Average After Tax Income for Average Household in The City of Saskatoon Report Humanities Assignment Help. Average After Tax Income for Average Household in The City of Saskatoon Report Humanities Assignment Help.
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The assignment requires analyze and interpret Census data using ArcGIS Pro, come up with a geographic research question, and provide a report with maps showing the results of the analysis, a summary of the analysis process, and the result discussion which clearly describes how the result answers the research question.
There are 2 parts of this assignment:
phase 2: One sentence of research question and one paragraph explanation (no more than 150word).
The research question should have EITHER 1 variable in (at least) 2 places, OR (at least) 2 variables in 1 place.
For example:
Where do we have the highest percentage of the population aged 0 to 14 years in Saskatoon and Toronto? (One variable: percentage of the population aged 0 to 14 years, two places: Saskatoon and Toronto).
What are patterns for marital status along with household and dwelling situations in the city of Saskatoon? (Two variables: marital status, household and dwelling, one place: Saskatoon).
I will need this part in 2 days (just phase 2)
phase 3: Full report with ArcGIS map
phase 1 is only for reference,
3 attached files are detailed instructions, if there is anything unclear please let me know, Thanks!
Average After Tax Income for Average Household in The City of Saskatoon Report Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Illinois at Chicago Impact of A Jet Lab Report Engineering Assignment Help
Not more than 1 page of description of the experiment. It should include brief theory, steps used to take measurements, what steps did you take to calculate the results and how it was represented. This all should be in your own words. Observation and Results for the data set (Include the data tables with proper rows and columns as in lab manual 2 / data set), Data Analysis and conclusion (Independent answers for each question asked in this section in lab manual 2). Graphs generated for the lab report to be included as a part of the report in the results section with explanation for graphs that need one.
FU Wk 3 Conflicting Viewpoints Synthesizing and Writing Banned Books Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment 1.1: Conflicting Viewpoints Essay – Part I
Due Week 3 and worth 30 points
When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this aspect of critical thinking by playing the “Believing Game.” The Believing Game is about making the effort to “believe” – or at least consider – the reasons for an opposing view on an issue.
The assignment is divided into two (2) parts.
In Part I of the assignment (due Week 3), you will first read a book excerpt about critical thinking processes: “The Believing Game and How to Make Conflicting Opinions More Fruitful” by Peter Elbow. Next, you will review the Procon.org Website in order to gather information. Then, you will engage in prewriting to examine your thoughts.
Note: In Part II of the assignment (due Week 5), you will write an essay geared towards synthesizing your ideas.
Part I – Prewriting: Follow the instructions below for this prewriting activity. Use complete sentences and adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.
- Select one (1) of the approved topics from the www.procon.org Website and state your position on the issue.
- From the Procon.org Website, identify three (3) premises (reasons) listed under either the Pro or Con section – whichever section opposes your position.
- For each of the three (3) premises (reasons) that oppose your position on the issue, answer these “believing” questions suggested by Elbow:
- What’s interesting or helpful about this view?
- What would I notice if I believed this view?
- In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true?”
The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing:
- Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph.
- Address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences.
- Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
- This prewriting assignment has no page requirement. There is no requirement at this time to include references in the assignment.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Identify the informal fallacies, assumptions, and biases involved in manipulative appeals and abuses of language.
- Create written work utilizing the concepts of critical thinking.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in critical thinking skills and informal logic.
Assignment 1.2: Conflicting Viewpoints Essay – Part II
Synthesizing and Writing
Due Week 5 and worth 100 points
When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this aspect of critical thinking.
The assignment is divided into two (2) parts.
For Part I of the assignment (due Week 3), you read a critical thinking process: “The Believing Game and How to Make Conflicting Opinions More Fruitful” by Peter Elbow. , reviewed the Procon.org Website in order to gather information, and engaged in prewriting to examine your thoughts.
* Remember that in the Week 2 Discussion, you examined the biases discussed in Chapter 2 of the webtext.
In Part II of the assignment (due Week 5), you will write a paper to synthesize your ideas.
Part II – Writing
Write at three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
- State your position on the topic you selected for Assignment 1.1.
- Identify (3) three premises (reasons) from the Procon.org website that support your position and explain why you selected these specific reasons.
- Explain your answers to the “believing” questions about the three (3) premises opposing your position from the Procon.org website.
- Examine at least two (2) types of biases that you likely experienced as you evaluated the premises for and against your position.
- Discuss the effects of your own enculturation or group identification that may have influenced your biases.
- Discuss whether or not your thinking about the topic has changed after playing the “Believing Game,” even if your position on the issue has stayed the same.
The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing:
- Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph.
- Address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences.
- Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
- Based on the guidelines in SWS, “A well-researched assignment has at least as many sources as pages.” Since this assignment requires you to write at least 3-4 pages, you should include at least 3-4 references.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Identify the informal fallacies, assumptions, and biases involved in manipulative appeals and abuses of language.
- Create written work utilizing the concepts of critical thinking.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in critical thinking skills and informal logic.
ENGL 215 California State University How to Reduce Gun Violence in America Essay Writing Assignment Help
Academic Argument Essay (The Culminating Paper)
What Is an Argument Essay?
