Awareness/Bully Prevention Lesson Plan Humanities Assignment Help

Awareness/Bully Prevention Lesson Plan Humanities Assignment Help. Awareness/Bully Prevention Lesson Plan Humanities Assignment Help.

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Read the following essay, written by Antonio, a fourth-grade student. 

The Bully in the Mirror
Antonio, 4th Grade

Mirror Mirror on the wall why must I be the
Bully that has to fall. I beat on kids around the school
The mirror told me it wasn’t cool. The mirror told me to change.
My ways I have beat up kids all by days. I have no friends.
It’s just not right. The mirror said cause you like to fight.
I am a bully how could this be. The mirror is starting to
Change me. Reflections are now flashing back to me.
Someone plant the seed inside of me. Now the mirror has
shown me poor. I’ll change my ways and start
new days the bully is no more part of me.
Any bully can change
Imagine that you are Antonio’s teacher. Antonio obviously wants to make a change. As a fourth grader, it is almost impossible to do this alone. Therefore, he has handed this writing piece to you, his teacher. Understanding that this transformation involves far more than you and Antonio, you will devise a plan to help him change his history and be a good person. 

First, read the Kenny (2007) article and discuss how Antonio’s “looking glass self” has been influenced by the agents of socialization. Be sure to explain how this looking glass self is related to his “answerability” and what role that has in his desire to change his behavior.

Next, devise a game plan for Antonio’s change:

  1. Share one lesson or activity that can be completed with the whole class. The lesson or activity should focus on the importance of awareness and bully prevention. Describe the lesson or activity and how it will benefit the class as a whole.
  2. List one idea showing how the class can support Antonio’s change. Explain how you would help your students support their former tormentor.
  3. List one strategy that you can help Antonio implement in order for him to stay on the right path (e.g., literature, a check list, or a change in routine).
  4. Provide one suggestion you would share with Antonio’s parents, so that this change in behavior is a true partnership between you (the teacher), the child, and the parents.

Use the information from your text and the Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center website to create your plan. You must include two scholarly sources in addition to the two given. 


  1. Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length, not including title and reference pages.
  2. Must include at least two scholarly sources in addition to the text and required sources.
  3. Must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  4. Must include a title and reference page formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  5. Must be well organized and reflect college-level writing.

Awareness/Bully Prevention Lesson Plan Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Homework Assignment help Needed Business Finance Assignment Help


1). Prepare
a case study analysis of Case 12: “LEGO Group: An Outsourcing Journey” found in
the Cases section of your digital book.

Closely adhere to the Case Study Analysis Template by
clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this template format for this
Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format for readability purposes.

Focus upon the idea of the company’s short-term
objectives, and through internal and external analyses create functional
tactics to support the company’s implementation and outsourcing proposition in
order to help move LEGO Group forward. Be sure to include the SWOT analysis as
shown in the Appendix of your paper (after the References page).

Assignment Checklist:

  • Conduct
    a SWOT analysis on the case study company’s internal and external
  • Create
    a case study analysis focusing on the company’s internal and external
    challenges through the development of short-term objectives.
  • Design
    the functional tactics required for the company’s implementation and
    outsourcing proposition.

In this Assignment on conducting a SWOT analysis on
the case study company’s internal and external challenges, you will engage in
developing the following professional competency:

  • Global

Put yourself in the position of the CEO

2). Prepare a case study analysis on Case 13: “Lennar Corporation’s Joint
Venture Investments,” found in the Cases section of your digital textbook.

Closely follow the Case
Study Analysis Template
by clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this
template format for this Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format
for readability purposes.

Focus upon the idea of the
company’s abuse and fraudulent activities with respect to Lennar’s behavior
relative to CSR and business ethics. Please include the SWOT analysis with the
four quadrants in the Appendix of your paper (after the References page). You
can find the case study SWOT analysis template in Doc Sharing.

Assignment Checklist:

  • Conduct a SWOT analysis on the case study
    company’s CSR and business ethics practices.
  • Create a case study analysis focusing on the
    company’s abuse and fraudulent activities relative to CSR and business

In this Assignment on conducting
a SWOT analysis on the case study that focuses on the company’s abuse and
fraudulent activities relative to CSR and business ethics, you will engage in
developing the following professional competency:

  • Leadership with respect to awareness of ethical
    issues and responsibilities.

