Bakersfield It Is Good to Vote Directly on The Representative and Law Discussion Law Assignment Help

Bakersfield It Is Good to Vote Directly on The Representative and Law Discussion Law Assignment Help. Bakersfield It Is Good to Vote Directly on The Representative and Law Discussion Law Assignment Help.

I’m working on a social justice discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
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“Elections provide an opportunity for electorates to hold politicians accountable, and to signal support or disagreement with officials currently in office. In California, we also have a number of ballot propositions that allow California voters to vote directly on policy and law, in addition to voting on representatives to make law for us. Do you think this is a good thing, since it allows for the voice of the people to more directly make decisions? Or do you think it is a dangerous thing since it doesn’t allow decisions to be filtered through a deliberative body like a legislature that could conceivably improve decision-making? ”

Above is the discussion question. Please keep answer/ response no more than 2 paragraphs, this is a simple question and no outside references are needed.

Bakersfield It Is Good to Vote Directly on The Representative and Law Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

IS 3310 Troy University Diversity in Economics Students Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business presentation and need an explanation to help me study.

Below is the presentation order for your IRP presentations ,to keep your presentation to five minutes or less. I am looking for you to:

  1. Clearly state your research question
  2. Why you care about this question
  3. Clearly state your statistical question that is based on your research question, and your method for analysis (ANOVA or Linear Regression)
  4. Discuss your data (What is your dependent variable? Is it normally distributed? What are your independent variables?
  5. Discuss your model
  6. Discuss your results (Significant or not significant)
  7. What does that mean? (Interpret your results in light of your research question)
  8. What are your recommendations based on your analysis? I will send you the presentation template and data research. please Use the PowerPoint Narration tool for your slides, and the presentation only have five minutes, so be concise and careful with your language.
    60 to >35.0 ptsGoodAll essential elements needed to explain the analyiss and decision are present. 35 to >10.0 ptsAdequateMissing an essential element that explains the analysis and recommendation. 10 to >0 ptsInadequateTwo or more essential elements needed to understand the analysis are missing.

    60 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign

    15 to >13.0 ptsGoodGreat design, color choice. Appropriate charts, graphs, tables, etc. are used in the presentation to promote the narrative. 13 to >10.0 ptsAdequateSome charts, graphs, tables, etc. are used in the presentation to promote the narrative. 10 to >0 ptsInadequatePoor use of images, tables, etc. to explain the analysis and recommendation.

    15 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of language (Grammar and Word Choice)

    10 ptsGoodNo noticeable errors apparent in the presentation. 10 to >0 ptsInadequateOne ore more grammar, spelling, or obvious factual errors that a good proofreading of the presentation should have caught.

    10 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation

    15 ptsVery good.Clear, well spoken, not rushed. Presenation was organized logically, and effectively communicated the presenter’s recommendation. 10 ptsAveragePresenation was understandable, but was rushed and not logically arranged. 5 ptsCould be betterThe speaker was hard to understand, rushed through the presentation, are had annoying habits that made following the presentation difficult.

    15 pts
    Total Points: 100


University of Maryland Baltimore Interpersonal Relationships Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications question and need support to help me learn.

Relationship Assignment – submit your paper here!


The purpose of this assignment is to examine the role of communication in creating and sustaining relationships by analyzing interpersonal communication principles and concepts in the development, maintenance, and possibly, the deterioration of a long term significant relationship.

This assignment is linked to the following Student Learning Outcome:

Evaluate orally and in writing intrapersonal skill concepts.

This assignment is designed to help you practice evaluating orally and in writing interpersonal skill concepts covered in this course. You will do this by analyzing a relationship that is important to you and describing it in terms used in the textbook and class discussions. If you choose the relationship you have been discussing in your Journals, you can use your journal responses to come up with ideas for this assignment. This assignment has two components: a 2-4 page paper and oral presentation.


ENGL 1020 The American Dream Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me study.

English 1020 Assignment III: Research Paper

“The American Dream: Threats & Promises”

Length: six full pages, typed, double-spaced, MLA format, Times New Roman 12 pt.

