ASU Organizational Development and Analyzing Strategic Actions in Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

ASU Organizational Development and Analyzing Strategic Actions in Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. ASU Organizational Development and Analyzing Strategic Actions in Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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1. 1200 words total. 3 APA cited references and reference list. No plagiarism!

Write a narrative essay which addresses the questions and statements below.

  • Describe the difference between self-directed work teams, virtual teams, and cross-functional teams. Which kind of team would you prefer and why?
    • Think of an example of transorganization development within your organization or an organization you are familiar with. How do you think some of the practices covered in this book including contracting, data gathering, feedback, and the intervention types covered thus far might apply or need to be modified?
    • How would you describe your organization’s structure? Choose one of the following: functional, unit, matrix, network, and boundaryless or process. Include advantages and disadvantages of the chosen organizational structure.
    • How receptive would your organization be to dialogic OD practices?
  • edit

    2. 250 words total. 2 APA cited references and reference list. No plagiarism!
    Sustainability is one area where OD is increasingly playing an important role. Can you think of other opportunities for OD practitioners to apply the skills, values, and concepts.

    ASU Organizational Development and Analyzing Strategic Actions in Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    JUS 338 NAU Mentally Impaired Offenders Prosecution of Mentally Ill People Discussion Law Assignment Help

    Prosecutorial discretion is the ability to decide if charges should be brought in court and to determine the nature of those charges. This power can be seen in the court system in the United States, where prosecutors are very powerful as a result of prosecutorial discretion. There are, however, some limitations on this power, as prosecutors may not violate civil rights by bringing charges vindictively or selectively, and they can be challenged on their decisions about when, where, and how to bring charges. Ultimately the prosecutor decides what cases to proceed with, what plea bargains to accept, and what charge they file.

    Other options include diversion for mentally ill offenders. Visit the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and read the FAQ’s about Jail Diversion Programs at:

    Referring to Pete Earley’s book, Crazy (required readings), readings regarding prosecutorial discretion, and the FAQ, complete a paper where you address the following:

    1. What do you think of prosecutorial discretion for the mentally ill? Should the victim’s of the mentally ill perpetrated crimes be considered and have a say? Should prosecutors have full discretion or strict guidelines? What should the guidelines be?
    2. What do you think of diversion, or special mental health courts? Should the mentally ill be held accountable for crimes they commit? Should they be punished or treated? Should criminal prosecution be the first step in a mentally ill person’s mandated treatment?
    3. Considering Pete Earley’s son Mike’s case, should prosecutorial discretion be used? Should diversion be used? How?

    Present your answers in a 2 -3 page paper (double spaced, 12 font) . Use citations from the readings in your paper.
    Paper Guidelines:

    1. 2-3 page research paper
    2. APA format (12-point Times New Roman font, APA formatted title page, in-text and reference page citations, reference page, etc.)
    3. Paper addresses all assignment guidelines
    4. Paper is formatted with an introduction, body and conclusion
    5. Paper must include a min of THREE scholarly, government or approved (included in the course) sources
    6. No unsupported opinions: All arguments must be supported with scholarly, government or approved (included in the course) sources


    QSO 300 Southern New Hampshire Material Requirements Planning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    BYD – electric car company

    1. Explain the four primary priority rules for job sequencing. In what instances at the company might each rule be most advantageous? When 
would each rule be most disadvantageous? Support your claims with citations from your textbook or outside sources.

    What are the four primary rules for job sequencing?Then state in your own words the advantages and disadvantages of each primary rule. Make sure to then add support from the textbook or other credible sources.Ensure to use the proper citations and references.

    2. Explain how gross-to-net calculations are processed for material requirements planning (MRP). What specific input files would the company in the case study need to include in this process for a successful MRP? How would you use the MRP information to improve the operations as the manager of this company?

    In order to address the gross-to-net calculations and the benefits of an MRP system. Ensure to respond to all three areas:explanation of gross-to-net calculations, input files for a successful MRP, and uses for the MRP system that will improve the operations at BYD

    To calculate gross-to-net or MRP: Net requirement = Gross requirement – on-hand inventory



    Establishing Banking Agent Business Stage Gate model Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Part 1

    Use the Stage-Gate model (Links to an external site.) to develop a theoretical new product or service for the client you picked in Module 1. Some of your businesses might be service-based, so you may have to be creative in thinking about a new project. If you have any problems thinking of a product or service idea, please let me know and I’ll help you think of one. Here is another resource on the model.


    While you will not actually be creating a new product, you can still detail the requirements for each stage as well as the metrics you will use to make a decision to continue to the next stage or stop the project. Since this is a theoretical exercise, you can make assumptions while completing each phase.

    In short, the Stage-Gate model has the following six phases:

    Stage 0: Discover. In this phase, you think of a new product or service idea. For the assignment, describe the idea and what problem it solves.

    Stage 1: Scoping. This is where you evaluate the idea on its viability and marketability. A SWOT analysis is often used for this phase.

    Stage 2: Building a Business Case. Further define the product, the manufacturing requirements, a project plan, and estimated revenues.

    Stage 3: Development. A prototype or prototypes are developed. How would you suggest creating a prototype for your client?