Put yourself in the position of the CEO

3). Discussion Topic: Corporate Social
Responsibility and the Future

Corporate social
responsibility (CSR) is an “idea that business has [as] a duty to serve in
general as well as the financial interest of stockholders” (Pearce &
Robinson, 2013, p. 57). Do you believe society’s expectations for CSR will
change in the next decade (p. 85)? Please explain.


Database Assignment, Management Homework Help Business Finance Assignment Help

I need a simple database project using MS Access consisting of only 3-4 Classes. It must come up with a report with 6-7 pages of carefully laid out text, figures and diagrams. The report should include the following:

* A description of the database problem tackled.
* A class diagram of the application, showing the various classes identified and their associations. UML notation must be used.
* The normalised relations that you will implement in the software, showing the attributes and keys together with their field type and “picture” (for example, the type of data that is held – text, a date, a number etc.)
* A sample table of the basic relations set up in the database software together with a small amount of data.
* Designs of data input screens and reports and queries produced.
* A brief description of how the system is operated and the commands used to undertake each task.
* Examples of the report produced.


Kindly help with this Business Finance Assignment Help

Policy Analysis Paper: 

The paper
requires two submissions. The first, a proposal,
is a very short document (no more than two pages), describing a policy issue of
interest to you currently under consideration by the federal, state, or local
government. It must be of manageable size, and current. Huge changes in
law (such as the creation of Medicare Part D or the full implementation of the
PPACA health care reform act) are too overwhelming for this task. We’ll discuss
them in class, instead. I am done with this Please find the attached and based on the proposal you need to complete the work.

The paper
itself examines that policy issue in two ways. It reviews its history through
the present (doing a condensed literature review), and then presents an
analysis and recommendation for future action, using the format which follows.
You can take an issue which is of particular interest to you/your employer/your
professional association now, trace recent action on it in the Congress or the
Maryland General Assembly, and present it as a proposal to a legislator or
agency head. The paper should be a maximum of 15 pages and no less than 13 pages , as the
policymaker you advise has a very limited attention span. Use headings and
subheadings to make it easier to read, and proper grammar, spelling, and

Format for Policy Analysis Paper:

1. Verify, Define and Detail the Problem
Examine the history of the issue through the present, providing a condensed
literature review of previous research/legislation on it.  Settle on a definition of the problem which
you feel can be tackled through legislative action and then describe the
problem as clearly as you can.

2. Establish Evaluation Criteria – How
will you know when the problem is solved? 
How can you compare possible approaches? Enumerate criteria which are
important to the key actors dealing with this problem.  What are your/their objectives and goals in
the process?

3. Identify Alternative Policies
Describe the most promising policies which could be undertaken to combat the
problem you have identified.

4. Evaluate Alternative Policies – What
are the expected impacts and drawbacks of the alternatives under
consideration?  Will they have different
possibilities of being passed and/or funded?

5. Display and Select Among Alternative
– This can be done by using a chart, outline, or other form to
describe the plusses and minuses of each approach.  At a minimum, identify potential supporters
and opponents, funding sources, patterns of possible implementation and
predicted problems.

6. Monitor and Evaluate Policy Outcomes
If available, information on what actually happened with this policy or its
predecessors provides valuable insight. Such feedback enables us to move back
to the beginning and see the next problem emerge.

Use headings and subheadings to make it easier to read, and proper grammar, spelling, and citations. 

Use the correct APA format


write a script following the instructions below Writing Assignment Help

write a script following the instructions below, you can use make believe characters

 “Relationship Maintenance”

Consider one of your close relationships or a close interpersonal relationship that you are familiar with (for example, your parents, a friend, or a relative).  Choose a relationship that could use some maintenance—one that needs some help. Use the questions below to guide your reflective thinking about the relationship and to get your writing started.  There is no need to answer all of the questions—this activity is a journal, not an essay. Answer the questions that are most compelling to you and feel free expand on the questions below as you see fit. The questions draw on information presented in the chapter please refer back to the chapter if you find it helpful in your journaling.

*Why does the relationship need maintenance?

*What type of commitment do you see in the relationship?  How strong is the commitment?

*How could the relational commitment be communicated and / or strengthened?

*What could be done to indicate and signal intimacy in the relationship?

