Assessing the feasibility of fish and chip shop in Middlesex street in London E1. and the PPT Writing Assignment Help. Assessing the feasibility of fish and chip shop in Middlesex street in London E1. and the PPT Writing Assignment Help.
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here is two part of works, 1 report 2 3mins ppt , both of them have a sample
please use all the model in the PPT ,i will send you the normal homework please use all the model form on it
A feasibility report starting with highlights and thereafter generally comprising 3500 words, sequencing an appropriate analysis of a business opportunity, and concluding with an objective recommendation
- Apply the approaches, techniques and teaching tools taught in the module to the business you chose in the first weeks of the module, produce a 3500 word feasibility report, which analyses and makes recommendations on the feasibility of your business. The word count excludes Highlights, tables, Eureka, the bibliography, and appendix.
- The report should start with the Highlights, and end with the recommendation and a eureka reflective discussion.
- Highlights should comprise circa 400 words of conclusions from each part of the Mullins adapted model.
- Recommendation should reflect the conclusions of each part of the analysis. The recommendation need not be positive, i.e. the business is not feasible because….., and above all should reflect the conclusions of the report. Qualified and partial recommendations are the norm.
- Eureka should comprise circa 200 words and describe how the module has influenced your thinking on business, and which particular moment in at least one of the seminars or lectures helped formulate your new thinking!
- The report should also include a bibliography (see later) and appendices.
- Within the report, the analysis should systematically (rather than randomly) follow structure of the Mullins adapted model (2018), i.e. macro market, macro industry, micro market, micro industry, and cash and risk. In keeping with business and academic convention, the cash should include a copy of the cashflow.
- All of each of the tools need not be included in the report, provided they are included in the appendix and referenced in the report, e.g. (see appendix 2).
- The teacher is particularly interested in the following:
- Clear understanding of each of the taught tools etc, how they work, their inputs and outputs, and how each relates to the other teachings.
- Comprehensive and primary research appropriately collected (by the student), and secondary research from reputable sources.
- Consistent and clear labelling indicating each part of the Mullins adapted model.
- Appropriate use of all models, frameworks and tools taught during the module.
- Comprehensiveness analysis and clear conclusions.
- Recommendations qualified by insightful comments, showing mature and objective analysis
- Short paragraphs in which to express the analysis and conclusions, comprising circa six lines, for instance comprising two juxtaposed points, and a conclusion.
- Quotations from the core text, and from any other author cited in the module.
- Graphs, illustrations, and tables that add to the analysis and conclusions, each referenced.
- The student should also consult the rubric.
- At least 20# references in the bibliography.
- Referencing is important in all academic and business report, and therefore the following should be cited:
- Mullins as the author of the core text.
- All authors of tools and frameworks taught in the module.
- The student as researcher.
- The report must be submitted by the deadline as published in moodle. Failure to submit will result in a resit
- Resits are conducted the following term from the one the student studied, and marks and submissions are guided by university rules.
- The expected structure of the report is:
- Cover page
- Highlights
- Contents
- Macro market
- Macro industry
- Micro market
- Micro industry
- Cash
- Risk
- Recommendation
- Eureka
- Bibliography
- Appendix
CW2A pitch supported by a deck of appropriate and visually engaging slides, and delivered with the prescribed time - Pitching is an established part of business communication, and is used to effectively and efficiently communicate analysis, conclusions and recommendations, to potential and new recruits, teams, unions, managers, directors, governments and NGO. The brief is therefore to deliver a business standard pitch
- The ideal standard of pitch would be described as confident, clear, and comprehensive:
- Confident is as much as the student is well rehearsed, the student is facing the class and only briefly turning away to indicate some points of each of the slides, and generally maintaining eye contact with everyone in the room.
- Clear in as much as the points articulated are relevant, and logical, and sequenced to reflect an appropriate structure of analysis, i.e. Mullins adapted model.
- Comprehensive, in as much as the information comprised in the slide deck reflects the structure of the analysis, i.e. Mullins adapted model, and is also comprised on slides that each comprise multiple pieces of information, i.e. tables, graphs, and tools etc, and that the slides are legible and visually stimulating.
- The teacher is particularly looking for:
- Students who are so well rehearsed they are able to pitch a ‘warm and welcoming’ feeling in the room
- Slides backgrounds that apart from graphs and text, are otherwise simple, plain and clear
- Fonts used in the pitching deck that are no smaller than 16, and no bigger than 28.
Assessing the feasibility of fish and chip shop in Middlesex street in London E1. and the PPT Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
web design 3 Programming Assignment Help
- You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
- It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
- Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
- Email submission will not be accepted.
- You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
- You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
- Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
- The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
- Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
web design 3 Programming Assignment Help
- You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on Blackboard via the allocated folder. These files must not be in compressed format.
- It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
- Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between words, hide characters, use different character sets or languages other than English or any kind of manipulation).
- Email submission will not be accepted.
- You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
- You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by the question.
- Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
- The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
- Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
please do this assignment for me. its a turn it in assignment Health Medical Assignment Help
Week Three Learning Assignment_Concept Map Part I
For this assignment you will begin to create a concept map (final concept map assignment is due in week 9).
1. Identify an individual in your personal life, from the media, a character in a movie, or from the course case studies that has been diagnosed with a medical condition you have some knowledge about (examples = diabetes, breast cancer, COPD)
2. Summarize the individual/character and his/her medical diagnosis on the template provided.
3. Provide examples of the subjective and objective symptoms related to the medical diagnosis under each corresponding Gordon’s Functional Pattern using the TEMPLATE provided (see handouts in learning resource folder for assistance).
This assignment is worth 50 points.
The purpose of this assignment is to understand how specific data related to patient outcomes are analyzed and how this can be used to provide direction to an organizations’ quality improvement efforts. This week’s assignment uses an assignment from EHR G Business Finance Assignment Help
This week’s assignment uses an assignment from EHR Go, a simulated electronic health record.
The purpose of this assignment is to understand how specific data related to patient outcomes are analyzed and how this can be used to provide direction to an organizations’ quality improvement efforts.
- AMIA Competencies: F4, F6, F7
- Program Outcomes: 3, 4, 8
- Student Learning Outcomes: 3, 4
EHR Go Assignment
Use the link below to complete the activity in EHR Go. The instructions can be found within the EHR Go activity.
Real World # 1 AOJ 202 Follows the steps and easy English please not high words Writing Assignment Help
The need to be informed about the “real world” is a must in the administration of justice. Events occurring from day-to-day can impact your working conditions and being aware of these events is critical to be an effective actor within the administration of justice.
You will be required to submit a summary of the “real-world” as gathered though Podcasts. These summaries will be submitted using Canvas Discussions.
What is a Podcast?
Podcasts are episodes of a program available on the Internet. Podcasts are usually original audio or video recordings, but can also be recorded broadcasts of a television or radio program, a lecture, a performance, or other event (iTunes).
You will need to listen a minimum three (3) episodes from a podcast that focuses on crime. There is no shortage of crime related podcasts. Some are news-based and others are true crime.
You will transpose the following headings to your submission and then respond appropriately. Instructions are listed within brackets after each heading. Do not include the instructions.
Podcast title [As it appears in the podcast]
Titles of podcast episodes listened to (with dates listened to) [be specific – episode number and exact titles required]
Theme of podcast [in your own words, explain what the podcast is about]
Summary of podcast episodes [in your own words explain what each of the episode you listened to are about]
How this relates to any concept we have studied up until the submission date for this assignment [relate this podcast to the course. You must relate the podcast directly to the specific items we are discussing in the course. You must include references from textbook chapters, concepts, objectives and themes in the section].
References [cite your podcast episodes and any other resources you use here using APA format]
An incomplete list of podcasts you may want to explore
Casefile True Crime
Dirty John
Hidden Brain
In the Dark
More Perfect
My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark
Someone Knows Something
Sword and Scale
Trace Evidence
Up and Vanished
Real World # 1 AOJ 202 Follows the steps and easy English please not high words Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
2-3 paragraph is enough Business Finance Assignment Help
Answer the following questions (please put your response in the textbox without attaching a separate word document) (max length: 6 paragraphs for entire post)
1. Envisioning Change. Consider challenges/opportunities that you, your friends, families, or companies/non-profit organizations across the world have experienced in the last month.
- What are 2 ways you think teams will be changing in the next 3 months? Provide illustrative examples to make your point clear.
- What is the most innovative idea you have seen/heard so far? (Provide a weblink (videoclip or article) so we can learn more).
2. Challenges & Thoughts to Consider.
- Describe a challenge working on teams in this changing virtual world that you have heard about and/or experienced that is on your mind.
- What are 2 specific questions that you are genuinely interested in hearing from the class about to address this challenge? (list these as bullets to make it easier to read and answer)
****TIP: The TWO most insightful, well-written initial posts, with clear illustrative examples, will be selected by me to shape questions for the next DB and these 2 students will receive 3 EC points each.
**See Bb for grading policy for late work
1. Summarize. Virtual teams require communicating so other person feels heard/seen.
- Summarize the student’s main ideas in 2-3 sentences.
- Use their name (e.g., Tom, thank you for …..). 2
2. High-quality insight.
- Answer questions the students posed.
- Provide high-quality insight responding to his/her questions that will be valuable to him/her and a great use of his/her time to read it.
- 0 points if the response is not high-quality or insightful.
NOTE: If student has already received 2 responses, please find another student to respond to if there are already 2 responses there. Please help me in making sure everyone has responses.
****TIP: The TWO most insightful, well-written high-quality response posts, with clear illustrative examples, will receive 3 EC points each.
Question: Dr. Lebron, what is a high-quality response?
