21 of your textbook.

There is no standard definition for big data or data mining. In this discussion forum, we follow the general definitions used in our textbook. “Big data” refers to a dataset that is too complex and big to apply traditional data analysis methods. “Data mining” is discovery-oriented in comparison to traditional databases when users know what they are looking for in the database.

Our textbook refers to the four Vs (i.e., volume, variety, velocity, and veracity) that make the big data big. Volume or the size is what everyone corresponds with big data, but the other three variables contribute to the complexity that is associated with big data.

In your post,

  • Provide an example of a company that is collecting big data for competitive advantage. Explain how each of the three Vs, outside the volume, is helping the company achieve competitive advantage.
  • Explain the values of data mining in a business and at least three challenges in managing a data mining project.

Discussion Part 2

Prior to completing this discussion forum, read Chapter 21 of your textbook. In this discussion, we will continue to review big data and data mining.

Research the data mining practices of the organization you work for, or one that you are familiar with. Specifically, research their text mining and web mining practices. If they do not utilize text and web mining, research an organization that provides text and web mining services. Using this research,

  • Explain how your chosen company benefits from text mining. Give an example of how your chosen company has successfully implemented text mining. Justify your answer.
  • Explain how your chosen company benefits from web mining. Give an example of how your chosen company has successfully implemented web mining. Justify your answer.

Ashford University Big Data and Data Mining at Amazon Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Orlando Theory for Modeling Events Under Conditions of Uncertainty Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a mathematics question and need guidance to help me study.

Mathematical theory for modeling events or phenomenon under conditions of uncertainty

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value

[ Choose ] Distribution Function Odds Continuous Random Variable Streaks Law of Total Probability Z-Scores Binomial Distribution Direct Adjustment Random Variable Law of Large Numbers Discrete Random Variables Probability Theory Normal Distribution Win Probability Conditional Probabilities Experiment Events Unconditional Probabilities Probability Distribution Expected Value


HSCO 511 Liberty University Time Management Group Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

You will lead a 1–2-hour group session in your local community. The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain experience planning and leading a group with attention to group dynamics; content and process; ethical and effective group facilitation; and leadership responsibilities.
The proposed group must have between 5–12 adult participants present (not online), excluding yourself and any co-leader.
• You may use a group that you already lead.
• You may lead a session for a group that you are a member of (with the leader’s approval).
• You may “guest lead” an existing group (with the organization’s and leader’s approval); however, not the same group you are attending for the Support Group Experience.
• You may organize a one-time group meeting for the purpose of this assignment. The group must not consist only of your own family members.
Note that after submitting this proposal, you must check for correspondence from your instructor regarding changes/feedback/approval of your proposal prior to leading the group. While there is some flexibility in the type of group and its purpose, these important parameters must be met:
1. All group members must be engaged and participate orally.
2. The session must give opportunity for all group members to share meaningful, personal information openly.
3. You will practice the group leader skills described in the Jacobs et al. text, including:
a. Opening the meeting in a way that engages and provides necessary information;
b. Guiding and keeping the group on task and purpose;
c. Holding, shifting, and deepening the focus;
d. Using active and empathetic listening;
e. Reflecting, clarifying, and summarizing;
f. Asking effective and appropriate questions;
g. Linking, cutting off, and drawing out members; and
h. Closing the meeting within an agreeable timeframe.
4. The meeting may take place in a church context, but the focus must not be Bible study/discussion or prayer with little or no time for or emphasis on sharing personal information. Possible topics could be grief, anger, time management, parenting, etc.
5. While there may be a psychoeducational component of the meeting, it must not be mainly a lecture, presentation, sermon, etc. The majority of time must be spent in group interaction.
6. As the leader, you must model appropriate behavior and cultivate a caring, supportive, safe, encouraging, and accepting environment. You must closely observe members and facilitate effective processing of the meeting’s content while managing your own emotions and reactions.
7. You must not lead a psychotherapy group, which would normally require licensure.
Any exceptions to these parameters must be discussed with and approved by the instructor at his/her discretion on a case-by-case basis. Also, note that in order to receive credit for leading, the group and the meeting must be consistent with your approved proposal.
The paper must be submitted as a Word document and be well written; well organized; and free of grammar, spelling, or other writing errors. Although you may use first person, it must otherwise be in current APA format. An abstract and references page are not required. Provide the following information, using these headings:
Introduction and Background
Briefly describe your prior experience leading groups. Explain your choice of group for this assignment.
The Group Context
Briefly describe the (organizational) context for the group you propose to lead, as well as its nature and general purpose. Is it an existing group? If so, is it open or closed, how long has it been meeting, and how frequently? Is participation voluntary or mandatory? What is your prior role and involvement in this group? Is the group created solely for this assignment?
The Setting
Disclose when you will lead your meeting (date, time, and length). What is the location and setting for this meeting? How many participants do you expect? Provide relevant demographic information about them. What is their relationship to you? What communication will be used to announce/promote the meeting?
Meeting Goal and Norms
Identify the goal of the meeting and explain how and why this goal is appropriate for this particular group and this meeting. Describe the ice-breaker or warm-up activity you plan you use to open the meeting. What expectations and norms will you need to communicate up front in regards to your role, confidentiality, member participation, etc.?
Meeting Content and Process
Describe the content for the middle phase of the proposed meeting in some detail and how it will be processed, including format and type of exercise(s), if any. What materials, supplies and/or props will you distribute? Provide a timeline for the session. You must plan with the number of participants and the available time in mind, allowing enough time for processing and sharing.
Conclude your proposal with a final paragraph articulating your thoughts and feelings about the proposed meeting. Also, disclose any additional pertinent information that was not asked above.


