Ben Franklin Career Center Costing Methods and Tools Research Paper Writing Assignment Help. Ben Franklin Career Center Costing Methods and Tools Research Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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You are now ready to apply costing methods, tools, and techniques to your project. There are many of these available to assist you in determining your overall budget, as well as to estimate the durations for individual tasks. These methods could include the following:
- Expert judgment
- Analogous estimating
- Parametric estimating
- Bottom-up estimating
- Three-point estimating
- Reserve analysis
- Cost of quality
- Project management estimating software
- Vendor bid analysis
- Determine Project Budget
- Select 2 of the costing methods, and discuss why they will support developing a realistic budget.
- Provide an example of computations for a few of the activities for the 2 selected methods.
- Fill in a table similar to the example table so that your 2 different total project budgets are based on the 2 selected methods.
- Discuss what type of contingency budget you will put in place based on the 2 budgets to mitigate an underestimation.
You will be responsible for using your plan that you developed in Week 1 and 3 to estimate your budget for your key assignment project. You should apply 2 of the above methods to determine a worst-case scenario budget.
Ben Franklin Career Center Costing Methods and Tools Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Florida Gulf Coast University Backlog and Quality Management Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
Capstone Video: Accurate and Timely Birth Certificate Reporting
[ Music ]
>> Barbara?
>> Come on in. Just a moment. Okay. Okay. I’m sorry, Paula.
>> That’s all right. Thanks for making time to see me so soon. I know that you inherited a full plate when you took this position over so I’ll get right to it.
>> Please.
>> I received this from the state vital statistics coordinator. Apparently, Northview Hospital has been flagged for noncompliance for birth certificates. Now, I know you’re relatively new to the hospital and you’ve been contending with personnel issues and operation problems. This has to be a priority.
>> I can definitely understand that. One of the first things I found when I took over this job three months ago was a major backlog in birth certificates. Actually, the office of vital statistics contacted me about six weeks ago to follow-up. Apparently, they had already sent a letter to this office —
>> Oh, boy.
>> Specifically about our poor performance in getting birth certificates submitted to the state. According to them, whoever held this position before never responded to that letter. Not to speak ill of whoever that was.
>> No, no, I know. And nobody expects you to take the blame for anything that happened before you got here. What I want to focus on is what sort of changes you’ve implemented to address these issues.
>> Okay. Well I’ve already —
>> I say issues because it’s not just the lateness of the birth certificates. It’s their accuracy to. The vital staff coordinator points out here, roughly 50% of all of the reports that we sent out our return for problems.
>> Okay. Well, let me just detail what I’ve done. I’ve met with the birth certificate coordinator about the lack of timeliness of the birth certificates and that meeting was documented. I’ve had her develop a plan to enable us to eliminate the backlog.
>> Has she implemented it?
>> The last I spoke to her about it, she said we should be all caught up with the backlog by the end of the month which is next week.
>> Well, that’s good to hear. What’s your plan for addressing the quality concerns with all of these returned birth certificates?
>> To be honest with you, I’m really surprised to hear about that high return rate. This is the first I’m hearing about it.
>> Since there’s a quality issue with information that’s been reported in the past along with the backlog, I want to see a plan that addresses not just the backlog but the quality issues as well.
>> Of course. Of course. My first step is going to be to correct the returned birth certificates since those are obviously the most delinquent. I’d like to start by doing a quality audit on the return certificates to see if there is a common problem to them also we can focus on bad if need be. Concurrently with that, I’d like to review the current policy and procedure with the birth certificate coordinator. Clearly, either the policy and procedure aren’t being followed or there are inconsistencies written into the policy and procedures that are causing the errors in the first place. If we need to, we can update the policy and procedures to bring them in line with the correct methods of obtaining complete, accurate data. On the other hand, if the policies and procedures are valid, they’re just not being followed by the birth certificate coordinator, either way we’ll have a training session with the coordinator.
>> That sounds right.
>> Like I said, we already have a schedule to eliminate the backlog. And I’ll monitor that to make sure it’s working and if not, why.
>> That’s good.
>> And lastly, I’d like to train another HIM clerk to do birth certificates, at least temporarily. That way we can get the backlog out according to plan and correct the returned birth certificates. This clerk can also help the regular birth certificate clerk during unusually heavy periods or during vacations.
>> Okay. That sounds solid. Do me a favor. Would you? Catch up with me a couple of weeks and let me know how you’re progressing with the backlog, the returned certificates and the quality issues.
>> I’ll be happy to. I’m sure I’ll have good news for you.
>> That’ll be great. Thank you.
>> Thank you.
1.What might be causing the quality issues?
2.What steps should the HIM director take to rectify the backlog and quality issues?
3.What should be included in the plan the COO requested?
Consumption of Red Meat Increases the Risk of Cancer Discussion Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
Welcome to the latest controversy in nutritional science. Please begin by reading through the two peer reviewed articles below:
Now check out this popular article from NPR
And this podcast on NPR regarding consumption of red meat :
OCTOBER 3, 2019
New Red Meat Study Confuses Consumers, Exposes Flaws in Nutrition Research
Scientists have said eating less red meat is healthier for the body, but a new, controversial study is challenging that widely held recommendation. According to research published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine, any health benefits from reducing the consumption of beef and pork are small and don’t warrant a shift in eating habits. In this hour, we’ll learn more about the study, what it means for nutritional guidelines and why some researchers are questioning the results.
