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” how-to-write-the-five-paragraph-essay-effectively/”>Essay Writing Tips to Help Your Assignment
- Decide your Topic in advance
- Do an Outline or a Diagram of the Main Ideas
- Write the Thesis Statement (the main idea of the essay)
- Write the Developmental (Body) Paragraphs
- Ensure that each developmental paragraph has the following—a) a main point, b) sub-points, & c) elaboration of the sub-points
- Complete the Introductory Paragraph
- Complete the Conclusion (summary paragraph)
- Choose an Eye-catching & Interesting Title
- Take a Break
- Reread the Essay & Edit
- Decide your Topic in advance
- Do an Outline or a Diagram of the Main Ideas
- Write the Thesis Statement (the main idea of the essay)
- Write the Developmental (Body) Paragraphs
- Ensure that each developmental paragraph has the following—a) a main point, b) sub-points, & c) elaboration of the sub-points
- Complete the Introductory Paragraph
- Complete the Conclusion (summary paragraph)
- Choose an Eye-catching & Interesting Title
- Take a Break
- Reread the Essay & Edit
- Decide your Topic in advance
- Do an Outline or a Diagram of the Main Ideas
- Write the Thesis Statement (the main idea of the essay)
- Write the Developmental (Body) Paragraphs
- Ensure that each developmental paragraph has the following—a) a main point, b) sub-points, & c) elaboration of the sub-points
- Complete the Introductory Paragraph
- Complete the Conclusion (summary paragraph)
- Choose an Eye-catching & Interesting Title
- Take a Break
- Reread the Essay & Edit
- Decide your Topic in advance
- Do an Outline or a Diagram of the Main Ideas
- Write the Thesis Statement (the main idea of the essay)
- Write the Developmental (Body) Paragraphs
- Ensure that each developmental paragraph has the following—a) a main point, b) sub-points, & c) elaboration of the sub-points
- Complete the Introductory Paragraph
- Complete the Conclusion (summary paragraph)
- Choose an Eye-catching & Interesting Title
- Take a Break
- Reread the Essay & Edit