Ashford University Week 3 Impact of Student Loan Debt in The US Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Ashford University Week 3 Impact of Student Loan Debt in The US Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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Last week, you outlined your argumentative essay. This week, you must use your instructor’s feedback and information from the course materials to turn your outline into an essay draft. Weekly instructor guidance and Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in the course text, College Writing Handbook, will walk you through the process.
The Week 3 assignment is the first draft of your academic argument. In this assignment, you will show that you are making progress in all course learning outcomes:
- Interpret information through close and critical reading.
- Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.
- Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.
- Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.
- Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.
You will submit a 4- to 5-page (1,000 to 1,250 words) rough-draft essay that is formatted in proper APA style. This rough draft assignment must integrate prior feedback and show improvement from your prior coursework. The rough draft will be evaluated differently than a final draft essay, so pay close attention to the grading rubrics and requirements.
Ashford University Week 3 Impact of Student Loan Debt in The US Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Loyola University of Chicago MSN Essentials Program Concept Map Health Medical Assignment Help
- The Concept Map must visually connect all of the specified objectives (Program Outcomes, MSN Essentials, and NONPF Competencies) to course work (such as specific discussion board topics, written assignments, exams, lessons, and reading content).
- All items should be labeled, for instance, label the objectives and label the course work you select with name of the assignment/reading/discussion board topic and which week it was introduced.
- Use Microsoft Word or a PowerPoint to create a Concept Map. You can use the features found on the “Insert” tab of a Word doc (in the horizontal ribbon on the top of a Word doc page). For instance, if you click on “insert” you will see shapes and SmartArt. You can use a PowerPoint slide with shapes and lines to create a concept/mind map. This is not a PowerPoint presentation , but a PowerPoint slide can be used to “draw” the Map.
Outcomes/Competencies to be connected with course learning:
MSN Program Outcome #2:
Create a caring environment for achieving quality health outcomes (Care-Focused).
MSN Essential VIII:
Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Competencies #4: Practice Inquiry Competencies
- Recognizes that the master’s-prepared nurse applies and integrates broad, organizational, client-centered, and culturally appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management, and evaluation of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care and services to individuals, families, and aggregates/identified populations.
Your Concept Map will visually depict how you see the assignments of the course meeting the outcomes above.
Liberty University Credit Card Skimmer Fraud Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Submit a 3-page analysis of an article that cites an example of unethical behavior as related to corporate or an individual’s behavior in the use of technology/data or unethical manipulation of such. Your analysis should include a summary of the article, your analysis of the ethical problem presented in the article, and how the topic relates to a biblical world view. The ethical problem should be clearly stated. Do not assume that your summary makes the ethical problem self-evident.
2. Article Selection: It is recommended that you choose a topic that is related to your major; however, the topic must incorporate technology. This should be a specific event, not an article such as “Five Ways Companies are Unethical with Data”. Such an article may be a good starting place but will not be sufficient for this assignment. The article will be current – from within the past 3 years. You can likely find an example from as recent as this week/month. As this may be a news article, be sure that you are using a valid source of news. You should find multiple sources reporting the same information to ensure that your assessment of the reporting is accurate. Feel free to cite from these additional sources as well as your main article.
3. Biblical Worldview: You will include at least two biblical references in your analysis.
4. Use APA format, including in-text citations and a reference page.
BUSN 698 American Military University Corporate Social Responsibility Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Increasingly, corporations are viewed as moral agents accountable for their conduct to their employees, investors, suppliers, and customers. The organizational culture often reflects one of two dimensions – either a concern for people demonstrated through the organization’s efforts to care for its employees’ well-being or concern for performance—the organization’s efforts to focus on productivity. Do either or both approaches support corporate social responsibility? What are common mistakes business leaders make when designing and implementing a corporate social responsibility plan?
Instructions: You will need to do an in-depth literary search on the topic in order to create a fully-developed response. You will need to include in-text citations and a references list for external references used in supporting your points for this question. You should have no fewer than 7 references for your response to this particular question, 4 of which must be from peer-reviewed sources.
