Ashford University The Use Of Knowledge In Society Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Ashford University The Use Of Knowledge In Society Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Discuss the Hayek paper on the use of knowledge in society. What is the primary economic problem and how is Hayek proposing the go about dealing with it? What are some of the strengths of his argument? What are some of the weaknesses?
Must use references below with additional references . 600-800 words Must be APA format and no plagiarism.
- Hayek, F. (1945). The Use of Knowledge in Society. American Economic Review, Volume 35 (Number 17), 519-530.
- Jordan, Jerry (2017). Hayek in His own Words. The Journal of Private Enterprise, 32(1), 1-9.
- Vaubel, Roland (2019). The Case for Freedom Revisited. Economic Affairs, 39: 320-329
Ashford University The Use Of Knowledge In Society Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
COUC 500 Liberty Wk 2 What Do I Believe About Personality Development Questions Writing Assignment Help
Instructions All key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in a new thread. The thread has a clear, logical flow and includes at least 350-400 words. Major points are stated clearly. Major points are supported by at least on scholarly source. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. A Christian worldview or biblical themes are included as well. |
Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures. References are cited in current APA format. |
Spelling and grammar are correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs contain appropriately varied sentence structures. References are cited in current APA format. |
The student will post a thread of at least 350-400 words. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 1 scholarly citation in APA (7th edition) format. Each reply must incorporate at least 1 schoarly citation in APA (7thedition) format. Any sources cite must have been published in within the last five yers. Acceptable sources include the textbook and/or scholarly peer-reviewed articles.
Students will need to include word count with each post.
For this Discussion, you will need to read Chapters 3 and 10 and watch the chapter videos. You will have an option of 3 activities. Choose one of the options described below to complete. Please provide a word count for your posts.
Simmons, R., Lilley, S., & Kuhnley, A.K. (Eds). (2020). Introduction to Counseling: Integration of Faith, Professional Identity, and Clinical Practice. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. ISBN: 9781524996970.
Simmons, Lilley, & Kuhnley: chs: 3, 10
- Interview a practicing licensed counselor. Ask these questions: a) How do you define the professional identity of a counselor as compared to other mental health disciplines? b) What is the most rewarding part of being a counselor and what is the most difficult? C) What theoretical models to you use? And d) What words of wisdom do you have for someone who is in their first course of a master’s degree program in counseling? Provide a discussion about what you learned and how it confirmed what you thought you knew or challenged assumptions you had. Support your discussion with your chapter readings.
- Create a professional development plan using the following categories:
- Name at least two populations with whom you would like to counsel.
- Identify a counseling conference/training that would help prepare you to work with those populations.
- Include the names/addresses/phone number of two counseling settings in your location (agency, private practice, inpatient, etc…) which you could join after graduation to set up your counseling practice.
- Describe one referral source for each population you identified for which you could refer your client for additional services/advocacy efforts.
- As a component of informed consent, counselors often write a philosophy statement which includes a discussion of their theoretical orientation. Using the following prompts as a guide, use theory to inform your thoughts and write the first draft of your counseling philosophy statement. Be sure to include language specific to theory.
- What do I believe about personality development?
- What do I believe about problems become problems?
- What do I believe about how people change?
SUO Evidence Based Research Policing & the Guiding of The Taskforce Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Each thread must be 250 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student is required to reply to 2 other classmates’ threads.
Each reply must be 150 words. The thread must have a minimum of 2 references, and the replies must have a minimum of 1 reference. The references must be in current APA style, and the references must be reflected in the text (in-text citations) as well as at the end of each post.. Each reply must contain 1–2 sentences addressing issues, questions, or statements from a Christian worldview. Please answer the questions listed in the weekly instructions in the Discussion Board section of our classroom.
Evidence-Based Policing
Read Chapter 2 of the Bachman textbook, Chapter 2 of the Mosher textbook, and the website article “Evidence-Based Policing” before discussing the following prompts:
- Describe the major elements of evidence-based policing.
- How do the elements relate to research in criminal justice?
- In what areas is evidence-based policing already being used?
- What are the steps you would take to convince a department not using evidence-based policing to use it?
IEEM 681 KAA Business Forecasting Watson Fuels OPEC Oil Prices Report Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
OPEC oil prices (any oil type)
Please submit your works IN A ZIPPED FILE.
Include word report.
Include Minitab.
You may use Minitab software (please Attach the steps that how you done in the Minitab, in video or picture)
1. Write an introduction to describe your organization.
2. Suppose that you work in an organization in the project you selected and since you have taken a course of IEEM 681 (Business Forecasting) you are asked, by top management, to construct several forecasting models for the purpose of achieving the strategic and operational goals of your organization. You may use ARIMA or Trend forecasting methods.
