Benedictine University Accipter Cooperi Writing Question Writing Assignment Help. Benedictine University Accipter Cooperi Writing Question Writing Assignment Help.
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Two birds:
Accipter cooperi – Coopers Hawk
Buteo lineatus – Northern Red-shouldered Hawk
For each bird you are assigned, please write up about a 1/2-1 page overview of the bird species. Please only use the sources listed in the links below. Please be sure to put things in your own words.
Include the following information in your bird overviews: Common name, geographic range, habitat, lifespan, general description/markings to help identify, diet/feeding, usual clutch size and description of egg color/size/shape, nesting patterns and structure, if both parents help rear the young or not, migration habits, and an interesting fact (optional).
Sources for information:
Benedictine University Accipter Cooperi Writing Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BIO 152 GC Med Micro III Effect of Stomach Bacteria Questions Science Assignment Help
ISU What Are the Basic Strategy Options for International Entrepreneurs Questions Writing Assignment Help
part 1 Read the powerpoint answer quesiton half page total
1.What are the basic strategy options for international entrepreneurs?
2. Please, describe the different organizational structures and at what stage in the venture they might best be employed in an entrepreneurial enterprise.
part 2 half page total
Please, read “Ikea in China: An Arduous Journey” case study. Then answer the following questions.
1. Based on the case study and your own research, please discuss the key features of IKEA’s offering that has explained its success in Europe and North America.
2. How does IKEA need to adapt this product market strategy to be successful in China?
part 3 one page
Please, read Chapter 8 and the Brennan article in your course pack. Then answer the following questions.
1. Please, discuss the different ways to enter a foreign market. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
2. Please, discuss factors a global entrepreneur should consider when deciding on an entry strategy.
3. What would be an optimal entry strategy for the venture featured in your international business plan project? Why?
4. Please, describe how Netflix expanded into international markets over time. What advantages does this approach have?
CMSC 495 University of Maryland User Stories for Continuous Deployment Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
For this week’s conference, respond to the following:
- Find an article in an IEEE or ACM journal about requirements analysis, needs assessment or specifications. Read and summarize the article, and give us your reactions to the article. Be sure to include a good citation to the article.
- IEEE Computer Society Digital Library
- IEEE – The world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology
- ACM Digital Library
- Access full text of these journals through the Library link in Tycho.
- What are some important issues a project specification should address?
- You might find outside references about project management and software engineering helpful. If you use them, please cite them.
- You are welcome to comment (nicely!) on the postings of other students.
NURS 6051 Walden University Nursing Informatics Question Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
The first experience that comes to mind for me with regard to interactions as a nurse informaticist within my organization would be collaborating and communicating with the regional immunization consultant for the primary practice in which I currently work. It is my responsibility to communicate with the regional immunization consultant for all three of our locations. We discuss benchmarks for reaching the recommended ACIP guidelines for children vaccinations from birth to 4 years of age and then from 10 to 13 years of age. I revisit these benchmarks every six months and I am able to pull aggregated data showing children who attend our practice who meet benchmark requirements and those who don’t.
This past year has been different, however, due to COVID; therefore, I had to perform this meeting via zoom meeting on my cellphone. The desktop I utilize does not include a camera, so it was more efficient for me to conduct the meeting via my cellphone. I utilize the state public health website to pull these benchmark reports. Because these consultations are carried out to improve immunization metrics for the state, I would like to think of myself as a knowledge worker, as a consumer, broker, and generator. Knowledge consumers are mainly users of knowledge who do not have the expertise to provide the knowledge they need for themselves (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018, p. 544). Before my first meeting with the regional immunization consultant, three years ago, I had no idea what a benchmark report was or even how to access it. With the knowledge gained from the regional immunization consultant I became a knowledge consumer. At the same time, I became a knowledge broker because I was shown how to access the data and information during my first session. I also became a knowledge generator because after our session, I took it upon myself and not under the direction of the regional consultant, to implement using the data to reach out to parents whose children didn’t meet the metrics. I either called them in for a needed physical, immunization visit if they have already had their yearly physical or make the child inactive in our EHR and our state immunization registry if they no longer attended the practice. I have been implementing this project since and have brought other coworkers on board for carrying out this project. Knowledge brokers know where to find information and knowledge; they generate some knowledge but are mainly known for their ability to find what is needed (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018, p. 544). Knowledge generators are the primary sources of knowledge (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018, p. 544).