ILO: Specialized Knowledge |
Pass with Distinction Student provides a strong introduction to the paper that gives a background of the situation and includes a good thesis statement. |
Pass Student provides an introduction to the paper that gives a background and the thesis statement needs work. |
Revision Possible Student provides an introduction to the paper that gives a background but does not provide a thesis statement or the thesis statement needs work. |
Fail/Retake Student provides an introduction to the paper but it does not give a background on the situation and no thesis statement is provided. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not provide an introduction, background, or thesis statement in the paper. |
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ILO: Broad Knowledge |
Pass with Distinction Student incorporates 3+ theories/concepts used in previous classes to discuss the issues presented in the prompt. |
Pass Student incorporates 2 theories/concepts used in previous classes to discuss the issues presented in the prompt. |
Revision Possible Student incorporates 1 theory/concept used in previous classes to discuss the issues presented in the prompt. |
Fail/Retake Student incorporates 1-2 theories but does not make any connections to the issues presented in the prompt. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not present any theories or concepts from previous classes. |
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Program Objectives |
Program Objective |
Pass with Distinction Identified and discussed 3+ concepts required by the assignment description. |
Pass Identified and discussed 2 concepts required by the assignment description. |
Revision Possible Identified and discussed 1 concept required by the assignment description |
Fail/Retake Identified concepts but did not provide details or supporting discussion. |
No Acceptable Submission Did not correctly identify or discuss any of the concepts learned. |
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Course Objectives |
Theoretical/ Logical Reasoning |
Pass with Distinction Student provides a creative and well thought out and supported argument and/or recommendation to support the question prompt. |
Pass Student provides a reasonable argument and/or recommendation to support the question prompt. |
Revision Possible Student provides an argument and/or recommendation but it is not documented or supported. |
Fail/Retake Student does not provide logical reasoning based on material presented OR does not provide a recommendation based on material presented. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not provide logical reasoning based on material presented AND does not provide a recommendation based on material presented. |
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Research |
Pass with Distinction Student strategically uses 7 or more sources, correctly cited parenthetically, to support his/her thoughts and ideas. Resources are from credible sources. |
Pass Student provides 5-6 sources, correctly cited parenthetically to support his/her thoughts and ideas OR more sources are provided but are not correctly cited and/or are not credible. |
Revision Possible Student provides 3-4 sources, correctly cited parenthetically to support his/her thoughts and ideas OR more sources are provided but are not correctly cited and/or are not credible. |
Fail/Retake Student provides less than 3 sources, correctly cited parenthetically to support his/her thoughts and ideas OR more sources are provided but are not correctly cited and/or are not credible. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not provide any relevant research or no references are cited parenthetically. |
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Writing/Mechanics |
Grammar |
Pass with Distinction Student presents question response with excellent display of grammatical, spelling, and other writing ability (2 or less errors). |
Pass Student presents questions response with minimal (3-6) errors in grammar, spelling, or other writing errors. |
Revision Possible Student presents question response with numerous (7-9) errors in grammar, spelling, and other writing errors. |
Fail/Retake Student presents question response with many (10-15) errors in grammar, spelling, and other writing errors. |
No Acceptable Submission Paper has not been proofread and contains more than 15 errors. |
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Pass with Distinction Paper contains no APA errors. |
Pass Paper contains 2 or less APA errors. |
Revision Possible Paper contains 3-4 APA errors. |
Fail/Retake Paper contains 5+ APA errors. |
No Acceptable Submission Paper was not submitted in APA format. |
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Mechanics |
Pass with Distinction Paper meets the length requirement of 2100-2450 words and is organized in APA formatted headings for readability. |
Pass Paper is 1400-2100 words OR is over 2450 words. Paper is organized in headings but they are not formatted correctly. |
Revision Possible Paper is 1050-1400 words OR is over 2800 words. Paper is not organized in headings but paper follows a logical order. |
Fail/Retake Paper is 700-1050 words OR is over 3150 words. Paper is not organized in headings and is hard to read. |
No Acceptable Submission Paper is less than 700 words. Paper is insufficient in content. |
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Originality |
Pass with Distinction Student provides Turnitin report for question and it comes in under 15% in the use of quoted material and demonstrates a strategic use of resources via the report. |
Pass Student provides Turnitin report for question and it comes in between 16-25% in the use of quoted material. Student has no issues with paraphrasing. |
Revision Possible Student provides Turnitin report for question and it comes in between 26-35% in the use of quoted material and/or student has issues with paraphrasing. |
Fail/Retake Student provides Turnitin report for question and it comes in over 36% in the use of quoted material and/or student has issues with paraphrasing. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not provide a Turnitin report. |
Loyola University of Chicago the Covid 19 Pandemic Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
- Please go to a lay press newspaper, for example, The Washington Post, The New York Times, or other national publication.
