Benchmark- Humanities Assignment Help. Benchmark- Humanities Assignment Help.
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Many communities consist of people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Exposing young children to a variety of cultures builds a better understanding of the world in which they interact and live. Early childhood teachers play a vital role in helping young children understand and embrace our multicultural society.
In this benchmark assignment, you will design a cultural family event to help children learn about some of the diverse cultures represented in their community. Based on the child care center where you completed your field experience, identify the various cultures in the center. Use the city of Philadelphia website and other resources to research the cultural demographics for the surrounding area.
If possible, collect additional information or student data that would support a need for volunteer opportunities in the classroom, and provide guidance regarding how to engage or appeal to potential volunteers.
Select four cultures/countries from the demographic composition of the community to represent at the event.
Create a 750‐1,000 word outline of the event including the following:
- An overview of each culture/country represented in the community, including languages, cultural norms, and religious beliefs.
- Cultural organizations that could be included in the event and how they would foster respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and engage families.
- How you will seek input from students, colleagues, families, and the larger community as you collaborate on the family cultural event.
- Learning activity for each culture/country that incorporates multiple perspectives relevant to students’ personal, family, community experiences, and cultural diversity to promote student outcomes.
Support your work with 3‐5 scholarly sources.
Read Resource #1 – Chapter 13 – password- Collegelife4/username- bross10
CITATION – Grant, K. & Ray, J. (2016) Home, School, and Community
Collaboration: Culturally Responsive Family Engagement. Retrieved from resources/sage/2015/home-school-and-community-collaboration_culturally-responsive-
Read – “Cultural Variations in Learning and Learning Styles,” by Omidvar and Tan, from the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (2012)
Benchmark- Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
FIN 307 Week 1 mini case Business Finance Assignment Help
Week 1 Mini Case
Read the Mini-case on pages 55-56 in your textbook. After reading through the case and taking notes, you will respond to questions A through R. In addition to your textbook, you should use at least two additional scholarly sources to support your answers.
Business School Assignment Instructions
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
Include cover page and reference page.
At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
Use at least three references from outside the course material; one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.
References must come from sources such as scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost or on Google Scholar, government websites and publications, reputable news media (e.g. CNN , The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times) websites and publications, etc. Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing.
Assume that you recently graduated and have just reported to work as an investment advisor at the brokerage firm of Balik and Kiefer Inc. One of the firm’s clients is Michelle DellaTorre, a professional tennis player who has just come to the United States from Chile. DellaTorre is a highly ranked tennis player who would like to start a company to produce and market apparel she designs. She also expects to invest substantial amounts of money through Balik and Kiefer. DellaTorre is very bright, and she would like to understand in general terms what will happen to her money. Your boss has developed the following set of questions you must answer to explain the U.S. financial system to DellaTorre.
a. Why is corporate finance important to all managers?
b. Describe the organizational forms a company might have as it evolves from a start- up to a major corporation. List the advantages and disadvantages of each form.
c. How do corporations go public and continue to grow? What are agency problems? What is corporate governance?
d. What should be the primary objective of managers?
(1) Do firms have any responsibilities to society at large?
(2) Is stock price maximization good or bad for society?
(3) Should firms behave ethically?
e. What three aspects of cash flows affect the value of any investment?
F. What are free cash flows?
g. What is the weighted average cost of capital?
h. How do Free cash flows and the weighted average cost of capital interact to determine a firm’s value?
i. Who are the providers (savers) and users (borrowers) of capital? How is capital transferred between savers and borrowers?
j. What do we call the cost that a borrower must pay to use debt capital? What two components make up the cost of using equity capital? What are the Four most Fundamental Factors that a²ect the cost of money, or the general level of interest rates, in the economy?
k. What are some economic conditions that affect the cost of money?
l. What are financial securities? Describe some financial instruments.
m. List some financial institutions.
n. What are some different types of markets?
o. Along what two dimensions can we classify trading procedures?
p. What are the differences between market orders and limit orders?
q. Explain the di²erences among dealer-broker networks, alternative trading systems, and registered stock exchanges.
r. Briefly explain mortgage securitization and how it contributed to the global economic crisis.