As the regional consultant was the reason for my idea to implement utilizing the benchmark reports to reach out to those who were in need of a practice visit or to make them inactive in our organization, I am not sure other primary pediatric practices are doing the same after their consultation with the regional immunization consultant. The regional consultant is not a nurse but possess a degree in health administration. The consultant’s knowledge with respect to his or her position is far greater than mine but as a nurse informaticist and knowledge worker, one could further provide insight on what to do with the information after it is obtained. Instead of focusing on numbers and metrics, a nurse can see how it is important to the public health that children are properly vaccinated for health reasons and not just to improve numbers. Our meetings are usually me, the regional immunization consultant, and the practice manager. One strategy that might improve communication and knowledge with respect to meeting vaccination requirements, maybe to include the physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners that practice in the office in the meetings since they are usually the ones who recommend vaccinations during their patient encounters. I act as a knowledge disseminator to them at this point, since they are not included in the meetings.
While project management as nursing informatic skills are more the expectations of healthcare providers and nursing leadership, there remains a lack of understanding of what these are and how they are an essential competency of nursing informatics (Sipes, 2016, p. 253). Portraying how nursing informatics and its continuance to evolve help gather information with regard to ensuring public health in just a matter of minutes and the need for an increase of collaboration amongst the professionals in my current workplace will allow more for insight of how nursing informatics contribute to new knowledge that will assist in expanding their own practice. Use and adaptation of strategies may offer a way for nursing leadership to guide and influence future solutions (Mosier, Dan Roberts, & Englebright, 2019, p. 547).
McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2018). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning LLC.
Mosier, S., Dan Roberts, W., & Englebright, J. (2019). A Systems-Level Method for Developing Nursing Informatics Solutions The Role of Executive Leadership. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(11), 543-548. DOI: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000815
Sipes, C. (2016). Project Management: Essential Skill of Nurse Informaticists. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 225, 252-256. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-658-3-252
College of Southern Nevada Conflict Management Styles Discussion Writing Assignment Help
An effective introduction to interpersonal communication course requires you to self-reflect on your own communication as a way to make tangible improvements. Journal entries are a great opportunity to stop and contemplate interpersonal communication concepts and reflect on and evaluate how you currently use them. This in turn allows you to begin to shine a light on areas of your own communication that can be improved. Through the act of self-reflection, you can become a better communicator.
You are required to complete journal entries over the course of the semester. See syllabus and Canvas for due dates.
While these are often self-reflective and casual, you should be writing in complete sentences and using appropriate grammar and spelling. You also are expected to use specific interpersonal communication terminology from class (e.g., “self-disclosure” vs. “we talked about really personal stuff,” “nonverbal communication” vs. “body language”). Each journal entry will correspond to specific course concepts (see journal prompts), so be sure you are using them correctly; don’t just sprinkle in terms. Bold those terms every time you use them in your journals.
Each entry has specific content and page requirements. Some ask you to perform an out of class task, some ask you to read an article or watch a video and then respond, some ask you to take a self-quiz and reflect, and others ask you to reflect on an in-class activity. You can always journal more pages beyond the requirement, but note that your instructor will only read the required limit (usually 1-2 pages). Any private thoughts can be delineated with italics and will not be read.
Each entry should be a .doc or .pdf document titled with the journal number. Single space and include the following in the upper left corner: Your name, date, class and section number, and instructor’s name. Use 1” margins, double-space the body of your paper, and type using times new roman, 12 font, and include page numbers on the bottom right hand corners. Number responses. Entries will be submitted online when they are due.
See example journal formatting below.
Jenny Perez
August 31, 2018
COM 102.1001 Online
Ms. Farrell
Journal 5
1. Example example example example example example example example example example example
example example example example example example example example example example example example
2. Example example example example example example example example example example example example.
See rubric below.
If you are unsure about what is required for a journal, please reach out to your instructor before submitting.
Journal #5 Entry Prompt
Complete the Self-Quiz: How do you Approach Conflict? on Launchpad, and the Conflict Management Worksheet on Canvas (this one will be turned in) to help you understand how you commonly use conflict. (Note: it is easier to complete these self-quizzes if you keep one specific type of relationship in mind, like your romantic relationship, your family relationships, friendships, or even your workplace relationships, because you may find you handle conflict differently in different relationships, which is actually a good thing! You choose.) Journal 1-2 pages discussing your most commonly used approach to interpersonal conflict. Respond to the following:
- What is your dominant conflict management style? (If you have more than one, list all). What particular type of relationship does this apply to (romantic, family, friendship, workplace)?
