BBA 3210 CSU Protection of Intellectual Properties in The US Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. BBA 3210 CSU Protection of Intellectual Properties in The US Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a business case study and need support to help me understand better.
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Your case study should be at least two pages in length and include at least two outside sources. Be sure to use APA formatting for all citations and references. Please note that no abstract is needed.
Jim Clark, an artist in Birmingham, submitted his logo design for the Birmingham Cougars football team, and the Cougars used a logo design that was very similar to Clark’s design for their team logo during the 1996–1998 seasons. Clark sued the Cougars for copyright infringement for using his design as their logo without his permission, and the court ruled that the Cougars had improperly used Clark’s design for their logo and had infringed on his copyright of that design.
The Cougars changed their logo for the 1999 season, but they started showing highlight films from their 1996–1998 seasons in their stadium, on their website, and on their television channel, and the logo that Clark had designed and that the Cougars had improperly used during those seasons appeared in the highlight films.
Clark sued the Cougars a second time, alleging that the appearance of the logo he designed in the highlight films was, again, copyright infringement.
The Cougars assert two defenses to Clark’s claim of copyright infringement the second time around.
- The Cougars contended that their use of the 1996–1998 logo in the highlight films was protected by the fair use doctrine.
- Since Clark and the Cougars were both citizens of Birmingham, there was no commerce among the states or interstate commerce involved, so Congress had no authority to make laws that protected Clark’s copyright.
In a two-page case study, address the questions below.
- Is the Cougar’s use of the logo on the highlight films protected by the fair use doctrine?
- Is the Cougar’s claim that Congress does not have the power to regulate copyright within a single state valid?
As you answer these two questions about the Cougar’s use of the logo, explain how the evolution of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution of the United States affects businesses and the Cougars in particular. Also, be sure to address the categories of intellectual properties protected by the Constitution of the United States.
BBA 3210 CSU Protection of Intellectual Properties in The US Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UCSD The CDCC and The Reviewing of the Elections of The United States Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Hello this assignment is very easy, just please read the instructions carefully.
Overview: As stated already in the Course Overview, “Especially this Quarter, you will frequently see P Sc 104A themes mirrored in current developments and controversies ‘in the news.’ In order to encourage you to ‘connect the dots’ between the course and the ‘real world out there’ – which can really boost your learning you are assigned over the Quarter to write TWO “CDCC” Memoranda.
Instructions for Identifying Reports and Writing Memoranda: These CDCC memoranda are two short three-paragraph memoranda in which you will analyze how two different
(a) current (published/originally posted any time from October 5 through December 5)
(b) reports (articles/blogposts/op-eds/etc.)
(c) about “current developments” (e.g., controversies, proposals, or other events happening during the Quarter in or among the federal or state legislative, executive, and judicial branches)
(d) covered in general informational media (i.e., newspapers, magazines, newsletters, online databases, etc.) that
(e) relate to course themes and issues.
Here are the basic instructions:
- Identify two “current” reports (as defined in the previous paragraph), covering different developments (as defined in the previous paragraph), relating to course themes and issues. NOTE: Do NOT use reports relating to the Court-packing example I use below to illustrate the prompts.
- For each of your two chosen reports, write a three-paragraph memorandum, within the word maxima, addressing the following:
A. Summary of Development (No More than 200 Words): Briefly summarize what the current development is about basically. (In other words, if you had to tell your friend or family member what the “gist” of the article/blogpost/op-ed/etc. was, how would you summarize it in 200 words of fewer?)
B. Explanation of Relationship of Report to Course Themes/Issues – and Questions Raised(No More than 250 Words): Briefly explain how the development you have summarized in the first paragraph relates to significant course themes and issues. Include one or more questions that the report raises in your mind.
[EX: If you were using an op-ed column about the possibility that a new Democratic president and Senate majority would add justices to the Supreme Court, you could identify how it raises questions about 1) whether the current fast confirmation of nominee Barrett after refusing to consider President Obama’s Garland nomination constitutes “Court packing,” 2) whether adding two (or more) new justices would undermine the Court’s appearance as a less-political branch, 3) whether new “Court packing” would be subject to meaningful constitutional objections, etc.)]
C. Brief Answer to One or More of the Questions You Raise (No More than 250 Words). Having raised questions in the previous paragraph, use the available to space to provide short answers to one or more of what you regard as the most important questions.
[EX: If one of the questions you raised was “whether the currentfast confirmation of nominee Barrett after refusing to consider President Obama’s Garland nomination constitutes ‘Court packing,’” you could then briefly answer negatively (because, among other things, Court packing involves adding justices, not filling existing positions) or affirmatively (because the substance of Court packing is manipulating justice positions to alter the ideological balance of the Court, which you could argue is what the Senate Republicans are doing.)]
SOC 3301 CSU The Sport Management Theory Is More Applicable Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business presentation and need support to help me study.