A. Why is corporate finance important to all managers?
Answer: Corporate finance is important to managers as it is necessary to take the following decisions:
- It takes the investment decisions, where to invest, which investment alternative is better and how much return, it will provide in how much time. Whether the project should be accepted or rejected
- It is important to take finance decisions, which source of funds is better for raising money, in corporate finance, managers calculate the cost of capital of each financial alternative and go with the option that has least cost of capital.
- It is also important for managers to take dividend decisions, how much dividend should be given and how much profit should be retained.
D. What should be the primary objective of managers?
Answer: Primary objective of managers should be to maximize the wealth of the shareholders by maximizing company’s stock price and also to achieve the business goals by working in a team for common target.
1. Do firms have any responsibilities to society at large?
Answer: Yes, they do. Firms have responsibility to provide a safe working culture and environment to employees and stakeholders. They also has the corporate social responsibility in which they work for the betterment of society. They make sure that no person or animal is harmed due to activities of firms.
2. Is stock price maximization good or bad for society?
Answer: Yes, Stock price maximization is good for society. When stock price increases, company’s market capitalization increases. Company grows in the market. It provides capital appreciation to the shareholders. It also raises the confidence and faith of debt holders. It pays taxes on time so Government is also happy. When company maximizes share price, it need low cost operations and products, customers become happy as they get products at cheaper prices.
3. Should firms behave ethically?
Answer: Yes, They must behave ethically. Ethics are the values that each and every company should have. Firms maintain high ethics in every step of business and deals. When firms follow ethics, they become more profitable in future and their brand value increases in the market.
Annotated Works Cited for a scholarly article Writing Assignment Help
An Annotated Works Cited is a list of citations for various books, articles, and other sources on a topic. The Annotated Works Cited looks like a Works Cited page but includes an annotation after each source cited. An annotation is a short summary and/or critical evaluation of a source. You may quote in your annotations.
- Each annotation should be one paragraph, between three to six sentences long.
- Start with the same format as a regular Works Cited list.
- All lines should be double-spaced. Do not add an extra line between the citations
- Try to be objective, and give explanations if you state any opinions.
- Use the third person (e.g., he, she, the author) instead of the first person (e.g., I, my, me)
- Cite the source using MLA style.
- Describe the main ideas, arguments, themes, theses, or methodology, and identify the intended audience.
- Explain the author’s expertise, point of view, and any bias he/she may have.
- Compare to other sources on the same topic that you have also cited to show similarities and differences.
- Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each source.
- Identify the observations or conclusions of the author.
Example; Annotated Works Cited
London, Herbert. “Five Myths of the Television Age.” Television Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, Mar. 1982, pp. 81-69. Herbert London, the Dean of Journalism at
New York University and author of several books and articles, explains how television contradicts five commonly believed ideas. He uses specific
examples of events seen on television, such as the assassination of John Kennedy, to illustrate his points. His examples have been selected to
contradict such truisms as: “seeing is believing”; “a picture is worth a thousand words”; and “satisfaction is its own reward.” London uses logical
arguments to support his ideas which are his personal opinion. He does not refer to any previous works on the topic. London’s style and vocabulary
would make the article of interest to any reader. The article clearly illustrates London’s points, but does not explore their implications leaving the reader
with many unanswered questions.
Please answer this discussion question on Infotech import in Strat plan with Citations and references and later have to reply to 2 of my peer students with references too. Computer Science Assignment Help
What do you think were the critical factors that fueled the need for IT governance? In what ways did ISO affect the standards for network security?
Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:
- Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
- Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
- Provide extensive additional information on the topic
- Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
- Share an applicable personal experience
- Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
- Make an argument concerning the topic.