CJA 454 Phoenix Bias Based Policing or Good Police Work Discussion Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a criminal justice question and need guidance to help me study.

Did the officers violate the African American man’s civil rights? Why or why not? If you answer “yes,” would you support (as the chief of police) some form of disciplinary action against them?***reading***

I. Bias-Based Policing or Good Police Work?

Officer James and Sergeant Drummond are on surveillance in a strip mall. A detective received an anonymous tip that a credit union might be robbed at 3:00 p.m. The detective also told the patrol division that the person providing the tip is a known drug addict and not at all reliable, but as there has been a string of credit union robberies during the past 2 months, Drummond decides to surveil the area with Officer James. The main suspects in the robberies are Asians, and the officers have stopped and talked with several Asian people in the area, taking their names and other identifying information. At approximately 2:45 p.m., Drummond and James are notified by Communications that a security officer reported hearing a gunshot in the parking lot of a nearby grocery store where he was working. Because they are nearby and there might be a connection to the credit union robberies, Drummond and James decide to take the call. On arrival at the scene, the security officer meets the two officers and informs them that he “might have” heard a small-caliber pistol shot in the parking lot; he also believes that a young African American man who walked into the grocery store a few minutes ago might be carrying a gun under his coat. About 10 minutes later, a 30-year-old African American man comes walking out of the store. The officers draw their guns and order him to get down on the asphalt and to their vehicle. At that time, an Asian woman carrying a child approaches the officers, yelling at them that the man is her husband and demanding to know what they are doing to him. The officers order her to go her car, whereupon she faints while suffering an epileptic seizure. The African American man, seeing his wife and child on the ground, now becomes very agitated; as a result, the officers use considerable force to subdue and handcuff him. He is arrested for resisting arrest and a host of other offenses; later, he sues for violation of his civil rights.


Southern New Hampshire University Knowledge Management Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help


As you learned in the reading this week, it is important to have a strategy in place to help manage knowledge. Watch the video in MyMISLab, Managing Knowledge located in Chapter 11 (see instruction below) and then respond to the following scenario:

Access this video by going to the MyMISLab area under the course Table of Contents menu and selecting the MyMISLab Multimedia Library link.

  1. Select the Chapter 11 title from the Chapter dropdown list
  2. Select All Sections from the Section dropdown list
  3. Select the Video checkbox from Media Type
  4. Then, select the Find Now button.

The results are below the search area. Select Chapter 11 Video: Managing Knowledge.…

-In this scenario, what type of information would you gather, and how would you approach gathering both explicit and tacit knowledge? How would you ensure that both departments have the data that they need to be more efficient? What are some ways you might approach benchmarking to measure the effectiveness of your changes?

If you have any questions, you can pose them here as well. In particular, consider how the consumability of the format in which the information is presented impacts the organization’s ability to achieve operational excellence and customer intimacy.

In your responses to your peers, try to address the similarities and differences in your recommended approaches for the scenario, or any questions they have posed, with your own understanding.  

PART 2: Your journal will help you manage the feedback that you receive from your classmates and stakeholders.

Log all of the feedback you have received since your last journal assignment, regardless of whether you intend to (or already did) incorporate it or not. For the feedback you choose to incorporate, briefly describe how you will go about incorporating it and how the feedback improves your design or documentation. If you reject any feedback, discuss why.

To complete this assignment, review the Journal Assignment Guidelines and Rubric document. 



