BC Heart Failure Heart Muscle & Dobutamine Medication Concept Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

BC Heart Failure Heart Muscle & Dobutamine Medication Concept Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help. BC Heart Failure Heart Muscle & Dobutamine Medication Concept Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a reference to help me understand better.
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it’s an Ati assignment I already work on the other parts which are the medication template and the system disorder, I just want you to work on the concept analysis for me please, talking about the disease and the drug and how it related and all the information you can find about it. 2 paragraphs is enough, need references and APA 7, plagiarism-free. if any questions please don’t hesitate to send me a text ill be online. The disorder you will be talking about is Heart failure and the medication is Dobutamine. I will send you mine as an example I was rushing when I was doing mine and my plagiarism rate was high please do not use the sources I used if so change stuff.

BC Heart Failure Heart Muscle & Dobutamine Medication Concept Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Aztec Life 10 Surprising Features & Question Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Read the Michael E. Smith article “Life in the Provinces of the Aztec Empire” As you work through the article, compile a list of ten (10) surprising features of Aztec life. To qualify as “surprising,” the items needs to be things not listed in the book or powerpoint (or, incorrect in the book?). Each item has to be described sufficiently, e.g., “they used cotton to…” rather than “they used cotton.” After compiling your list, write a short paragraph (approx 100 words) attempting to answer the following question: If life in the Aztec provinces was so complex, why have historians paid less attention to this civilization (or, why have histories of this civilization been problematic)?


Journey to Christianity of Samson Occom Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Samson Occom Background

Samson Occom was a native American who grew up in the Mohegan area in Connecticut. He began to study Christianity at the age of 16 when he heard from English people about a minister preaching about God. He was the second Native American to ever publish his works in English and the first Native American to write an autobiography about themselves. This autobiography a short narrative of my life which strangely enough was just published in the 80s even though it was written during his lifetime in the 1700s explains his journey from being raised he then to Christianity and his life afterwards. He was an inspiration to a lot of writers in the centuries that followed because he created it’s sort of identity for a native American people in his works of literature. Samson Occom was distant from his family and had many hard ships because of his decision to pursue Christianity as a religion instead of his native American religion as a heathen.

Question: Can we consider Occom’s work subversive or radical? Explain why or why not. Keep in mind the world in which this writer lived.

I think that Occom’s “A Short Narrative of my Life” is subversive. “Subversion refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed in an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms.”(Google). The reason his narrative is subversion is because he started out believing the Heathenism religion and then as he got old realized he believed in something else that went against everything he thought initially.

“I was Born a Heathen and Brought up In Heathenism, till I was between 16 & 17 years of age…for did all the Indians at Mohegan, they Chiefly Depended upon Hunting, Fishing, & Fowling for their Living and had no Connection with the English”(Occom).

“And when I was 17 years of age, I had, as I trust, a Discovery of the way of Salvation through Jesus Christ, and was enabl’d to put my trust in him alone for Life & Salvation. From this Time the Distress and Burden of my mind was removed, and I found Serenity and Pleasure of Soul, in Serving God.”(Occom).

These two quotes are from the first and second paragraph, we can see the difference, Heathens had no connection to the English, they believed in completely different things such as the Earth and natural things. Then he turns over to Christianity which is completely different and goes against all he was taught. He feels at home with this religion and found something to truly believe in.

Defining His Own Identity

This is a very moving and liberating thing to discover so early on. We know in today’s world that everybody can have their options of whoever they want to be in whatever they want to believe in however, back then that was not the case you did what everybody else did whether you liked it or not. So for Samson Occom to have gone against his religion and his family and friends in the life he grew up in and the only thing he knew to follow something totally out of his element is a sign of strength. In the later parts of his narrative he shows that he felt betrayed by people involved in his faith we learn how he was coerced by someone he trusted. Mr. Wheelock promised him protection from his own family for money which didn’t happen instead he received no protection. It is amazing that after his story and reading everything that he goes through he refers to himself as a poor Indian because of all the miss treatment from his new religion. This just goes to show that the grass is not always greener on the other side and also that it’s hard getting where are you want to go nothing comes easy and nothing good does come easy he’s helped so many people out by learning all that he has and changing his religion. He mentors people and has done so much for the native American community as an author but it was not all sunshine and rainbows to get to where he went. I felt like the end of this narrative was extremely moving and his attitude towards his identity was sad because I felt like he was lost and he still didn’t know where he wanted to go he didn’t feel like he fit in with his Native American culture and he didn’t feel like he fit in with the European culture. I think that a lot of people feel that way though especially in today’s world so many people feel like outsiders and they don’t No where they belong. For example the LGBTQ plus community today is a totally different world for them where people are excepting but 30 years ago it was not like that and they felt like outsiders and lost and didn’t know where they belong.