- Locate an article that has global health implications, such as malaria, untreated strep throat or other infectious diseases in developing countries. Other topic areas may address environmental global health issues, for example, safe water, sanitation, or oral health.
- After you locate and read over the article, respond to the following prompt:
- During NR503, we have discussed the web of causation, epidemiological triangle, inter-professional collaboration and various other concepts related to population health and epidemiology. In responding to your chosen article in this week’s discussion board be sure to synthesize, integrate, these course concepts as well as other terminology found in weekly modules. For example, integrate into your writing information from the World Health Organization and the SDG’s or include social justice theory into your article analysis. The specific focus is up to you, but be sure to compare and contrast, integrate and think critically, as you present your discussion board post.
- Your post should be a minimum of two (2) paragraphs with 4-5 sentences per paragraph.
- Your initial post should include a minimum of two (2) scholarly articles which would not include your course text, which is also permitted to be used.
- Reply posts should include a scholarly reference and be a minimum of one (1) paragraph, 4-5 sentences.
- A scholarly tone should be maintained throughout all posts.
- A link to the article using APA should be included.
HRM 340 Grantham University Human Resource Management Job Search and Resume Essay Writing Assignment Help
W3 Assignment “Job Search”
Human Resource Management HRM 340
Job Search
A well-developed resume remains an essential element of successfully obtaining a job. READ CHAPTERS 5-7
This is a multi-part assignment.
Part 1: Conduct resarch and write a 1 page paper. Instructions include:
- Online Job Search – Conduct an online job search and identify a position you might be interested in applying for.
- In your paper, discuss your online search and how you went about finding the position.
- Also, describe the job and how your background matches the requirements of the position. (Minimum length of 1 page).
Part 2: Develop and write a 1 page resume.
- Write a 1 page resume, designed to compete for the position you researched and chose in Part 1 of this assignment.
- Your finished product (research and resume) should be a total of 2 pages in length.
HRM 340 Grantham University Human Resource Management Job Search and Resume Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Economy by Henry David Thoreau Philosophy Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I have an essay to write it. The essay have to talk about one of the philosopher that I had chose one of his philosophy. Also, with his philosophy, there is a reading journal that you have answer it based on his philosophy. The philosophy article already attached down with the requirements.
I have attached down the requirements to finish the essay.
Comment. In the reading journal has mistake beside you write paraphrase for each page, you write for each paragraph (maximum 31 paragraph). The paragraph for each body in the reading journal you can paraphrase it in two or three sentences. Also, the reading journal must be finished within 30 hours and the essay you can finish it 3 days from posting this request.
Thank you so much.