St. Johns University New York Pre Socratic Philosophers Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In our Second Module we are studying the earliest attempts by the ancient Greeks to articulate the nature of ultimate reality. This intellectual project had never been done in the Western world before, and it is quite audacious. In fact, it might even be beyond the limits of human intellectual capacity, as some later philosophers have argued. Can we have some sense of the ultimate principles of reality? The Pre-Socratic Greeks prepared the way for the great systematic speculations of Plato and Aristotle in a number of ways, which we will consider in this Module. Your assignment is to focus on one of the following sub-topics: summarize the discussion and explain its philosophical importance.

a) Ancient Materialism: The first Greek philosophers attempted to identify a single source of all reality, and they gave competing answers. As R.E. Allen explains in his article “Pre-Socratic Cosmology” (pp. 3-16), this attempt is very important, for a number of reasons. Explain what these early thinkers are doing here. What is the fundamental question they all assume, and what lies beneath this question (according to Allen)? How does this inquiry develop?

b) Permanence and Change: An important debate in the Pre-Socratic studies focuses on the question of permanence and change, with Heraclitus asserting that all things are in flux and Parmenides responding that nothing is in flux and nothing could ever change. This is an obscure discussion but each thinker contributes something of fundamental importance. Discuss this argument and note whatever strikes you about the claims.

c) Sophistry and Truth: You might remember from your PHI 1000c studies that the great intellectual enemies of Socrates were the Sophists. In fact, one could even say he gave his life to prove that Sophistry was incorrect. What impresses you (positively or negatively) about the Sophist approach? What is the relevance of the Sophist school for the contemporary world? Why did Socrates (and Plato) despise them so?

St. Johns University New York Pre Socratic Philosophers Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

QSO 320 SNHU The Costs of Shipment to Portland & Riverside by Pallets Excel Project Business Finance Assignment Help

PART 1:  

Overview: Once you’ve uncovered inefficiencies in sales, you can take a look at average costs and profits to determine where inefficiencies lie in these areas. Again, it is important to know what data to analyze and what tools can be used to do so. It is also important to know how to describe the organizational impacts of the inefficiencies. 

Prompt: In this assignment, you will use your findings and raw data from Milestone One to dive deeper into types of wine and distribution centers. You will need to analyze these factors to determine average costs and profits. All of your analyses need to be submitted in an annotated Excel file, and each analysis needs to include a rationale. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: A. Calculate costs of shipping to Portland and Riverside by pallets and frequency. Illustrate your results in a table. Use the bin sizes from Milestone One, Part E. B. Calculate the cost of production for the wine varieties sold in Portland and Riverside. Illustrate your results in a table. C. Generate a labeled table that illustrates gross profit for each variety of wine for each distribution center. Explain why this information is important for informing operation efficiencies. D. Generate a labeled table that shows the profit after state taxes. For Portland, use a tax rate of 6.6% and for Riverside, use 8.8%. E. Provide a summary statement that describes the inefficiencies in the organizational cost and profit analysis, and explain why this information is important for influencing management decisions. 

Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your assignment must using the Case Study Data Set Microsoft Excel document. Use 11-point Calibri font.

Part 2:  Please see the attached copy the image of the task. 