- Were you surprised by your results? Why or why not? Cite specific examples from your life.
- Discuss some of the disadvantages of your dominant conflict management style. Give specific examples in which you have experienced some of these.
- What is another conflict management strategy you’d like to begin utilizing more often and why? When might you try this?
You must submit your completed Conflict Management Worksheet and your Journal response.
College of Southern Nevada Conflict Management Styles Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ACC 696 SNHU Financial Statement Fraud and Accounting Techniques Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I need help with completing this case study. Detailed instructions are below. Please be sure to follow them and answer appropriately. Please provide in text citation and a reference (i.e. website, etc.) list at the end of the paper.
I have chosen Goldman Sachs as the company to base the study on.
Detailed Instructions:
Use the Shapiro Library to research a case of financial
statement fraud within the last five years. Assess the case using the five
earnings management techniques found in your text. Which of the five
techniques applies to the case? Explain how it applies.
American Academy of English Harvest of Empire Book Discussion Writing Assignment Help
- I NEED a reflection on Each post and should be at least 100 words for each please .
- Should address a reaction(s) and/or question(s) about the course material based on what they posted
- Quote the book like last time
if you need more pages from the book let me know!!
On page 288 Gonzales quotes Psychiatrist Frantz Fanon with this statement “Colonialism is not satisfied merely with holding a people in its grip and emptying the native’s brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the oppressed people, and distorts, disfigures, and destroys it… the effect consciously sought by colonialism [is] to drive into the natives’ heads the idea that is settlers were to leave, they would at once fall back into barbarism, degradation, and bestiality.”
In this mindset, the U.S. tried its best to make the population of Puerto Rico weak and dependent. Now as a population Puerto Rico has 3 times the level of mental illness and extremely high levels of disability and unemployment compared to the U.S. The U.S. has profited immensely from Puerto Rico especially its population and labor force for well over 100 years. My question is: Do you think Puerto Rico’s generational trauma and complex effects of colonization can be healed with independence instead of becoming a state – possibly with some aid from the U.S. for the damage they caused. Also, what type of aid should that include?
In Chapter 14, we explore the complex relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico. The further we read into the history of the colonialism and industrialization of Puerto Rico, the predatory nature of the United States becomes more apparent.
Through the readings, it is obvious that the United States has used a variety of weapons to keep Puerto Ricans underneath their hand of imperialism. One tactics is to dissolve the very basics of who we are: our identities and our families.
For example, Puerto Ricans have had limited exposure to their own history, and instead have been taught the history of their oppressors. Similarly, the United States also have tried to limit the use of the island’s language.
As for families, the ‘rapid industrialization itself had a debilitating impact on the Puerto Rican family structure’ (pg. 290) The U.S. firms predominantly hired women to work in their island favorites, which caused the percentage of males in the labor force to drop drastically (70.6% to 54.4%) which led to an wave of Puerto Rican men turning to the U.S migrant farm labor program. With distance and time separating these families, it led to permanent separation.
Provide another example of colonialism in which the aforementioned tactics were used, and how did this effect the progression of the group.
IDS 403 Southern New Hampshire University Critical Analysis of Technology Portfolio Writing Assignment Help
For the first part of your final project, the critical analysis portfolio, you will select an issue or event in technology and critically analyze it through the four
general education lenses: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences. By viewing the issue/event through these lenses, you will gain
insight into how technology affects society as well as both your own individual framework of perception and the choices, attitudes, and behaviors of others in the
world around you.
For this first milestone, due in Module Two, you will select an issue or event to analyze through the four general education lenses. You will explain the issue or
event and its relationship to technology as well as describe its connection to all four lenses.
Please read the pdf file for full instruction.
Texas A&M Kingsville Role of Data Mining Techniques in Terrorism Detection Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
submit your topic and references, in APA format of preliminary references that you will use when completing your final semester research paper. Review project scenario before so you can select a relevant topic.
Discussion posts will include:
Part I:
- Provide the title of your term paper (note: you may change the wording in the official title in the final version however, you cannot change the topic once you select one)
- Include an introduction on your topic (1-2 paragraphs)
- 3-5 references in proper APA7 format
Part II.
- Review and respond to at least 2 other students on topics that you might find interesting. Let the student know you find his/her topic an excellent choice. Also provide constructive critique if you find another student’s topic is too broad or off-scope.
Benedictine University Accipter Cooperi Writing Question Writing Assignment Help
Benedictine University Accipter Cooperi Writing Question Writing Assignment Help