Benefits of E-Learning Informative Speech Preparation Worksheet Writing Assignment Help. Benefits of E-Learning Informative Speech Preparation Worksheet Writing Assignment Help.
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Informative Speech Preparation Worksheet
BOOK: The Art of Public Speaking by Stephen Lucas
Name _____________________________________ Section ______________________________________
1. What is the topic of your speech? Why is it appropriate for you?
2. Why is the topic appropriate for your audience?
3. How is your topic narrowed to conform to the time limits for the speech assignment?
4. What is your specific purpose statement?
5. Can you answer yes to all the questions on the Specific Purpose Checklist found in your textbook? _________
6. What is your central idea?
7. Can you answer yes to all the questions on the Central Idea Checklist found in your textbook? ____________
8. What method(s) of gaining attention do you use in the introduction?
9. How do you establish your credibility in the introduction?
10. Write the preview statement you will use in your introduction.
11. Can you answer yes to all the questions on the Speech Introduction Checklist found in your textbook? _____
12. What method of organization do you use in the speech?
13. State in full sentences the main points to be developed in the body of your speech.
14. Can you answer yes to all the questions on the Main Points Checklist found in your textbook? __________
15. What steps have you taken to adapt the content of your speech so it will be clear and interesting to your audience? Be specific.
16. What method(s) of reinforcing your central idea do you use in the conclusion?
17. Can you answer yes to all the questions on the Speech Conclusion Checklist found in your textbook? _______
Benefits of E-Learning Informative Speech Preparation Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UCLA Chris & Damien the Use of Emotional Language & Lack of Trust Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english discussion question and need guidance to help me study.
Watch the two videos above featuring two separate communication scenarios. Then, answer the following questions. You’re responses should use complete sentences and should be two to four sentences per question.
Scenario 1 – Chris & Damien:
a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each.
b. Was Damien using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.
c. Was Chris using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.
d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each.
Scenario 2: Trevor & Med:
a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).
b. Was Trevor using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.
c. Was Med using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.
d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).
Auburn University Montgomery Affordable Care Act Inferences Public Health Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Pick one topic from this list for your health paper. You my narrow the subject matter as you like. For example: The topic heart disease may be narrowed down to heart disease in Alabama or heart disease for women. As long as it is related to heart disease in some manner.
Heart Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Anxiety Disorders
Influenza vaccine
Weight Management
Effects Smoking
Alcohol abuse
Steroid use
Back Injuries
Affordable Health Care Act
Bullying in schools
Violence in schools
eSports Games Social Media Twitter Overwatch League Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
- Students will research and do a written analysis (approximately 1,250- 1,500 words) on an esport league, team, or gamer and their social media presence. This is not a group project and is meant to be completed as an individual. Students will submit a write-up as well as a link to the brand’s social media channels in Canvas before the start of Week 7. To earn the full points for the assignment, on Canvas, a student must:
- Explain the brand’s targeted audiences (be specific)
- Provide a summary of the brand’s social media content and point out strengths and weaknesses
- Analyze the brand’s social media strategy, fan engagement strategy, and content to argue what the brand can do better.
- Provide a link to the brand’s social media channels
ET 410 Grantham Wk 6 Cost Estimation and Budgeting Contingent Employees Discussion Engineering Assignment Help
I’m working on a engineering discussion question and need a reference to help me understand better.
Cost Estimation and Budgeting
Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers.
An important aspect of cost budgeting is personnel. A current professional issue in the engineering filed is companies using contract engineers like employees but refusing to make them employees. Thus, they effectively work for a company for years in a contract status rather than in a full-time employee status. On the other hand, there can be an ethical issue with refusing to transition an employee to full-time status.
Discuss what motivates an employer to use temporary or contingent employees, and explain the ethical implications on the individual, society, and the profession of keeping an individual in that status. What criteria might be used to determine when to change an individual’s status? Consider ethical problem-solving strategies from ET100 where appropriate. You MUST have references.