Prompt: In this assignment, the scenario is to determine which combination of manufacturing tables and chairs is the most profitable. To complete this assignment, follow the steps outlined below: 1. Part 1 of this assignment is ungraded, but will assist you greatly in understanding how a table is set up to run Solver. a) Open the Module Six Assignment Spreadsheet and make sure you are on the tab (worksheet) titled Solver Part 1. You will see a spreadsheet that has been set up to use Solver. (Note: There is more than one way to set up and program a table; the tables used for this exercise illustrate one method.) The table highlighted in gray shows the specific amounts of material, fabrication time, and output needed for each chair and table, as well as the total cost of producing each item. The table in blue calculates total profit from producing both tables and chairs. The table in green tracks the amount of materials and fabrication consumed to produce the volume that will be decided. Lastly, the yellow cells on the green table indicate the materials and fabrication time as well as the output volume minimums set by management. b) Click on each cell to observe the programing used, but do not change anything. c) After you have reviewed the programing, click on the red cell, go to the menu bar at the top of the page, and click on the Data tab. Then click on Solver. The Solver dialog box should open, and you can observe which cell has been identified as the target cell, which cells Solver will change, and how the constraints have been entered. Do not run Solver at this time; simply click Close on the dialog box. 2. Now you will practice running Solver and viewing two of its associated reports. Click on the tab at the bottom on the screen titled Solver Parts 2 and 3. You will see the same data tables from Part 1. Follow these steps: a) At the top of the worksheet, click on Data, then Solver. b) On the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve. c) See how the cells with the zeros now have been assigned values. d) Do not close out of the Solver Results dialog box. e) On the Solver dialog box, run a Sensitivity and a Limits report. f) In the area indicated in the Part 2 section of the Solver Parts 2 and 3 tab, type a short paragraph explaining what these reports indicate. 3. In this step, you will adjust the variables and constraints and run Solver again. a) Suppose management has altered their decision and has increased fabrication time from 480 minutes to 600 minutes and increased the minimum number of chairs to be produced from 10 to 16. Run Solver again and list the number of tables and chairs that should be produced in the provided table under Part 3a of the worksheet. b) Now suppose too many tables have been rejected by quality assurance, and the production line for tables will be slowed, increasing fabrication time to 26 minutes. However, management has also found a way to decrease fabrication time on the chairs to three minutes. Use the original  constraints for fabrication time (480 minutes) and the minimum tables (4) and chairs (10) and run Solver again. List the number of tables and chairs that should be produced in the provided table under section Part 3b of the worksheet. 4. Use the tab labeled Solver Part 4 to complete the following: a) Create and program a spreadsheet with data based on the following scenario: Scenario Your company has two trucks that it wishes to use on a specific contract. One is a new truck the company is making payments on, and one is an old truck that is fully paid for. The new truck’s costs per mile are as follows: ? Fuel/additives: 54¢ ? Truck payments: 24¢ ? Driver: 36¢ ? Repairs: 12¢ ? Miscellaneous: 1¢ The old truck’s costs are as follows: ? Fuel/additives: 60¢ ? Truck payments: 0¢ ? Rookie driver: 32¢ ? Repairs: 24¢ ? Miscellaneous: 1¢ The company knows that truck breakdowns lose customers, so they have capped estimated repair costs at $14,000. The total distance involved is 90,000 miles (to be divided between the two trucks). After you set up and program your table, be sure to provide a rationale statement. b) Use Solver to determine the number of miles each truck should be driven. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your assignment must be using the Module Six Assignment Spreadsheet. Use 11-point Calibri font


St Johns University New York The Value of Philosophy Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy question and need support to help me learn.

For this Reflection Essay, please address a few of these questions (and please be candid—honesty is the first virtue of intellectual inquiry).

1.    What is the value of the discipline of philosophy? Is it truly possible to know ultimate truths about the nature of ultimate reality, the existence of God, and the meaning of life?

2.    Is there such a thing as truth? What does that term mean to you?

3.    Which philosopher, if any, has impressed you in your previous courses? If no philosopher has impressed (which is fair enough!) please tell us why they all failed.

4.     What discussion or argument made in a previous course has impressed you or intrigued?


MUSIC 301 George Mason University Week 5 City Lights Cue Identification Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Watch the film City Lights: Correctly identify the 5 music cues and give a description of the music as it relates to function and musical fundamentals (i.e. orchestration, tempo, register). Comment on how music used to create humor, pathos and romance. More details below…

Some instructions on completing the City Lights cue identification assignment.

The assignment requires some attention to detail on your part as you analyze a film scene.

The films for this week increase in their sound design synchronicity as the film production technology advances through the 1920’s.

Yet, our feature film for this week is a bit of a conundrum. It is a silent film that was produced 4 years after the declamation of spoken word in cinema. That film being Chaplin’s City Lights.

This week’s module also introduces the Spotify Playlist as an important reference guide to the music of films from here on out. The playlist this week includes tracks for our feature film, which I describe in detail throughout the module, as well as some contemporary music selections that hopefully support your understanding of the concepts of melody, motive, and texture.

I hope that as you progress through this week’s module you are able to develop your own unique relationship with this film, its touching story and its music which is at times jocular, at times syrupy sweet, and at other times heartbreakingly sublime.

You should become familiar with the melodies of the score, the leitmotifs, that the module identifies BEFORE watching the film. They can be found in the Spotify playlist with timings and titles provided for you in the module. It will be almost impossible to use correct terminology and or identify leitmotif variations without being familiar with the music BEFORE watching/listening to the film. See the previous lesson page with timings for each principle melody.

The scene that I ask you to analyze is found at the end of the film, it begins with the inter-title, AUTUMN.

As you complete the assignment you should be able to correctly identify the leitmotif used in each of the 5 cues labeled below and discuss how they function (recall the 11 functions) within the scene (this includes being able to describe the visual part of the scene that each cue is synched with, for example, “As the screen cuts to a medium shot of the tramp moping down the street we hear…”).

