ASU Density Mapping Grid Mapping and Graduated Symbol Mapping Methods Discussion Writing Assignment Help. ASU Density Mapping Grid Mapping and Graduated Symbol Mapping Methods Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a law Discussion and need support to help me understand better.
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1- Density mapping, grid mapping and graduated symbol mapping are three methods of mapping, used by analysts to, visually, depict crime in a, given, area.
Density Mapping: Is used when analysts identify problem areas and use a graduated color map to represent the exact locations and concentrations of crime within the problem area.
Graduated Symbol Mapping: Is used when an analyst has identified a problem area and uses graduating sized symbols to represent the concentration of crime in a location. Often, different sized dots will represent the crime location and concentration, with smaller dots representing less concentration and larger dots representing larger concentrations.
Grid Mapping: Is used when analysts identify a problem area and use a standard sized grid to overlay onto a map. Often used in conjunction with graduated color shading to represent location and concentration of crimes.
According to Santos, density mapping, unlike grid mapping and graduated symbol mapping, does not limit the user to a specific, pre-determined, geographical area. Instead, density mapping follows the flow of hot spots in the area and uses geographic features known to local law enforcement and other users (Santos, 2017)
Grid maps rely on dot points set on an overlay gid on a map of a given area. Graduated symbol maps use dots like a grid map, but the dots vary in size to represent concentrations of crime. Density mapping uses graduated colors to represent concentrations of crime, but unlike grid maps and graduated symbol maps, density maps do not identify the location of any specific incident. Graduate Symbol maps appear to be a blending of both grid maps and density maps.
Santos, R. B. (2017). Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping (4thth ed.). Tall Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved from:
2- The 80/20 principle or the Pareto principle was first discovered by Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto because he first understood that 20% of his peapod produced 80% of his peas. He then applied this same logic in Italy towards realizing 20% of people owned 80% of the land. The 80/20 principle is the imbalance of input and output. In crime analysis the 80/20 principle basically is used to state for every 80% of consequences in a situation, comes from 20% of a cause. According to Bowers (2014), Results suggest that internal theft problems precede external ones and that the physical concentration of chronically risky facilities is a particularly strong predictor of external theft problems. An example that helped me understand these logic more was when I applied it to the way crime happens. For example; 20% of criminals commit 80% of crimes.
Using 80/20 to explain identifying problem location for a crime analyst is important because they are able to understand where most of the crimes happen as well as where most victims and offenders are living in the areas. According to Santos (2016, p. 410), Crime analysts use the 80/20 principle to identify problem locations where the problem has concentrated in order to guide police in prioritizing where their responses should be implemented. By law enforcement having a guide towards the problem areas, it can help with implementing programs that can reduce the crime within these hot spot areas. According to Weisburd et al. (2017), wider application of hot spots policing can have significant impacts on overall levels of crime in urban areas.
Bowers, K. (2014). Risky Facilities: Crime Radiators or Crime Absorbers? A Comparison of Internal and External Levels of Theft. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 30, 389-414. doi:
Santos, R. B. (2016). Crime Analysis With Crime Mapping (4th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Retrieved from…
Weisburd, D., Braga, A. A., Groff, E. R., & Wooditch, A. (2017). Can Hot Spots Policing Reduce Crime In Urban Areas? An Agent- Based Stimulation. Criminology, 55(1), 56-89. doi:
3- According to The Arizona State University Center for Problem Oriented Policing, the 80/20 rule is a principle that suggests, a large percentage of outcomes is generated by a small percentage of input (Arizona State University Center for Problem Oriented Policing, 2020). According to Santos, the 80/20 rule suggests that by identifying a small proportion of areas, victims or offenders where a large proportion of crime occurs police can better use their resources to maximize their effectiveness against crime (Santos, 2017, pgs. 82-83).
Both definitions are confusing and unclear, at least to me. The best way I could explain the 80/20 rule is, 80% of crime occurs in 20% of the jurisdictional area. This ratio is not set in stone, in fact according to Santos, it’s rarely ever actually 80/20 (Santos, 2017, pg. 83). I think the principle is sound though. If, as analysts, we can identify a small area of the town or city, that accounts for a large portion of crime, we can apply the 80/20 rule. By applying the 80/20 rule we can attempt to assign agency resources, to best address the largest percentage of crime.
The 80/20 principle reminds me of another ratio principle. The 90/10 rule. That’s to say, 90% of crime is committed by 10% of the population. I think both principles are correct, and I have seen them at work on patrol. In my jurisdiction there are two areas of the city that generate a large majority of the crime we deal with. These two areas account for a large majority of our attention and time and generate a large majority of our arrests. The crime in these two areas, seem to be committed by a handful of the same people, repeatedly. What some might call, “frequent flyers”. These two areas of my jurisdiction account for 80% of the crime in our city, but the area, itself, only accounts for 20% of the city. The 10% of offenders we deal with, in these two areas, account for about 90% of the crime, also.