3. Write the forecasting process, such as problem definition, information search, etc.
4. In each forecasting model you have to plot, compute, fit, and forecast several periods of time.
5. In your solution, consider all the following items when doing a forecast with comments on your findings:
• Time Series (TS) plot
• Autocorrelation and Partial-Autocorrelation plots
• Identify the TS pattern
• Show the reasons of choosing specific forecasting model(s)
• Show the assumptions of using a selected forecasting model(s)
• Present all accuracy measurement by the software, for the purpose of assessing your forecasting model’s accuracy. Autocorrelation is suggested to check the assumption of your forecasting model. – for more information, please check the Minitab help session for this part.
• Plot original TS, fitted values, and forecast all in one graph
• You should make a summary table to compare between model accuracy. Based on this summary, you should recommend the best forecasting model for your assigned TS.
This section should briefly contain your conclusions based on your works and understanding you gained from doing this project.
MKTG 3553 Ice Cream Product Adaptation in the Turkey Markey Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help
What product adaptations would be required to make your product successful in your chosen market?
Consider the 4 P’s:
- Product (Size, ingredients,… )
- Price (commodity? luxury?)
- Promotion (what aspects of it would you promote)
- Place (where would you sell it?)
Explain WHY you would make those adaptations
Would you keep the existing brand or rebrand? WHY?
Your memo should be concise and to the point. Statements should explain why you made those adaptations and should be backed up by data and properly referenced. Use charts and graphs when appropriate to illustrate data.WRITE IN MEMO FORMAT.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProduct Adaptations |
0.9 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePricing Strategy |
0.9 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePromotion Strategy |
0.9 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlace |
0.9 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBrand |
0.9 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar, Formatting, Typos |
0.5 pts |
Total Points: 5.0 |
SUO Personal Philosophy of Leadership Corporate Leader Vision & Mission Statement Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Personal Philosophy of Leadership Instructions
Many organizations publicly define who they are through their vision, mission, and values statements. You can do the same as individuals. This exercise is very similar to organizational vision, mission, and values statement writing; there are slight modifications from the organizational format with respect to length, focus, and purpose. Keep in mind, this exercise is very introspective. It can be very challenging if taken seriously, and it can change your life. You are to write a Personal Philosophy of Leadership through your construction of a personal vision, mission, and values statement. You may wish to review the grading rubric prior to starting. Here are the steps to the process:
- Vision Statement—the vision statement is a statement of what is possible; it is a picture of the future. Write a statement on what is possible for you and what the picture of the future is for you. This may be 1 paragraph (5–6 sentences) and up to a page. This is not an organizational vision statement. It is a personal vision statement; there are differences.
- Mission Statement—the mission statement answers the vision. If your vision statement is to be or to do XYZ (what is possible), your mission statement is that you accomplish your vision by ABC (your reflections, thoughts, and method). This is a little different than the short corporate mission statements. This mission statement is a philosophy or creed that focuses on your character, your contributions or achievements, and on the values or principles upon which your attitudes are based. You may call it your Personal Constitution. You must answer the following: What is my purpose in life? What really counts? What do I want to accomplish in life? What legacy would you like to leave? You must also weave into this statement what type of leader you want to be, what your purpose is as a leader, and what legacy you would like to leave as a leader. To earn the greatest amount of points, the inclusion of a Christian worldview in this assignment is strongly encouraged; you should be praying and seeking God’s guidance in this exercise. Write a statement that includes all of the above material. This must be well thought out. This is not an “hour before it is due” exercise; that will be obvious. This statement is expected to be a minimum of 3–4 pages in length. This is not an organizational mission statement. It is a personal mission statement; there are differences.
- Values Statement—in bullet form, list 5–10 values that are most important to you by which you would want others to define you. This is not an organizational values statement. It is a personal values statement; there are differences.
- References—this paper must be at least 5 pages and include a minimum of 5–7 references to ground your thoughts. Use proper, current APA formatting for in-text citations and for the final reference page.
SUO Personal Philosophy of Leadership Corporate Leader Vision & Mission Statement Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
INT 100 AU Wk 2 Fundamentals of IT & Literacy the Blog Design Plan Discussion Programming Assignment Help
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read section 6.8 of Chapter 6: Mobile/Web Apps in Computing Technology for All. You should also review Intro to Blogging to learn more about blogging and blog customization as well as the instructions included for the Information Technology Blog Reflection in Week 5 to see how this assignment fits into your overall final project.
Students: Be sure to download and save a PDF version of your textbook for future reference. It will be used in later courses within your program, including the final, capstone course. Zybooks limits online access to your course textbooks for a 12-month period. (Zybook Download Instructions)
Throughout this course, you will design and build a blog to demonstrate your knowledge of the field of information technology. You will complete discussions, interactive assignments, and assignments that will be added as posts to your blog. You are required to use Google’s website Blogger to create your blog for this course.
