Ashford University Discounted and Projected Cash Flows Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Ashford University Discounted and Projected Cash Flows Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Projecting value is important undertaking, and your partner wants to understand the discounted cash flow approach (DCF). Define what is meant by DCF. The authors of our text suggest that DCF is the gold standard for valuing organizations and creating value projections. Evaluate the opinion offered by the text authors. Do you agree or disagree with that observation? Why do you agree or disagree?
You are going to create an initial discussion post that address the following:
- Are there reasons you can offer for not selecting DCF?
- Projected cash flows are the foundation for DCF. If you favor DCF, what are your recommendations about increasing the accuracy of your projected cash flows.
- Offer a link or a video to substantiate your response and inform your colleagues
Ashford University Discounted and Projected Cash Flows Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHL Oxford University Extraterrestrial Journal Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Minimum word count: 750+ words (Note: quotations and headings do not count toward overall word count)
(Double-spaced, 12-point font, and in one of the following formats: DOC DOCX or RTF, do not submit .pages files)
Suggested completion date: Sunday, Oct. 25th.
Final Due Deadline: Last day of class 11:55pm (No submissions are accepted after this date for any reason. Plan and pace your work accordingly.)
For this journal, you may pick any section from the assigned readings already covered in class. You will explain a central theory/argument from that reading (that you have not written on yet), then write your own philosophical response.
As a general rule, do not include additional research beyond the course material. These journals are meant for you to personally explore the readings and content from this course.
Your journal should have 3 sections; clearly label when each section begins in your journal (you may do this simply with section number or section title):
i. Intro: Introduction and a brief summary of your journal. (In the intro, make sure to briefly and clearly state the main points you will address in the journal; for example, could look something like “Philosopher A claimed B. I will claim C, for reasons D, E, F”)
ii. Exposition: Briefly, but clearly describe a key argument or theory from the chosen reading (which you will respond to in section 3). This section should primarily be in your own words but include at least one short key quote from the chosen reading. Make sure to quote and cite any words that are not your own, even if they are from the text or lectures. It should be clear from this section that you actually completed the reading (not just based on the lectures).
iii. Your Philosophical Response: (Main section, spend most of the journal on this). Give your philosophical response. Make sure you stay on topic. Do so in one of the following formats (do only one of these options):
- Give rational objections to the argument/theory, state why it is faulty
- Defend the argument from possible objections
- Explain how the argument can be improved, how you would change it and why
- Discuss the strengths and weaknesses, then your overall position
(Do only one of the above options!)
California State University Employee Developmental Program Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
You are rolling out a new employee developmental program, and you are meeting with a manager who does not believe that documenting her employees’ performance is a good use of time. Discuss the following with this manager:
- Discuss the benefits of developmental plans.
- Explain to her why it is important to document employee performance, specifically in relation to achieving developmental goals.
- Provide her with some tips on documenting performance.
- Offer guidance on how to run a performance review meeting. Give the general sequence of steps that take place at a performance review meeting along with a brief description of what happens at each step.
- Write a 4- to 6-page paper not including the title and reference pages, which are required.
- For this assignment, refer to the website entitled Writing an Effective Essay (Links to an external site.).
- You can download and save the APA Template Paper (Links to an external site.) as your own paper and replace the placeholders with your own information. This template is already formatted in APA style . Do not change the formatting of this template.
- This is an individual paper; however, you should reflect on our discussion forums and incorporate ideas from there, as appropriate.
- Include a formal references page. You must support your analysis with at least 4 to 6 scholarly references and can include resources from this course. Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the APA standards.
- For this assignment, a credible source is defined as:
- a scholarly or peer-reviewed journal article.
- a government-based website or publication.
- a trade or industry journal article, publication, or website, including those from trade organizations such as and
MGT 400 TUAGC Logistics Management Customer Service Perspectives in Logistics Essay Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will research a large global transportation company, write a paper that discusses how customer service supports logistics and supply chain management, and then analyze how this relationship contributes to a company’s competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
In your paper,
- Select one transportation company from the list of the World’s Largest Transportation Companies (Links to an external site.), published by Forbes. I will post the link to the list below.
