ASU Makeup and History of the Community Cherokee Community Essay Writing Assignment Help

ASU Makeup and History of the Community Cherokee Community Essay Writing Assignment Help. ASU Makeup and History of the Community Cherokee Community Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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Describe the makeup and history of the community to provide a context within which to collect data on its current concerns.

  • Comment on the types of information that best describes the community (e.g., demographic, historical, political, civic participation, key leaders, past concerns, geographic, assets)
  • Describe the sources of information used (e.g., public records, local people, internet, maps, phone book, library, newspaper)
  • Comment on whether there are sufficient resources (e.g., time, personnel, resources) available to collect this information
  • Describe the strengths and problems you heard about

Describe what matters to people in the community, including a description of:

  • Issues that people in the community care about (e.g., safety, education, housing, health)
  • How important these issues are to the community (e.g., perceived importance, consequences for the community)
  • Methods the group will (did) use to listen to the community (e.g., listening sessions, public forums, interviews, concerns surveys, focus groups)

ASU Makeup and History of the Community Cherokee Community Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UNAHVS Language of African Literature Reading Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Formatting: Your assignment should include a Works-Cited page. Please see the “Formatting Guidelines for Written Work” section on the syllabus, on page 7.

Instructions: Read closely a section (a passage of about a paragraph or two, or even a page) from one of the novels or one of the short stories you’ve read, and write a close reading essay of 2 to 3-pages. Your analysis essay needs to be at least 600 words* long (not more than 1000 words), include at least 2 quotes!!!, and should address the following components:

Summary: (≈ 150 words, about 1 paragraph)

Summarize the reading to show your understanding. What is it about? Who wrote it, and what are the credentials of the author? Where did it appear? When was it written? What are some of the points (themes) raised?

** Analysis/Response: (≈ 350 words, about 2-3 paragraphs)

Analyze the reading, its context, and the authorial choices that make it effective. Who is the intended audience of this text? What seems to be its purpose? Why did the author choose the examples, words, or expressions they did? The strongest response paragraph(s) will have a topic sentence that makes an argumentative claim (ex: “This passage seems to suggest that understand how social class impacts gender expectations”) and will go onto provide textual evidence supporting that claim.

Application of the reading: Why is it relevant to us? What historical, social, political contexts does it relate to? What current topic or personal experience relates to this text?

Conclusion: (≈ 100 words, 1 paragraph)

Evaluation of the reading: Was the author successful at his/her purpose? Is the reading useful? Did you like it? Who might like it? To whom would you recommend it?

Note: You must address the categories of summary, analysis, application, and evaluation in your short essay, but you do not need to answer directly every single question I’ve provided (the questions are for guidance). Do write your close-reading analysis in an essay format.

* (Include your selected passage in your paper, but do not count it as part of the total length.)

** For the analysis part:

You may find the following examples of close-reading analyses from Mark Twain’s 1884 novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn helpful. (

From Mary Baroch’s close reading:

“He chased me round and round the place, with a clasp-knife, calling me the angel of death and saying he would kill me and I couldn’t come for him no more. I begged, and told him I was only Huck, but he laughed such a screechy laugh, and roared and cussed, and kept on chasing me up. Once when I turned short and dodged under his arm he made a grab and got me by the jacket between my shoulders and I thought I was gone; but I slid out of the jacket quick as lightning, and saved myself. Pretty soon he was all tired out and dropped down with his back against the door, and said he would rest a minute and then kill me. He put his knife under him, and said he would sleep and get strong, and then he would see who was who” (36).