Harvard University Death Penalty Discussion Response Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
here is the discussion question : Without ignoring due process and Constitutional protections, what
changes to the death penalty would make it a more effective deterrent to
murder? here is my answer to the question: Most people have legitimate feelings about the death penalty’s deterrence impact. A deterrent impact is self-evident to others. To some, the lack of a deterrence impact is self-evident attributable to the complexity of the death penalty’s encroachment and the emotion-driven nature of many of these murders. Both perspectives may be valid, as the death penalty’s deterrent impact varies depending on the individual and situation. Frameworks of constitutional decision-making by criminologists are less empirically structured and put a strong focus on the position of perceptions. These frameworks also agree that people’s expectations of severity and certainty can differ significantly from facts and are likely affected by their previous experiences with criminal justice.One of the changes is the acceptance and concurrence that the death penalty is cruel and unusual. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (n.d), it’s unfair since it dates back to the era when oppression, shaming, and other forms of corporal punishment were prevalent. The death penalty, like other inhuman activities, has no place in modern society. It’s odd that just America, among all the Western developed nations, is exposed to this form of sentence (American Civil Liberties Union, n.d). It’s similarly rare since, in America, only a minor percentage of sentenced criminals are sentenced to death. The death punishment is an appalling defilement of civil rights and is unsuited with the political system’s critical principles. Generally, from a human rights perspective, the death penalty is uncultured, then, in fact, it is unmerited and inherently unfair.Another change is incapacitation. Convicted criminals can be sentenced to life in prison for they are in several nations and jurisdictions that have put an end to the death penalty. For homicide, the majority of state regulations provide for life sentences with little to no chance of parole. A large number of citizens favor solutions to capital punishment, according to many recent surveys of public opinion on capital punishment (Ristoph, 2018). When given the information of several offenses for which death is a potential sentence, a majority of people can prefer life imprisonment deprived of the likelihood of parole as a conventional substitute to the death penalty. Here is my 4 fellow classmates posts please wite about 150-200 words reply :
1- Diego : I think a big change that we should implement to make the death penalty a more effective deterrent to people is having a specialized court that deals with all types of homicides and deals with death row appeals. The biggest flaw is waiting for these processes, especially the appeals to conclude a decision whether the death penalty will stay with the individual or not. In an article, “Time on Death Row” published by the death penalty information center has stated, “Death-row prisoners in the U.S. typically spend more than a decade awaiting execution. Some prisoners have been on death row for well over 20 years.” It also presents a chart indicating that the average wait time for death row inmates awaiting execution has been climbing ever since the 1980s. Having the specialized court to adhere to this matter will ensure a significantly quicker process and guarantees outcomes, not only execution outcomes, but to ensure the court is also not sending an innocent person to death; this will create a more effective deterrent to murder. Write reply here….
2- Mariah : The death penalty is also known as capital punishment through the state that involves the killing of an individual who committed a serious offense by execution. As discussed in class last night, our judicial system is “innocent until proven guilty” and in other countries it is the complete opposite. In some countries you are guilty until proven innocent. If our system was harsher (which I believe it’s already harsh and cruel enough), that could deter individuals away from committing such serious crimes. If we followed other countries with stricter rules from the time the crime was committed it could make people second guess the crime. Its hopeful to wish for a safe and crime free world but that’s not the case. We do have an over crowded jail system and it seems that people wait years to be put on trial versus serving their sentence to death sooner. If our prisons were not so over crowded and those who have committed such serious crimes that are eligible for the death penalty should be processed and put on trial first. If these serious crimes were put on trial and sentenced a lot sooner it could possibly frighten people to not commit the crime knowing they will be sentenced a lot faster, instead we have individuals who are sitting in prison for serious crimes for years without being sentenced or put on trial. What is the point after all that time to put them on trial? Obviously the community would like justice, but the criminal has already been living in prison for years, with our taxpayer dollars, not officially sentenced to their death. Write reply here….
3- Adrian : The death penalty has always been a tough topic for everyone involved. Ending someones life because of a crime they committed has been very controversial. One argument that I would propose about making the death penalty a more effective deterrent would be to change the process and timing of the death penalty. On average the death penalty process takes about 16-20 years to complete. It makes me believe that even though some inmates are put on death row, they aren’t really “scared” of the death sentence because they know they will still have a chance of life, but in prison. People who do try to commit murders in society probably know that the death penalty is a long process which does not stop them from committing the crime. If we can make the death penalty process much quicker, maybe with one or two years of the processing, more people will think twice about committing the harsh crime. Write reply here….
