Assessment question Business Finance Assignment Help

Assessment question Business Finance Assignment Help. Assessment question Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Assume that you are the person identified as “you” in the problem provided to you. You have an Accounting degree from Troy University and you are a CPA. As stated in the problem, you are married and you have two children who are in a very expensive private school. Your spouse has just lost his/her job. Answer the questions set out at the end of the problem.
Consider your concerns as described in this case and prepare a memorandum that addresses the concerns described below. Your memo should be completed in narrative form (you may use headings if you choose to do so for organizational purposes, but do not list your responses in bullet form). Maximum page length: 10 pages (double spaced)

Assessment question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Week 1 Discussion: Developing a Media Relations Strategy Writing Assignment Help

I need a discussion post for the following information. My capstone client’s name and information is attached.

Developing a Media Relations Strategy

This month, you will develop assets to support your capstone project campaign’s media strategy. But before you do this, you have to actually develop that strategy. In this discussion, you will formulate your media relations strategy, including developing measurable goals, figuring out your audience, and tailoring your assets to fit those goals. You will also solicit feedback from your classmates on the plan, and provide feedback to them about their plans as well.


Perform some background research on Media Relations Strategies. You must research some supporting information to back up your plan. This information should be gathered via the Full Sail Online Library, using EBSCOHost or LexisNexis. Additional information may be gathered through one or more of the following sources:

-­‐ The Federal Government, through -­‐ Polling Organizations, like Pew Research or Gallup -­‐ Credible news organizations, such as CNN, The New York Times, or your local newspaper


Initial Post – Minimum 250 words: Using your Capstone Project Campaign as a basis for your responses, answer each the following:

– What is the overall message of the campaign?

– Who is your target audience? You must answer this question with statistical information gathered from your research.

• What are your goals for getting the message out to the audience? You must have at least three specific, measurable goals.

• What is your plan of attack? Provide at least one action item corresponding to each goal.


• All questions must be answered in full.

• Any multimedia elements must be embedded using the embed functions on FSO. Simply pasting the embed code from a video or other element into the Discussion Board will not work.

• Do not copy and paste the questions from this document into the Discussion Board. This will be considered an attempt to subvert the word count requirements.

• All information must be properly attributed to the original sources. Hyperlinks must be included where appropriate.

• All posts must be free of any spelling, grammar or style errors.


compare the U.S. health care system to a country of your choice Writing Assignment Help

Students will compare the U.S. health care system to a country of your
choice. Students may choose any country to submit for approval in Module 1. This assignment requires a
cover page with the title indicating the country you wish to compare to the U.S. health care system and 2 paragraphs explaining why this country is chosen.

Before you submit your country, make sure you are able to find at least three primary sources
with enough information to write a quality paper that meets the length requirements and for
comparing key indicators of the U.S. health care system to your choice country. Primary sources
are the WHO, NIH, CDC, OECD, the county’s national health care website, government websites, and so

NOTE: There is a comprehensive database of health care statistics for 30 different countries, including
the U.S., from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This is an
international organization that collects economic and health care data. The database has 1,200 different
data elements, with a time series from 1960 to 2010. It is used by the World Health Organization, the
U.S., and other OECD reporting participants. The entire world accesses and utilizes this data to
determine what may be the most efficient and effective way to deliver health care. The OECD, HCQI data
may be used for your papers. It will show where these 30 developed countries are in healthcare services
and which of these countries are making progress. Click here or type the URL in the reference below
(OECD, 2011) into your browser.
Students may choose any other country outside of the 30 in the spreadsheet, as long as there are enough
quality references.


Using the course project template in Doc Sharing as a guide and the references found, prepare an outline
of the Term Paper (sample outline format below). The template is only a guide
and you do not have to write the paper verbatim from the outline. It will help you formulate the paper
outline, and guide you in your research and writing. An outline is very important because it helps you
organize research topics and write the paper. It also helps the flow of your paper, e.g., transitions from
one subtitle topic to the next. Each outline will vary depending on your research findings. Students will
submit Writing Assignment to the Dropbox by no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT


I. Title Page

II. Introduction

III. Body of Paper

a. Topic Heading

i. SubTopic

1. Content

2. Content

3. Content

b. … and so on

IV. Conclusion

V. References

Before you submit your final draft to Chalk and Wire, you need to do a spelling and grammar check and
correct any content errors. Additionally, you will need to do a quality assurance check to ensure the
1. Your introduction is concise and clear and reflects the paper’s content.
2. Topics and subtopics transition well throughout each section of your paper.
3. All concepts, quotes, numbers, statistics, graphs, and graphics are properly cited.
4. Each citation has a corresponding reference listed on the References page.
5. The conclusion is consistent with the paper’s content.
6. The title page, paper, in-paragraph citations, and reference page are all in the APA format. Before
submitting your final draft, check to make sure your paper meets all of the criteria identified in the
Students will submit the Final Term Paper to Chalk and Wire no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT.

Pay attention to all details.


Software requirements engineering Engineering Assignment Help

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

One of the first tasks in a software project is to have a software requirements elicitation process where the engineering agent can identify the customer’s needs and problems to be solved. The process to perform requirements elicitation is one of the most important tasks to be accomplished because if you fail to adequately capture the requirements, you will produce a system that does not work for the end-user. Provide the following in the discussion:

  • Describe the interaction between the end-user and the developers that must take place to identify the proper user requirements.
  • Describe the types of technical issues that will be experienced during these interactions and how these developer–client identified issues are often resolved.
  • Identify the steps of the requirements engineering process and provide a 1-sentence description.