A position in sports requires a depth of sports knowledge and understanding, education, commercialization, and experience, as well as a vast number of responsibilities. One of the best ways to learn more about the area of sports management and sports in society is to talk with someone in the field.
For this assignment, contact an athletic director, recreation manager, YMCA director, or someone who runs an athletic department. If that person is local, please schedule a time and date to meet with this person for a personal interview. If the individual is not local, you may use Skype, Join Me, Zoom, or any other conferencing application or even speak with the person on the phone, if needed.
You want to not only gain their perspective on each of the topics but also how each topic affects/impacts his or her decision-making in his or her role and within the sports industry. Create at least 12 questions to ask this individual (at least one question per topic) from the following sport-related topics:
- Sport Management Theories
- Responsibilities and Duties
- Best Practices in Sport
- Ethical Issues in Sport
- Globalization of Sport
- Media in Sports
- Sports and the Economy (money and power)
- Religion in Sports
- Politics in Sports
- Gender Equality in Sports
- Race and Ethnicity in Sports
- Children in Sports
Please provide the answers to the questions you ask the interviewee and include a section that discusses how this experience has helped you in your educational journey to better understand sport management and best practices in sport.
Include the following parts:
- Title page – Include the assignment title, Columbia Southern University, and your name.
- Introduction – Introduce your interviewee and describe their title/position for the purpose of this assignment.
- Body – List the questions and responses from your interview.
- Conclusion – Provide a brief conclusion wrapping up the elements of the interview, including how this experience has helped you in this section.
- Reference page – Include a reference page that lists your interviewee as a source (proper APA format for personal communication can be found below). If you use content from our textbook, be sure to include this as a source in your reference page.
Your paper must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference page. Follow APA Style when constructing this assignment, including a title page, and in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.
Columbia University Deluxe Dry Cleaners Service Audit Report Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a marketing report and need support to help me learn.
This is a Service Audit: Individual Report. For 3000 words+
I have attached the instruction, we need to choose 1 sector from the two given.
Choose an Australian Company.
There are knowledge of this course needs to apply. I attached below in the google drive link.
Also, please use subheadings, and the yellow highlights must be in the subheadings.
The google link:…
You must apply:
Lovelock’s service classification framework,Create a blueprint of this process, identifying moments of truth.
Thank you.
PSYC 160 UCI Listening to Music While Studying Make You a Better Student Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology project and need support to help me study.
Revise a psychology paper as required
Vygotskian theory asserts that children and adolescents active constructors of knowledge and their cognitive
development is naturally embedded in a cultural context. Culture provides both symbols and tools and these are
used as children and adults actively engage in daily interactions. Think about skills that you could help transmit
to a child or adolescent. Considering the zone of proximal development, identify three skills and present your
teaching strategies within the zone of proximal development. For the purposes of this thought paper, identify
three separate teachable skills and your role as a more skilled teacher using specific examples.
Writing Guidelines
- Thought papers should be three pages in length and include concepts from lecture and textbook reading.
- Each thought paper should be written as an essay with adequate paragraph structure.
- Your essay should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion.
- Each thought paper is worth 50 points.
- Thought papers must be turned in on the due date. Late thought papers will be deducted 50%.
- It is expected that you will follow the guidelines below so that your essay conforms to APA (American Psychological Association) format and style.
APA Format
- 1 inch margins all around
- 12 point Times New Roman font
- Double-space everything
- Left alignment
- Use first and last name as header in the top-right corner of all pages
APA Writing Style
- Use correct grammar
- Use correct spelling
- Use appropriate paragraph structure
- No contractions
- No abbreviations
- No use of symbols
- No quotations
- No informal language (slang, obscenities)
ENC 1102 Pensacola State College A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
This is one of the poems to write the paper on, the instructions are in the attachment doc below
ROBERT HAYDEN Those Winter Sundays Born in Detroit, Michigan, African American poet Robert Hayden (1913–1980) grew up in a poor neighborhood where his natural parents left him with family friends. He grew up with the Hayden name, not discovering his original name until he was forty. Hayden attended Detroit City College (now Wayne State University) from 1932 to 1936, worked in the Federal Writer’s Project, and later earned his M.A. at the University of Michigan in 1944. He taught at Fisk University from 1946 to 1968 and at the University of Michigan from 1968 to 1980 and published several collections of poetry. Although his poems sometimes contain autobiographical elements, Hayden is primarily a formalist poet who preferred that his poems not be limited to personal or ethnic interpretations. “Those Winter Sundays” is from Angle of Ascent (1966).
Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him. I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking. When the rooms were warm, he’d call, and slowly I would rise and dress, fearing the chronic angers of that house, Speaking indifferently to him, who had driven out the cold and polished my good shoes as well. What did I know, what did I know of love’s austere and lonely offices?