  1. What part of this narrative did you find the most moving?
  2. Do you agree that in the end Occom felt he didn’t belong anywhere? Why?
  3. Overall do you think you belong?


Saint Thomas Wk 5 The 34 Year Old Patient Evaluation & Management Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help

The 34-Year-Old Patient Evaluation & Management Plan

A 34-y.o. female presents with the complaint of a sudden excruciating pain in her back and points to her flank area on the right side. She rates the pain as 10 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst. She also complains of nausea with the pain. She states that she has never had anything like this before, and the pain is subsiding a little now.

  1. What additional questions should you ask the patient and why?
  2. What should be included in the physical examination at this visit?
  3. What are the possible differential diagnoses at this time?
  4. What tests should you order and why?
  5. How should this patient be managed?


ASU Workflow for A Primary Care Clinic with A Paper Medical Record Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Workflow analysis is not an optional part of clinical implementations, but rather a necessity for safe patient care supported by technology. The ultimate goal of workflow analysis is not to “pave the cow path,” but rather to create a future-state solution that maximizes the use of technology and eliminates non–value-added activities.  Apply concepts learned in chapter 13 to create a workflow analysis of a procedure common to your practice.  

  1. Review a current workflow diagram in your area or consider a process that needs a workflow diagram. Ex: admission process to the emergency room
  2. Diagram the workflow for the procedure you chose at the end of your paper using the computer graphics to demonstrate the workflow. 
  3. Have you included all of the steps?
  4. Assess each of the steps in the diagram and determine if they are value-added steps or non-value added steps.  Is the non-value added steps necessary—i.e. required by accreditors or by law?
  5. Write a 2-4 page paper using APA format describing the workflow process you have chosen. Describe the diagram you have created, what metrics are used to evaluate the workflow, what are the areas for improvement, and conclusion.  Include a copy of the workflow diagram in the paper.



University of South Florida Job Market New Career Opportunities Discussion Writing Assignment Help

As a recent graduate of the Bachelors of Applied Science Health Services Administration degree the possibilities before you are endless. You have decided that you have outgrown the qualifications for the current job you are in. You want to spread your wings and utilize all the new skills and applications you have learned in the HSA program. Fortunately in the Leadership course you updated your resume – how convenient since you have decided to pursue new career opportunities and test the job market.

I want you to conduct a job search and find several job positions for which you would consider applying. List 3 of those positions and the employers. Then describe in 250+ words minimum the process one would take in looking for a new job with your skill set and qualifications.

  • Please make sure to list the websites or search tools used in the mock job search process.
  • List key words (buzzwords) used and what items/words/descriptions were used to narrow down your search to jobs that would be good to apply for.
  • How long did it take the search to be completed?
  • What roadblocks did you discover during the search?

Remember this is just listing the PROCESS of looking for a job.

Reply 1 –

Bachelors of Applied Science Healthcare Administration Jobs


Title: Case Investigator-COVID 19 Contact Tracing Program

Employer: AM Trace LLC

Link: https://www.indeed.com/m.jobs/Case Investigator-COVID 19 Contact Tracing Program/

Title: Patient Experience Representative

Employer: The Brooklyn Hospital Medical Center

Link: https://www.indeed.com/m.jobs/ Patient Experience Representative/

Title: Health Information Management Assistant Director

Employer: San Bernardino County

Link: https://www.indeed.com/m.jobs/ Health Information Management Assistant Director/

Process of Application

While looking for a job, there are various approaches to take in the process. Searching for your dream job can be a hectic and yet rewarding step in life that almost every student must go through. It is a new frontier and involves venturing into uncharted waters. One may search for a job physical which involves visiting various employers and seeking interview appointments. However, this is a tedious process that demands one to travel and present themselves to several challenging situations with employers. One may also apply for job postings on particular social and online platforms such as job sites.

