Assignment: Analysis of Current Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of OM Writing Assignment Help

Assignment: Analysis of Current Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of OM Writing Assignment Help. Assignment: Analysis of Current Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of OM Writing Assignment Help.

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Assignment: Analysis of Current Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of OM

This Assignment requires a current, evidence based practice guideline that is specific to the child in the following scenario. Once you find the appropriate guideline, you will be ready for analysis and evaluation.

First, carefully review the case. Then, using the Internet, find a current (no older than 4 years old) relevant evidence based practice guideline for the treatment of otitis media for this particular pediatric patient.

Please use APA formatting, including title page and reference page. This Assignment should be between 3-5 pages, excluding title page and reference page. There should be a minimum of three current (within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed references including the authors of the guideline.

Make sure to address the following in your paper:

  • Briefly explain your search strategy. For example, how did you find the correct guideline?
  • Who developed the guideline?
  • Is this a revision of a previous guideline or an original? What is the date of publication?
  • Explain the concept of “systematic review of current best evidence.”
  • How was conflict of interest managed in the development of these guidelines?
  • How is quality of evidence defined?
  • Explain differences among strong recommendation, recommendation, and option
  • What are “key Action statements?”
  • For this particular child, what are the specific treatment recommendations including any diagnostics, medications (include exact dosage, frequency, length of treatment), follow-up, referral, prevention, and pain control.


A 5-year-old male is brought to the primary care clinic by his mother with a chief complaint of bilateral ear pain for the last three days. The mother states that the child has been crying frequently due to the pain. Ibuprofen has provided minimal relief. This morning, the child refused breakfast and appeared to be “getting worse.”

Vital signs at the clinic reveal HR 110 bpm, 28 respiratory rate, and tympanic temperature of 103.2 degrees F. The mother reports no known allergies. The child has not been on antibiotics for the last year. The child does not have history of OM. The child is otherwise healthy without any other known health problems.

After your questioning and examination, you diagnose this child with bilateral Acute Otitis Media.

Helpful tip: It is recommended that you keep all of your course work in a virtual (or physical, or both) portfolio for easy access in clinicals as well as future pediatric encounters.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Documents) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.

Assignment: Analysis of Current Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of OM Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Part A has three questions based on general requirements engineering concepts covered . These questions are based on a process narrative for a use case describing Computer Science Assignment Help

Part A :Read through the following use case scenario narrative and answer the questions related to it. You will be tested on completeness and accuracy of your answers to each question and also how well you maintain consistency across the different questions. You are expected to clearly list out any assumptions you make while answering these questions

Part B: Please read the article attached with this paper and respond to the questions below. You need to write in your language.

  1. Please develop a critique of the research paper in about 500 – 700 words. Your critique should cover
    1. The machine learning technique adopted by the paper
    2. The confidence you have on the implementation of the techniques and c) the validity of their results


Topic paper: Multiple Sclerosis Humanities Assignment Help

A research paper will be due by the end of the semester (Dec.8) that will be a Biochemistry related Genetic Disease topic. The Professor will assign the topic to each student at the beginning of the semester. The paper will be 1000-2000 words (5-10 pages) in length, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, using MLA / APA format. A detailed format for the research paper will be provided by the instructor at the beginning of the semester. The papers must be submitted to “Turnitin”


1. Etiology

2. Epidemiology

3. Pathophysiology

4. Symptoms & Signs

5. Diagnosis

6. Treatment

7. Prognosis

INTRODUCTION: The introduction should include a definition of the topic from
either an anatomical and/or a physiological perspective. It should be brief
describing the organ system/s affected and whether its’ origin is derived from
a genetic/congenital, developmental, environmental or behavioral causation.

BODY OF THE PAPER: The body of the research paper should include the
following discussion areas:
a) a detailed description of the anatomic abnormality of the system/s
b) a detailed description of the alteration in normal physiology and
impact on the physiological state created by the abnormality
c) what differentiating characteristics are seen between males and
females with this condition if appropriate
d) any potential abnormalities that may be passed on to the next
e) a generalized discussion of treatment for the patient
f) a discussion of the prognosis for the patient

CONCLUSION: The conclusion should summarily state what the abnormality is,
what significant changes it has created in human anatomy & physiology and
what the prognosis is for a patient with this problem.
The paper should utilize either APA formatting, New Times Roman, 12 point
Font and be at least 5 pages in length. You should have a minimum of 3 peer
reviewed references and proper citations.