At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.
Need help with assignment Business Finance Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will take on the role of an HR manager and review various case studies [5.1, 5.3, and 5.4 in the textbook (Pages 159-161)] concerning compensation and benefits. Within the case studies, you will.
- Evaluate which compensation and benefit laws best apply to each scenario.
- Provide a rationale for each of your decisions. For your rationale,
- Explain how the situation meets each element that needs to be proven or satisfied under the specific law.
- Assess possible arguments against your position and counter those arguments with a minimum of three scholarly and/or credible sources.
Case analysis related to TESLA MOTORS’ business model and competitive advantage and provide insights into challenges and opportunities for the sustainability of the company Writing Assignment Help
Assignment Description
In this assignment, you will conduct a written case analysis related to TESLA MOTORS’ business model and competitive advantage and provide insights into challenges and opportunities for the sustainability of the company. The goal is to demonstrate your ability to evaluate how competitive business strategies and forces influence, and analyzing its financial and performance statements can predict a company’s future financial success.
Course Outcomes
This paper covers the following course learning outcomes:
Apply analytical frameworks and techniques to diagnose the firm’s competitive position and core competencies, assess alternative plans of action, and predict the consequences of specific decision options.
Enhance the ability to communicate concisely and persuasively both orally and in writing.
Program Outcomes
This paper covers the following program’s learning outcomes:
SLO1-Define and explain complex business problems or challenges in diverse business settings and cultures, drawing on current research, theories, practices, tools, and technologies in the field of business.
SLO6-Integrate management best practices and tools to analyze a management problem in a given organization or community considering both the institutional and global environments.
For this paper read the Case “TESLA MOTORS”. Then respond to the questions below and submit your paper through Turnitin.
Respond to the first set of questions using as time frame the period of the case (i.e. the time when the case was written). Imagine to be a consultant at the time of the case, and refer to the data:
1.What do you think of Tesla’s entry strategy? What barriers did it have to overcome?
2.Let’s look at Tesla’s profitability. What do the numbers say? Is Tesla profitable? Does it have a competitive advantage? Motivate your responses.
Now, look at Tesla today, exploring sources outside of the case:
3.How are they doing today?
4.How do you expect Tesla’s position to evolve by the end of 2020? What can Tesla do to prevent imitation or entry?
Format/Submission Information
The written case analysis will be submitted as a TurnitIn assignment. The case analysis paper must be double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides. Scoring of your case analysis will be based on the attached rubric. Your submission should be approximately. 1500 words. Exhibits should be in the Appendix and not in the body of the paper. Use exhibits and charts as necessary to support your analysis. As appropriate, responses to the above questions must include relevant quoted material with citation with page number from the Thompson (2016) and/or the Tesla Case study to support your explanation.
Case analysis related to TESLA MOTORS’ business model and competitive advantage and provide insights into challenges and opportunities for the sustainability of the company Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
I need only the post with strong ideas Humanities Assignment Help
- First, choose one of the essays you analyzed in Discussion 3.1 on which to write your Rhetorical Analysis Essay.
- First, write your thesis statement (see effective and ineffective rhetorical analysis theses here) in which you evaluate the effectiveness of the author’s argument overall. Your thesis should address the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the author’s techniques that you identified in Discussion 3.1. Make sure to mention the author’s name and the title of the essay. DO NOT use the 1st person point-of view (“I” or “I think” or “I believe”) OR the 2nd person point-of-view (“You”) in formal academic writing. Instead, use 3rd person objective case (“Individuals can always…”, “Consumers believe,” or “College students think that…”).
- In your thesis, you must identify 3 specific strategies and/or appeals (You must have at least 1 strategy and 1 appeal. You can use the ones you identified in Discussion 3.1 or improve upon them using the feedback from that discussion).
Sample Thesis: In his narrative essay, “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Considers His Power to Alter Public Space,” author Brent Staples effectively uses analogy, irony and ethos to convey his message that racial profiling is wrong.