With a Bachelor of Applied Science Healthcare Administration degree, the job opportunities revolve around the medical and healthcare industry. This means that most job searches will aim towards hospital or medical institutions’ job openings. Therefore, certain vital words helped my browser search engine to point out medical-related jobs. For example, typing words like healthcare, applied science, hospital, medical or clinical were helpful during the job searching process.

Also, it essential to find the most reliable job sites on the internet that facilitate posting and application to well-updated job openings. To identify such sites, it is vital to check for several jobs posted, the duration of openings, and the information connected to the job. It is essential to assess the requirements for the job carefully. Some of the problems I faced included outdated job openings and inadequate information regarding the job description. Such issues create uncertainty when looking for a job because there is a gap in the information. I found that the most efficient platforms were like Indeed, Glassdoor, Monster, Link Up, and Flex Jobs Corporation.

Reply 2 –




The links above are jobs that I would be interested in applying for once I finish my bachelor’s in healthcare administration. I currently have been working for BayCare as a PTA for the last four years. My ultimate goal is to graduate from this program, continue working as a PTA and apply for positions like I have included above until I am presented with a new job opportunity. Other search engines that could be utilized to look for job opportunities are Indeed, Linkedln and ZipRecruiter. Since I my goal is to stay within BayCare, I chose three off of the BayCare job board.

The three jobs listed, Team Relations Coordinator, Quality Data Analyst-ambulatory and Clinical Support app Analyst all require a bachelor’s degree and 3 years’ experience in healthcare related field. They also require a certification and licensure in RN, Pharmacist, Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, and Respiratory therapy. There are many similar jobs out there but most of them require a nursing degree. That is why these three examples above would be a great fit for me given my education and experience. I have already discussed my plan with my current manager and she is very supportive of me trying to further my education to make a career change. I love what I do as a PTA but I know I wont be able to physically do it forever. After I graduate, I plan take my time and apply to open jobs that I qualify for and wait for an new exciting opportunity to arise. 

University of South Florida Job Market New Career Opportunities Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

AIBI Impact of Cyber Attacks on Organizations During the COVID 19 Period Essay Writing Assignment Help


Impact of cyber-attacks on organizations during the COVID-19 period. Cyber threats are on the rise during the prolonged period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Organizations encouraging employees to work from home following health protocols. Hackers have taken this opportunity to attack the organization’s systems and their information, share harmful links, phishing, and sell malicious malware. Therefore, the increase in these cases results to research problems that need solutions. The project aims to explore the impacts of these cyber-attacks on organizations and individuals worldwide. The research will begin by identifying all the affected attacks, the threats, and assess the challenges of various firms to counter these problems by providing a technological solution through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning for the future of cybersecurity. AI which has proven to be extremely useful when it comes to detecting cyber threats based on analyzing data and identifying a threat. Finally, the research will explore all the impacts, both economic, social, and political, of these cyber-attacks. Data collection will be done through direct interviews, phone calls, and emailing to the target respondents. Quantitative techniques will be used in this process.

Theoretical background:

The technology adoption model could be applied in the study on the impact of cyber-attacks on organizations during the COVID-19 period.


University of the Incarnate Bible Contradictions About Sex by Stephen Prothero Essay Humanities Assignment Help

A synopsis of the attached article. The synopsis must be a typed, double-spaced, 12-font paper detailing what the reading was about, summarizing the points made in the article, and MUST include your thoughts and ideas on the topic (agreements, disagreements, likes, dislikes, other views, etc). The paper needs to be at least 4 full pages and no outside research is needed. If the attachment does not work you can google the article;” The Bible’s contradictions about sex” by Stephen Prothero. I copied the article and put it into word since I was unable to upload the original link.


St Petersburg College What Makes a Team Work Eagle Group Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

What can a group of engineers who had scant resources, limited support, and a cast of characters straight out of a sit com teach you about successful teams?  read the article: Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (1992). What makes a team work? Organizational Dynamics, 21 (2), 34-44.  Think about what made this group so successful. It was not financial rewards – group members said they did not work for money. It was not because they had well-defined and perfectionist goals – the team leader believed that “not everything worth doing is worth doing well”.  It was not because the team was led by a good communicator- the team leader was called the “Prince of Darkness” by the team members because he was so unapproachable. What was it?


