BBA2201 Columbia Southern University Characteristics of Liabilities Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

BBA2201 Columbia Southern University Characteristics of Liabilities Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. BBA2201 Columbia Southern University Characteristics of Liabilities Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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What are three main characteristics of liabilities, and why is it important to classify liabilities into short-term and long-term? Include examples of short and long-term liabilities in your response.

Your essay must be at least one page in length. Be sure to include an introduction that gives the purpose of your essay and engages the reader. You must use at least your textbook as a reference, but you may use other resources as needed. Any information from a resource must be cited and referenced in APA style, and your essay should be formatted in accordance with APA guidelines.

BBA2201 Columbia Southern University Characteristics of Liabilities Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College The Raven and The Pied Piper of Hamelin Comparison Paper Writing Assignment Help

Select one poem from this week’s reading and one short story from the course readings. Read these works again with fresh eyes, but be sure that you read them one after the other. For this written assignment, you will compare these two works to broaden your understanding of these two genres.

In a 2-page Word document:

  • Compare the work of poetry vs. the work of fiction. Explain the ways in which these works are alike. For example, both pieces use humor to move the audience. Imagery, themes, and tones may be areas to analyze.
  • Contrast the two works and explain the ways in which these works are different. For example, the setting of the poem is in a different time than the short story. Point-of-view, style, characters, and setting may be areas to analyze.
  • Analyze the approach of each author as well as the content of each piece.
    • How were they the same and how were they different?
  • How effective was the author in his or her approach to the topic of each piece?
  • Reflect on which piece you enjoyed and why you found either the poetry or the fiction more appealing.

the poem is The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe

short story is The Pied Piper of Hamelin


Purdue Global Peer Reviewed Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare Health Medical Assignment Help

Locate an article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal where a practice change was made based on research, preferably a change that could relate to your area of practice or organization. Note: You are seeking to find an evidence-based article that describes some change in practice that was based on research; this is all about applying research, not doing research. Thus, you are not looking for a research article, but you are looking for an article that uses evidence from research to make a change.

Describe the change made and comment on the strength of the research evidence utilized and the whether the change led to improved patient outcomes.

Note any barriers to change that were identified and how they were overcome.

End your discussion with a reflection on how this article is useful to you as you consider your role as an advanced practice nurse leading others to use the best evidence to strengthen nursing practice and improve nursing-sensitive patient outcomes.

must include at least 3 peer reviewed references


link to book you can use a reference from the book but only one

Textbook Readings



HCM337 Colorado Technical Professional Liability & Medical Malpractice Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

The following guidelines for healthcare practitioners are helpful for
staying within the scope of practice while operating within the law and
policy of any healthcare facility.

  • Practice within the scope of your training and capabilities.
  • Use the professional title commensurate with your education and experience.
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Prepare and maintain health records.
  • Document accurately
  • Use appropriate legal and ethical guidelines when releasing information.
  • Follow an employer’s established policies dealing with the health care contract.
  • Follow legal guidelines and maintain awareness of health care legislation and regulations.
  • Maintain and dispose of regulated substances in compliance with government guidelines.
  • Follow established risk management and safety procedures.
  • Meet the requirements for professional credentialing.
  • Help develop and maintain personnel, policy, and procedure manuals.

Select 2 of these and discuss why they are important for building
effective provider/patient relationships and maintaining a standard of
care. Are there other guidelines you would add to this list? Use
examples based on your experiences.

Use APA formatting and citation standards. Use at least two (2)
scholarly references published within the last 5 years to substantiate
your work.


BUS599 Strayer University Live Your Mission Discussion Writing Assignment Help

“Live Your Mission”

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:

  1. Describe how your organization’s mission statement and values are implemented in the marketing, operations, technology, management, and social responsibility sections of your business plan.


  • State your company’s mission statement in quotation marks.
  • Outline your company’s values.
  • Explain how the mission and values are reflected in what you do at your NAB business in each of these areas: marketing, technology, management, and social responsibility.
  • Read this article to learn more about the importance of having a mission-driven company.

To complete this week’s discussion:

  1. State your NAB company’s mission statement in quotation marks.
  2. Outline your company’s values.
  3. Explain how the mission and the values are reflected in what you do at your NAB Company in each of these areas: marketing, technology, management, and social responsibility.