At least six sources

Works cited page required:

TASK: Using what you have already researched and written (if applicable)—along with other sources to meet requirements—explore an issue related to the American dream as it applies today to the public at large and to you as an individual. The proposal you presented to the class should help you strategize the essay. Find an angle unique to your situation, choose an audience, and let the audience determine your voice. Make this the essay that only you can write.

Criteria for evaluating your essay:

–Is the writer’s purpose/position/audience clear?

–Does the writer spend enough time discussing other writers’ views?

–Is the writer compelling in support of his/her position?

–Is the essay organized, using an effective strategy?

–Are the paragraphs adequately developed?

–Is the tone appropriate to the essay’s purpose?

–Is there evidence of attention to language, especially in vocabulary and verb choice?

–Does the essay make the reader understand why this issue is important?

–Are direct quotations used from the sources, and are those quotes properly framed?

–Does the writers employ metacommentary where appropriate?

–Is the essay balanced with logos, ethos, and pathos?

–Does the essay contain basic errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling?

–Do the header, page numbers, and works cited page meet MLA guidelines?


CJ 210 The University of Alabama Pandemic Related Cybercrime Article Summary Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other case study and need support to help me study.

the case study is only 100 words and you can pick any article you want just not “pentaguard”

How to do this assignment:

First, you are asked to:

[A] Research and decide upon a pandemic-related cybercrime/cyberabuse article. Significant points will be deducted if there is not tie into the global health crisis, as the point is to understand how cybercriminal can leverage and capitalize on the chaos, crisis and quick societal changes being made.

[B] The summary of this article will comprise the first two sentences of the summary, ensuring the most important aspects are in the first sentence to follow the structure of this writing approach.

Then, you are asked to address each in the two bullet points below the two summary sentences.

[C] How the company that is being targeted/leveraged/attacked could alter their defenses to protect themselves. Original ideas welcome versus just repeating what a company did (if known).

[D] How an average person could avoid becoming a victim of the attack summarized.

At the bottom, please include the URL of the news article that you are summarizing in your own words.



Colorado State University The Doctrine of Constructive Eviction Essay Law Assignment Help

Deb moved to New York City to pursue her dream of being a Broadway star. She signed a lease for an apartment. Shortly after moving in, she found the apartment was infested with cockroaches and other vermin. When winter set in, she discovered the heat didn’t work properly and the apartment never got above 50 degrees. Is Deb able to break her lease? Discuss the doctrine of constructive eviction and whether it applies here. Make sure you fully discuss the elements of a constructive eviction and support your answer with Bluebook citations to supporting sources.

Colorado State University The Doctrine of Constructive Eviction Essay Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECE 405 Ashford Wk 2 Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Culturally Relevant, Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan

[WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2]

Early childhood educators and administrators play an important
role in the development of culturally relevant, developmentally
appropriate curricula. As discussed in Chapter 3, the concept of
culturally relevant, anti-bias instruction includes planning lessons
that are relevant to the children and families in your program.Using the required Lesson Plan Template (Links to an external site.),
create two multicultural lessons that you could conduct as an early
childhood professional based on the developmental level of your choice:

  • Preschool (can be literature- or activity-based)

The Culturally Relevant, Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan


Jawaharlal Nehru Tech University Hofstede Model Cultural Dimensions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Part 1 (4-5 Pages)

Prepare and research the following information about Hofstede cultural dimensions (Refer to Paper A attached.) and answer the following questions:

  • Explain Hofstede cultural framework application to international marketing and global branding?
  • Explain Hofstede cultural framework application to consumer behavior?
  • Provide some advantages and disadvantages of being influenced by cultural differences.
  • Based on your research and what you have learned from Hofstede cultural framework, suggest a possible dissertation topic?

This paper needs to include how useful your analysis is in terms of helping you understand Hofstede cultural dimensions application to international marketing strategy and consumer behavior.

