assignment 6 Writing Assignment Help

assignment 6 Writing Assignment Help. assignment 6 Writing Assignment Help.

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Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

1. Create a complete preparation outline using the outline template below for a persuasive speech.

2. You may choose from one of the topics below.

3. State the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea clearly and in the appropriate form.

4. Limit your key points to three and main points with supporting resources to two per point.

5. State your key points and main points in complete sentences.

6. Summarize key points of introduction with a call for action in your conclusion.

7. Based on your submitted outline, begin writing the first draft of your speech while studying the next lesson. In Lesson 7, you will study how to write the components of your speech. The outcome of this process is a final written speech to be submitted as your final assignment in Lesson 7.

Use this outline as your template.

  1. TITLE:
  2. Introduction
  3. Body of the Presentation
  4. IV. Conclusion
  • General Purpose
  • Specific Purpose
  • Central idea
  • Key point #1
  • Key point #2
  • Key point #3
  1. Key Point #1
  1. Supporting statement and resource
  2. Supporting statement and resource
  1. Key Point #2
  1. Supporting statement and resource
  2. Supporting statement and resource
  1. Key Point #3
  1. Supporting statement and resource
  2. Supporting statement and resource

here is an example of how it is suppose to be done

Directions: Use this outline as your template.

  • Title:
    • General purpose (to inform or persuade)
    • Specific purpose
    • Central idea (the thesis)
  • Introduction
    • Main point #1
    • Main point #2
    • Main point #3
  • Body of the Presentation
    • Main Point #1
      • Supporting statement and resource/citation information
      • Supporting statement and resource/citation information
    • Main Point #2
      • Supporting statement and resource/citation information
      • Supporting statement and resource/citation information
    • Main Point #3
      • Supporting statement and resource/citation information
      • Supporting statement and resource/citation information
  • Conclusion

_ _ _ _ _ _


[Roman Numeral One]

  • Title: What Is Your Communication Style?
  • The general purpose is to inform.
  • The specific purpose is to inform the audience about the different types of communication.
  • This essay will focus on the different types of communication including verbal, nonverbal, and aesthetic.

Outline Grading Rubric:






General purpose, specific purpose, central idea stated

(15 Points)

15 points

10 points

5 points

0 points

Stated the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea clearly and in the appropriate form

Stated the general purpose, specific purpose, and central idea but not in the appropriate form

Stated either the general purpose, specific purpose, and/or central idea incorrectly

Missing these three statements

Summary of main points of introduction (10 points)

10 points

8 points

5 points

0 points

Includes central idea and summary of key points

Missing central idea but includes summary of key points

Unclear statements of central idea and key points do not match the Key Points in the Body

Missing central idea and summary of key points

Main points and supporting points stated (27 Points)

27 points

20 points

15 points

7 points

Three key points with two supporting points each stated in complete sentences

Three key points with one supporting point each stated in complete sentences

Two key points with one supporting point each stated in complete sentences

Missing two key points or stated in unclear sentences

Supporting sources included (18 points)

18 points

12 points

6 points

0 points

Two supporting sources included for every supporting point

One supporting source included for every supporting point

Only one supporting source included for the outline

Missing any supporting source

Summary of

Conclusion (10 points)

10 points

8 points

5 points

0 points

Complete conclusive statement – summarizes central message, includes a call for action

Summarizes central message, but no call for action

Incomplete conclusive statement

Missing conclusive statement

Mechanics (10


10 points

8 points

5 points

2 points

Student makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

Format (10 Points)

10 points

8 points

5 points

2 points

The paper is written in proper format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly.

The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and most are cited correctly.

The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly.

The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly.

here is my essay

Using a Cell Phone While Driving

A plan conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) over 3,000 deaths, in the year 2010 in the United States, attributable to distracted driving Another study by the American Automobile Association (AAA), a non-profit foundation for traffic safety, attributes distracted driving causes 8,000 crashes per day. Technology is the number one factor to blame. Nevertheless, with significant growth in the cell phone industry, unfortunate incidents and humongous statistics as described above will continue to prevail. Despite the introduction of restrictive laws based on the mode and type of use of cell phones as well as demography, in some states in the US, these incidents are on the gradual rise, and it is about time that something is done to mitigate the occurrence if these accidents. In this light, this paper seeks to underlie some of the reasons by which the federal government should impose a permanent ban on the use of cell phones while driving.