Click here for a video on how to address this week’s question



UCI Reflection: The Final ePortfolio Submit Writing Assignment Help

You’re just about to turn in your AP, now it’s time to think about everything you’ve learned and accomplished this quarter as we head into the final ePortfolio. Let’s take some time to reflect on your progress so far. Answer the following questions, keeping in mind how this metacognitive approach (writing about your own writing) will serve your final ePortfolio introduction.

1. First, describe your process: research, drafting, peer review, revision. What did you do differently the second time around (AP vs. HCP)? What would you change if you could go back and start over? What would you do the same? What do you anticipate doing differently or similarly as you move toward assembling the ePortfolio?

2. Which assignments were most useful to you as you completed the AP? What was most helpful about them? Keep in mind that you may use these (assignments, lectures, peer review, in-class exercises, etc.) as artifacts in your ePortfolio. And hey, while you’re thinking about them, why not build or add them to an “Artifacts” folder in your ePortfolio right now?

UCI Reflection: The Final ePortfolio Submit Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Audit Risks & Alternative Methods for Level of Assurance to Investors Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

“Audit Risks” Please respond to the following:

  • Use the Internet or visit the Securities and Exchange Website, located at, to research at least two (2) sanctions levied against companies that have violated general accounting principles. Next, briefly analyze whether or not investors who were misled by relying on financial statements could hold the audit firm liable for audit failure either by common or securities laws. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • According to an article in the CPA Journal, the accounting profession has long contended that an audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) provides reasonable assurance that there are no material misstatements contained within financial statements. Suggest at least two (2) alternative methods that auditors can use to provide a more concrete level of assurance to investors. Provide support for your responses with examples of such methods in use.


Unit 3 Security and Privacy Incident Response Plan Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

A data breach in health care can happen when information is stolen without the knowledge or authorization of the organization. The data is usually sensitive, confidential, or proprietary. Most of the time, this is a targeted attack by a cybercriminal.

  • How is a breach identified, and what are the steps a hospital or health care organization has to take to prevent a breach?
  • Locate an example of a hospital or health care organization that has suffered a security breach. Explain the security breach and the steps taken to mitigate the breach, and explain whether the steps taken were adequate, or if additional steps should have been taken. 3-4 pages (excluding title page and reference page). APA style.


Cigna IT Business Environment Proposed Research Project Plan Writing Assignment Help

Do not include a cover page or table of contents Minimun of 10 Pages-double spaced

Researching these individual categories separately will be easier than trying to deal with everything at one time. Note that this is just a starting point for your research. You will add many additional items under each of these major categories.

Operating Systems


Operating Systems

  • Identify the operating systems and hardware platforms found on your company’s servers and user workstations. There could be a diverse range. Why were these server operating systems chosen?
  • How many servers of each type are deployed?
  • How many workstations of each type are deployed?
  • How are security updates handled?


  • Identify mission critical server applications on which your company would depends for business to continue hour by hour. Identify second tier server applications.
  • Identify custom desktop user applications developed by your company to assist employees in their everyday tasks. Exclude COTs products like MS Office.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP): Does your company have an ERP system in place and what vendor? Example… SAP
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Does your company have a CRM system in place and what vendor?
  • Collaboration Systems: Has your company deployed SharePoint or another collaboration tool for employees?

I have attached the approved research proposal


Ethics in Health Administration Practical Approach Decision Makers Discusion Health Medical Assignment Help

In discussion you will used Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers, read: Chapter 6 “Market Forces and Ethics,” pages 113-134.

Website reading Russo, R., Diener, I., & Stitcher, M. (2015). The low risk and high return of integrative health services. Healthcare Financial Management 69 (11), 114-120, and Singer, J., & Adams, J. (2014). Integrating complementary and alternative medicine into mainstream healthcare services. The perspectives of health service managers. BMC complete, and American Hospital Association (2007). When I’m 64: how boomers will change health care (PDF).

Follow APA guidelines to cite and reference all of your resource materials in your work.