Learn if the 80-20 rule applies. (2020). In Arizona State University Center of Problem Oriented
Policing. Retrieved from,80percentoftheoutcomes.&text=Calculatethepercentagesofthe,
Santos, R. B. (2017). Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping (4thth ed., pp. 82-83). Tall Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved from
Please respond to these student discussion boards, each response should 150+ words followed by its own references. APA style and schoraly jornals for sources are required
ASU Density Mapping Grid Mapping and Graduated Symbol Mapping Methods Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENGL 124 CC Rhetorical Scene the Shining by Stanley Kubricks Analysis Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english Analytical Review and need an explanation to help me study.
Analysis of a scene from the shining film by Stanley Kubricks the scene is from the minute (46- 54)
summary of the film is The setting of the film is an isolated hotel in Colorado, where Jack Torrance is hired as the caretaker during the winter season when the hotel closes its services until spring. He brings along his wife Wendy and son Danny come to stay there with him for that period. The hotel is haunted, and a few weeks into their stay, Jack is possessed by an evil spirit and tries to kill his family, like his predecessor, Grady, about a decade before. He seems to have entered a different special world of evil, as he interacts with ghosts such as the bartender,
I expect that you’ll mention “Kubrick” the visual or auditory technique he utilizes to create fear/anxiety/anticipation/etc. with the viewers. An example sentence would look as so:
One way Kubrick establishes a similarity or “bond” between Jack the hotel’s ghosts, is by having Jack and the bartender wearing similar color tones. Such visuals create discomfort with viewers as they begin to experience Freud’s “the uncanny.” why Kubrick used this kind of music. look for a relationship between the bartender, which is a ghost, and Jack. please analyze this scene in every detail. why Kubrick used this music in. that moment what he. wanted from the viewer to think about? why. he used. specific color?
the link for the film is…
Rasmussen College Newborn Nutrition Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing presentation and need support to help me understand better.
The goal of creating a newborn nutrition teaching presentation is to prepare the nursing student to provide evidenced based education to the pre and postpartum client on lactation.
Select safe, effective nursing interventions for the postpartum client and newborn.
Create a teaching tool to promote breastfeeding. The material created to educate new mothers on breastfeeding will influence the mother’s decision to breastfeed, including duration, based on the quality and content of the teaching.
Assignment Requirements
Your teaching tool will be a trifold and must include this relevant content for a mother considering the risks and benefits of breastfeeding a newborn.
- Explain how breast milk is formed in the mammary glands and the physiology of breast milk
- Include two 2020 National Health Goals related to newborn nutrition to support breast feeding as the best choice. See the link below:
- Discuss the advantages of breastfeeding related to immunities transferred to the newborn
- Describe three additional benefits of breast feeding with supporting rationales
- Include at least two supporting resources
- Document must be written
- Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
- Logical, original and insightful
- Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
- Submit document through Grammarly to correct errors before submission
ASII 600 Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach W9 SWOT Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business project and need support to help me study.
In this activity, you will perform a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis for your selected initiative.
Present your SWOT analysis either graphically or as bullet points for each of the components.
As we will see in Module 9, cybersecurity is a critical subject that impacts the aviation industry systems. In your SWOT analysis, consider the cybersecurity considerations and concerns and determine whether ISO 14001 should reflect and include a cyber clause and why.
Research if there is an ISO management system regarding cybersecurity and incorporate it in your SWOT analysis.
Do Artifacts Have Politics Book Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications Book Report and need a sample draft to help me study.
Please follow the directions listed here.
After you read the reading, answer the three questions below.
(Winner – Do Artifacts Have Politics).
Responses should be between 3-4 double spaced pages/850-1,000 words, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1″ margins.
Question 1
In your own words, what argument does Winner make? Use specific examples from the reading to help you answer this question.
Question 2
“Winner provides examples of technical systems of various kind which at first sight may not explicitly express any form of political intent, but have in reality been designed to produce concrete social consequences” (Imola, 2019). What is another example of a technological design that enforced a particular political agenda? Specify the technology (i. e. bridges over park ways on Long Island) and the political agenda that you think it enforced/enforces (i.e. limit access of racial minorities and low-income groups to Jones Beach). How does the technology enforce its politics? I am asking you to rely on your critical thinking skills to develop an answer to this question.
Question 3
Does technology influence society or does society influence technology? Why? To answer this question, you might want to revisit past readings that discussed technological determinism versus cultural determinism.
FSW Engaging in Conversation Is Important in Academic Writing and Rhetoric Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
What have you learned about the importance of engaging in conversation (putting in your oar) for academic writing and rhetoric? What have you learned from the They Say, I Say method?