In the year 2010, the state of Missouri experienced one of the most devastating road incidents that foresaw a chain-reaction accident caused by a 19-year-old. Detectives working on the case identified that the teenager, eleven minutes before the event had sent out six messages and received five letters. Confirmed reports from the incident detail that the young driver had been most likely distracted when his pickup plowed into a tractor-trailer, which had stopped as it was involved in a highway work zone. Intermittently, two school buses were caused to be involved in the accident, hence killing two people a bus occupant and the teenage driver as well leading to the injury of about eight people. The incident came ahead of Missouri instigating restrictive laws on texting while driving for drivers under the age of twenty-one. However, this clause did little to nothing to absolve the occurrence of accidents caused by “distracted driving”. Instead, it is clear that the safety board was only concerned about the age of the driver not realizing that the occurrence of an epidemic is inconsistent with the age of the person(s) involved. Currently, state governments have some restrictive laws governing the use of cell phones by drivers. Figures, as obtained from the NTSB, confirm that over 35 states have imposed a ban on texting while driving, 30 states have banned the use of cell phones by new drivers, and ten states have banned in totality using hand-held cell phones (Crowley, 2011). While these are good trudges towards maintaining safety in our roads, there is a need for the introduction of laws that ban the use of phones in totality regardless of age, mode of use, or the manner of use as will be further exemplified in paragraphs below.

Usually, when the talk of the use of cell phone while driving comes up, a massive number of people do not put into consideration texting while driving. Nevertheless, there are associated dangers of texting while driving as it became apparent on September 12, 2008; this was on a public train in Los Angeles. Reports from the incident confirmed killings of twenty-five people and 135 people injured. Investigations subsumed that the operator of the train caused the event. The last text message having been sent by the operator twenty-two seconds before the occurrence of the crash as obtained from his cell phone records. The incident led to the awareness of visual distraction posed by texting while driving. Research indicates that texting while driving might cause sensorimotor disturbances, mainly visual blindness (Alhers, 2011). Towards this light, drivers are less likely to notice events occurring outside of the vehicle while texting. Likewise, this has a corresponding effect on the driver’s likelihood of response such as braking (Chan and Atchley, 2009). As well, visual distractions might negatively affect the driver’s behavior while maintaining their position on a lane or seeing warning signs ahead. Henceforth, it is pertinent for drivers to avoid cell distractions especially texting while driving as discussed in this paragraph.

A study by McEvoy in the year 2005 found out that a driver’s utilization of a cell phone for an about ten minutes is relative to an increased probability of crashing. Furthermore, the study clarified that the likelihood of the occurrence of a crush is irrespective of whether hand-held or hands-free cell phone is used. Equally, another observational study identified that drivers talking on cell phones while driving are most likely to miss traffic signs two times as much in comparison to drivers who are not using cell phones. As well, they are most likely to run red lights by a ten percent probability, have close calls by an 18% probability, tailgate by a 23% probability, and swerve into another lane by a 46% probability (Drews and Strayer, 2008). “According to a study conducted by Dr. David Strayer, talking while on the cell phone might have a corresponding cognitive distraction to the driver. Among the effects of this distraction include low appraisal, impaired objectivity or judgment, as well as cognitive confinement” (Crowley, 2011). In illustration of the above exposition, using a particular device fixed on the eye, Strayer noted while drivers looked or held their gaze while driving their eyes did not see billboards, signs, or traffic signals while driving and talking on cell phone. Correspondingly, drivers reaction to events such as decelerating a vehicle or braking at a traffic spot were momentously slower when communicating over the cell phone and driving. Equally, Strayer and his fellow researchers, noteworthy, noted that the significant risks or impairments caused by a hands-free or hand-held cell phone device while driving were not any different. Therefore, the restrictive laws on portable cell phones are unsubstantial as the same adverse effects are relative to hands-free cell phones.

While some states have imposed restrictive measures on the use of cell phones while driving, close to little effort has been achieved by this move as has been highlighted by expositions above. Drawings from the Missouri, Los Angeles, and Dr. Strayer’s research provide insightful information that counters state laws based on demography, type, and mode of cell phone use respectively and their consequent effect while driving. Based on this factual information it is about time that a worldwide ban on cell phone use while driving is imposed. As initially discussed, the urgency with which this matter is to be resolved follows the rate at which the cell phone industry is growing as well with the number of resurfacing incidents. Henceforth, in a nutshell, should governments need to mitigate the number of events caused by cell phone use while driving then the solution lies in their ban while driving.