- Explain how your chosen company’s current logistics and/or supply chain management practices supports each of the four dimensions of customer service. (The company’s website and annual report are often good starting points for your research.)
- Assess how the company can strengthen the contribution of each dimension to future gains in profitability and/or customer service with at least two of the four dimensions. Provide two to three examples of how other companies have already done so to support your assessment.
The Measuring Customer Service paper
- Must be 600 to 900 words in length (not including title and references pages), double-spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Contextual (Level One) headings must be used to organize your paper and your thoughts.
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Must include and integrate supporting information and reasoning from at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible business source from the Ashford Library in addition to the textbook. Course text is below
- Murphy,
P. R., & Knemeyer, A. M. (2018). Contemporary Logistics (12th ed.).
- Murphy,
- Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Governors State University The Security Architecture and Design Question Computer Science Assignment Help
The purpose of this final assignment is for you to demonstrate your in-depth understanding of the security concepts covered thus far in this course. This assignment is a paper that both answers the listed questions and ties together concepts from different chapters.
The final is a formal academic paper in APA style. Include headings and subheadings to make it easy to follow the sections of your paper. There is no required length for this final paper. However, each answer needs to thoroughly address each aspect listed in the question.
Respond to each question below. Remember to cover all aspects of the question.
Successful security architecture needs upper management to support for effective security standards and protocols. However, there are possible disadvantages to upper management involvement. List and describe the tradeoffs in business between rigorous security and delivering products to customers. Go beyond merely the automated solutions, or the technical checks that can be done without much human support.
Examine how capturing, standardizing, applying patterns, and standard solutions help to increase efficiency and maintain delivery teams’ velocity. Provide at least 3 real-world examples which describe and examine how they provide the velocity. Do not simply provide a list of things teams can do but for each idea, define the idea and explain its relevance.
Schoenfield lists several components of a successful security architecture practice, such as broad support across the organization, recruitment and training of security architects with the right kind of aptitude and interest, effective security requirements that enhance but do not slow down the innovation process, and finally, indicators that the security architecture team is being well utilized and adding value to project development. Describe what each of these components are and explain how each is relevant to security development. Include detail and examples.
CUNY Lehman College Impact of Covid 19 on The Music Industry Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Soc 101-6 & Soc 101-7
The purpose of this exercise is to help students explore how to write a college paper which is a research-based assignment. Showing the right format of a research paper can help to get at least a C+.
1)The paper must be in the scope of sociology which is “the scientific study of human social relations, groups and societies” (Eglitis and Chambliss, 2021, p. 2).
2) 3 double-spaced pages plus reference pages.
a.If you can delete a sentence or a few words in your paper that won’t weaken your points, those words are useless.
3)Sources: Theories, concepts, definitions MUST come from the textbook, 5 books, 5 peer-reviewed articles. NO .com, .org, .edu sites would be accepted, except approval from the professor. Data (such as statistics), current events etc can come from creditable news sources such as New York Times, BBC, Washington Post, the Guardian. Data from Census, Pew Research Center, Gullop Poll, etc are good.
a.Not following this requirement could lead to a failing grade of the whole paper.
4)“I, You” cannot be used in the paper, except in the introduction
5)This is a research paper. Personal opinion is not considered scientific. Every point in the paper must be supported by peer-reviewed sources. Personal observation based on the points in the paper is acceptable in the conclusion.
6)Just a summary of the reading materials will not work. A summary will receive no more than a C.
7)Citation format APA. Consult the two videos on how to do in-text citation and reference page posted on Blackboard. Your paper can fail, if you fail to cite accurately.
1)Students can pick any topic such any current social / global issues. Covid-19 would be an excellent choice.
2)Select a theoretical perspective to guide your research and analysis. This should be shown in the end of the introductory paragraph with a purposive statement / thesis. The format of the purposive statement is: The purpose of this paper is to examine, compare, explore, argue… (pick a strong verb to reflect the work in the paper).
3)Each paragraph has one key idea only. Use paragraphs to separate different key ideas. A paragraph should start with a topic sentence which is the key point of that paragraph, and this topic sentence should be a point to support your thesis. The rest of the paragraph should be the supporting data or materials to illustrate the key idea.