To begin this assignment, you will need to conduct research on blogs to gain a better understanding of blogging best practices. You must support your design decisions with examples from at least three tech-related blogs and at least three tutorials that teach about either general blog design or the features of Blogger. Evaluate the layouts of the blog examples that you find. Identify how each blog conveys information to its audience.
Your research should give you a very good idea on what your design could look like, however, if you still feel that you need additional guidance you may review the examples provided in the Blog DesignExamples listed below:
To complete this assignment, you will describe the approach you will take to design your Information Technology Blog.
- Identify an audience for your blog and describe how your intended audience will impact your design choices.
- Discuss the design strategies and features that you found in your research that you would like to implement in your own blog design. Choose stylistic elements that you will use on your blog, including background image/color, color scheme, and fonts. Outline the labels that you will use to categorize posts.
- Create a basic wireframe diagram of the front page of your blog to illustrate your intended layout, including header, main text, sidebar, footer, and links to static pages, such as the required “About” page. To create your diagram, you can choose to use a graphics editing software (e.g., PowerPoint, Paint, Photoshop, etc.) or insert a photo of a hand-drawn sketch.
The Blog Design Plan
- Must be at least 300 words in length (not including title, diagram, and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must use at least three tech-related blogs and at least three tutorials that teach about either general blog design or the features of Blogger.
- Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Purdue University What Is Demand Forecasting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
This is a logistics technology course. I can provide access to the reading material used in this course. In this Module, you will write an article review. This review can be an article on forecasting/demand management that is not more than 5 years old. Within this assignment you are expected to:
- Describe the strategies used to forecast customer demand based on your readings in chapter 2.
- Identify and explain the challenges they experienced forecasting demand, and the strategies implemented to mitigate the challenges.
- Based on your readings, your experience as a customer, and the future of demand planning, what are your thoughts on the company’s strategies?
The paper must be 3-4 pages in length written in APA style format. The assignment must be completed by 11/7:2020 11:59 PM EST.
FSU Supreme Court Jeopardizing Gender Equality and LGBTQ Rights Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Listen to the ACLU Podcast and respond to the questions that follow:
By 11/4/20
1. Of the 3 possible outcomes that were explained regarding the Supreme Court case, which outcome do you believe is most likely, and why?
2. During the podcast, the conversation moved beyond this one case, to the impact on other non-discrimination cases that support challenges to a requirement that you have to provide referrals and information about medical care, to challenges to rules that you need to address students by their proper pronouns, to challenges to any requirement for coverage of abortion in a health care plan, to challenges to refusals to provide services to somebody because they’re a transgender individual. Discuss what you believe the social work profession needs to be doing to address these potential changes to anti-discrimination policies?
3. Discuss what you believe are the underlying factors that maintain America’s struggle with gender equality and LGBTQ rights?
RC Operations Management Analysis JBH Electronics Supply Chain Strategy Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
*Grading rubric is attached, please follow it well! I also attached the last assignments that go hand in hand with this (just in case you need them for anything, you probably wont)
Analyze supply chain strategy to ensure profitability and sustainability.
In your role as a Business Process Consultant at Bryce-Kingston, you are writing an analysis for JBH Electronics who just received approval to acquire one of their competitors. The Board of Directors wants to ensure that the acquisition will be profitable and wants your perspective on how JBH can use a supply chain strategy to make the acquisition profitable. You will need to research the best practices in the industry for supply chain strategies.
Find supplemental articles and prepare an analysis outlining JBH’s profitability and sustainability strategy. Include the following in writing your analysis of the acquisition.
- Using your supplemental articles, analyze a supply chain strategy for JBH Electronics.
- Identify any potential issues and threats to resources that JBH may face.
- Outline any potential areas to increase sustainability practices for JBH Electronics.
- Based on your analysis and research, make a recommendation on JBH’s acquisition.
- Provide attribution for credible sources.
By 11/4/20
1. Of the 3 possible outcomes that were explained regarding the Supreme Court case, which outcome do you believe is most likely, and why?
2. During the podcast, the conversation moved beyond this one case, to the impact on other non-discrimination cases that support challenges to a requirement that you have to provide referrals and information about medical care, to challenges to rules that you need to address students by their proper pronouns, to challenges to any requirement for coverage of abortion in a health care plan, to challenges to refusals to provide services to somebody because they’re a transgender individual. Discuss what you believe the social work profession needs to be doing to address these potential changes to anti-discrimination policies?
3. Discuss what you believe are the underlying factors that maintain America’s struggle with gender equality and LGBTQ rights?