Chan, M., & Atchley, P. (2009). Effects of Cell Phone Conversations on Driver Performance While Driving Under Highway Monotony.Proceedings of the 5th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design : Driving Assessment 2009. doi:10.17077/drivingassessment.1314

Crowley, J. (2011). Safety board proposes ban on cell use while driving.REUTERS. Retrieved from…

Drews, F. A., Pasupathi, M., & Strayer, D. L. (2008). Passenger and cell phone conversations in simulated driving.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied,14(4), 392-400. doi:10.1037/a0013119

assignment 6 Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Diversity in the Workplace Writing Assignment Help

There has been much talk about the interaction between your diversity
area and Millennials, and you have been asked by the leadership team to
conduct research and report your findings to the board. You will need
to conduct research and included the following questions addressed in
your report:

  1. Introduce your diversity area and Millennials.
  2. Discuss similarities and differences between these two groups.
  3. How does personal identity play a role with these two groups?
  4. Discuss any proactive plans that you might use as a manager in the workplace.
  5. Conclude your report.

—— My Diversity are is Ethnicity. Specifically dealing with Latinos in the workplace! ——


Codes Contract and Spec Engineering Assignment Help

Codes Contract & Spec ECC-204

Group Exercise 4

1. In what ways are surety bonds not like insurance policies?

2. What is the limit of liability of a surety if the contractor defaults?

3. What does the bid bond promise to the owner?

4. What rights does a surety have in the event of a contractor default?

5. What party or parties are given the most protection by a performance bond? By payment bond?

6. Give an example in which a surety may not be forced to honor the bond in the event of a contractor default.

7. What information should be included in an advertisement that does not relate directly to the nature or scope of a project to be constructed?

8. What is the purpose of a short list?

9. What type of information might be requested of a contractor who wishes to be prequalified for a construction project?

10. Give an example of an irregular or nonconforming bid.

11. Under what conditions might the low bidder be able to withdraw the bid, even

though the bids have already been opened?

12. What unique risks are taken by a contractor who is not licensed?



Codes Contract and Spec Engineering Assignment Help

Codes Contract & Spec ECC-204

Group Exercise 4

1. In what ways are surety bonds not like insurance policies?

2. What is the limit of liability of a surety if the contractor defaults?

3. What does the bid bond promise to the owner?

4. What rights does a surety have in the event of a contractor default?

5. What party or parties are given the most protection by a performance bond? By payment bond?

6. Give an example in which a surety may not be forced to honor the bond in the event of a contractor default.

7. What information should be included in an advertisement that does not relate directly to the nature or scope of a project to be constructed?

8. What is the purpose of a short list?

9. What type of information might be requested of a contractor who wishes to be prequalified for a construction project?

10. Give an example of an irregular or nonconforming bid.

11. Under what conditions might the low bidder be able to withdraw the bid, even

though the bids have already been opened?

12. What unique risks are taken by a contractor who is not licensed?



Business Analysis Final Business Finance Assignment Help

You have to select a topic to perform research, plan and design a business information system during the first week of this course. Please refer to Week One of this Course Guide for some suggested example of this topic.

Focus of the Final Paper
Construct a system analysis paper based on your weekly presentations. Please note this is an individual paper. The paper should represent the research and recommendations you have performed for the proposed business information system over the previous four weeks in a cohesive format. Your paper should demonstrate critical thought. The paper should be 2400 to 3000 words, excluding the title, diagrams, and reference pages. The structure of the paper should be as follows:

  • Cover Page
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Introduction
    The introduction should familiarize the reader with the proposed business information system and outline the major points that you will cover in the paper. It should include your thesis statement. If you need assistance with writing a thesis statement, visit the Ashford Writing Center’s website for help.
  • Body
    Make the suggested changes to the PowerPoint assignments for Weeks One through Four based on the constructive feedback provided by your instructor. Do not simply copy and paste your previous assignments into your final paper. Read your writing and improve upon what you have already written to connect everything learned in this class. Be sure that your paper addresses the following points.
    • System Overview
      • Provide a brief overview of the proposed business information system and describe
        • What it would accomplish for the business organization
        • Who are the stakeholders in the proposed business information system
        • What are the business information system requirements
        • How the requirements are elicited, analyzed, documented, reviewed and confirmed
        • How would the business analyst ensure the business information system or solution satisfied all stakeholder requirements.
      • Explain which of the potential approaches to system development (computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools, joint application design (JAD), rapid application development (RAD), participatory design (PD), or the use of Agile Methodologies should be considered for the proposed business information system design. Support your explanation with examples from your own experiences and/or from any scholarly journal citations.
      • Briefly discuss what each stage of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach would accomplish in your proposed business information system.
    • Requirements Determination
      • Discuss the types of documents that would be useful to analyze for requirements gathering purposes and why they would be important. Additionally, discuss which documents would be possible to obtain as well as which ones would be difficult to obtain (think about the records and knowledge keeping within the organization, some information resides in specific documents while some is scattered throughout the organization).
      • Create a questionnaire that includes at least ten well-written questions that you can use for information gathering.
        • Explain your rationale for the style in which you wrote the questions.
      • Identify which modern requirements determination methods (Joint Application Design and/or Prototyping) would be appropriate for this business information system and explain why you think they would be suitable.
      • Using your proposed business information system scenario, discuss at least one example of each of the nine system characteristics:
        • What are the Components and Interrelated Components in the proposed business information system,
        • What would be the Boundary of the proposed business information system,
        • What is the Purpose of the proposed business information system,
        • What is the Environment of the proposed business information system,
        • What are the Interfaces of the proposed business information system,
        • What are the Constraints of the proposed business information system, and
        • What are the Inputs and Outputs to the proposed business information system
    • Scope and Feasibility
      • Explain the proposed business information system’s scope. Please refer to Table 4-3 in the text
      • Develop a business information system plan. Please refer to Table 4-4 in the text.
      • Assess the business information system’s feasibility from the system analyst’s perspective by using the six categories of feasibility factors (economic, operational, technical, schedule, legal and contractual, and political feasibility) outlined in the text (pp. 90-98)
      • Develop a Project Scope Statement for the proposed business information system, refer to Figure 4-12 in the text. Include the following categories in the statement:
        • General Project Information,
        • Problem/Opportunity Statement,
        • Project Objectives,
        • Project Description,
        • Business Benefits,
        • Project Deliverables, and
        • Estimated Project Duration.
    • Diagrams
      • Develop a context-level data-flow diagram for the proposed system (use Fig. 6-5 in the text as a guide). You can use Microsoft PowerPoint to develop the data flow diagrams.
      • Develop a level-0 diagram for the proposed system (use Fig. 6-6 in the text as a guide).
      • Using the level-0 diagram that you previously constructed, select one of the level-0 processes and prepare a level-1 diagram (use Fig. 6-8 in the text as a guide).
    • Data Modeling
      • For the proposed business information system and the data flow diagrams developed previously, consider potential customer transactions. Provide a list of all the entities (like supplier, customer, etc.) for which system will need to store information.
      • Identify a set of attributes for each entity listed above (like customer name, supplier phone). See pp. 197-199 in the text.
      • Specify an identifier (like employee ID, supplier phone, etc.) for each entity and explain the rules you applied when you selected the identifier. See pp. 199-201 in the text.
      • Develop an entity-relationship diagram for entity relationships. Be sure to specify the cardinalities for each relationship (use Fig. 7-10 in the text as a guide). Remember, cardinality of a relationship is the number of instances of an entity that can be associated with each instance of another entity.
    • User Training and Maintenance
      • For a business analyst, it is also important to plan for training of all users of the system and develop a maintenance plan for the life of the system (use Table 10-5, and 10-6 in the text as a guide). Provide a brief suggested plan for user training.
      • For the proposed business information system, provide a brief plan for maintenance of the system (use Table 10-7 in the text as a guide).
      • To ensure readability, supply headings for each section of the body.
  • Conclusion
    In your conclusion, restate your thesis statement. Review your conclusions. Include any ideas you have about the business information system that you did not already discuss.
  • References
    Provide an APA-formatted reference list. In addition to the text, cite at least four additional scholarly references from the Ashford library to support your discussion.