. . . Huck’s description of the passage of time in the chase relays a sense of urgency and danger. Descriptive phrases like “Once when I turned,” and “slid out of the jacket quick-as-lightning” change the novel’s pacing into an action-packed, suspense narrative. With Huck’s use of the phrase “Pretty soon,” after he narrowly escapes a knife in the back, the reader is led to wonder what happened in this gap of time. Pap’s desire to “Rest a minute” gives the reader a chance to “rest a minute” and recap the events that have just transpired, though the reader continues to dread Pap’s awakening to “see who was who.” But the reader is ever mindful of Huck’s distance from his experience by telling it in the past tense. This might also explain why he relates in a matter-of-fact way the story of his father trying to kill him. Though Huck is describing the chase in a rapid, vivid play-by-play, which the reader gets a sense of from the frequent temporal clues, his nonchalance adds a disturbing tone to the scene, as if Pap’s terrible abuse of him has always been commonplace. Pap hallucinates Huck as an “angel of death,” and in a sense his retrospective narrator self is a spiritual presence in the scene between his younger self and Pap.

From Brittany Gurgle’s close reading:

On a table in the middle of the room was a kind of a lovely crockery basket that had apples and oranges and peaches and grapes piled up in it which was much redder and yellower and prettier than real ones is, but they warn’t real, because you could see where pieces had got chipped off and showed the white chalk or whatever it was, underneath.

This table had a cover made out of beautiful oil cloth, with a red and blue spread-eagle painted on it, and a painted border all around. It come all the way from Philadelphia, they said. There was some books, too, piled up perfectly exact, on each corner of the table. One was a big family Bible, full of pictures. One was “Pilgrim’s Progress,” about a man that left his family, it didn’t say why. I read considerable in it, now and then. The statements was interesting but tough. Another was “Friendship’s Offering,” full of beautiful stuff and poetry; but I didn’t read the poetry. Another was Henry Clay’s Speeches, and another was Dr. Gunn’s Family Medicine, which told you all about what to do if a body was sick or dead. There was a hymn book, and a lot of other books. And there was nice split-bottom chairs, and perfectly sound, too? not bagged down in the middle and busted, like an old basket. (137)

. . . In basic terms, Huck describes a compilation of mundane household items — a table, a basket of fruit, books, a set of chairs. However, it is moments such as this one that contextualize Huck’s experience — explaining how Huck should be viewed in relation to society.

In the first paragraph, Huck shows the reader how he was able to distinguish the fruit as artificial. It was clearly a curious and unusual sight for Huck to see fruit chipping away to expose white chalk; thus, his reaction was to analyze and observe the situation further. He came to the conclusion that “they warn’t real.” Twain craftily gives Huck greater narrative authority in the reader’s eye. The reader is shown Huck’s ability to rightfully distinguish between real and unreal, true and false when it comes to appearances. Though an adult might have deciphered the truth a little quicker through past experiences encountering artificial fruit; nonetheless, without observing such fruit before, Huck is able to distinguish.


UCLA Avogadro Law Temperature & Pressure Constants & Gas Conversion Lab Report Science Assignment Help

For this assignment, you will need access to (Beyond Labz) I will give you the information that is needed to access the program.

In this simulation you will investigate the effect of number of moles of gas on the volume of a gas at constant pressure and temperature. In the virtual experiment you will fill a balloon with different amounts of gas, holding it at constant pressure and temperature, and record the volume each time. You will graph your data and make inferences about the relationship between volume and number of moles of gas. You will also answer a question related to your general knowledge of the gas laws.


BCJ 3450 Columbia Southern University Importance of Survey Findings PPT Writing Assignment Help


Creating a Courthouse Security Survey

This assignment has two parts and requires the submission of two separate documents. Please be sure to submit both documents in order to be graded on the entire assignment. To submit two documents, click on the name of the assignment in Blackboard. Then, use the “Browse My Computer” button in the “Assignment Submission” area to find the first file, attach it; then use the “Browse My Computer” button again to find and attach the second file, then click “Submit” to upload the assignment.

Part I

Within Chapter 2 of the textbook, on pages 12–36, you will find information about courtroom security surveys. This focus on building and creating a safe courtroom is urgently important to the public trust. For Part I of this assignment, please create a list of 10 questions you would ask in an attempt to learn more about the overall security of a given courtroom or courthouse. For example, what would be a question you would ask on the survey that would cover some aspect of enhancing security in the parking lot? These survey questions should cover the following topics: exterior safety, entrance security, and courtroom security. There are additional subtopics you may want to emphasize for your survey.