4- Leslie: The idea of capital punishment to me was always questionable to me. I preach about giving people second chances, that we should treat people rather than punish them, and killing someone because they killed someone sounded hypocritical to me. A semester into this class I’ve learned that nothing is black and white. The purpose of prisons were to strip individuality from criminals and keep them away from the public. In order to make the death penalty more effective would be to enact the punishment on those who have already been given too many chances, to learn when treatment/rehabilitation is no longer functioning, and realizing that a prison is not doing it’s purpose to a mass murderer. In the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, they state that the only time they practice such executions is when the guilty preform “murder for financial gain, murder by a person previously convicted of murder, murder of multiple victims, murder with torture, murder of a peace officer, murder of a witness to prevent testimony and several other murders under specified circumstances”. Which I believe are valid reasons why to take someone out of the equation. I believe when there is even the slightest of hope and change of heart should be when individuals show a promising change in behavior. Punishment of death should be the very last option; when all hope is lost I someone and their acts must meet the punishment to deter future imitators. Write reply here…. Thank you
Harvard University Death Penalty Discussion Response Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Wartburg College One Child Law in China Culture Children Population Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
First: Read the article then write what did you found on it? and what did you understand ?
Second: write one reply for each peers’s post:
first peer post:
First off I found it very interesting that most Chinese people also have english names. I did not realize this. Even more surprising their teachers choose their english names for them when they get into school. I find the chinese calendar very interesting. It shows how some cultures place a much higher importance on the symbolism of animals. I wasn’t surprised to read that she is an only child. I have looked into the cost of having children in China even now that the one child law has been lifted and it is extremely expensive. I enjoy how they have their break from school over the chinese new year. I did not realize it but it also does not surpise me since almost all business stops during this time. I was surprised that she was only allowed to watch television one hour per day. Today’s childern in the U.S. would think that was torture to limit them that much. I didn’t realize how health concious the chinese people are. I think that it is a good thing that her parents are limiting how much soda she is allowed to drink. I enjoyed hearing about her breakfast of gruel. This is something I have never heard about before. I would love to try this some day. It sounds like it is similar to a pourage.
Second peer post:
I never knew that Chinese students also had English names. I wonder why they get the certain names that they do. I think it is insane the amount of education and training that these students go through, but it is something that pays off and they will use everyday. I couldn’t imagine going to school on Saturday’s as well as learning 4 hours of another language every Sunday. It is a lot of learning but they will learn the English language quick. I think it is great that these children are learning more than one language at such a young age. I think it is sad that it is the most common thing to only have one child in China because I can’t imagine how much different my life would be if I didn’t have siblings. I used to comment a lot on these books about how its great that families are so close and how it is great that grandparents or other extended family live with or right next to each other, but I feel like it’s more common than not in the world. In America, it is so common to move out at an early age and move far away sometimes. I do not live close to my family so this is something I notice a lot in these books. I think it is really cool that Judy enjoys going to Disneyland and has the chance to do that often. Lastly, I think it is really sweet that instead of birthday gifts, her and her family donate to charities. This is something I wouldn’t have thought of at a young age because I always wanted toys or other gifts for my birthday. I think that is very special for a child to do and cherish.
AIS 1203 The University of Texas Screen Addiction Informational Poster Other Assignment Help
Topic: Screen Addiction
Assignment 1 Make a informational poster about screen addiction. Make sure there is equal amount of pictures to writing add percentages.
Use any of the following sites (or any other site or application of your choosing) to create a digital poster. Be sure to save it as a pdf.
Make sure your poster is creative and legible.
- Adobe Illustrator <– free for all UTSA students.
- Spark: Adobe <– free for all UTSA students.
- Canva:
- Lucid press:
- Venngage:
- Prezi:
- PowerPoint
Assignment 2 Turn in an outline showcasing your research. Your outline should include:
- An introduction including a literature review (of the articles you found)
- A section explaining why your group picked the side they did
- A discussion where you argue in favor of the side of the topic you selected
- A conclusion
- References Page
Maricopa Community Colleges How COVID-19 affected the World Research Question Humanities Assignment Help
When we develop appropriate research questions, then we are able to turn that question into a thesis statement. If you have ever taken written an in-class essay where the teacher gave you a prompt, your job as a student was to re-write the question or prompt as a thesis statement. You then developed that statement into an essay.