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with a reply of at least 100 words about their primary task response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?


Ethics class with 2 page reflection paper Writing Assignment Help

write a response to the following question based on this week’s content:

To address ethical issues you must first know what you believe and what you will and will not stand for. Once you have that firmly established then applying your personal ethics in your professional life becomes easier. Ethical decisions aren’t always black or white but they are rooted in who you are what you stand for.

Think about your personal set of influences, values, and moral compass. Based on the reading this week about personal value systems and how they can influence your ethical code, answer the following question:

Who are you, really?



4 essential elements Writing Assignment Help

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to categorize and understand the 4 essential elements of family literacy programs as established by the National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL).


  1. For this assignment, you will need to create an account for or download the Popplet Lite app on your iPad.
  2. Once you have your account set up, create a new popplet. Place in the main popplet “The 4 Essential Components of Family Literacy”.
  3. Then, create other 4 popplets around the main one that explain each of the components.

Learn how to install and use Popplet Lite.

4 essential elements Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UNIT 1 Reflections Humanities Assignment Help


In this paper complete all the required activities and answer the reflection questions. This assignment will help extend your understanding of the unit topics and concepts to applications in everyday life. Please respond to all of the questions in paragraph form with the question numbers labeled. You should incorporate concepts from the readings into your answers and cite the readings as needed. The paper should be 2-3 pages and submitted via Canvas by Sunday 11:59 pm CT.


Question 1

Claims making is the process of convincing the public and important public officials that a particular issue or situation should be defined as a social problem. Claims are often made by ordinary people via activism and with support of mass media through slogans, hashtags, and logos/images (see image below as an example).

Select a social problem and identify the slogans, hashtags, and logos/images that help frame the problem.

  • How do these slogans, hashtags, and logos/images define the problem?
  • How do the slogans, hashtags, or logos/images attempt to raise concern for the problem?
  • Do you think the slogans, hashtags, or logos/images are effective?
  • Is the image or definition limited in any way?
  • Would you make any changes, additions, or subtractions to the slogans, hashtags, and logos/images?

Example image:

Vehicle covered in bumper stickers with various slogans.

Question 2

After reading the blog post about the sociological imagination and social justice, answer the following questions. How does the article connect the sociological imagination to social problems? Identify examples of the intersection of biography and history. Describe the difference between a personal trouble and a public issue with examples from the reading. How is this analytic approach different than normative US cultural ways of understanding behaviors as driven by personal responsibility?


need help with 2 assgiments Writing Assignment Help

Due no later than Thursday 11:59 am (PST)

Discussion 1:

1a. Discuss how the articles by Neims (2015) and Goldsmith (2011) on
plagiarism are alike and how they are different by explaining their
views on if and how plagiarism is a problem.

1b. How does society at large need to change their views of plagiarism?

Do your best to cite your source(s) and reply to at least one other student’s post. – can you name the file a.b eng130


Due no later than Sunday 11:59 pm (PST) can you name this file a.b eng130

Discussion 2

Review the paraphrasing tips from Gahan (2019) and the video in the module background readings.

2a. Discuss at least 2 key elements to keep in mind when paraphrasing?

2b. What is at risk when you paraphrase poorly?

2c. Paraphrase the statement below:

“Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in
life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career
and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career
opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, but studies
have shown that it also leads to overall happiness and stability”
(Education Corner, 2016).


Discussion 1: Plagiarism and Discussion 2: Paraphrasing Writing Assignment Help

Due no later than Thursday 11:59 am (PST)

Discussion 1: Plagiarism

1a. Discuss how the articles by Neims (2015) and Goldsmith (2011) on
plagiarism are alike and how they are different by explaining their
views on if and how plagiarism is a problem.

1b. How does society at large need to change their views of plagiarism?

Do your best to cite your source(s) and reply to at least one other student’s post.


Due no later than Sunday 11:59 pm (PST)

Discussion 2:

Review the paraphrasing tips from Gahan (2019) and the video in the module background readings.

2a. Discuss at least 2 key elements to keep in mind when paraphrasing?

2b. What is at risk when you paraphrase poorly?

2c. Paraphrase the statement below:

“Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in
life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career
and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career
opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, but studies
have shown that it also leads to overall happiness and stability”
(Education Corner, 2016).


Case study prescrbing medication birthcontrol Science Assignment Help

Claudia (G2P2) is a 36-year-old mother who recently delivered a child 9 months ago. She has
been using condoms for birth control for the last 7 months. Today she is requesting a more
convenient method of birth control. She is not sure of her current pregnancy plans, however,
she does not wish to discuss sterilization or an IUD. She has no religious contraindications for
PMH: positive for mild hypertension with first pregnancy, seasonal allergies.
Surgeries: Left inguinal hernia and tonsillectomy.
Family history: Mother-HTN; Father-Colon CA (both deceased)
Social History: Denies tobacco use, wine one to two glasses a week, denies recreational drugs,
exercises twice a week.
Drug allergies-Sulfa causes a rash.
Current medications-MVI with Fe, Calcium chews, Allegra 10mg daily prn for allergies.
Vitals: Height 67 inches, weight 157 pounds, BP 110/75, P 70, R 16. PAP collected today, breast
exam WNL, urine pregnancy negative.
Physical exam is normal.


Assessment question Business Finance Assignment Help

Assessment question Business Finance Assignment Help

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