Exterior Safety:

  • parking lot (e.g., Is the lot paved? What is the distance from the lot to the courthouse?),
  • lighting (e.g., Does the parking lot have lights?), and
  • physical barriers (e.g., Jersey barriers, fencing).

Entrance Security:

  • doors (e.g., secured),
  • screening area,
  • random screening area,
  • contraband (e.g., What constitutes as contraband?), and
  • security team (e.g., training).

Courtroom Security:

  • deputies (e.g., training, years of service),
  • barriers and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), and
  • judges’ chambers (e.g., secured, panic room).

After creating the survey, write a two-page overview of your survey. If you use sources, which are not required, they should be listed on the reference page and be in proper APA Style.

Part II

For Part II of this assignment, create 10 slides in a PowerPoint presentation (not including the title slide or reference slide) that you would present to the sheriff to show the importance of your findings. The presentation should use graphics where warranted and speaker’s notes in the notes section of each slide.


BMAL 710 Liberty University Wk 4 Concept of Technology Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be 2,100-2,200 words (due by Thursday of each week) and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, the student will reply to the threads of at least 2 classmates. Each reply must be 600-700 words (due by the end of the respective module/week). Each initial thread must include a mínimum of 7 sources in addition to the Bible, and peer replies must include the integration of at least 3 peer-reviewed source citations and scripture, in current APA format, outlined in each respective Discussion Board rubric. Each thread and reply must integrate at least 1 biblical principle.



GU Effective Communication Air Traffic Control & Boeing 737 Max Planes Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


In a 1950 article for Fortune, journalist and best-selling author William H. Whyte noted “the great enemy of communication, we find, is the illusion of it. We have talked enough; but we have not listened. And by not listening we have failed to concede the immense complexity of our society–and thus the great gaps between ourselves and those with whom we seek understanding.” The illusion of communication in the workplace has become even more of an issue with the proliferation of communication tools, greater workforce diversity, political polarization and globalization.

Your Task

Scan the news for coverage of a communications failure or select a scenario from your readings—a few that come to mind are the Boeing 737 Max crashes and the Covid-19 pandemic—and analyze the scenario using the communication process model. Using terminology from the module, identify the relevant barriers to communication. Conduct additional research—for example, reading post-ops of the situation—and briefly comment on how the barriers were overcome—or not.

You may also reference reliable and properly cited Internet resources. You may also draw from your personal work experience with appropriate examples to support your references.

Assignment Layout

You should have a maximum of 1 page for the assignment. Please write APA format (12 font, times new roman, paragraphs indented, and double space) with the heading following below on the top single space, right hand side of paper:

Title of Assignment:




Thank you and if using outside sources, always make a citation page!

GU Effective Communication Air Traffic Control & Boeing 737 Max Planes Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Diabetes Management in Brooklyn Vulnerable Population Teaching Project Proposal Health Medical Assignment Help


Vulnerable Population Teaching Project Proposal


Develop a proposal for a teaching plan that will address one or more of the identified health risks from your population assessment and your Windshield Survey. Remember, this will be a project that will be implemented in next semester, so it is important that the scope of the project is manageable.

The paper should be 3-5 pages in length, not counting the title page and the references. The paper should be written as a formal APA paper with appropriate citations and references. The required elements listed below, should be the major headings in your paper. The paper should include the following:

  • Population Selected: This section should be a brief discussion of why you selected this population (one-two paragraphs). This information can be taken from the population assessment and/or the Windshield survey.
  • Selected Education Need: If you identified several educational needs in your Vulnerable Population paper, discuss why you selected the one educational topic for your teaching project. Provide supporting evidence for this selection. This section should be one-two paragraphs in length.
  • Brief description of your proposed teaching project: This section should include a discussion of the content that will be provided in the teaching session, the proposed location of the presentation, an estimate of the attendance, the teaching strategies that you plan to use, the teaching tools you will develop, and the evaluation method you plan to use.
  • Anticipated barriers: Discuss any potential implementation barriers that you might encounter. What is your plan for overcoming these barriers if they occur?
  • Conclusion: Summarize what you hope to accomplish with this teaching project.