money and Capital market Business Finance Assignment Help

Stock Track Report – Due by Dec 10, 2019

Objective: The ultimate goal of StockTrak is to help you understand several different aspects of an investment portfolio, including decision making, potential strategies, and risk/return. This essay should meet the following criteria while answering the questions listed below:

Formatting Criteria:

  • 2 page, double spaced
  • 12 font
  • Normal margins (1 inch)
  • Discuss the strategy you took in your portfolio. The following questions should help you think through this.
    • Did you take a lot of risk or play it safe? Why?
    • How did you research your trades? List of a few sources you used to conduct this research.
    • How did you invest? – Stocks, mutual funds, ETF, options, etc.
      • Why? Explain your rationale
    • If you had to start over again, how would you change your strategy/research?
  • Discuss your best 2 trades and your worst 2 trades (by % return, NOT $ return). The following questions should help you think through this.
    • Discuss the trend for each asset – what price did it start/end? Time frame (how long did you hold the asset)?
    • Was there a particular piece of news/press release that significantly influenced the price of the asset?
    • Would you make these trades in your personal portfolio in real life?



Semester Presentation Outline Business Finance Assignment Help

– one of the docs you will see, I have done some research and came up with bullet points….


– I have attached all bloomberg templets, let me know if you need anything (but all what you need is there)

– I have attached a copy of the work that I have done so far to the outline and the powerpoint ( you are only asked to work on the outline and the powerpoint for questions #6.

– the outline that you will be working must have detailed info and explanation but delivered to the point no extra work needed.

Let me know if you have any questions

Semester Presentation Outline

In regards to your group semester presentation, the main question you will answer is:

1) Should Investors Buy or Short the stock?

2) What is the target price?

Required Items

1) Use at least 4 Bloomberg templates to make your cas

2) Company Analysis (i.e. SWOT analysis)

3a) Cash Flow Analysis (Top Down Assumptions)

– How does the recent US China trade issues affect you?

– What is the appropriate beta to consider? (1Y, 3Y, 5Y, etc.)

3b) Cash Flow Analysis (Bottom Up Assumptions)

– Projects, revenues, costs (similar to Table 19.1)

– Appropriate discount rate (cost of capital)

– Sensitivity analysis (cash flows and discount rates – main assumptions can be sales growth rates and market betas)

– Compare assumptions with analyst assumptions

4) Chart that shows historical price

– Show every bond issuance (with arrows)

– How does the stock price perform -3 to +3 days after debt issuance? (Relative to market)

– What is the rating? yield? How is the yield compared to the benchmark?

– What was the debt ratio at the time of issuance? (Table 18.1 comparison)

-5) Chart that shows insider selling (at least over past 2 years)

– Bloomberg or SEC documents

– Stock price reaction when market becomes informed of insider selling

6) Chart that shows merger activity

– Stock price reaction to merger announcement

– In comparison to market returns

What is Due:

1) Presentation in Class

2) Report also due in Class (10+) pages

3) 50% of the grade will be based on meeting the criteria (Did you do a thorough job on the requirements that indicates you did thorough due diligence?)

4) 50% of the grade will be based on “value added”

– What did I learn that is not common knowledge in the financial markets?”

– One person in the group may ask for peer evaluation to be part of the score

Let me know if you have any further questions



2.6 JSTOR Article Review Assignment (ASSIGNMENT) Humanities Assignment Help

History 115-3277
Fall Semester 2019
Professor Oscar Cañedo
Guidelines for JSTOR Review Assignment

For this assignment, you are to read a journal article about a topic related to a regional topic within the context of the class, and you are asked to use articles from the JSTOR database. Unfortunately, Grossmont College does not have JSTOR available from its library, but some of you may have used JSTOR from institutions like Mesa, Palomar and Southwestern Colleges, in addition to San Diego State or Cal State San Marcos. Therefore I will provide you with an ample selection of articles that I have downloaded from Palomar College’s JSTOR database. All you need to do is pick any of the articles for your review. Just click the “Files” section from the Canvas class menu, and open the folder that says “JSTOR articles.” In the folder are several subfolders with topics arranged by nation, in alphabetical order. Starting this week (the third week of the semester), I will provide one subfolder per week, with ten articles in each folder, starting with Argentina. Nations such as Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, and Colombia will follow right after that. The articles are in PDF format and labeled by the topic of the article, so just browse the collection of articles before you make your final selection. You do not need to notify me of your article choice, just pick any one of the articles in any of those subfolders, and you’re ready to roll!