An argument is an opinion that a writer or speaker supports with claims, reasons, and evidence. There are many types of arguments. Some are analytical; they look closely at details to determine why something is as it is. Other arguments are persuasive; they use ideas and information to convince an audience of why something should be a certain way. For this class you will write a problem-solution argument. We will spend class time discussing what that is and making sure that you have a specific thesis that proposes a solution to a problem in the form of an argument. Always take notes, so that you stay on point. You cannot change a topic without consulting with me. You cannot change a topic (at all) after week 8. I will not accept papers with sudden topic changes.
The Requirements of This Assignment:
This paper is between 10-12 pages. The Works Cited page/ Table of References IS NOT included in the page count.
A strong argument is thorough and specific. It takes a clear stance and proves its validity.
While you might need to provide some background on the problem/issue, and some of your paragraphs might be informative, a strong argument will rely on persuasive paragraphs that follow “ClaimSupportExplain” structure.
There should be a balance of Logos, Pathos, and Ethos. Different topics require different ratios of these three things, so think critically about whether you have enough of each.
Because your job is to convince readers, you should do thorough research into multiple sides of the issue; you should be fully informed, and this should be apparent through your essay’s content.
Address and rebut alternative views. If you are too personally invested in the topic to respect alternate ideas and address them considerately, then you should change your topic.
Rather than “string” information together, you will build a strong, well-informed argument that persuades readers.
Include diverse types of sources. Show awareness of how your topic is discussed in peer reviewed research, in the media, among the public, etc.
You should have chosen these sources wisely, so that they are reliable sources. They should contribute relevant and accurate information.
To avoid plagiarism, credit all sources of information, whether you paraphrase (100% your words) or quote (100% their words inside of quotation marks). Use your sources ethically and responsibly. Any time that you are using any source, you also include a works cited page that is consistently formatted in either APA or MLA
The number of sources and citations to be contained in your work will be a matter of discussion. Please be advised that a minimum of four separate citations from four separate sources other than your Field Research Report will be necessary to obtain a passing grade – that is, a grade of D or higher.
CJ 497 San Diego State University Criminal Organization Discussion Law Assignment Help
In order to keep you on track to successfully complete these papers, part 1 of your CJ Organization paper will be collected in November.
- You will turn in a detailed outline for your full paper, reflecting the sections required (and detailed in this document)
- You will also turn in Sections 2A-2C of your paper (history, structure, goals, staffing, etc). You will have the opportunity to edit this more for your final paper but will turn in a very strong draft of it at this time.
(I have chose US secret Service) Organization/Agency Background (about 5-7 pages total)
- Organizational History: When was this organization/agency formed and why? Describe its history and changes it’s undergone since its inception.
- Organization/Structure of Agency, Clientele, Mission/Goals: In this section you will provide detailed background information about the organization you’re researching. Some of this will be obtained from the course textbook, some from agency reports and materials, some from additional sources. The reader should gain a thorough understanding of the structure and function/purpose of this agency/organization.
- Staffing: You will delve more deeply into the staffing aspect in this section. What are the positions within this organization? Give an overview of the agency’s organizational chart and ways to move from entry level to more advanced positions. Then, specify the typical qualifications and training required for your chosen position/career– the typical nature of the work, patterns of recruitment, current and historical hiring trends, entry-level salary expectations, local, national and regional variations in salaries, benefits and promotional opportunities, the typical career trajectory, related professional associations and the current problems and issues facing employees in their profession? How many people are employed by this agency (at various levels and/or jurisdictions)? How is this organization funded & by whom (e.g., City government; Non-profit; etc)? Is there a union for this agency/organization—if so, provide some information about its role/function, size, strength, etc (e.g., Correctional Office Unions in many states are extremely powerful, as are Police Unions).
- You will provide a bibliographic annotation for the academic research article you’ve selected. An annotation is basically a brief summary (paragraph) of what the academic journal article (or scholarly book) presented—what was the author’s research question, how did they conduct their research, and what did they find. You put this summary in your own words (be sure that you do not copy the Abstract of the research article you’re using!). Please do not use lists or bullets; write in sentence/paragraph form.
GEO 10 De Anza College World Regional Geography Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
The research paper will be 2-3 full pages of writing PLUS a few pages that require a map, a photo, and web references, so about 5 pages in total. Therefore, it would be a good idea to get a start on it early in the quarter so that you are not rushing to complete it the day it is due.
Click here to view the research paper topic and guidelines (Links to an external site.).
You can download/save and use this document as a “shell” (Links to an external site.) for writing your paper. Just fill in the blanks and insert your own material (writing, map, photo, references). Answer *all* questions. You can have each question be it’s own paragraph (your writing after the bold start to the sentence) or write the whole thing in essay format, as long as you answer all the questions.
The map and photo and references can be based on a location you have visited, your home country, or a place you want to visit. For example, maybe you are from China and want to include a photo of a place in China as well as a location map (try Google Images). Or perhaps you are wanting to visit Japan, then you would include map and photo of Japan. Be sure to put a caption/title under the map and photo, so I know what I’m looking at and also be sure to include the retrieved-on date (date you visited the site) for the the websites you visited in researching your country.