Market Forces Essay- post need to be 300-800 words

Effective health care leaders recognize and respect the powerful relationship between market forces and ethical management challenges. Choose one of the market forces highlighted in Chapter 6 of your Ethics in Health Administration text: managed care and ethics page 116, the aging of the baby boomers, page 123, or integrative medicine and ethics, page 125.

Choose one of the three and share an ethical challenges this market force has on the overall health care industry. Refine your work further (ER Administrator) to identify and discuss how this market force might directly present an ethical challenge in the health care industry sector in your management career. Share ideas and recommendations for possible leadership actions to prevent or address this challenge and ethics.

Utilize your unit study material for this essay. In addition, perform research to locate and include current, credible sources of statistics and information in your descriptions and analysis. Be sure to directly refer back to the foundational ethical theories and concepts for Unit 1 and 2 to support and help explain your ideas and insights.

[supanova_question] of 10 Pages-double spaced

Researching these individual categories separately will be easier than trying to deal with everything at one time. Note that this is just a starting point for your research. You will add many additional items under each of these major categories.

Operating Systems


Operating Systems

  • Identify the operating systems and hardware platforms found on your company’s servers and user workstations. There could be a diverse range. Why were these server operating systems chosen?
  • How many servers of each type are deployed?
  • How many workstations of each type are deployed?
  • How are security updates handled?


  • Identify mission critical server applications on which your company would depends for business to continue hour by hour. Identify second tier server applications.
  • Identify custom desktop user applications developed by your company to assist employees in their everyday tasks. Exclude COTs products like MS Office.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP): Does your company have an ERP system in place and what vendor? Example… SAP
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Does your company have a CRM system in place and what vendor?
  • Collaboration Systems: Has your company deployed SharePoint or another collaboration tool for employees?

I have attached the approved research proposal


Ethics in Health Administration Practical Approach Decision Makers Discusion Health Medical Assignment Help

In discussion you will used Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers, read: Chapter 6 “Market Forces and Ethics,” pages 113-134.

Website reading Russo, R., Diener, I., & Stitcher, M. (2015). The low risk and high return of integrative health services. Healthcare Financial Management 69 (11), 114-120, and Singer, J., & Adams, J. (2014). Integrating complementary and alternative medicine into mainstream healthcare services. The perspectives of health service managers. BMC complete, and American Hospital Association (2007). When I’m 64: how boomers will change health care (PDF).

Follow APA guidelines to cite and reference all of your resource materials in your work.

Market Forces Essay- post need to be 300-800 words

Effective health care leaders recognize and respect the powerful relationship between market forces and ethical management challenges. Choose one of the market forces highlighted in Chapter 6 of your Ethics in Health Administration text: managed care and ethics page 116, the aging of the baby boomers, page 123, or integrative medicine and ethics, page 125.

Choose one of the three and share an ethical challenges this market force has on the overall health care industry. Refine your work further (ER Administrator) to identify and discuss how this market force might directly present an ethical challenge in the health care industry sector in your management career. Share ideas and recommendations for possible leadership actions to prevent or address this challenge and ethics.

Utilize your unit study material for this essay. In addition, perform research to locate and include current, credible sources of statistics and information in your descriptions and analysis. Be sure to directly refer back to the foundational ethical theories and concepts for Unit 1 and 2 to support and help explain your ideas and insights.

[supanova_question] of 10 Pages-double spaced

Researching these individual categories separately will be easier than trying to deal with everything at one time. Note that this is just a starting point for your research. You will add many additional items under each of these major categories.

Operating Systems


Operating Systems

  • Identify the operating systems and hardware platforms found on your company’s servers and user workstations. There could be a diverse range. Why were these server operating systems chosen?
  • How many servers of each type are deployed?
  • How many workstations of each type are deployed?
  • How are security updates handled?


  • Identify mission critical server applications on which your company would depends for business to continue hour by hour. Identify second tier server applications.
  • Identify custom desktop user applications developed by your company to assist employees in their everyday tasks. Exclude COTs products like MS Office.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP): Does your company have an ERP system in place and what vendor? Example… SAP
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Does your company have a CRM system in place and what vendor?
  • Collaboration Systems: Has your company deployed SharePoint or another collaboration tool for employees?