Trident University Managing Organizing & Negotiating for Value??Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Compare various tactics used in negotiation strategy providing details of each strategy as to application, innovation, balance, desired result, and overall best use of tactic. Judge best methods to prepare and assess desired effects using negotiation preparation, research, and application techniques. Describe and defend best practice in the overall management and organization of negotiation of various types of exchanges. Using a union contract as the event, describe what research and preparations are necessary to build a solid strategy, create a good exchange of data, build a solid organizational focus, develop a logical and comprehensive series of conclusions based on ultimate results, and provide a clear measurement path for both parties to vision best outcomes for all parties. Using the previous scenario descriptors, establish a table for the following events: Hostage release; Divorce; Employment Contracts; Mortgage; Car Purchase; Raise. Assess for each of the previous events the critical balance of power issues outlining what unique solution for both parties is a “win-win” agreement. Finally assess what makes for the payoff of value, what definition is used for value, how is value derived, how can negotiations help clarify what value should be mutual to both parties, and why and where should value be positioned in the negotiating process.
Anthem College Phoenix Human Services Discussion Writing Assignment Help
1. 250 words each
Community Resources
In relation to the social problem you identified in previous assignments( TEEN PREGNANCY ), in your initial post, identify and investigate three existing local community resources you might use in your own program development project. Use the Community Resource Snapshot in Chapter 7 of your Program Development in the 21st Century textbook to provide your recommendations. Address the following questions for each resource:
- Exactly what type of relationship will you pursue with this resource?
- In what ways will your program benefit from this relationship?
- How will you maintain communication with this resource?
The Meaning of Collaboration
In your initial post, explain what the concept of collaboration means to you. Even though collaboration is so prominent in today’s mental health and human services environments, do you believe this is a fad, or do you believe that collaboration will continue well into the future, and why? What changes in human services may impact the perceptions of this concept in the future?
BUSN 698 American Military University Financial Management Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Every organization, irrespective of its size or ownership pattern, has to manage its finances. The overall objectives of an organization cannot be achieved in the absence of financial management. Many organizations fail in their objectives because of financial mismanagement and this failure rate is quite high among the small business enterprises. Hence, financial management is vital for all types of organizations, profit making as well as non-profit making. In case of non-profit making organizations also the effectiveness and performance depends on their financial resources management. Explain how you would attempt to analyze the financial functions of an organization, what key areas should be analyzed and what would be your critical recommendations to establish sound financial controls?
You will need to do an in-depth literary search on the topic in order to create a fully-developed response. You will need to include in-text citations and a references list for external references used in supporting your points for this question. You should have no fewer than 7 references for your response to this particular question, 4 of which must be from peer-reviewed sources.
ILO: Specialized Knowledge |
Pass with Distinction Student provides a strong introduction to the paper that gives a background of the situation and includes a good thesis statement. |
Pass Student provides an introduction to the paper that gives a background and the thesis statement needs work. |
Revision Possible Student provides an introduction to the paper that gives a background but does not provide a thesis statement or the thesis statement needs work. |
Fail/Retake Student provides an introduction to the paper but it does not give a background on the situation and no thesis statement is provided. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not provide an introduction, background, or thesis statement in the paper. |
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ILO: Broad Knowledge |
Pass with Distinction Student incorporates 3+ theories/concepts used in previous classes to discuss the issues presented in the prompt. |
Pass Student incorporates 2 theories/concepts used in previous classes to discuss the issues presented in the prompt. |
Revision Possible Student incorporates 1 theory/concept used in previous classes to discuss the issues presented in the prompt. |
Fail/Retake Student incorporates 1-2 theories but does not make any connections to the issues presented in the prompt. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not present any theories or concepts from previous classes. |
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Program Objectives |
Program Objective |
