Benner novice to expert theory Health Medical Assignment Help

Benner novice to expert theory Health Medical Assignment Help. Benner novice to expert theory Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Analyze Benner’s novice to expert theory. Your analysis should include the following:

  • Description of the theory’s background and influencing factors, including worldview
  • Explanation of the underlying assumptions
  • Evaluation of major strengths and weaknesses
  • Application strategies for clinical practice
  • Citation of case example from personal or professional life that describe the application in practice

Cite a minimum of three sources in-text and include a page or slide with APA-formatted references, depending on how you format your assignment.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 15- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 15- to 20-minute oral presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 1,050- to 1225-word paper
  • Another format approved by your instructor

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Benner novice to expert theory Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Philsophy Question about ethnics, different topic to choose Writing Assignment Help

Ethics & Society II

First Essay Prompts

Students are required to write a 1,500-word essay on ONE of the following questions. Consult Week Two lecture slides for full details of the assignment.

Theories to issue

1. Outline a program of agricultural reform based on a version of consequentialism, deontology or virtue ethics. Of the environmental impacts discussed in Chapter Five and/or Six of Schlottmann and Sebo, which impacts would your program prioritize addressing and why?

2. In Chapter Four Schlottman and Sebo contrast rationalist and sentientist approaches to moral standing. Which approach is superior and why?

3. In Chapter Four Schlottman and Sebo discuss the case of a thousand people pouring chemical waste into a lake on which they all depend. How does thinking about this case help us address issues raised by human-caused climate change?

4. In Chapter Seven Schlottmann and Sebo discuss various alternatives to industrial agriculture: alternative animal agriculture, local food, organic and agriculture without animals. Compare the best two of these alternatives and indicate which is ultimately the most compelling alternative to industrial agriculture.

Students can also design their own question, subject to instructor approval. Consult with your TA or with professor Lamey if this option interests you.


Write a new chapter of a book. and sound as much like the author Writing Assignment Help

Write in imitation of As I lay dying style. The goal is to sound as much like Faulkner as possible. At the end of the chapter, include a two paragraph analysis of your choices as a writer, entitled “Why i did what i did,”(WIDWID) in which you explain why you wrote as you did making specific reference to Faulkner’s work, ad to your own,Follow MLA format for the citations of Faulkner in your WIDWID.

Each chapter of the book is named by a character. Each chapter is taking about the story in that person’s point of view. My character is Addie. And WIDWID two paragraph at the end.

Writing a missing chapter using our own words and sounds like what does the author write. and the WIDWID is talking about how we does that and What I do in the paper which sounds like the author write.


Emily Dickinson Poems Writing Assignment Help

Read poems 409, 236, 620, 1096, and 1668, and answer the discussion questions.

1. Dickinson was virtually unknown in her lifetime, and since her discovery has been impossible to categorize among the writers of her generation. From the limited selections you have been assigned, what attitudes to you see emerging in her narrators?

2. In “The Soul selects,” Dickinson assigns gender to the soul. The Spanish term for soul, “alma,” is masculine. Which gender is more appropriately that of the soul, and why?

3. “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church” strikes many readers as a Transcendal poem. Remember, though, that the composer, Dickinson, led an almost sequestered life. Is there more liberation or confinement in the “home” of the poem?

4. What virtues does “Much Madness is divinest sense” attribute to independence? What risks?

5. “A narrow Fellow in the Grass” has a male narrator. Why, given Dickinson as composer, is that fact significant?

6. What is the “blonde Assassin” in “Apparently with no surprise”? How does the assassin’s activity separate Dickinson from the Transcendentalists?


Charge Distributions and Electric Field Visualization in 3D / lab report Science Assignment Help

In this laboratory experience, you will explore the concepts of charge distributions and electric field distributions
in a 3-dimensional space. You will compute the electric field of various charge geometries (i.e. single charge, dipole
and line distribution). You will use MATLAB as a tool for carrying out the calculations learned during the lab

During this lab, you will:

  1. a) Understand the use of coordinate systems to represent 2D Electric Fields,
  2. b) Study the most fundamental charge distribution densities (point, dipole and linear),
  3. c) Develop basic skills in the use of MATLAB to compute the electric field produced by a single point charge
    confined in an arbitrary volume and compare to the results obtained by two-point charges of opposite charge sign
    enclosed in an arbitrary volume (i.e. electric dipole),
  4. d) Develop basic skills in the use of MATLAB to compute the electric field produced by a line with constant charge
    along the length (i.e. line charge distribution) and compare to the results obtained in the pre-lab experience,
  5. e) Gain knowledge about uniform electric fields and their applications.
    By the end of this experience, you should be able to understand the graphical representation of fields produced

by different electric charge distributions, comprehend the concept of distributed charge in two-dimensional and three-
dimensional spaces and get a sense of the physical meaning of the electric field.


