Auburn University Main Campus Blockchain Transactions Speed Discussion Response Computer Science Assignment Help. Auburn University Main Campus Blockchain Transactions Speed Discussion Response Computer Science Assignment Help.
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DQ: What can be implemented to increase the speed of Blockchain transactions?
Type your initial post and peer replies in this Discussion Forum based on the assigned readings for the week. The initial post should contain a minimum of 500 words and two peer replies should contain a minimum of 200 words each.
The initial post should contain your summary of the assigned readings for this unit of study and the peer replies should be substantive responses to your classmates’ writings.
Reference material:
- Can Blockchain Tech Change AdTech?
- Blockchain Scalability: When, Where, How?
- Blockchain Will Transform Customer Loyalty Programs
Auburn University Main Campus Blockchain Transactions Speed Discussion Response Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CMN 504 University of New Hampshire Attorney General Victim List Murder Case Report Business Finance Assignment Help
Your task is to compose an argumentative brief—essentially an outline of a legal argument—focused on a cold case from the New Hampshire Attorney General’s victim list, and exploiting the argumentative resources of classical forensic rhetoric.
You should view the NH Attorney General’s “Victim List” to see the full list of unsolved murders and missing person cases in New Hampshire (those marked “solved” cannot be used). The list is available on Canvas, and can also be viewed here:…
Based on the information provided about each case, make a preliminary selection from the available cases. Do some additional research about the case to gather more information. The amount of available information about the different cases varies widely. The more information you have, the more material you can use to compose an argument.
Using both on-line and library sources, (including microforms for local New Hampshire newspapers like the Manchester Union Leader, Concord Monitor, and Foster’s Daily Democrat),
you should check news stories about the case.
ACC 439 CUNY Lehman College Statement of Cash Flows Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
Statement of Cash Flows
SLO Health Care Inc. is owned and operated by Morgan Denby, the sole stockholder. During January 20Y6, SLO Health Care entered into the following transactions:
During January 20Y6, San Mateo Health Care entered into the following transactions:
Jan. 1 | Received $13,500 from Glenn Company as rent for the use of a vacant office in SLO Health Care’s building. Glenn paid the rent nine months in advance. | ||
1 | Paid $3,000 for a one-year general insurance business policy. | ||
6 | Purchased supplies of $900 on account. | ||
9 | Collected $16,000 for services provided to customers on account. | ||
11 | Paid creditors $2,500 on account. | ||
18 | Invested an additional $5,000 in the business in exchange for common stock. | ||
20 | Billed patients $26,000 for services provided on account. | ||
25 | Received $7,500 for services provided to customers who paid cash. | ||
30 | Paid expenses as follows: wages, $15,500 utilities, $4,250 rent on medical equipment, $2,650 interest, $100 and miscellaneous, $1,500. | ||
30 | Paid dividends of $4,000 to stockholder (Dr. Denby). |
Adjustment data for SLO Health Care Inc. for January are as follows:
- Insurance expired, $450.
- Supplies on hand on January 31, $600.
- Depreciation on building, $1,150.
- Unearned rent revenue earned, $1,500.
- Wages owed employees but not paid, $1,450.
- Services provided but not billed to patients, $2,500.
Presented in the integrated financial statement format are after-adjustment balances for January.
1. Prepare a statement of cash flows for January. Use the minus sign to indicate cash outflows, decreases in cash, or cash payments. If your answer is zero enter “0”.
Statement of Cash Flows | ||
For the Month Ended January 31, 20Y6 | ||
Cash flows from (used for) operating activities: | ||
Cash received from customers | $ | |
Cash paid for expenses | ||
Net cash flows from operating activities | $ | |
Cash flows from (used for) financing activities: | ||
Cash received from issuing common of stock | $ | |
Cash paid as dividends | ||
Net cash flows from financing activities | ||
Net increase in cash | $ | |
Cash as of January 1, 20Y6 | ||
Cash as of January 31, 20Y6 | $ |
Identify the sources of cash and determine the company’s use of cash. Recall that there are three types of cash flows: operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.
2. Reconcile the net cash flows from operating activities with the net income for January. Use the minus sign to indicate cash outflows, decreases in cash, or cash payments. (Hint: Use adjusted balances in computing increases and decreases in accounts.)
San Mateo Health Care Inc. | ||
Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities | ||
Net income | $ | |
Depreciation | $ | |
Changes in noncash current operating assets and liabilities: | ||
Increase in accounts receivable | ||
Increase in prepaid insurance | ||
Decrease in accounts payable | ||
Increase in unearned revenue | ||
Increase in wages payable | ||
Net cash flows from operating activities | $ |
MN 507 Purdue Workplace Violence in Healthcare Organizations Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
MN507-3: Recommend public policy options to meet the needs of various stakeholders.