The due date for this review is Friday, December 6 at 11:59 PM. Late papers will be accepted for one week only and will be assessed with a full grade deduction. The report is to be 5-7 pages in length. Please be sure to use both a title page and works cited page. (title and works cited pages do not count toward the overall page count of your review) You are also encouraged to follow the MLA or Chicago formats to develop this report. Please double-space your review. This review will count as 15% toward your final grade. And in your works cited page, please list the name of the article that you will be summarizing and analyzing. This an example of the type of the format you should follow:

“Argentina in 1983: Reflections on the Language of the Military and George Orwell,” by Alberto Ciria. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Vol. 11, No. 21 (1986), pp. 57-69.

In terms of the content of the report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points that the author is trying to convey to the reader. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What type of article is this? Is the author presenting an original feature, or is he/she conducting a book review? If this is a book review, what book (or books) is being reviewed? What is the author’s purpose for writing this article? What is the author’s academic or professional background?

As for the second point of discussion, this is where you provide your opinion or perceptions of the article. In other words, what did you think about it? What were the strengths or weaknesses of the article? How did the article relate to the class? You are definitely encouraged to write in first person singular (I feel that…, I think..) as you provide your opinions. As a general rule of thumb, your JSTOR review should be about 60% summary and 40% commentary. Thus a 5-page review with about 3 & 1⁄2 pages summary and 1 & 1⁄2 pages commentary is an ideal proportion.

2.6 JSTOR Article Review Assignment (ASSIGNMENT) Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Political science writing paper -02 Writing Assignment Help

Answer the following prompt in no more than 1500 words (about 4 pages):

What are the prospects for democratization in China?

In answering this question, (1) analyze each of the theories of democratization and what they would predict for the prospects of democratization in China. Also, (2) analyze China’s prospects for democratization by giving consideration to the theories of authoritarian regime emergence and persistence, and what they would predict regarding China’s ability to maintain their current regime. (3) Conclude by weighing both sets of theories discussed above and explain your argument concerning the likelihood of China transitioning to democracy. Be as detailed as you can, providing specific evidence to illustrate your points. There is a case study on China in your book (413-427) and there are readings/videos that will help with the details of this case, so use them and cite them in your papers.

Suggested Paper Organization:

  • Introduction – Say what you are going to argue
  • Section 2 discuss the theories of democratization and what these theories would predict for China’s prospects for democratization
  • Section 3 discuss the theories of authoritarian emergence and persistence, (with an emphasis on persistence) and what the theories of authoritarian emergence and persistence would predict for China’s ability to maintain their current regime
  • Section 4 discuss whether you are generally optimistic or pessimistic about the likelihood of democratization in China and why
  • Conclusion – Recap the arguments in your paper

Grading Rubric: This final paper is worth 20% of your overall grade. It will be graded on a scale of 200 points and will be determined as follows:

60 Points: You successfully describe the theories of democratization and discuss what these theories would predict for China’s prospects for democratization

60 Points: You successfully describe the theories of authoritarian emergence and persistence (with an emphasis on persistence) and discuss what these theories would predict for the ability of China to maintain its current regime

60 Points: You make a compelling argument for why you are generally optimistic or pessimistic about China’s likelihood of democratization

20 Points: You have a clear introduction and conclusion. Your paper is grammatically correct, spellchecked, organized, and citations are done correctly. Make sure to include at least 3 sources from the class.

Book link:…


Health benefits of plant based diet- ONLY Body paragraphs needed Writing Assignment Help

***I just need an additional 4 body paragraphs to this essay.
I’ll need the body paragraphs with these requirements:

Body Paragraph planning guide: THIS IS A RANDOM EXAMPLE

1. Topic sentence

Teachers teach based on syllabi too huge for students to take time to fully understand the things they learn in depth.

2. Evidence

As a student myself, my school never encouraged students to further understand their passions. We did not learn the reasons behind things in depth, nor did we as students stop to ask why things work. This is largely due to “banking”; as teachers usually expect students to process and understand all the information they are given. In class, my peers and I would just go with the methods or information we were given regardless of whether we understood it or not and consistently crammed and banked information into our heads.

3. Analysis (*at least 5 sentences after every evidence/quote)

Cramming and banking information causes many students to lack depth in their understanding of various topics. This causes a huge possibility of students to lack passion in the things they learn as they have to rush to catch up with the additional requirements for their classes. Due to this, we create the potential risk of losing innovators and innovations in our world today. Therefore, banking has negatively impacted students as finding what they are passionate about continues to remain a struggle. In the long term, teachers still expect students to cram information rather than take time to understand the subject or topics that are taught. As students have to cram information and lack understanding of the topics they learn, this affects their futures and the future of our generations as there will be a lack of innovation in the world today.