  • Gain an understanding of electric field produced by different charge distributions.
  • Gain proficiency in the use of MATLAB to solve vector field problems.
  • Gain understanding about the concepts of charge distribution, electric field, coulombs law by visualizing
    2D and 3D representations of electric fields.
  • Equipment and Software

  • Advanced Visualization Center

******se atached file for more info******



Course Project 4 Health Medical Assignment Help

Course Project Task 2

Using the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis you did in Week 3, select an area of improvement in the healthcare setting. You will do an RCA for this area this week.


  • Visit the following link:Determine-root-cause-5-whys
    • Read the introduction to RCA.
    • Read the RCA process.
  • Conduct and report an RCA for the area of improvement you selected. Include in your analysis:
    • A diagram of the clinical or workflow process
    • A fishbone diagram of constraints
    • The steps for improvement, utilizing the five-whys tool
    • Suggested changes for making the improvement

Submission Details:

  • To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
  • Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.

Course Project 4 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

critical thinking Other Assignment Help

When a business is not focused on sustainability, value may be solely determined outside its customers’ interest in green behavior.

Suppose a restaurant makes a great-tasting hamburger. Very few of its customers might care whether or not the restaurant engages in green business practices.

However, what if there are two restaurants that make equally great-tasting burgers, but one is green while the other is not? Many customers may choose the green business, because the business adds value to its offerings by engaging in sustainable practices.

In the case of sustainable products, meaning those products made with an effort to be environmentally and socially responsible, sustainability plays a large role in the customers’ decisions to buy, and tends to be central to the company’s brand.

Identify a Saudi business that may not yet be focused on sustainability. Suppose this company decides it would like to deliver products that are more socially, environmentally, and economically superior.

In a 4-5 page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, present the company with the total value proposition from a sustainability perspective. In that total value proposition, include a discussion of use values and nonuse values for the business’ green products. How should the business determine WTP, WTA, or consumer surplus?

Your required readings this week provide insight which will aid you in your analysis. Make sure to cite and reference any information gleaned from those documents. Additionally, include two current and scholarly sources beyond the course materials and readings to support your analysis. Current sources are those published in the most recent five years. Scholarly sources come from peer’s reviewed journals.

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate


Organisational Analysis (External and Internal) Writing Assignment Help


– 3000 words (excluding references)
– 15+ Scholarly Academic References
– Research on Private Higher Education (Not government-funded) in Singapore.

This paper analyses RMIT Business College in Singapore. RMIT business college in Singapore is an overseas teaching partnership with Singapore Institution of Management (SIM). This research paper takes into consideration Higher Education in Singapapore and specifically in private education (excluding government-funded university like NUS, NTU)

Under the file “Assignment 1”. I have done up a contents page of what is required of the assignment and some brief idea of what can be included in the sub-points.

I have included a “Sample Assignment”. The file includes a sample paper of how it should be written. However, the sample paper is in the context of Logistics sector and not in Higher Education context.

Other files included are the Organisational Data pack, Marking Rubrics and 2 PDF files that states what is required for each points and what can be included in the paper.

Thank you


Myth lab essay Writing Assignment Help

Total word count: 750

The particular purpose of this assignment is to get you to analyze a myth of a trickster from your own culture in the same way we analyze classical myths (and certain of their current counterparts) in this course. The assignment is called a lab report because I want to encourage you to see the places where stories get told (movie theaters, living rooms, sports arenas) as a kind of laboratory for our study of myth.

To this end, you are encouraged especially to explore the possibilities of movies, TV, popular music, and video-games. Nevertheless, as long as your example was originally produced after 1940, it will be acceptable. If you have an example you’re dying to do that’s earlier, e-mail me and we’ll discuss it. If you do not communicate with me, and use a myth from outside this date-range, you will lose ten points.

For this assignment, you need to find a myth of a trickster like Hermes or Odysseus. In general, if a character is marked for his or her intelligence, he or she is likely to be a trickster.

In order to complete the assignment, execute the following steps:

1. Find an example of a current myth. As long as you find that example to express cultural truth-value, it will do fine. Note that the myth may be a single episode of a TV show, a single song, or a single quest, scenario, or level of a larger game, or it may be a longer sort of narrative.
2. Write a one-to-two paragraph summary of the myth, as if for someone (me) who hasn’t seen it, heard it, or played it. This summary does not count towards the word-count of number 3. This part of the assignment is essential. It is not to be copied from other sources, and copying any part of it from other sources, including your own previous papers, without attribution IS PLAGIARISM. Even should you cite the work of others, including yoursef, not writing an original summary for your lab report will cost you twenty points, because framing the story you will analyze properly for the analysis you intend to carry out is an essential skill that this course hopes to teach. Therefore, DO NOT RE-USE A SUMMARY FROM A PREVIOUS REPORT UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO LOSE TWENTY POINTS.
3. Write a 500-750 word analysis of the myth as an expression of cultural truth-values in comparison to classical myths covered in this course. There’s no right or wrong way to write this analysis, and it doesn’t have to sound like a regular paper, though analyses that sound like regular papers will have an easier time being successful. Above all, remember that the truth-values of myth are cultural, and not personal. That is, you must be analyzing your myth as an expression of things that your society holds to be true, rather than things that just you hold to be true. Obviously, in many cases, the truth-values of your society will be your own trurth-values as well, but the same is most definitely not true in reverse, because there are many things that we hold to be true as individuals that may not be the same as what others in our society believe. (For the sake of thoroughness, also note that there may be truth-values that your society holds which you don’t hold, and it’s perfectly acceptable to analyze your myth as an expression of those.)
4. Your classical comparison must include material from the course readings and lectures of the current module. At the end of your analysis, please list in very brief form (“proper” citation isn’t necessary) the material you have cited from the current module’s materials in 1) one or more of the primary readings other than Odyssey or Metamorphoses, and/or one or more of the Wikipedia articles, 2) Odyssey or Metamorphoses, and 3) the lectures (basic video lectures, supplements, or notes are all acceptable). Each of those categories carries three points, which you will not get without citing material from it, from the current module.