I have attached the approved research proposal


Ethics in Health Administration Practical Approach Decision Makers Discusion Health Medical Assignment Help

In discussion you will used Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers, read: Chapter 6 “Market Forces and Ethics,” pages 113-134.

Website reading Russo, R., Diener, I., & Stitcher, M. (2015). The low risk and high return of integrative health services. Healthcare Financial Management 69 (11), 114-120, and Singer, J., & Adams, J. (2014). Integrating complementary and alternative medicine into mainstream healthcare services. The perspectives of health service managers. BMC complete, and American Hospital Association (2007). When I’m 64: how boomers will change health care (PDF).

Follow APA guidelines to cite and reference all of your resource materials in your work.

Market Forces Essay- post need to be 300-800 words

Effective health care leaders recognize and respect the powerful relationship between market forces and ethical management challenges. Choose one of the market forces highlighted in Chapter 6 of your Ethics in Health Administration text: managed care and ethics page 116, the aging of the baby boomers, page 123, or integrative medicine and ethics, page 125.

Choose one of the three and share an ethical challenges this market force has on the overall health care industry. Refine your work further (ER Administrator) to identify and discuss how this market force might directly present an ethical challenge in the health care industry sector in your management career. Share ideas and recommendations for possible leadership actions to prevent or address this challenge and ethics.

Utilize your unit study material for this essay. In addition, perform research to locate and include current, credible sources of statistics and information in your descriptions and analysis. Be sure to directly refer back to the foundational ethical theories and concepts for Unit 1 and 2 to support and help explain your ideas and insights.

[supanova_question] of 10 Pages-double spaced

Researching these individual categories separately will be easier than trying to deal with everything at one time. Note that this is just a starting point for your research. You will add many additional items under each of these major categories.

Operating Systems


Operating Systems

  • Identify the operating systems and hardware platforms found on your company’s servers and user workstations. There could be a diverse range. Why were these server operating systems chosen?
  • How many servers of each type are deployed?
  • How many workstations of each type are deployed?
  • How are security updates handled?


  • Identify mission critical server applications on which your company would depends for business to continue hour by hour. Identify second tier server applications.
  • Identify custom desktop user applications developed by your company to assist employees in their everyday tasks. Exclude COTs products like MS Office.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP): Does your company have an ERP system in place and what vendor? Example… SAP
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Does your company have a CRM system in place and what vendor?
  • Collaboration Systems: Has your company deployed SharePoint or another collaboration tool for employees?

I have attached the approved research proposal


Ethics in Health Administration Practical Approach Decision Makers Discusion Health Medical Assignment Help

In discussion you will used Ethics in Health Administration: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers, read: Chapter 6 “Market Forces and Ethics,” pages 113-134.

Website reading Russo, R., Diener, I., & Stitcher, M. (2015). The low risk and high return of integrative health services. Healthcare Financial Management 69 (11), 114-120, and Singer, J., & Adams, J. (2014). Integrating complementary and alternative medicine into mainstream healthcare services. The perspectives of health service managers. BMC complete, and American Hospital Association (2007). When I’m 64: how boomers will change health care (PDF).

Follow APA guidelines to cite and reference all of your resource materials in your work.

Market Forces Essay- post need to be 300-800 words

Effective health care leaders recognize and respect the powerful relationship between market forces and ethical management challenges. Choose one of the market forces highlighted in Chapter 6 of your Ethics in Health Administration text: managed care and ethics page 116, the aging of the baby boomers, page 123, or integrative medicine and ethics, page 125.

Choose one of the three and share an ethical challenges this market force has on the overall health care industry. Refine your work further (ER Administrator) to identify and discuss how this market force might directly present an ethical challenge in the health care industry sector in your management career. Share ideas and recommendations for possible leadership actions to prevent or address this challenge and ethics.

Utilize your unit study material for this essay. In addition, perform research to locate and include current, credible sources of statistics and information in your descriptions and analysis. Be sure to directly refer back to the foundational ethical theories and concepts for Unit 1 and 2 to support and help explain your ideas and insights.


BBA2201 Columbia Southern University Characteristics of Liabilities Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

BBA2201 Columbia Southern University Characteristics of Liabilities Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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