The Final Paper

  • Must be 2400 to 3000 words (8 to 10 double-spaced pages) in length (not including title, diagrams, and references pages). Format the paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.



Class Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The Drug Debate

According to Wade and Tavris, drug abuse can have devastating consequences in our society; however, disagreements exist for classifications of certain drugs. In fact, as of 2015, 23 states in the United States, along with the District of Columbia, have approved medicinal marijuana. Further, residents in Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, and Washington have legalized the usage of marijuana for recreational purposes in populations 21 and over. On the flip side of this controversial coin, the remaining states in America have various laws that punish pot usage; these consequences can be as slight as a few years in prison or as severe as a felony conviction. Consequently, in some states, individuals convicted of possession can no longer receive governmental assistance such as welfare or food stamps; even convicted murderers and rapists still have access to these resources. What are your thoughts? How should we view marijuana usage? Does chronic use of this substance really create behavioral issues? Does creating harsh punishments solve the issue?

Remember to support all posts (main discussion and peer response) with literature so that it extends beyond your own opinion/experience (even when the question asks for an opinion/stance). Being mindful of academic integrity, make sure you cite all content that is not your own original idea/content by referencing peer-reviewed sources (published journal; edited book). Don’t forget to use in-text citations to show where in your writing you are referencing material that is not your own (even if it is “common sense”). APA format

Class Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

R-Markdown Exercise Mathematics Assignment Help

For this assignment, you will be exploring a dataset about the passengers on the Titanic, the British passenger liner that crashed into an iceberg during its maiden voyage and sank early in the morning on April 15, 1912.

In this assignment you’d need to generate bar charts with ggplot2, create new variables and use the library tidyverse and dplyr.

I have uploaded a Word document with the description of the data set and variables, and with the exercises. It is only 3 questions, but I would like to ask you to optimize my previous code, which it is also in the document.


Week 5 paper Humanities Assignment Help

Art in Your Community

Experience the arts in your local community by attending a performance, or visiting an art museum or gallery. If you go to an art museum or gallery, choose an exhibition or one artwork to discuss for this assignment.

Write a review of your arts experience that includes a defense of the arts. Include the following:

  • Write a description of the elements of composition: line, color, shape, or movement, theme, rhythm, tone, and so forth that were incorporated into the performance or artwork.
  • What was the overall emotional and intellectual effect the performance or artwork had on you? What emotions did you feel? Of what did the experience make you think?
  • Write a summary of how you would like to see the arts made more a part of your community. Is there anything you can do to make this happen? How will you support the arts in the future?
  • Include a defense of the arts that describes how the arts add value to life. How might creative expression be helpful to people?

Submit your assignment as a Word document using the Assignment Files tab:

  • A 1,050- to 1,400-word paper (You are welcome to go over the word count if you wish.)


Inmate Manipulation and Boundaries Humanities Assignment Help

This is a PowerPoint in which 2 slides are needed. You can put it in Word format with bullets and speaker notes and i will transfer the work to the presentation.


•Working with an offender client who borrowed cigarettes from a gang saying he would pay them back but he had no money on his books. He has been expressing how he needs to pay them back and soon before they jump him and he is showing fear. He is now asking if we will let him go to the food court to repay him because he now has the payment but no way to it to them. Knowing it is against the rules to be in the food court when it is not your blocks turn.

Identify ethical and legal consequences to not maintaining boundaries in this situation. – 2 slides


Short essays about Filipino Histories Humanities Assignment Help

1. Please choose two question from the list. Your answer should be 4-5 pages long, typed, doubled spaced. Font should be Times, 12points, 1 inch margin for each question (for a total of 8 -10 pages).

2. Your paper will be evaluated on the basis of how well you are synthesized the lectures with relevant reading assignment to produce a coherent and well-articulated essay. For this reason, your are expected to make some brief reference to the readings and lecture.

•When quoting from the readings, you need only to cite author’s name and page number in a parenthesis.

•When quoting from the lecture notes, indicate the date of the lecture also in a parenthesis.

3. There is no need for footnotes or a bibliography, since you are not expect to do research for this essay.

4. Be original and organized.No need for sub headings. I will upload question lists, the readings and lecture notes by google drive later.

The questions are all about Filipino Histories.


assignment 6 Writing Assignment Help

assignment 6 Writing Assignment Help

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