BAM 510 California Coast University Human Resource Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

BAM 510 California Coast University Human Resource Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help. BAM 510 California Coast University Human Resource Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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TEXTBOOK :::::: Human Resource Management

Gary Dessler, 2016


ISBN.13: 978-0-134-23545-5

Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response in regard
to the question. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in
assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are
successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit
writing assignments that fall between 750-words (3-4 pages) per question.

Citation Styles

The majority of your response should
be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the
textbook and outside materials, if applicable. Be sure to provide a
citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required
textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how
to provide proper citations and references for your work:

  • Sources are listed in two places.
  • The first, a citation,
    is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying
    information that directs the reader to your list of references at the
    end of your writing assignment.
  • The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.
  • All
    sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying
    information so that the reader can access the original material.

BAM 510 California Coast University Human Resource Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 301 SEU The Honeywell Company Commitment & Job Performance Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management multi-part question and need support to help me study.

Please read the attached case study and then solve all 4 questions. support your answers with the course materials concept from the book and at least to scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles. For question 4 on part 2, you need to read chapter 5 from the book. No plagiarism please. use APA format. the font is Times New Romans ( size 12, double spaced). The book is Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019).


BAM 510 California Coast University Career Management Essay Writing Assignment Help


Human Resource Management
Gary Dessler, 2016

ISBN.13: 978-0-134-23545-5

Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response in regard to the question. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall between 750-words (3-4 pages) per question.

Citation Styles

The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook and outside materials, if applicable. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:

  • Sources are listed in two places.
  • The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.
  • The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.
  • All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.


Debating American Imperialism Then and Now the US Expansion Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Mod 3 Assignment: Debating American Imperialism, Then and Now

33 unread replies.33 replies.

This assignment explores the US expansion project under President McKinley. It is during this period in the 1890s and early 1900s that Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam, and the Philippines came into US possession. The Philippines eventually gain their independence from the US in the 1940s, but the others are still official American states and territories. Puerto Rico’s relationship with the US is often debated (Links to an external site.) in Congress and in Puerto Rico today. Here (Links to an external site.) is something a little more recent from the Miami Herald regarding Puerto Rican statehood. Lastly, take a peak at this Truthout interview (Links to an external site.) with Puerto Rican pro-independence activist José López, brother of Puerto Rican nationalist Oscar López Rivera, who came to speak at DVC a few years ago.

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Skim and assess the primary sources below.

Read President Grover Cleveland discussion of American business interests in Cuba in this excerpt (Links to an external site.) from the US State Dept. in 1896. At the time of writing, Cubans were in rebellion against the Spanish colonial government, and US businessmen and politicians were closely watching the war for Cuban independence unfolding. In this piece, Cleveland contributes to the debate over whether–and to what extent– the US should become involved. What interest does the US have in an independent Cuba?

Read this excerpt

Actions from Alfred Mahan’s 1890 The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, a book that influenced the development of the United States’ foreign policy. What does Mahan urge nations to undertake in this book excerpt? What does he say that government (and the navy) can do for a nation’s economy?

Read the platform of the Anti-Imperialist League


. What story does this publication tell of the US war in the Philippines? For which reasons does this group protest US foreign policy in the Philippines and beyond?

Read this protest


by Hawaii’s Queen Lilioukalani against American political/economic and armed expansion in Hawaii, written to President William McKinley in 1893. What story does she tell about what has happened in her native country of Hawaii since the 1880s? Why does she protest this treaty signed in Washington DC about the future of the Kingdom of Hawaii?

Read this 1899 poem (Links to an external site.), “The White Man’s Burden: The United States and The Philippine Islands”, by British writer Rudyard Kipling. He wrote this to help urge the US to help Europe ‘shoulder the burden’ of empire. This source requires a little bit of poetry analysis. Who does Kipling describe as “half-devil, half-child”? How does Kipling frame or characterize colonization and imperialism from the colonizers’ point of view?

Analyze this political cartoon, “School Begins”, from a January 1899 Puck magazine issue.

Political cartoon from an 1899 Puck magazine in which Uncle Sam lectures four children labelled Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Cuba in front of children holding books labelled with various U.S. states. In the background are an American Indian holding a book upside down, a Chinese boy at the door and a black boy cleaning a window.