- Now that you have a thesis, your next task will involve identifying/finding one specific textual example for each of the strategies/appeals you identified in your thesis. Because a rhetorical analysis necessarily examines an author’s use of language, your textual evidence should be lead into, quoted, and cited correctly (see “411 of Citations” handout for short quote and long quote formats). For this assignment, you are finding one example of each strategy/appeal, but later, when you are crafting your essay, you will be asked to find additional examples.
- Once you have found your 3 textual examples, it’s time to craft topic sentences that support your thesis.
- Your initial post must be at least 200 words and look like the following:
Thesis: In his narrative essay, “Just Walk on By: A Black Man Considers His Power to Alter Public Space,” author Brent Staples effectively uses analogy, irony and ethos to convey his message that racial profiling is wrong.
Topic Sentence 1: To start, Staples’s use of analogy is quite effective in helping audience recognize the hyper-vigilant state of mind that African-Americans in particular have to face each and every day. For example, the author mentions his whistling of classical tunes while walking late at night and says it is his ” equivalent of the cowbell that hikers wear when they know they are in bear country” (Staples 2).
Topic Sentence 2: In addition, the author uses irony to effectively satirize mainstream America for its ignorance and biases. As an example, Staples remarks:
To her, the youngish black man – a broad six feet two inches with a beard and billowing hair, both hands shoved into the pockets of a bulky military jacket – seemed menacingly close. After a few more quick glimpses, she picked up her pace and was soon running in earnest. Within seconds she disappeared into a cross street. That was more than a decade ago, I was twenty-two years old, a graduate student newly arrived at the University of Chicago. (1)
Topic Sentence 3: Lastly, Staples maximizes on ethos by providing examples of racial profiling by law enforcement, illustrating the irrational and negative impact this has on African-American citizens. Indeed, the author relates the story of how easily a fellow black reporter became a victim of racial profiling. Indeed, Staples states, “Mistaking the reporter for the killer, police officers hauled him from his car at gunpoint and but for his press credentials would probably have tried to book him” (2).
After posting, substantially reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts.
Criteria on which you will be graded:
- Well-considered thesis statement, including author’s name and title of essay. Thesis should evaluate the essay and its strategies and demonstrate that the student read and understood the Writing Your Rhetorical Analysis Thesis page.
- Three identified strategies and appeals (1 strategy, 2 appeals) or (2 strategies, 1 appeal)
- Give at least one example for each strategy/appeal.
- At least three well-developed thesis-supporting statements crafted from the strategies/appeals and examples identified with textual evidence (see sample above).
- Check your writing for grammar and spelling mistakes: incorrect subject-verb agreement and/or verb tenses will be penalized.
I uploaded the article from 3.1 discussion.
I can handle the reply’s to the other students. Its more about the 200+ discussion post.
COM 101: Effective Communication Skills Business Finance Assignment Help
Your best friend Anthony Drums has asked your help in securing a job where you work. You want to help your friend, but you know his social media sites have photos and other material that violate your company’s social media policy. You also know that the human resources department of your company always does a thorough search of social media sites of prospective hires. You need to write an email to your friend that explains which content needs to be deleted from his social media accounts and why. You need to discuss how refusal to delete the inappropriate photos and material might impact his ability to get the job. Your email should clearly and specifically state the relevant rules from your company’s social media policy.
Click here to view Anthony’s social media site.
Click here to view your company’s social media policy.
Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email in which you:
- Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email.
- Target the appropriate professional audience.
- Use appropriate language for professional audience.
- Use correct email formatting.
- Follow appropriate netiquette rules for electronic communication.
- Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.