ENC 1102 Pensacola State College A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Washington State University Best Original Score Lord of The Rings Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a film writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
The Shape of Water
Life of Pi
Brokeback Mountain
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
The English Patient
The Hateful Eight
Choose one of these films for your final paper. Watch the entire film while taking notes about the soundtrack and its overall effect. Did this film deserve to win the Academy Award for Best Original Score? Why or why not? To strengthen your document, analyze three (3) scenes—with timings indicated—you believe best support your argument. The document should be 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced, in 12-point font, and with 1-inch margins all around. Think of this assignment like an expanded version of a Screening Report. You should discuss the music (how it sounds, diegetic/non-diegetic status, instruments used, etc.), the music’s function, and its overall impact on the viewer. A grading rubric is available in the course space.
Northern Virginia Community College System Administration and Maintenance Essay Computer Science Assignment Help
Use Virtualization in Windows Server 2012
Watch this LinkedIn Learning section: Section 16 – Sever Virtualization from the course: Windows Server 2012 Active Directory: Network Services with Rick Trader and Mike Danseglio
· The entire section is approximately 49 minutes in length.
· Log in with your Stratford credentials
Michael Scott has been very happy with your work. He has reviewed the budget for next year and is concerned about Server costs. How can virtualization help? Compare and contrast physical servers to virtualized servers. Consider costs, maintenance, technical experience, and any other variables to help frame the argument.
IT 226 Southern New Hampshire University Security Application Product Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
- Determine appropriate ways to communicate information to internal and external stakeholders
- Apply communication techniques to effectively negotiate and manage conflict
You are the manager of a team of 10 software developers working on a new application for your company, Optimum Way Development, which is based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. Your organization recently acquired a smaller software company based in San Jose, California. You have been informed that your team will be bringing on five people from this newly acquired company; all five people will be moving to Raleigh to join your team.
You schedule a phone call with the five new team members and discover that they are upset about the recent impersonal message they received from human resources informing them that they would have to relocate to Raleigh in order to stay employed; no one expressed excitement about joining the team. During this conversation, you also discover that many of the new team members have more education and experience than the people currently on your team. Based on the conversation, you notice that most of these team members are likely older than you, whereas all of the current Raleigh team members are younger than you.
After the call, one of your current senior team members approaches you about rumors that are circulating concerning the Raleigh team being required to train the new team members from San Jose. They heard that there are plans to eliminate positions and are concerned the new hires will ultimately be taking their positions.
The director who oversees your division has requested that you create and present a recommendation report that documents your plans for managing the conflicts that currently exist or may arise on your team. The director has an advanced degree in a computer science-related field and has worked in technology for over a decade.
In order to identify and resolve existing and future conflicts, you have been asked to compose and present your plan for managing conflict for this project. In addition to identifying and resolving the conflicts, you are also responsible for keeping the development of the new application moving forward by continuing to meet scheduled milestones.
To do this, you will create a recommendation report and corresponding presentation. The audience for both deliverables is your director. As you create your report and presentation, remember to use communication techniques and platforms that are appropriate for your audience’s preferences and motivations.
Both deliverables should be based on the above scenario and include the following:
- To start, explain the major elements of the software application, including background, audience, functions, and features.
- Next, explain the areas of conflict for the team. Make sure to include contributing factors and the possible impacts.
- Articulate the desired outcome of any conflict resolution activities.
- How would you like to see this conflict resolved?
- What is the “best-case” scenario?
- Recommend action steps for managing areas of possible conflict with a detailed explanation on how the action steps contribute to conflict resolution.
- In the presentation only, use dialogue to communicate the appropriate main ideas to the audience. Although you will not give this presentation over video, you should use the speaker’s notes section in PowerPoint to write the accompanying speech.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Recommendation Report
Your report should be at least 2 full pages in length (not including a title page), single-spaced and submitted as either a Word document or PDF. Outside resources are not required, but any resources used must be appropriately cited using APA style. You may use the Recommendation Report Template for this submission.
Your presentation should be in a presentation format (such as PowerPoint) and provide an overview of the main ideas from the recommendation report. Using the speaker’s notes section of PowerPoint, include the speech that would accompany the presentation. Outside resources are not required, but any resources used must be appropriately cited using APA style.
NVCC Mobile Computing Apple Nokia & Motorola Company Mobile Vendors Analysis Essay Computer Science Assignment Help
examine a major vendor of Mobile Devices Developer and Service Provider (Nokia, Kyocera, Motorola, Palm, BlackBerry, Apple, and so on) and research and prepare a report of 3-4 pages of Word Document about the features, functions, capabilities, performance, Use Cases, benefits, Quality of Service (QoS) and prices of the devices offered by each company. The objective is to describe each product very much in detail including the logical parts (Software, Programs running on the device) besides the physical parts of each device. Focus on the capabilities, features supported by the device. What bandwidth is needed to support the described features and the quality of network service?
[supanova_question] for this submission.
Your presentation should be in a presentation format (such as PowerPoint) and provide an overview of the main ideas from the recommendation report. Using the speaker’s notes section of PowerPoint, include the speech that would accompany the presentation. Outside resources are not required, but any resources used must be appropriately cited using APA style.