Great question! Well, a high-quality response provides new information that is worth anyone’s time to read it. Provides something new for us to learnand comes from the unique way you think and experience the world. It is authentically and respectfully you.
For example, a high-quality response is sharing what you agree with or may disagree with and why. Further, you explore ideas the student presented by thinking through other examples/ reasons for the opposite view as well as the view you hold; thus, looking at both sides of the arguments/suggestions. This technique is how effective leaders in a “virtual” environment have to build trust that leads to high-performance. You show that you have taken the time and respect to listen to and respond to the ideas and risks the student too. You present illustrative examples to make your point clear- remember with innovation, these are “new ideas” other people may not have yet experienced, and can better understand through the technique of providing examples (based on your experience and/or that you have read).
Question… But Dr. Lebron, what about what a response that is “not high quality” response post?
Hmmmm.. Well let me think a high-quality response is not the following.
- Tobi’s initial post: I like bread.
- Student’s response post: I like bread too.
Yeah… bread is outside the scope of the class but thank you for sharing your views on bread.:)
Nurs 111 care plan case study Health Medical Assignment Help
Admissions Assessment
a.Included primary and secondary medical diagnoses 10 points_____
b.Included definitions for primary and secondary
Medical diagnoses
c.Included nursing assessment data: physiological,
spiritual psychological, developmental, and socio-cultural.
Pathophysiology, Lab & Diagnostic10 points _____
a.Discussed the pathophysiology r/t medical
b.Identified significant lab and diagnostic data
and their interpretation as it relates to the client
Nursing Diagnosis 20 points_____
- Identified at least 3 problems based on assessment data
- Prioritized Nursing diagnoses based on Maslow’s Hierarchy
- All three parts of the nursing diagnoses are appropriate
of Needs, and ABC’s (airway, breathing, circulation)
Planning 20 points_____a.Goals are appropriate (2)
b.Outcomes are measurable (6))
c.Outcomes are specific and relate to the nursing diagnoses
Nursing Interventions20 points_____
a.Therapeutic interventions reflect: (5)
1.cultural congruence
2.therapeutic communication
3.ethical consideration standards
5.caring and concern
b. Nursing interventions are stated as dependent,
independent, or collaborative
c.Rationales are listed for nursing interventions.
(text & journal articles)
Evaluation20 points_____
a.Describes clients response to nursing interventions
b.States the extent to which each outcome has been obtained
c.Determines the extent to which overall goals have been met
d. Reflects current data collected by the student.
This Rough Draft as two primary parts. You should write the paper as a cohesive whole; do not include section headers. Economics Assignment Help
Part I – (this draws on opportunity cost (Ch 1) and markets (Ch 3))
Describe the fishing market using what you have learned about scarcity, marginal analysis in decision-making, and markets. You must include a discussion of resources, supply and demand, as well as marginal benefits and marginal costs. Think of this as an explanation of the pros and cons of the market using economic terminology.
Describe the benefits and costs but leave the discussion of catch shares and other solutions to the problems in this market for the next part. DO NOT discuss catch shares, only discuss the fishing market without this intervention. Feel free to use any stats or data that you find through your own research – make sure you use econ terminology.
Part II – (this draws on public/common goods (Ch 5) to improve the argument made in Part I)
Expand your discussion of the market from Part I, using what you have learned about market failures/problems and the feedback you received. Discuss why the market failure occurs and include the correct economic graph (you must discuss, describe, and reference the graph in your paper).
Now consider catch shares and the helpful aspects of this government intervention. Explain the current government intervention and exactly how it corrects the market failure. Include any other beneficial aspects of catch shares that you find through your own research – make sure you use econ terminology throughout.
The body of the text (NO header/footers/by lines, separate – title/graph/bibliography page) must be at least 4 full pages (it is best if you write onto the fifth page to be sure you meet the minimum), see GenEd Assignments for all font/spacing/margin/etc requirements. Only use in-line citations with the author and the year in parentheses at the end of the sentence; do not include citations in the footers. The full citation should be given on the bibliography page only.
Make sure to include a title page and an updated bibliography page (both should be on their own pages and not share a page with the body of the text). Graphs/Charts/Figures/Bibliography should be at the very end of the text and are not included in page count.
double-spaced, 1″ margins, and size 12 Times New Roman FONT.
Accounting & Finance Business Finance Assignment Help
IAS 1 places overall provisions and requirements for the purpose of presentation of financial statements, rule and guidelines for their structure and minimal requirements for their content. As per guidelines provided in IAS 1 an entity is required to present its complete set of financial statements on annual basis with comparative amounts of previous year. You are required to critically discuss the presentation of annual financial statements of corporate entities as per the guidelines provided in IAS 1
This assignment word count is 2000 words.
Each page must be numbered.
Use minimum fount size 12.
Times new roman Font Style
1.5 line spacing and justify alignment
All references must adhere to institutional requirements( Harvard references style)
Word count must be stated at the end of your work.
All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labeled