Pass with Distinction Identified and discussed 3+ concepts required by the assignment description. |
Pass Identified and discussed 2 concepts required by the assignment description. |
Revision Possible Identified and discussed 1 concept required by the assignment description |
Fail/Retake Identified concepts but did not provide details or supporting discussion. |
No Acceptable Submission Did not correctly identify or discuss any of the concepts learned. |
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Course Objectives |
Theoretical/ Logical Reasoning |
Pass with Distinction Student provides a creative and well thought out and supported argument and/or recommendation to support the question prompt. |
Pass Student provides a reasonable argument and/or recommendation to support the question prompt. |
Revision Possible Student provides an argument and/or recommendation but it is not documented or supported. |
Fail/Retake Student does not provide logical reasoning based on material presented OR does not provide a recommendation based on material presented. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not provide logical reasoning based on material presented AND does not provide a recommendation based on material presented. |
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Research |
Pass with Distinction Student strategically uses 7 or more sources, correctly cited parenthetically, to support his/her thoughts and ideas. Resources are from credible sources. |
Pass Student provides 5-6 sources, correctly cited parenthetically to support his/her thoughts and ideas OR more sources are provided but are not correctly cited and/or are not credible. |
Revision Possible Student provides 3-4 sources, correctly cited parenthetically to support his/her thoughts and ideas OR more sources are provided but are not correctly cited and/or are not credible. |
Fail/Retake Student provides less than 3 sources, correctly cited parenthetically to support his/her thoughts and ideas OR more sources are provided but are not correctly cited and/or are not credible. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not provide any relevant research or no references are cited parenthetically. |
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Writing/Mechanics |
Grammar |
Pass with Distinction Student presents question response with excellent display of grammatical, spelling, and other writing ability (2 or less errors). |
Pass Student presents questions response with minimal (3-6) errors in grammar, spelling, or other writing errors. |
Revision Possible Student presents question response with numerous (7-9) errors in grammar, spelling, and other writing errors. |
Fail/Retake Student presents question response with many (10-15) errors in grammar, spelling, and other writing errors. |
No Acceptable Submission Paper has not been proofread and contains more than 15 errors. |
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Pass with Distinction Paper contains no APA errors. |
Pass Paper contains 2 or less APA errors. |
Revision Possible Paper contains 3-4 APA errors. |
Fail/Retake Paper contains 5+ APA errors. |
No Acceptable Submission Paper was not submitted in APA format. |
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Mechanics |
Pass with Distinction Paper meets the length requirement of 2100-2450 words and is organized in APA formatted headings for readability. |
Pass Paper is 1400-2100 words OR is over 2450 words. Paper is organized in headings but they are not formatted correctly. |
Revision Possible Paper is 1050-1400 words OR is over 2800 words. Paper is not organized in headings but paper follows a logical order. |
Fail/Retake Paper is 700-1050 words OR is over 3150 words. Paper is not organized in headings and is hard to read. |
No Acceptable Submission Paper is less than 700 words. Paper is insufficient in content. |
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Originality |
Pass with Distinction Student provides Turnitin report for question and it comes in under 15% in the use of quoted material and demonstrates a strategic use of resources via the report. |
Pass Student provides Turnitin report for question and it comes in between 16-25% in the use of quoted material. Student has no issues with paraphrasing. |
Revision Possible Student provides Turnitin report for question and it comes in between 26-35% in the use of quoted material and/or student has issues with paraphrasing. |
Fail/Retake Student provides Turnitin report for question and it comes in over 36% in the use of quoted material and/or student has issues with paraphrasing. |
No Acceptable Submission Student does not provide a Turnitin report. |
Human Resource Management HRM 340
Job Search
A well-developed resume remains an essential element of successfully obtaining a job. READ CHAPTERS 5-7
This is a multi-part assignment.
Part 1: Conduct resarch and write a 1 page paper. Instructions include:
- Online Job Search – Conduct an online job search and identify a position you might be interested in applying for.
- In your paper, discuss your online search and how you went about finding the position.
- Also, describe the job and how your background matches the requirements of the position. (Minimum length of 1 page).
Part 2: Develop and write a 1 page resume.
- Write a 1 page resume, designed to compete for the position you researched and chose in Part 1 of this assignment.
- Your finished product (research and resume) should be a total of 2 pages in length.