Here is what I have so far:

Our world is in a heap of trouble! Not only is there political and economic strife, but we are running out of land space and fresh water. Global warming has serious implications to the survival of human life on this planet. The ice caps in Antarctica are melting at an alarming rate due to the increase in carbon dioxide, other air pollutants and greenhouse gasses. Burning fossil fuels to make electricity and industrial processes are the largest source of heat-trapping pollution at 65% and coal burning are by far the largest contributors to the greenhouse effect. Animal agriculture and land use account for additional gasses being disbursed into our atmosphere such as nitrous oxide and methane. There are those who say transportation is the leading reason for climate change. However, the Environmental Protection Agency says “transportation is 14% of global greenhouse gasses and animal agriculture is 24% of global greenhouse gasses”. Animal agriculture uses multiple resources to get meats and dairy products to the dining table. “Pesticides, ammonia, heavy metals, fertilizers, fungicides and farm machinery, generated by concentrated animal feeding operations, kill animals, aquatic life, and create health problems for humans when they enter our drinking water. Agricultural operations and practices such as inappropriate water management and irrigation mainly lead to water pollution from surface run-off, both to surface and groundwater. This also leads to widespread contamination of waterways and ground waters and depreciate water quality. Soil erosion and sedimentation can equally contaminate the water, making it dirty, and increases its turbidity (cloudy). One-third of the planet’s arable land is occupied by livestock feed crop cultivation.” (Madaan, Sonia. “Terrible Effects of Agricultural Pollution”. Earth Eclipse.)

We live in a world where more than 820 million people have insufficient food and more consume low quality diets. “A plant-based diet consists of whole plant foods, namely vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices”. (Hever,Julieanna. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition 2011) “Eating plant-based has been shown to not only prevent, but can reverse advanced stage cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Studies also show favorable outcomes in sustainable weight management, reduce risk of mortality, lower the risk of heart disease, the prevention/treatment of hypertension and high cholesterol, and lower the risk of certain cancers”. (Nazish,Noma. 2018) A plant-based food can easily be substituted for less healthy choices in day to day habits. It takes some determination to stay away from processed and unhealthy foods, but the physical and environmental good that can be seen, outweighs killing animals as a food source. Despite all the research which proves the sustainability and the positive impacts of a plant based diet, only 11% of the world’s population live by a vegan, vegetarian or a plant-based diet. (Ipsos, An exploration into diets around the world, 2017). Therefore, we should encourage eating a plant-based diet as it can alleviate the need to breed animals to eat, contaminate lands and waters, and to bring down our emissions to a livable future.

In this research essay, I will be providing information and evidence of the positive impacts of encouraging a plant based diet and reducing our meat consumption.

BODY PARAGRAPH 1- 0.75- 1 page
BODY PARAGRAPH 2- 0.75- 1 page
BODY PARAGRAPH 3- 0.75- 1 page
BODY PARAGRAPH 4- 0.75- 1 page
**Please add at LEASt 1-2 references per paragraph thank you!

mental health, physical health, past eating disorder went away through plant based diet ( , helped chronic illness(

Please add Bibliography and follow the MLA referencing format as used in the essay so far, thank you so much!


explore (or explain or consider or speculate on) what Miller means Writing Assignment Help

Everything is attached.

On a separate paper

write an introduction to your portfolio that identifies the most significant thing you learned and illustrates that learning with an example from one of your papers. This introduction should NOT be longer than one single-spaced page. The length should be determined by the size of the example you need, but in general, I would say, not less than ½ a page. And please don’t say how wonderful the class was. Show me what you learned; don’t tell me.

Your paper should be 4-6 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, with 1” margins.

I’m also an international student


Compare and contrast the influence of Enlightenment thinking on the art of the 18th century with the influence of Humanism on the art of the Renaissance. Use the analyses of David’s Oath of the Horatii and Raphael’s School of Athens… Humanities Assignment Help

Course: Art History (History of Western Art II)

Prompt: “Throughout the course, we have discussed how artworks manifest the influence of larger philosophical movements. Compare and contrast the influence of Enlightenment thinking on the art of the 18th century with the influence of Humanism on the art of the Renaissance. Use the analyses of David’s Oath of the Horatii and Raphael’s School of Athens as a base for your comparison.”


– Minimum 4 pages full double spaced

– Make sure to use the comparison provided

– MLA format

– Art History

– Professor is VERY strict on plagiarism

– The requirements will be attached below

– I will also attach a template of how it should look

– If you have any questions please let me know!