You should be able to:

-Identify the principal melody used

-Describe the music of each cue (such as instrumentation, and quality of the melody, for example, “The tramp melody here is at a slow tempo and features low strings instead of the established clarinet on the melody.”)

-Consider how each of the cues are different from the use of the same melody earlier in the film (just choose one example to reference). Is there a function of film music being served, like, coherency or implying the significance of unseen events?

This is a very specific scene which acts as a denouement to the storyline. The scene, which begins at 1:20:20 in the film (at the ‘inter-title’ Autumn) goes to the end of the film 1:26:49. I have found that students may still be working on how to discern the beginnings and endings of music cues in a scene. As such, I thought that it might be helpful to you if I provide the timings for each cue. You may wish to use these as a guide as you analyze each cue, or if you feel confident that you can discern the cues yourself just compare your findings with what I provide.

Each cue is given in the standard SMPT format: Hour: Minute: Second

Therefore, I am giving you the timings for each music cue. You part is to demonstrate that you recognized these leitmotifs as they existed throughout the film and connect them to their use in the following cues.

Cue 1: 1:20:20 – 1:22:20 (this means that the music cue starts at 1 hour, 20 minutes, and 20 seconds into the film and ends two minutes later)

Cue 2: 1:22:22 – 1:23:18 (this is a new cue, with a different musical theme being featured, make sure that you correctly identify which musical theme it is from the five listed in the lesson)

Cue 3: 1: 23:20 – 1:23:53 (this cue is only, 33 sec’s in length, can you correctly identify it? If not, review the lesson page that gave you the Spotify links)

Cue 4: 1:23:57 – 1:25:13

Cue 5: 1:25:16 – 1:26:49 (hint: this is a very special cue. Which musical theme is it? Where in the narrative was this musical theme played before? Why is its placement in the film significant? Notice, its featuring of the minor scale and darker timbres.)

I expect you to be able to use the correct titles for each leitmotif (Tramp, La Violetera, Home Theme, Love Theme, Violin Caprice) that you reference.

Just five little cues but, they make big statements on how the narrative has developed. This was verifiably the most arduous project of Chaplin’s career; a project in which he served as director, producer and composer. I hope you find the experience of digging into the film with its score a rewarding experience. I look forward to reading your observations!


San Diego State University How Would You Define Sexual Consent Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help

Part 1: Watch the YouTube video, Sex & the Price of Masculinity, here:

and respond to 3 of the following questions: 

  • What are some reactions you experienced, both positive and negative, while watching the video? Why do you think you had these experiences?
  • How would you define sexual consent?
  • From your understanding, is this situation common? Is this something that good people could do without even realizing it? Why or why not?
  • How was compassion relevant in this story? Why do you think compassion is important in sexual situations?
  • How do you think students overall could improve on clear sexual communication?

Part 2: Respond to at least one of your classmate’s posts. 

Also please repond in 3- 4 sentces to this student :

How was compassion relevant in this story? Why do you think compassion is important in sexual situations?

Compassion is relevant in this story because if Dr.Jen just wrote him off as an asshole and let him leave immediately, they wouldn’t have had that conversation that led him to reflect on his behavior. Compassion in this specific instance led to sexual awareness that hopefully prevents him from crossing sexual boundaries again. Furthermore, I believe that compassion is important in sexual situations because it allows who is involved to be more understanding and considerate of one another.

From your understanding, is this situation common? Is this something that good people could do without even realizing it? Why or why not?

I am sure this is a common situation especially with how popular dating and hook-up apps are. Consenting adults meet up for “fun”, expectations are communicated between them but get tossed out the window when things get heated/escalate. In Dr. Jen’s case, things got heated and boundaries were crossed. I 100% think that good people could do this without realizing it. When you are in bed NAKED and fooling around, it’s not an uncommon assumption that sex is going to happen. Yes, Dr. Jen clearly stated that sex was not going to happen that weekend, I am not saying what he did was right but I can totally see how signals were misinterpreted. On the other hand, if a woman wants to participate in sexual activities without it leading to sex she has every right to go as far as she wants.

How would you define sexual consent?

I would define sexual consent as individuals being on the same page with one another. Nothing happens that the other person is even slightly uncomfortable with. I also define sexual consent as being sober to consciously make decisions that arent altered by substances. I also think that sexual conduct should happen organically without being pressured into it. 


Ashford University Big Data and Data Mining at Amazon Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Ashford University Big Data and Data Mining at Amazon Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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