GEO 10 De Anza College World Regional Geography Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NR 505 Chamberlain Racial & Ethnic Disparities in Adult Obesity in US PICOT Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help
This assignment will allow the student to identify a nursing practice concern or problem within their chosen MSN specialty track.For this course, the selected practice concern or problem and nursing theory then serve as a foundation to the identification of PICOT question.Identification of the literature search terms will prepare you for your Week 7 assignment.The purpose of the assignments in this course is to translate evidence currently found in the literature into practice within the chosen MSN specialty track.
Criteria for Content
- Answer ALL the questions in the first section of the PICOT worksheet
- Define each element of your PICOT question in one or two sentences.
- Write your PICOT question in the standard PICOT question format (narrative) and define each letter (separately). See the example below.
- Identify your MSN Specialty Track
- Describe the practice concern/problem.
- Why is this concern/problem important to nursing and healthcare?
- What is the scope of the concern?
- What evidence is there for the need for change?
- Include a minimum of two scholarly sources.
NOTE: Do not rewrite/include the above questions in your template information.
- P-Population and problem – What is the nursing practice concern or problem and whom
- I–Intervention – What evidence-based solution for the problem would you like to apply?
- C–Comparison – what is another solution for the problem? Note that this is typically the
- O–Outcome – Very specifically, how will you know that the intervention worked? Think
- T–Time frame – For the purpose of the EBP project, keep the timeframe within 6-8 weeks.
does it affect?
current practice, no intervention at all, or an alternative solutions.
about how you will measure the outcome.
NOTE: Do not rewrite/include the above questions in your template information.
The PICOT question standard format (narrative): In patients on the 4th floor at CUMC Bergan Mercy, does being rounded on by senior leadership twice during their hospital stay compared to not being rounded on by senior leadership during hospital stay, Increase HCAHPS scores on the medical surgical & progressive care nursing units in 8 weeks? Define each letter (separately): P-Patients on the 4th floor at CUMC Bergan Mercy I-Those that are rounded on by senior leadership twice during their hospital stay C-Those that are not rounded on by senior leadership during hospital stay O-Increased HCAHPS scores on the medical surgical & progressive care nursing units T-8 weeks |
4. Identify the key search terms and phrases for your literature search.
5.Identify a theoretical framework/nursing theory that will guide your EBP project. (The same theory for your Week 7 assignment is preferred)
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions
- The PICOT worksheet will include a title page and reference page.
- Title page and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual.
- A minimum of 2 (two) appropriate research-based scholarly references must be used.References must be current – within a 5-year timeframe.
- Proper citation and reference are required for the Ideas and information from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.
- Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.
HCM 481 CSU Global Internal Factor Evaluation Internal and External Matrix Flyer Health Medical Assignment Help
Internal Factor Evaluation Internal-External Matrix
Scenario: You are the Director of Strategic Planning for a large hospital. In three weeks, the senior leadership team will embark on its annual strategic planning cycle. The CEO has decided that the team needs a “refresher course” on two important topics: Internal Factor Evaluation and Internal-External Matrix. Therefore, she has asked you to develop a one-page flyer that compares each in a side-by-side format, and invites the team to the course. The flyer should briefly describe each tool, and bullet the following items: Application of the tool, strengths of the tools, limitations of the tools, and challenges an organization may face in using the tools.
The flyer should be well-written and meet the following requirements:
- 1 page in length (excluding title and reference pages),
- Formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.), and
- In an appendix, include at least three current references from peer-reviewed articles. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find peer-reviewed articles.
Some resources with information about developing flyers:
- Ten Design Tips for Professional Flyers (Links to an external site.)
- How to Design an Awesome Flyer Even if You’re Not a Graphic Designer (Links to an external site.)
- How to Design Flyers
Clemson University Countering Terrorism and Homeland Security in US Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a Political Science writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Please read The Below First
I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Heroetc.
Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.
Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.
I have word documents attached with the instructions. Then let me know. Thank you.
Subjects are:
Intelligence/Homeland Security
Text sources available for this essay are as follows:
Your answers will be original?
The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?
Please answer:
1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.
2. Your answers will be all original?
3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?
Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.
Course is INTL 613 Intelligence and Homeland Security
The University of British Columbia Conservation of Mechanical Energy Questions Science Assignment Help
Ryan is rotating a 0.200 kg ball, at the end of a 75.0-cm length of string, in a vertical
(a) At the top of its motion, the ball has a (tangential) speed of 3.50 m/s. What is the
tension in the string at the top of the ball’s motion? [Include a free-body diagram for the
(b) Use the Conservation of Mechanical Energy to determine the tangential speed of the
ball at the bottom of its motion?
(c) What is the tension in the string at the bottom of the ball’s motion? [Include a free-
body diagram for the ball.]
(d) Ryan (accidentally) lets go of the string at exactly the moment shown in part c.
Sketch the v of the ball.
Your answers will be original?
The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?
Please answer:
1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.
2. Your answers will be all original?
3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?
Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.
Course is INTL 613 Intelligence and Homeland Security