Provide your explanations and definitions in detail and be precise. Comment on your findings. Provide references for content when necessary. Provide your work in detail and explain in your own words. Support your statements with peer-reviewed in-text citation(s) and reference(s).

Part 2 (1-2 Pages)

Research eight (8) peer-reviewed articles that can be used to answer part 1 of this assignment. Your discussion should summarize the articles in such a way that it can justify any arguments you may present in part 1 and should be different from the abstract. In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, you must include an example of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, and so forth).

Do these in order:

  • In correct APA 7 format, write the Reference of the article.
  • Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.
  • Describe how you will use it for the part 1 of this assignment.
  • Repeat for a total of eight (8) peer-reviewed sources.


University of Central Missouri Copyrighted Material Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Discuss in 500 or more words your opinion whether Fair Use of copyrighted material should be expanded, contracted, or left alone. Justify your choice.

Use at least three sources. Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. Use APA OWL for guidance


Harvard University Fashion Brand Engagement Approach Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Part-1 Self and Brand Story (5 Marks)
Write about yourself (Your story in a similar fashion as you write a brand story) in maximum 50 words.
Write about both brands (as identified by you) (brand story) in maximum 50 words (for each brand).
What is common in these three stories? (Explain in maximum 100 words)
Note: you may like to visit compelling-brand-story/ for some ideas and examples
CLOs being assessed: Following course learning outcomes will be assessed through this assessment:
• Create key elements of brand architecture including the brand promise, brand purpose, brand identity, and brand reputation
• Work-ready deliverables: Brand Story, Brand Charter, Personal branding, Present heart and soul of your brand to gain audience attention

[supanova_question], not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. Use APA OWL for guidance


Harvard University Fashion Brand Engagement Approach Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Part-1 Self and Brand Story (5 Marks)
Write about yourself (Your story in a similar fashion as you write a brand story) in maximum 50 words.
Write about both brands (as identified by you) (brand story) in maximum 50 words (for each brand).
What is common in these three stories? (Explain in maximum 100 words)
Note: you may like to visit compelling-brand-story/ for some ideas and examples
CLOs being assessed: Following course learning outcomes will be assessed through this assessment:
• Create key elements of brand architecture including the brand promise, brand purpose, brand identity, and brand reputation
• Work-ready deliverables: Brand Story, Brand Charter, Personal branding, Present heart and soul of your brand to gain audience attention

[supanova_question], not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. Use APA OWL for guidance


Harvard University Fashion Brand Engagement Approach Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Part-1 Self and Brand Story (5 Marks)
Write about yourself (Your story in a similar fashion as you write a brand story) in maximum 50 words.
Write about both brands (as identified by you) (brand story) in maximum 50 words (for each brand).
What is common in these three stories? (Explain in maximum 100 words)
Note: you may like to visit compelling-brand-story/ for some ideas and examples
CLOs being assessed: Following course learning outcomes will be assessed through this assessment:
• Create key elements of brand architecture including the brand promise, brand purpose, brand identity, and brand reputation
• Work-ready deliverables: Brand Story, Brand Charter, Personal branding, Present heart and soul of your brand to gain audience attention

[supanova_question], not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. Use APA OWL for guidance


Harvard University Fashion Brand Engagement Approach Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Part-1 Self and Brand Story (5 Marks)
Write about yourself (Your story in a similar fashion as you write a brand story) in maximum 50 words.
Write about both brands (as identified by you) (brand story) in maximum 50 words (for each brand).
What is common in these three stories? (Explain in maximum 100 words)
Note: you may like to visit compelling-brand-story/ for some ideas and examples
CLOs being assessed: Following course learning outcomes will be assessed through this assessment:
• Create key elements of brand architecture including the brand promise, brand purpose, brand identity, and brand reputation
• Work-ready deliverables: Brand Story, Brand Charter, Personal branding, Present heart and soul of your brand to gain audience attention


Bakersfield It Is Good to Vote Directly on The Representative and Law Discussion Law Assignment Help

Bakersfield It Is Good to Vote Directly on The Representative and Law Discussion Law Assignment Help

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