To complete this assignment answer the following three questions.
Your job for this assignment is to develop a research question and a potential approach that you will begin to research.
- Pick a topic.
- Develop a working research question.
- Identify three websites and three database sources that you think will provide relevant information for this topic. Put the article titles from the databases and the titles and links for the websites.
- Create Works Cited entries for all six items.
=== EXAMPLE ===
Topic: Homeless Children and Education
A. Develop a research question about the topic: Thinking of the trauma that homeless kids face, which type of education is better: traditional schools or schools designed around the problems homeless children face?
B. This is a vague question. What differences do children actually face or do they?
- Homeless children have issues that traditional children cannot begin to fathom: no shoes, no food, no shelter, few clothes to change into, and possibly no access to baths or showers.
- Therefore, alternative schools should be made available to ensure that all of the needs these children have are met without the fear of being embarrassed or humiliated by children not in this predicament.
- Working Thesis: Due to the trauma created by being homeless, alternate schools must be made available to homeless children to provide for their health, general welfare, and education while protecting them from the scrutiny and possible humiliation from traditional school students.
C. Now I need to ask myself: Is this what I really want to cover on this paper? Look at the thesis. Does my thesis statement cover what I intend to discuss? Take a look at the parts.
- Health needs of homeless kids
- General needs of homeless kids
- Education of homeless kids
- Protection from scrutiny
D. I’ve now established four areas that my paper will cover in this research paper. These areas will probably take at least a full page with evidence, especially when I combine case studies and narratives from real parents, children and school staff and teachers along with statistics across the U. S.
E. How will I do this? What types of evidence and appeals will work in this paper?
- Examine homeless schools – Thomas J. Pappas, Pappas School House Foundation, Children First Academy, traditional schools with high numbers of transient students
- Ask to interview teachers, parents and possibly students
- Read Education journal articles on this topic
- Psychology journals
- U. S. Dept. of Education
- Emotional appeal – kids stories and statistics
- Logical appeal – statistics on success and prison
- Ethical appeal – don’t allow the writing to become too emotional and focus on solving the problem not blaming people or getting too caught up in an overly emotional story
F. Prepare for the rebuttal. What arguments do I need to address from the opposition? What counterarguments do I need to make, and what evidence will support my counterarguments?
- Opposition’s First Argument: Including these students will teach traditional acceptance and empathy. I need to provide a counterargument that establishes the emotional and physical needs of the students outweigh inclusion. I can supply statistics on bullying when it comes to poverty. I can students saying that they felt more comfortable at special schools.
- Opposition’s Second Argument: Economics – too costly to run homeless schools and regular schools. There are not enough students to warrant spending the extra money on it. I will provide the statistics on the success rates of homeless kids in traditional schools versus schools for the homeless. Many states calculate the number of prison cells needed by 3rd-grade test scores. Even if people do not care about the future of these kids, the potential costs of imprisonment are higher than ensuring that these kids are educated and productive citizens. I will also provide statistics on prison costs.
- Opposition’s Third Argument: This is a form of segregation. This is not deliberate segregation based upon race or religion. This is an opportunity for kids with specific needs to go to a school that can meet those needs, like a school for the blind or the deaf.
G. Conclusion
Works Cited
National Coalition to End Homelessness, 2020, (Links to an external site.).
“Public Schools Report Over 1.5 Million Homeless Children and Youth.” School House Connection, Jan. 2020, (Links to an external site.).
“Welcome to the Homeless Education Program” Arizona Department of Education, 2020, (Links to an external site.)
BIOL 527 Sexual Selection and Social Control Among Pigeons Explanatory Essay Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will write an explanatory essay in the style of scientific journalism that highlights an interesting animal behavior that you observed yourself, preferably in nature while watching free-ranging animals. Your observations that inspire your topic have to be documented with photos or videos, and descriptions. The topic itself has to then be based on published studies in the primary, peer-reviewed literature. Think of the goal of this assignment as outreach: you are writing an essay and sharing observations you made in order to better help the general public engage with and appreciate the fascinating and diverse world of animal behavior research.