For full credit, please post your thoughts now about what you have read and listened to. Please answer the following questions:
1. What surprised you most about these findings?
2. Will this research change the way that you consume red meat? Why or why not?
3. Do you think the guidelines for red meat consumption should be changed based on this research? Why or why not
SMU Political Power Portrayed Between Emperor Justinian & Mausoleum of Shinua Essay Humanities Assignment Help
2 short answer:
1. Compare and contrast how political power is portrayed in the mosaic of Emperor Justinian and his
Ittendants, North sanctuary wall of the church of San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy c. 547 to the
Mausoleum of Shinuangdi, Qin Dynasty c. 210 BCE
2. Compare and contrast the ways artists have rendered the body in Polykleitos’, Spear Bearer, 450440 BCE and Donatello’s David. 1440. Please discuss the stylistic choices each artist has made and how this influences the larger social, political or cultural meaning of the work.
Please answer the following 1 long answer question (2 pages):
Throughout the term we have looked at various constructions for spanning space. From the udimentary post and lintel system to Brunelleschi’s helix dome, architects have always looked for new and innovative ways to create roofs, coverings and other openings.
Please select 3 architectural elements that are used to construct roofs, coverings or openings, and liscuss the significance of their construction.
BUS 311 Ashford University Critical Analysis of Contracts Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Describe an example of a contract that you or someone you know entered into (e.g., rental agreement, cell phone agreement, property purchase or lease [e.g., car, home, furniture, etc.], home or car repair, or student loan agreement). In your description, be sure to provide specific contractual details including parties and subject matter involved. You must also address the following:
- Define the five essential elements (offer, acceptance, consideration, legality, and capacity) of an enforceable contract, and demonstrate how each element relates to your example.
- Explain the circumstances of a breach of contract in your example, and discuss possible remedies.
The paper must be three to four pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly sources to support your claims. Cite your sources in-text and on the reference page.
MGT 401 Saudi Electronic University Whole Foods Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Follow the instructions in the attached file carefully and avoid plagairism.
Read carefully the Mini case N. 33 from your textbook (Attached)
(entitled: Whole Foods Market (2010): How to grow in an increasingly competitive market?) and answer the following questions:
1.Explain the contribution of the different functional areas to the overall well-being of Whole foods.
2.Describe the growth strategy used by Whole Foods. Is it successful? Justify.
3.Explain the issues related to strategic competitive advantage of the company.
4.Suggest some alternatives (at least 3) to Whole Foods in order to reinforce its competitive advantage.
MGT 401 Saudi Electronic University Whole Foods Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Cincinnati Main Campus The Weighted Average Cost of Capital Essay Engineering Assignment Help
Question 1:
In 500 words or more, compare DNS failover and cloud failover.
(500-550 words in word document with references 6 years or less old)(Please follow APA format) Please 3 references from journals or books will be appreciated. Write everything in own words.
Question 2:
1) Please describe the weighted average cost of capital. How do firms use the weighted average cost of capital for decision making?
2) How are the costs of debt and equity calculated?
(500-550 words in word document with references 6 years or less old)(Please follow APA format) Please 3 references from journals or books will be appreciated. Write everything in own words.
University of California Irvine Wk 5 The Ascent of China Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Choose one prompt, tell me which you choose
Required Format: Each paper should be typed, single-spaced, using 12-point font, Times New
Roman and one-inch margins. Title is only required when you’re given multiple prompts to choose
from. Indicate your choice as your title – e.g. “Title: Weekly Paper 3, Prompt 3”. If external resources
are cited, provide a bibliography at the end of your paper. When you cite the textbooks, you still need
to provide the author’s name and page number, but you don’t have to provide a bibliography at the
end of your paper. Make sure you choose one reference style and be consistent throughout your paper.
I recommend American Political Science Association Style Manual (aka APSA). Consult the latest
edition of the reference style:
AUAM Mollusca Biomimicry & Evolution True Coelom & Janine Benyus Discussion Science Assignment Help
Sometimes engineers and inventors develop innovative tools and products that are inspired by the traits of organisms. This is biomimicry. Below is a link to a video describing, in general, what biomimicry is:What is biomimicry? (Links to an external site.)
Additional links to information about some interesting examples of Mollusca-inspired biomimicry are also below:
The teeth of a species of chitin (type of marine snail) inspire improvements to solar cells and batteries (Links to an external site.)
Mussels inspire surgical glue invention (Links to an external site.)
A self-cooling building design that is inspired by desert snail shells (Links to an external site.)
Synthetic squid skin creates camouflage (Links to an external site.)
Eight octopus-inspired technologies (Links to an external site.)
Irridescent clams may provide key to more efficient solar cells (Links to an external site.)
After watching, consider these guiding questions when forming your responses for this class discussion, or come up with your own talking points (remember, you don’t need to respond to every question below):
Molluscan adaptations seem to be especially inspiring to inventors and engineers. Why do you think this is?
Given what you know about Mollusca diversity and adaptations, what are some specific traits that you think could inspire useful future technologies?
Briefly describe something presented in one of these videos and/or articles that you found to be particularly interesting and explain why.
ISOL 531 Academy of Computer Education Group Policy in Active Directory & Windows Firewall Lab Report Engineering Assignment Help
Answer to the questions in the document – (Access_v03_Lab04_AW, Access_v03_Lab05_AW ) by reviewing the
TextBook – Chapple, Mike, Ballad, Bill, Ballad, Tricia, and Banks, Erin
K. Access Control, Authentication, and Public Key Infrastructure, Second
Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016.
and the Powerpoint – Week 3 Slides.
1.APA Format 7th edition
2.TextBook – Chapple, Mike, Ballad, Bill, Ballad, Tricia, and Banks, Erin K. Access Control, Authentication, and Public Key Infrastructure, Second Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016.
3.Powerpoint – Week 3 Slides
4. Attach the document in .Pdf and .docx formats
5. Answer each question in minimum of 500 words.
Ben Franklin Career Center Costing Methods and Tools Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Ben Franklin Career Center Costing Methods and Tools Research Paper Writing Assignment Help