Discuss the following questions, and submit your answers in a written paper. Head each section of your paper to correspond to the numbers of each question (1, 2) below:

1. Discuss how organizational culture made the Eagle Group successful. Be sure to apply the course material, and use critical thinking skills and examples from the article to support your statements. 

2. How can you apply some of the elements that made the Eagle Group so successful if you were to be on a team in this course?

Provide a title page.


Strayer Univeristy Proof of Concept Project and Chart Computer Science Assignment Help

Technical Paper: Proof of Concept (POC)

Your company is a 4-year-old startup called XYZ Software Enterprises. XYZ produces a point of sale system and was awarded a Proof of Concept (POC) to one of the largest and oldest restaurants in the industry (you know, the ones in the commercials all the time). The restaurant wants XYZ to prove that the software will do what the sales people said it could do.

Your Proof of Concept will include four parts:

  • Part 1: Gantt Chart.
  • Part 2: Testing and User Acceptance Report.
  • Part 3: Use Case Diagram.
  • Part 4: Activity Diagram.

Part 1: Gantt Chart

A Gantt Chart (see page 353, Figure 11-18 in your textbook) needs to be created for the entire process of the Proof of Concept. There is a two-month deadline from today to complete the POC.

Using Visio or Excel, create a Gantt Chart that includes all of the items listed below and adds five more tasks minimum from the concepts learned from the course:

  • The initial meeting—today.

    • Should appear as the first line.

  • Teams selected to participate in the project (1 week).
  • Information gathering (add the information gathering methods you will use and how long each will take).
  • System configurations based on information gathering methods (2 weeks).
  • Create Activity Chart based on information gathering (information to create chart supplied).
  • Create Use Case Diagram based on information gathering (information to create chart supplied).
  • Show the finished configurations to the team and get feedback (1 day).
  • Make changes based on feedback (3 days).
  • Install the system in the test store (2 days).
  • Train staff (1 day).
  • Run a live test of POC (2 weeks).

Note: The five or more additional tasks can be sub-tasks for information gathering methods as well some other sub-task or major task not in the initial list.

You may add items from the SDLC, specific item or items on testing, or any other concept you think should be part of the POC process learned in the course of this semester.

Note: Remember that events in a Gantt chart can happen at the same time as other events. Some items also cannot start until others are completed. Everything has an estimated time frame and it is displayed in the chart.

Part 2: Testing and User Acceptance Report

As part of the expected documentation in the POC, XYZ wants a report on Testing and User Acceptance.

Your manager is asking you to research the testing criteria they listed in the POC documents.

The POC document states that they are looking for the following:

  • System and Stress Testing.
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

For both categories, research and report on the following:

  1. What these tests are.
  2. Why the industry leader would want these particular tests.
  3. The best ways, in detail, to accomplish the tests so that your company meets the criteria they are looking for.

These items can be added to your Gantt Chart (Part 1).

Part 3: Use Case Diagram

The restaurant, as part of the information gathering, outlined a use case in a chart, which is below.

Your manager assigned you to create the Use Case Diagram using Visio, MS Word, or any other software. (See the diagrams on Page 84 and 85 of the textbook.)

  • Paste the diagram into the created report.

USE CASE?ACTOR?Order Food?Waiter, Patron, Chef?Serve Food?Waiter?Cook FoodChef??Pay for food?Waiter, Patron?Eat Food?Patron

Part 4: Activity Diagram

As a part of the information gathering process, a chart of items was provided by XYZ.

Your manager has asked that you use Visio, MS Word, or any other software with which you are familiar to create the Activity Diagram (see pages 138 Figure 5-5 and 139 Figure 5-6 in the textbook.)

  • Paste the diagram into the created report.


      Activity Diagram

Host or Hostess seats patronServer takes drink orderServer opens order for table in POS systemServer places drink order in the POS systemSystem sends drink order to the BarBar makes drinksServer brings drinks to tableServer takes food orderServer adds food order in the POS systemOrder goes to kitchenChef and staff cook the orderFood Runner brings food to tableServer takes dessert orderServer adds dessert order to POSChef and Staff create dessertsFood Runner brings desserts to tableServer creates check in POSServer collects payment and enters it in POSServer adds tipped amount to POSServer closes table in POS


BC Heart Failure Heart Muscle & Dobutamine Medication Concept Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

BC Heart Failure Heart Muscle & Dobutamine Medication Concept Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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