Please use the attached template for your assignment. The template is already APA formatted for you. You can delete the text and type directly into the template.


MGT 526 UOP Acer Incorporated Business Source Complete SWOT Analyses Outline Business Finance Assignment Help

Working in business management means taking on responsibility to lead your organization in a variety of situations. Part of that responsibility is understanding where an organization has been and where it’s going. In this course, you put yourself in the shoes of a manager and use resources to make decisions on where an organization is heading in respect to business needs, organizational structure, leadership strategies, and change management. Some of the information needed may be easy to locate, but other information may take time and effort to find. Some may even need assumptions based on research. These research and strategizing skills will be useful in your business management career.

Select a company and learn about its history. This will prepare you for your Wk 2 Analysis.

Note: Some reports are more recent than others. It’s in your best interest to find a company with a recent (within 2 years) report.

Select 1 global company from Business Source Complete: SWOT Analyses to use for the next 5 weeks (this will sometimes be referred to as “your company”).

Create a chart or outline that conveys the following information:

  • Name of company
  • Industry
  • Brief history of company
  • At least 3 milestones from the company’s history
  • 3 resources (in addition to Business Source Complete) where you can locate company information in future weeks. This may include company websites, current employees, journals, etc.
  • Define 1 new unique business opportunity the company can do to increase their competitive advantage.
  • Identify a function of management that is needed for this opportunity.

Submit your assignment.



UCI Contextual Prerequisites for Understanding by Bransford & Johnson Summary Writing Assignment Help

Write a report (350 words) of the Bransford & Johnson (1972) journal article to receive 1 credit. This article should be available on your course blackboard site. You should get the article and prepare your summary before you go start this topic. THE SUMMARY MUST BE WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS AND GO BEYOND THE ARTICLE ABSTRACT. Since these articles have an Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion section, use this sections below for your summary: What the researcher expected to find. What are the study procedure and important independent variables and dependent variables? The major result or findings of the study. The main conclusion(s) of the study. What you liked and disliked about the article.


UCLA Scan Allowance Given on Product Sold out Of the Retailers Cash Register MCQ Business Finance Assignment Help

A discount is given on the amount of product that is sold out of the retailer’s cash register.

[ Choose ]

Pigs to the trough


Target funding

Scan allowance

Off-Invoice allowance

Count recount allowance

A specific amount of money is set aside for each case of a product that a customer buys .That money is then kept in a fund to to allocate back to the same customer that earned it.

[ Choose ]

Pigs to the trough


Target funding

Scan allowance

Off-Invoice allowance

Count recount allowance

At times a supplier will decide to allocate money to a specific class of trade (Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Superstores, etc.), a particular region, or a particular product. This is typically done to bolster sales at a class of trade, in a region, or on a specific product for various reasons.

[ Choose ]

Pigs to the trough


Target funding

Scan allowance

Off-Invoice allowance

Count recount allowance

A discount is given on the amount of product that is sold out of a retailer’s or wholesaler’s warehouse/distribution center.

[ Choose ]

Pigs to the trough


Target funding

Scan allowance

Off-Invoice allowance

Count recount allowance

A discount is taken off of the price of the product for every case that is purchased at any given node in the supply chain.

[ Choose ]

Pigs to the trough


Target funding

Scan allowance

Off-Invoice allowance

Count recount allowance

This is my own terminology, but it’s from an observation of how the process works. The supplier announces to their sales representative that there is money available and the sales representative runs and gobbles up as much of it as he/she can. Sometimes the supplier asks for justification or reasoning for allocating funds to the account that the sales representative represents.

Indicate whether the performance methods discussed below are biased or unbiased in their measurement.


Likert scale

Normalized percentages

Straight percentages



ASU Makeup and History of the Community Cherokee Community Essay Writing Assignment Help

ASU Makeup and History of the Community Cherokee Community Essay Writing Assignment Help

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