Step 2: Reply to Prompt

Using this week’s sources, respond to the prompt below in a 200- to 300-word discussion post. No formal citations, but do reference details from our readings. Try to utilize as many of the sources as you can across your discussion posts. You don’t have to answer all the questions, just the ones that get you writing.

Prompt: For what reasons did the US begin expanding beyond its mainland continental borders? How was this expansion justified by its supporters? Was support for imperialism/expansionism unanimous? What larger trends and changes do you see reflected in the debate over 1890s imperialism? Can we reasonably call the US a democratic republic during this period, or are you comfortable with the label of ’empire’? [A republic is a government in which power is held by the people and their elected representatives, denoting CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED (one of the most central of the American founding values). A republic also suggests a level of citizen equality (equality is another of the US founding values).] Optionally, what is your position on the US’s relationship to Puerto Rico, still a territory of the nation?

Step 3: Reply to Three (3) Peers

  • In a short paragraph between 50 and 100 words, add further supporting details or respectfully disagree with the post’s author using evidence from this week’s readings.
  • Respond to as many peers as you like, but you must respond to at least three coursemates.


BAM 510 California Coast University Benefits of Positive Employee Relations Paper Writing Assignment Help


Human Resource Management
Gary Dessler, 2016

ISBN.13: 978-0-134-23545-5

Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response in regard to the question. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall between 750-words (3-4 pages) per question.

Citation Styles

The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook and outside materials, if applicable. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:

  • Sources are listed in two places.
  • The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.
  • The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.
  • All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.



BUSI 4400 XJTU Under Armor CEO Kevin Plank The Rise to The Top Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Based on the content of the videos which information was new to you? What information was applicable to the theory we have discussed in the course? What did you like about the video? Why? What surprised you? Why?

2. Explore the company, Blue Nile by visiting their website ( and reading up on the company through their annual reports or other media.

What generic strategy is the company following?

Discuss and apply the theory in the text and determine if market conditions exists for the their chosen strategy to work best and what pitfalls they may need to avoid.

If you were CEO of the company what recommendations would you make? Why?

BUSI 4400 XJTU Under Armor CEO Kevin Plank The Rise to The Top Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BMGT 364 UMGC Wk 6 Management and Leadership Project Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


In this project, you will demonstrate an understanding of management and leadership. You will be exposed to various leadership skills and styles. After reading the project’s case scenario, you will apply what has been learned to make recommendations for a new position at Tasty Products. Keep in mind that this project is a research project and not an essay. The student is expected to make significant use of course materials.

Your completed project will be 5-6 pages in length, excluding its title and reference page.



Maryland Institute College of Art Management Possitive Impact Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Hi Class,

For the second discussion question this week, we will do a bit of a social experiment.

Cynicism has been defined as a scornful, bitterly mocking attitude or quality by the American Heritage Dictionary. Cynical people tend to distrust others and frequently question the motives of people. To overcome this destructive attitude, we need to begin looking for the good in others. This week, look for the good in others and compliment their good behavior. During this period, try to eliminate destructive criticism. Focusing on the good in others will help you find it in yourself as well.

Tell us about two scenarios in how your positive feedback impacted the other party. What happened, and how did it change the dynamic?


Respond to two of your classmates’ postings. (attached)


SNHU Managing International Team and Expectations Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help


Managing an international team will present unexpected challenges. You are in different time zones; you have different schedules; you come from different cultures; and your own communication style may be different from that of members of your team. Success of a geographically distributed team can be fostered by setting expectations that are informed by best practices and the cultures of your team members.


Your company is expanding into a new market and has formed a new team that it would like you to manage. Your manager has sent you this note:

Thank you for taking on this challenge. You have a great team, but they come from very diverse backgrounds. It’ll be up to you to make sure it is a cohesive team that communicates well and collaborates effectively. As you know, at our firm, we feel the management of our teams and human resource management are a strategic advantage for us. I would like you to write an email explaining to me what managerial approaches you will use and how you think your team will function together. Please also include your conference call invitation for your team’s introduction. I would like to review what you are going to send to your team.