- Provide the following heading on your email and then begin your email:
- TO: Anthony Drums
- FROM: Insert Your Name
- SUBJECT: Create a title that relates to your topic and gets your audience’s attention
USING PYTHON Perform Random forest, Decision trees and Gradient boost classification on the TATINIC DATASET Programming Assignment Help
using python
1.Download the titanic data set given below in the link, passenger survival data for the Titanic…
2. Perform Random forest, Decision trees and Gradient boost classification on the above dataset
3. To calculate this, generate a random 80/20 split (using dataset. Split (0.8)) train the model
on the 80% fraction and then evaluate the accuracy on the 20% fraction.
4. What is the accuracy of your decision tree classifier on the Titanic data set with unlimited
depth. (Repeat this 100 times and average the result (hint: do the repetition in code :).
5. What is the best depth limit to use for this data? To answer this, do the same calculations
as above (average 100 experiments), but do it for increasing depth limits, specifically 0, 1, 2,
…, 10. Show all of your results.
6. Do we see overfitting with this data set? Repeat the experiment from question 3 with increasing depth (0, 1, …, 10) and calculate the accuracy this time on both the testing data
(like before) and the training data.
7. What is the accuracy of the random forest and gradient boost classifier on the Titanic data set.
8. Create a graph with matplotlib library with these results and then provide a 1-2 sentence
answer describing the graph.
9. preprocess the data using Standard Scalar or MinMax Scalar for Random Forest and Gradient
10. Evaluate the model and plot the confusion matrices. Compare the Performance without
preprocessing and with preprocessing and Tabulate your results and provide a justification which
approach is better.
11. Prepare a neat report discussing all the above tasks
2///Faking It: Sex Lies and Women’s Magazines Intro to Mass Communication Writing Assignment Help
Faking It: Sex Lies and Women’s Magazines
Intro to Mass Communication
1. Students are to write a (full) 2-3 page paper discussing the
article “Faking It: Sex, Lies and Women’s Magazines”.
2. The first page should include a discussion regarding your
opinions and thoughts on the article you read. Be specific and
use examples from what you read when responding.
3. The second page should include examples in
Women’s magazines of the problems revealed and discussed
by the various editors and writers interviewed in the article.
For example: look for examples that have the small print that
says “names have been changed” in the articles you are reading.
Look for
claims regarding sex and it’s
impact/benefit on health and beauty. Look for quotes from “real
women” that don’t sound like how a real person might speak
about sex.
Make sure to tell me the magazine you found the article in. The
issue you are using, the name of the column or article and its
author. Give me
specific details
when describing the article(s)
you are discussing.
The assignment must:
Be typed
Double spaced
12 point font
New Times Roman
Use proper spelling and grammar
Use proper essay/paper format (introduction, body, conclusion)
I am not looking for a list on the second page…please keep your
writing in formal essay format.
2. Perform Random forest, Decision trees and Gradient boost classification on the above dataset
3. To calculate this, generate a random 80/20 split (using dataset. Split (0.8)) train the model
on the 80% fraction and then evaluate the accuracy on the 20% fraction.
4. What is the accuracy of your decision tree classifier on the Titanic data set with unlimited
depth. (Repeat this 100 times and average the result (hint: do the repetition in code :).
5. What is the best depth limit to use for this data? To answer this, do the same calculations
as above (average 100 experiments), but do it for increasing depth limits, specifically 0, 1, 2,
…, 10. Show all of your results.
6. Do we see overfitting with this data set? Repeat the experiment from question 3 with increasing depth (0, 1, …, 10) and calculate the accuracy this time on both the testing data
(like before) and the training data.
7. What is the accuracy of the random forest and gradient boost classifier on the Titanic data set.
8. Create a graph with matplotlib library with these results and then provide a 1-2 sentence
answer describing the graph.
9. preprocess the data using Standard Scalar or MinMax Scalar for Random Forest and Gradient
10. Evaluate the model and plot the confusion matrices. Compare the Performance without
preprocessing and with preprocessing and Tabulate your results and provide a justification which
approach is better.
11. Prepare a neat report discussing all the above tasks