*Which intimacy signals do you think would be most powerful in terms of strengthening the relationship?



Using the Explore Window to Study Variable Distribution, Management assignment homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Using the Explore Window to Study Variable Distribution Use the Explore window to study the distribution of the variable Median Income Region (DemMedIncome).

Answer the following questions:

a. What is unusual about the distribution of this variable?

b. What could cause this anomaly to occur?

c. What do you think should be done to rectify the situation?

Define the data set AAEM.ORGANICS as a data source for the project.

1) Set the model roles for the analysis variables as shown above.

2) Examine the distribution of the target variable. What is the proportion of individuals who purchased organic products?

3) The variable DemClusterGroup contains collapsed levels of the variable DemCluster. Presume that, based on previous experience, you believe that DemClusterGroup is sufficient for this type of modeling effort. Set the model role for DemCluster to Rejected.

4) As noted above, only TargetBuy will be used for this analysis and should have a role of Target. Can TargetAmt be used as an input for a model used to predict TargetBuy? Why or why not?

5) Finish the Organics data source definition.

Using the Explore Window to Study Variable Distribution, Management assignment homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Asian American Paper Writing Assignment Help

For this  paper assignment, you will be required to
answer the following central question: drawing on course readings (attached fields), class
lectures, and section discussions, how would you define “Asian American” as a category of social difference? That is,
rather than describing “Asian American” as a homogenous or fixed biological
construct, in what ways might we approach this term as a social category
(re)produced over time—and one that is constituted by differences, tensions,
and divergence? How have meanings affixed to “Asian American” shifted across
time—and what roles have legislative policies, practices, and popular culture
informed this term? Please be specific and provide concrete examples. 

7-8 pages

at least 5 primary and secondary sources

12-point font, 1 inch margins, paginated, double space


Chicago OR MLA Citation 


Windows Server 2012 Discussion Responses, Computer Sciences Assignment Help Computer Science Assignment Help

This is for two Windows Server 2012 discussion topic responses. The requirements are as follows:

*Complete and coherent response to each discussion topic, fully addressing the discussion topic or question. Demonstrates understanding of concepts.

*200 words for each response.

*References: Includes at least one trustworthy and scholarly resource in the response and uses correct APA formatting for the citation and reference.

Topic 1: Provide a brief description for each DHCP message that would be exchanged, in order, if the DHCP server is in the middle of rebooting during an initial lease request but comes up seconds later.  Answers might be slightly different depending on when you choose exactly for the DHCP server to come online.  Feel free to use a diagram if you wish, and provide a rough description of timing of the messages and/or duration between them.

Topic 2: Consider a large network with many desktops, laptops, and networked printers.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of short versus long lease times?  Consider if the DHCP server is unavailable for a short time – what are the impacts if lease time is short, or if lease time is long?  What do you expect is a typical lease time for most large organizations with desktops, servers, wireless devices, networked printers and other networked devices (e.g., network-connected HVAC controllers, IP camera systems)? 


Economic paper Economics Assignment Help

There were several global financial crises that have occurred such as the “Surge in International Lending” from 1974 to 1982; the “Debt Crisis” of 1982; the “Resurgence of Capital Flows” in the 1990s;  the “Mexican Crisis” of 1994-1995; the “Asian Crisis” of 1997; the “Russian Crisis: of 1998; and the U.S. housing crisis of 2007.

Select and research one major global financial crisis that occurred after the year 2000.  Examine and explain the root cause of the crisis to document the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology used to implement solutions.

Support your paper with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included. 

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. 


Guiding and Encouraging Parental Involvement Brochure Writing Assignment Help

For this week’s assignment, you will be designing a one-page digital brochure for parents outlining how they can help motivate their children to read. The brochure can be bi-fold, tri-fold, half page, full page, whatever your imagination can come up with, and grabs the parent’s attention!

Guiding questions for this assignment include:

  • What can I do at home to encourage reading?
  • How can I facilitate the love of learning and reading at home?
  • What types of behaviors can I display as a parent to encourage reading for enjoyment?
  • How can I share what I know with other parents?

Your response should be in the form of a digital brochure, with graphics and images to support the content.


Awareness/Bully Prevention Lesson Plan Humanities Assignment Help

Awareness/Bully Prevention Lesson Plan Humanities Assignment Help

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