For this assignment, you will write an email and introductory conference call invitation as requested by your manager.

Team Member Locations

Your team consists of the following four members from various locations across the globe:

  1. Kaspar was born in and is based in the country you choose for your course project.
  2. Kelly was born in and is based in the United States.
  3. Syed was born in and is based in the United Arab Emirates.
  4. Nina was born in and is based in India.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Write an email to your manager explaining how you plan to manage your team. It should include the following information:
    • Cultural considerations for each team member (For the purposes of this assignment, you can assume that each team member represents the average cultural dimensions of an average citizen of the country, and you are encouraged to use the Hofstede Insights: Compare Countries website.)
    • Common issues among diverse or global teams and potential conflicts that could occur in your team
    • Multiple management approaches you plan to use and why
    • A policy for selecting which holidays team members can take off that takes into account cultural considerations
    • A determination of whether your team will collaboratively create a team expectations and communication plan or whether you as the manager will do it on your own, explaining your decision
  • Create a conference call invitation, including the time of the meeting and agenda, using this Conference Call Invitation Template.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your email as a 200- to 350-word Microsoft Word document. Submit your conference call invitation by completing the Conference Call Invitation Template. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


ENC 1102 USF Personal Packet Debt and Graduation College Students Questions Writing Assignment Help

For the assignment, you may choose to take the opposite
position from the one initially assigned to your group, or keep the same
position. Whichever position you choose, all work included must be your

Submit your Personal Packet, which should include your personal content in the form of an annotated bib, a grid, outline, and picture/data visualization.

Pick a formatting method (APA/MLA) and format submission. Bundle all four assignments into one cumulative doc.


  • Your grid, not one that your team created
  • Should be filled out
  • Include link (must have sharing permissions enabled, or you will receive points off)

Annotated bib

  • Needs to formatted using APA or MLA standards
  • Eight entries required
  • Each entry should have four sentences or more
  • Include an integrated quote and correct in-text citation.
  • Refer to the annotated bib template (set up for MLA, but can be converted for APA)

Outline Basics

  • Intro
    • Two-three major points of background context
    • Who is your audience? (can be a word/phrase for the outline)
    • Position statement

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Opposition (full sentence)
    • refutation

  • Ideas for conclusion (rephrase position statement/forward thinking ideas/appeal to logos/pathos?)

Image/Data Visualization

The last page of the submission should feature a created (or
found) picture/data visualization, including a caption formatted with
APA/MLA standards.

[supanova_question] up for MLA, but can be converted for APA)

Outline Basics

  • Intro
    • Two-three major points of background context
    • Who is your audience? (can be a word/phrase for the outline)
    • Position statement

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Opposition (full sentence)
    • refutation

  • Ideas for conclusion (rephrase position statement/forward thinking ideas/appeal to logos/pathos?)

Image/Data Visualization

The last page of the submission should feature a created (or
found) picture/data visualization, including a caption formatted with
APA/MLA standards.

[supanova_question] up for MLA, but can be converted for APA)

Outline Basics

  • Intro
    • Two-three major points of background context
    • Who is your audience? (can be a word/phrase for the outline)
    • Position statement

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Opposition (full sentence)
    • refutation

  • Ideas for conclusion (rephrase position statement/forward thinking ideas/appeal to logos/pathos?)

Image/Data Visualization

The last page of the submission should feature a created (or
found) picture/data visualization, including a caption formatted with
APA/MLA standards.

[supanova_question] up for MLA, but can be converted for APA)

Outline Basics

  • Intro
    • Two-three major points of background context
    • Who is your audience? (can be a word/phrase for the outline)
    • Position statement

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Claim (full sentence)
    • 2 points of evidence

  • Opposition (full sentence)
    • refutation

  • Ideas for conclusion (rephrase position statement/forward thinking ideas/appeal to logos/pathos?)

Image/Data Visualization

The last page of the submission should feature a created (or
found) picture/data visualization, including a caption formatted with
APA/MLA standards.


BAM 510 California Coast University Human Resource Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

BAM 510 California Coast University Human Resource Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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