4)Use link words to connect ideas, such as moreover, however, furthermore, similarly, in contrast, one the one hand, on the other hand, and so on.
5)Personal experience is not considered as data, but it can be used in the introduction to pave the research interest.
6)Each chapter in the textbook can serve as a theoretical starting point. Consult the textbook and your professor.
CUNY Lehman College Impact of Covid 19 on The Music Industry Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Female Gender Expectations in Society & Socioeconomic Racial Ethnic Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
What are specific expectations of someone of your gender? How did you learn these expectations? How did you learn what to expect of those of the opposite gender? What effect have these expectations had on your life, values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors? In what ways are your gender and identity role expectations different from someone of another socioeconomic/racial ethnic background? How might your gender identity/role expectations affect your interactions as a social worker(or chosen profession) with others of the same or opposite gender? What will you do to ensure you work effectively with those having different gender identity and role expectations?
Essays should be no less than 2, no more than 3 pages in length and should adhere to APA formatting guidelines. Add the reference page to the end of the paper. You do not need an abstract in the autobiographies.
Questions listed after each topic are intended to stimulate thought and do not need to be completely answered. HOWEVER, STUDENTS MUST RESPOND TO ALL QUESTIONS THAT ARE IN BOLD ABOVE. The point of the assignment: relate each topic to yourself.
A learning tool for this process will incorporate use of the readings and videos related to the topics. You must use at least ONE APA reference in the body of your paper. Refer to Owl Purdue APA in-text citations (Links to an external site.) for assistance with the format.
Each essay is worth 25 points and will be graded as follows:
1. depth of analysis (10 pts.)
2. clarity of discussion and ideas (10 pts.),
3. formatting/quality of writing, adherence to APA format (5 points).
Santa Monica College Global Structure Digitizer Function C Programs File Computer Science Assignment Help
1.Write a program that after initializing a 4×6 array of numbers ranging between 0-9, it then prints the array before the “digitizer” function and after the “digitizer” function is called such that the digitizer function using a for loop coverts each element of the array to 1 if it is 5 or above and converts to 0 otherwise. (Extra credit: Show how your code would change if you used a switch statement.
2.Write a program that contains a global structure variable that is initialized to hold your first name, your last name, your lucky non-whole number (e.g. 26.5), your major, and a listing (an array) of your six most favorite college courses you have ever taken or plan to take. Then your program should access and print the stored data. (Extra credit: print the data twice, once using a structure variable and do-while loop, and next using a pointer variable and a while-do loop.
complete both codes in seperate files
create generic information for code #2
Ashford University Use of the Relative Valuation Technique on Business Discussion Writing Assignment Help
After your investigation into using DCF, you and your partner decided to look at different valuation projection approaches, and you discovered the relative valuation technique. You are gathering information about this technique and your initial research focus is on the below questions and activities. Analyze the relative valuation technique. Why is the relative valuation approach so widely used? Are you comfortable using this approach to value a business? Why or why not?
As you develop your response, focus on the following information (you are encouraged to go beyond the text for information):
- What are some limitations and investment community objection to this technique that make you uncomfortable?
- If you like this technique, how will you defend its use?
- Offer us a link to a video or an article that complements your answer to the items above.
University of the Potomac Private and Public Prisons Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help
Consider the following topic: Should prisons be privatized?
Locate peer-reviewed articles on the Internet that compare the differences between public-sector and private-sector correctional facilities.
Select a position that is either in support of or in opposition to the privatization of prisons.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word argumentative essay that explains your selected position in regards to the privatization of prisons. Your essay should incorporate supporting evidence that has been gathered from at least two scholarly resources. Include evidence that demonstrates the differences between private and public sector prisons in regards to the following topics:
- Operations of correctional organizations
- Correctional personnel roles and functions
- Correctional issues and practices
Include a discussion of opposing arguments and provide brief rebuttals.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
[supanova_question] for assistance with the format.
Each essay is worth 25 points and will be graded as follows:
1. depth of analysis (10 pts.)
2. clarity of discussion and ideas (10 pts.),
3. formatting/quality of writing, adherence to APA format (5 points).