For this Assignment, you will create a slide and audio presentation in which you will present information to support the passage of HR 5223. You may use PowerPoint, Google Slides, or another presentation software of your choosing. Your audio presentation should put forth a convincing argument based on your research and should be designed as if you were addressing a group of legislators whose support you are trying to obtain.
Your slide and audio presentation must address:
- A description of current risks that healthcare providers face from violence in the workplace.
- Information from professional nursing associations which support your argument for minimizing the risk of violence in the healthcare setting.
- Identification of a theoretical or regulatory model which would be applicable to the passage of HR 5223.
- Identification of stakeholders who will benefit from the passage of HR 5223 and how they would benefit.
- Potential barriers to passage of HR 5223 and how they can be overcome.
- Include of 8 slides (not counting the title or reference slide).
- Your slides should contain speaker notes, to assist in your audio delivery.
- Your slides should be professional in appearance and tone, and reflect a thoughtful and meaningful application of your research to your argument. Speak clearly and convincingly. Your presentation should not be longer than 10 minutes.
- You must include a minimum of (5) different scholarly references
Auburn University Marketing of Unreleased CDs and Albums Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Read and answer the questions at the end of the pdf.
No more than 20% should match something already in the Turnitin database. If the report for the assignment indicates a higher percentage, students may revise and resubmit the assignment until the deadline. Upload the assignment as a Word document.
The assignment is expected to be typed in English, in a 12-point font, double-spaced, at least 300 words long, and free of errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Students are expected to present a clear thesis and to construct valid, logical arguments with supporting evidence in responding to the question. Most of the assignment should be written by the student, not just quoting sources. Every written assignment is expected to be original work that the student personally researched and wrote for this class.
Auburn University Main Campus Blockchain and Production Response & Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
In chapter 7, the author briefly discusses how to deploy a smart contract. You’re using Ganache in your labs, but you’ll learn in future chapters about public test blockchains and production (live) blockchains. Once you deploy a smart contract, that smart contract code is stored on the blockchain forever (remember immutability?) Understanding that you cannot simply overwrite previously deployed smart contracts, contrast approaches to deploying traditional applications and blockchain apps. Does blockchain make deployments easier or harder? Are there any potential risks when deploying blockchain apps that either don’t exist in traditional environments or aren’t as prominent? What should a development organization do differently to mitigate these risks?
- Create a new thread (by the FIRST DUE DATE)
- Contrast approaches to deploying traditional applications and blockchain apps.
- Explain whether blockchain make deployments easier or harder.
- Identify any potential risks when deploying blockchain apps that either don’t exist in traditional environments or aren’t as prominent.
- Describe what a development organization should do differently to mitigate these risks.
I’m interested to read what YOU learned from this week’s reading (and any further research). Do NOT submit a research paper. Tell me what you think.
- Think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread.
- The questions must be taken from material you read in Chapter 7 or 8, and each question should start a discussion topic.
- You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.
- Finally, go to three other students’ threads and post comments, answering at least one of their questions.
- For EACH comment you post, use the 3CQ approach (described above.)
- When someone asks you a question, answer it!
ALL threads and comments must be substantive AND ORIGINAL. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just a short answer.) Do not plagiarize!! Use your own words.
Reading material:
- Blockchain-Based Distributed Optimization for Energy Management Systems
- Ethereum For Dummies Ch 7: Building Your First Ethereum Apps
Title: Ethereum for DummiesISBN: 9781119474128Authors: SolomonPublisher: WileyEdition: 19
Auburn University Main Campus Blockchain and Production Response & Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CDV 380 Cal State Accelerating Language Development Reflection Questions Writing Assignment Help
Reading Reflection Questions
You are assigned to read and summarize selected research articles that have relations to our research study. You must turn in this summary/answers to questions to the turn-it-in assignments posted on the Blackboard by the due time on the due dates.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to become comfortable/familiar with research articles related to cognitive development.
Skills/Knowledge: The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills and knowledge that are essential to your success in this field beyond school:
- Understand the components of the research article.
- Identify important research terms from the article.
- Summarize a research article without plagiarizing.
Task: Read through the article assigned and answer the following questions.
- Reference of this article in APA format:
- Give 5 most important concepts (keywords) in the article:
- Dependent and independent variables of Experiment 1:
- Summarize this article using APA format citation (MUST include the research question/purpose of the research, summary of methods, results, and conclusion of this study – 1-2 sentences each).