What have you learned about your media diet this semester? Did you keep up with your weekly items? Reflect on the importance of information literacy and regular analysis of your media diet.
What was the most important or significant thing you read this semester for your work in this course (this could be a reading assignment, an essay from the book, a source you read for an essay, etc.)? What is the most important assignment you completed this semester? Explain your reasoning for both questions.
FSW Engaging in Conversation Is Important in Academic Writing and Rhetoric Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Psychological Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
YOU MUST USE & CITE AT LEAST FOUR SOURCES of information (e.g., research articles, credible websites that cite research articles, your textbook, etc.). You also need to put the information in your own words (do not just copy and paste information from websites, even if you’re citing them).
Your information should be at least a page and a half (single spaced, size 12, Times New Roman) not including these instructions, citations, and the reference page.
Questions to answer in detail:
1)Describe what the psychological disorder is. (Give a broad overview or summary of what it is)
2)What are the symptoms and how does the disorder disrupt a person’s daily life functioning? (Be sure to give some specific examples)
3)What are the theorized causes and major influences of the disorder, including both biological and social/environmental causes (where appropriate). For example, is there any support for genetic influences, what are the specific biological/neurological mechanisms, and/or what are social/environmental influences that have been linked to the disorder?
4)What types of treatments are typically used, what does the treatment involve, and how effective do they seem to be?
5)Create a reference page in APA format (remember to check out the APA Purdue OWL site for general information and I will also have information posted in Week 13 on Blackboard for how to cite websites).
Ohio Christian University Week 5 Linear Regression Discussion Science Assignment Help
WK 5 Linear Regression Discussion
Describe Linear Regression.
Linear Regression uses a regression line to reflect how far a specific score is from the observed score. Regression equations plot the regression line. To picture this, the regression line reflects our best guess (prediction) as to what score on the Y variable would be predicted by a score on the X variable.
- Read Chapter 16 in your text.
- Discuss Question 1 on p. 290. Give an example of when linear regression might be a better fit than an ANOVA.
- Question 1 How does linear regression differ from analysis variance?
- Give an example of how you might use linear regression in your research project.
PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales Nonviolence and Racial Justice Resistance Questions Humanities Assignment Help
PHIL3015 Exam 3
Choose three philosophy topics below and write three essay responses. Be sure to use appropriate texts
to provide evidence for your arguments. You must use the appropriate primary texts (those by the authors) to support your arguments.
Do not write about the same piece/philosophy text more than once on this exam.
Grading: You will be evaluated and graded using the PHIL3015 Essay Rubric (DOCX).
- Martin Luther King Jr.: Nonviolence and Racial Justice
What are the five points King makes about nonviolent resistance?
- Susan Moller Okin: Justice, Gender, and the Family
Detail at least three of the men–women inequalities that Okin describes. In your view, how serious
are these? - Mary Wollstonecraft: A Vindication of the Rights of Women
What kind of “revolution in female manners” does Wollstonecraft envision? - Albert Camus: Life Is Absurd
What is the point Camus is making by dwelling on the myth of Sisyphus? - Julian Baggini: Living Life Forward
Does Baggini think that we need not find meaning in this life if there is life after death? Do you
agree? Explain. - Louis P. Pojman: Religion Gives Meaning to Life
Do those who do not believe in God have resources or advantages comparable with those that
theism is supposed to provide? Explain. - Bertrand Russell: Reflections on Suffering
What does Russell mean by “only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair can the soul’s
habitation be safely built”?
PHIL 3015 Johnson & Wales University Abortion Philosophy Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Topic for Analysis 3: Using Chapter 9, choose one of the topics of debate and locate a current philosophical argument on the same topic. Write a critique of that argument that identifies and analyzes the argument and then explain how it does or does not apply to the topic (for example, gender identity, immigration etc).
You must choose two who are on different sides of the debate. Clearly articulate the key premise and key supports of each and conclude with a critique paragraph that argues for the one or the other.
Submission Requirements:
- This essay should be a minimum of three pages and should address the topic below.
- The primary texts in the chapter must be used and cited appropriately – you must provide evidence for your argument.
- All quotations (lines from the texts) must be included grammatically in your own sentences and commented on specifically.
- Outside sources should not be used at any point in this essay.
- Remember to use our discussions as a starting point to frame your argument – our discussions are specifically designed to allow you to do so.
- Please be sure to cite sources used both within your essay and as a separate works cited page. You must use MLA Style and Format.
Remember that there are additional resources in the course to help you develop this essay:
Grading: You will be evaluated and graded using the PHIL3015 Essay Rubric (DOCX).
Due Sunday by 11:59pm.
Due Sunday by 11:59pm.