    Stage 4: Testing and Validation. The prototype is tested. If there is a problem, the team goes back to the development stage. If it works, the product can be prepared for Stage 5. Describe how you will test and validate the prototype/innovation.

    Stage 5: Launch. A marketing strategy is developed and the product is made available to customers. How will you market the new product or service? How will the product or service be launched?

    How about a real-world example? Here’s a Stage-Gate approach from the Centers for Disease Control (Links to an external site.). Note how much more complex it is compared to the version we use in this course. It is included here just so you can get an idea of how much this model can expand and be used not only for product development but also project management. IT may also give you ideas of items to include in your Stage-Gate assignment.

    Part 2

    Create a 5 slide presentation that outlines the different kinds of innovations described in the supplemental reading (product, process, and business model). You can supplement your description using chapter 9 from the Entrepreneurship e-book. On the fourth slide, provide a real-world example of each innovation type. On the fifth slide, describe how market research can be integrated in the Stage-Gate model.


    Business Process Re Engineering of Engineering Procurement Construction Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    build a business process for preparing and executing a tailgate party at a UNT football game. We use the EPC method and you are expected to employ activities, events and operators at a minimum. Think about which events start the process and what you need to do to prepare.

    Who will you invite and do they pay something or bring something? If they pay on arrival, how will you make sure they all show up? How do you bankroll the tailgate until the day of? What materials do you need? Where do you procure provisions such as sausages, sauces, beer, etc.? How do you execute the tailgate on the day of the game? Do you need a permit? How do you avoid underage drinking at all costs? When do you have to be in the parking lot? How do you make sure your friends know where to find you? What happens during the tailgate party? What do you do afterwards to clean up?

    Make sure you upload your process model as an image if you hand-draw it or as a PDF if you use PPT or some other software



    Climate Change and Activism Discussion Science Assignment Help

    ***Three personal response papers must be completed outlining your personal response to all the assigned reading(s) in a given week. These papers are your opportunity to demonstrate active reading skills and effective writing skills at the college level. That means they should include a thesis and strong paragraph development. The thesis should include your overall personal response. These papers should NOT be a summary or analysis of the reading for its own sake. The point of these papers is for students to relate readings to themselves at a personal level. Assume your reader has read all the pieces and get right to the work of sharing your personal response. Don’t just indicate agreement or disagreement and don’t identify a response (surprise or interested). You need to develop your ideas to express your response fully. First person is acceptable and almost required in this assignment. Therefore, it’s is strongly recommended that students choose the topics they are most intrigued by.**.

    – Paper will be 2-3 pages, double spaced (no extra points between lines), 1” margins, and 12 Times Roman font. • CSE citation style (Name-Year format) must be used.




    Nature Writing: A Form of Activism to Limit Climate Change Reading Assignment:

    – Kolbert, Elizabeth (12/21/15): “The Siege of Miami.” Available at…

    -Duane, Daniel (04/04/2019): “What Remains.” Available at…

    Climate Change and Activism Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Florida National University HPV Community Health Project Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    Chapter 14: Risk of Infectious and Communicable Diseases

    There is a planned community health project to decrease the incidence of human papilloma virus (HPV).

    1. Who is/are the target population? Why?

    2. What are some key factors to consider when planning an HPV prevention program?

    Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

    Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

    All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

    Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.


    Florida National University Nursing Role and Scope Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    Nursing Role and Scope

    DQ 1:

    · Select one question as your DQ 1

    · Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

    · Minimum three paragraphs per DQ

    · All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

    · Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

    Note: All DQ submissions will be monitored for plagiarism.


    Author: Masters, K. (2020). Role development in professional nursing practice. Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

    ISBN: 978-1-2841-5292-0

    Chapter 8: Safety and Quality Improvement in Professional Nursing Practice

    1. How do best practices contribute to quality and safety?

    2. How can the commitment to quality improvement be integrated throughout all roles and at all levels of professional nursing practice?


    Resolving Guest Complaint Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    With social media playing such a large role in our industry today, it is important that we are able to respond in a timely manner but also within the constraints of the social media platform. Twitter limits your text to 140 characters or less, and so we only have a limited amount of characters to apologize to guest complaints. This assignment focuses on how to regain guest confidence after an unhappy experience by using Twitter.

    In this assignment, you must apologize to a guest who has complained via Twitter. Your goal is to resolve the guest’s complaint and ensure that they will return to your establishment. Your post must be 140 characters or less.

    This is the guest’s Twitter complaint:

    Waited for over an hour for my table. Service was slow. Cold Food. #dontgo #badservice #badfood


    PUNY The Impact of Ethics and Moral Development Corporate Operations Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    Based on your readings, the podcasts, and your observations and experience, write a thought paper on the impact of ethics and moral development on leadership practice. Your paper should be 3 – 4 pages long. Take a position on personal ethical and moral development. Use at least 2 sources of information to support your position, being sure to cite them correctly. Defend your position about how moral development impacts ethical code. What do you consider to be a code of ethics? At what point do you believe someone develops a code of ethics?


    ASU Organizational Development and Analyzing Strategic Actions in Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    ASU Organizational Development and Analyzing Strategic Actions in Company Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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