Criteria for success:
After completing this assignment, you will have increased your understanding of the article that is related to each domain of child development. This assignment is out of 25 points. See the grading rubric for more information. Incidents of plagiarism in Question 4 (Summary of the article) will result in an irreversible grade of zero for this assignment.
North Carolina A & T State University story of Aimutta Muni Discussion Writing Assignment Help
After reading lecture notes on “Jainism” (module notes, pages 6-7 and Chapter 6) complete the following: Read the story, “Aimutta Muni” (click on link). How does the story illustrate some principles as described in the textbook and lecture notes.
- What principles of Jainism do you admire the most? Explain.
- Which of the major tenets would you find the hardest to practice in your everyday life? Explain.
- One scholar, Mary Pat Fisher states “Yet its [Jainism] ascetic teachings offer valuable clues to our global survival” (Fisher and Rinehart, 119). What teachings would contribute to global survival? Support your answers with relevant material from the chapter. Mary Pat Fisher & Robin Rinehart. Living Religions, 10th edition. Boston: Pearson Higher Education, 2017).
Please use only your lecture notes and references from the story for supporting information in your forum responses.
Post your opening response to the questions early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you.
A thoughtful opening response will consider as objectively as possible the point of view of the religion or philosophy being discussed, using information from the textbook, lecture notes, and suggested resources.
Be sure to properly cite the sources used, including our textbook page numbers in this format (Brodd, 23).
As a general rule, each question should be addressed in a separate paragraph, your exercise should reflect college level composition and should be at least 250 words in length.
Widener University Main Campus Hip Replacement Fundamentals Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
make a powerpoint, specific formal headings, hip replacement fundamentals. What is a hip replacement, what is Leg length discrepancy, pre surgery/post surgery-methods, costs, lawsuits– who/ how much, re–surgery costs, what is done pre and post to try and keep leg length discrepancy from happening, demographics etc,radiology.
Manufacture of physical prototype
Product validation and testing
Presentations and close out
Please attached all websites you use and pi
Santa Barbara Business Bakersfield Week 4 Obesity in Children Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Week 4 Discussion What Do We Know?
22 unread replies.66 replies.
Growing up, my mom usually packed my lunch for school. I was totally happy eating the same thing day after day- typically a sandwich of some kind on whole wheat bread. Most kids in my grade school packed their lunches, but in high school things changed a little. I would pack my lunch, but then I’d also see what was being served in the lunch line. I’d usually buy some french fries and/or a soda (which I still love but now it is diet soda), to “round out” my healthy meal. There were lots of high calorie, high fat foods to choose from.
I had friends (in grade school and high school) who bought their lunches daily. Sometimes there would be salad on their plates, but more often it was things like pizza and tator tots. That’s why I wasn’t surprised to read about a new study which found that kids who regularly purchased school lunches were more likely to be obese than those who brought their lunches.
In this study of sixth graders, published in the American Heart Journal, it found that students were 29% more likely to be obese if they ate school lunches. “Of the 142 obese children in the study for whom dietary information was known, almost half were school-lunch regulars, compared with only one-third of the 787 who were not obese.” More than two hours per day in front of the T.V. also increases the risk of childhood obesity but surprisingly, not by as much- only 19%.
Although many schools have relied on high energy food with little nutritional value in the past because it’s cheaper, that could soon be changing. “Under a federal law passed last December, Department of Agriculture guidelines will limit the number of calories served at every school meal and require programs to offer a variety of fruits and vegetables.”
Are you surprised by these findings? What kind of experience have you had with school lunches? When you reply to others make sure to compare your experiences to their own and extend the discussion by explaining what impact these changes might bring.
[supanova_question] (click on link). How does the story illustrate some principles as described in the textbook and lecture notes.
- What principles of Jainism do you admire the most? Explain.
- Which of the major tenets would you find the hardest to practice in your everyday life? Explain.
- One scholar, Mary Pat Fisher states “Yet its [Jainism] ascetic teachings offer valuable clues to our global survival” (Fisher and Rinehart, 119). What teachings would contribute to global survival? Support your answers with relevant material from the chapter. Mary Pat Fisher & Robin Rinehart. Living Religions, 10th edition. Boston: Pearson Higher Education, 2017).
Please use only your lecture notes and references from the story for supporting information in your forum responses.
Post your opening response to the questions early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you.
A thoughtful opening response will consider as objectively as possible the point of view of the religion or philosophy being discussed, using information from the textbook, lecture notes, and suggested resources.
Be sure to properly cite the sources used, including our textbook page numbers in this format (Brodd, 23).
As a general rule, each question should be addressed in a separate paragraph, your exercise should reflect college level composition and should be at least 250 words in length.