Please add Bibliography and follow the MLA referencing format as used in the essay so far, thank you so much!


explore (or explain or consider or speculate on) what Miller means Writing Assignment Help

Everything is attached.

On a separate paper

write an introduction to your portfolio that identifies the most significant thing you learned and illustrates that learning with an example from one of your papers. This introduction should NOT be longer than one single-spaced page. The length should be determined by the size of the example you need, but in general, I would say, not less than ½ a page. And please don’t say how wonderful the class was. Show me what you learned; don’t tell me.

Your paper should be 4-6 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, with 1” margins.

I’m also an international student


Compare and contrast the influence of Enlightenment thinking on the art of the 18th century with the influence of Humanism on the art of the Renaissance. Use the analyses of David’s Oath of the Horatii and Raphael’s School of Athens… Humanities Assignment Help

Course: Art History (History of Western Art II)

Prompt: “Throughout the course, we have discussed how artworks manifest the influence of larger philosophical movements. Compare and contrast the influence of Enlightenment thinking on the art of the 18th century with the influence of Humanism on the art of the Renaissance. Use the analyses of David’s Oath of the Horatii and Raphael’s School of Athens as a base for your comparison.”


– Minimum 4 pages full double spaced

– Make sure to use the comparison provided

– MLA format

– Art History

– Professor is VERY strict on plagiarism

– The requirements will be attached below

– I will also attach a template of how it should look

– If you have any questions please let me know!


Please add Bibliography and follow the MLA referencing format as used in the essay so far, thank you so much!


explore (or explain or consider or speculate on) what Miller means Writing Assignment Help

Everything is attached.

On a separate paper

write an introduction to your portfolio that identifies the most significant thing you learned and illustrates that learning with an example from one of your papers. This introduction should NOT be longer than one single-spaced page. The length should be determined by the size of the example you need, but in general, I would say, not less than ½ a page. And please don’t say how wonderful the class was. Show me what you learned; don’t tell me.

Your paper should be 4-6 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, with 1” margins.

I’m also an international student


Compare and contrast the influence of Enlightenment thinking on the art of the 18th century with the influence of Humanism on the art of the Renaissance. Use the analyses of David’s Oath of the Horatii and Raphael’s School of Athens… Humanities Assignment Help

Course: Art History (History of Western Art II)

Prompt: “Throughout the course, we have discussed how artworks manifest the influence of larger philosophical movements. Compare and contrast the influence of Enlightenment thinking on the art of the 18th century with the influence of Humanism on the art of the Renaissance. Use the analyses of David’s Oath of the Horatii and Raphael’s School of Athens as a base for your comparison.”


– Minimum 4 pages full double spaced

– Make sure to use the comparison provided

– MLA format

– Art History

– Professor is VERY strict on plagiarism

– The requirements will be attached below

– I will also attach a template of how it should look

– If you have any questions please let me know!


Please add Bibliography and follow the MLA referencing format as used in the essay so far, thank you so much!


explore (or explain or consider or speculate on) what Miller means Writing Assignment Help

Everything is attached.

On a separate paper

write an introduction to your portfolio that identifies the most significant thing you learned and illustrates that learning with an example from one of your papers. This introduction should NOT be longer than one single-spaced page. The length should be determined by the size of the example you need, but in general, I would say, not less than ½ a page. And please don’t say how wonderful the class was. Show me what you learned; don’t tell me.

Your paper should be 4-6 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point font, with 1” margins.

I’m also an international student


Compare and contrast the influence of Enlightenment thinking on the art of the 18th century with the influence of Humanism on the art of the Renaissance. Use the analyses of David’s Oath of the Horatii and Raphael’s School of Athens… Humanities Assignment Help

Course: Art History (History of Western Art II)

Prompt: “Throughout the course, we have discussed how artworks manifest the influence of larger philosophical movements. Compare and contrast the influence of Enlightenment thinking on the art of the 18th century with the influence of Humanism on the art of the Renaissance. Use the analyses of David’s Oath of the Horatii and Raphael’s School of Athens as a base for your comparison.”


– Minimum 4 pages full double spaced

– Make sure to use the comparison provided

– MLA format

– Art History

– Professor is VERY strict on plagiarism

– The requirements will be attached below

– I will also attach a template of how it should look

– If you have any questions please let me know!


Assignment: Analysis of Current Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of OM Writing Assignment Help

Assignment: Analysis of Current Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of OM Writing Assignment Help

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