Turn the report in via HuskyCT, in the Module 2 Lab Report Assignment, by attaching a document. See the course schedule for due dates.

Your assignment will be scored out of 100, and will count for 5% of your final grade.

Scoring rubric

Successful lab reports

1) Show that you understand the course definition of myth as narrative expression of cultural truth-value.
2) Use your knowledge of the reading and lectures from the current module to make comparisons of modern and ancient myth.
3) Analyze myths, both ancient and modern, as expressions of cultural truth-value.
4) Compare ancient myths to modern ones based on their truth-values.
5) Present detailed argument about specific moments in modern and ancient myths.

Each of those items counts for 20 points out of a total of 100 for each report. A model lab report is available for your review.

This is the sample essay, write one similar to this:…

Reading 1:…

Reading 2:…


Tourism and Hospitality Current Events Writing Assignment Help

Please research and do a short write up on a current event
related to an area of interest in tourism and hospitality . These current events must be culled from reputable news
sources and cited correctly. The world of (sport, tourism ,hospitality management) many different things of interest going on in the news that are
reported on almost every day. Your goal is to find and report on an article within the
industry that deals with issues of management or ethics. While I love talking sports and
what happened in the Eagles the night before, these types of articles cannot be used for
this assignment. Remember, this is a time to fill in your classmates on interesting and
important things going on in STHM

  1. Provide the exact title of the article (1 pt.)
  2. Cite the article correctly using APA format (2 pts)
  3. Provide a brief summary of the article in 3-4 sentences (3 pts)
  4. Provide a reaction to the article where you take a position on the issue within the article, indicate how this could potentially impact you personally, as well as your area of interest within STHM. This section should be 2 paragraphs (4 pts)
  5. The write up should be no longer then two-thirds a page single spaced.

*The proper citation
form is American Psychological Association (APA style). There are numerous formatting
manuals you can use to learn about APA. One of my favorites is the Owl at Purdue



Tourism and Hospitality Current Events Writing Assignment Help

Please research and do a short write up on a current event
related to an area of interest in tourism and hospitality . These current events must be culled from reputable news
sources and cited correctly. The world of (sport, tourism ,hospitality management) many different things of interest going on in the news that are
reported on almost every day. Your goal is to find and report on an article within the
industry that deals with issues of management or ethics. While I love talking sports and
what happened in the Eagles the night before, these types of articles cannot be used for
this assignment. Remember, this is a time to fill in your classmates on interesting and
important things going on in STHM

  1. Provide the exact title of the article (1 pt.)
  2. Cite the article correctly using APA format (2 pts)
  3. Provide a brief summary of the article in 3-4 sentences (3 pts)
  4. Provide a reaction to the article where you take a position on the issue within the article, indicate how this could potentially impact you personally, as well as your area of interest within STHM. This section should be 2 paragraphs (4 pts)
  5. The write up should be no longer then two-thirds a page single spaced.

*The proper citation
form is American Psychological Association (APA style). There are numerous formatting
manuals you can use to learn about APA. One of my favorites is the Owl at Purdue



Tourism and Hospitality Current Events Writing Assignment Help

Please research and do a short write up on a current event
related to an area of interest in tourism and hospitality . These current events must be culled from reputable news
sources and cited correctly. The world of (sport, tourism ,hospitality management) many different things of interest going on in the news that are
reported on almost every day. Your goal is to find and report on an article within the
industry that deals with issues of management or ethics. While I love talking sports and
what happened in the Eagles the night before, these types of articles cannot be used for
this assignment. Remember, this is a time to fill in your classmates on interesting and
important things going on in STHM

  1. Provide the exact title of the article (1 pt.)
  2. Cite the article correctly using APA format (2 pts)
  3. Provide a brief summary of the article in 3-4 sentences (3 pts)
  4. Provide a reaction to the article where you take a position on the issue within the article, indicate how this could potentially impact you personally, as well as your area of interest within STHM. This section should be 2 paragraphs (4 pts)
  5. The write up should be no longer then two-thirds a page single spaced.

*The proper citation
form is American Psychological Association (APA style). There are numerous formatting
manuals you can use to learn about APA. One of my favorites is the Owl at Purdue



Tourism and Hospitality Current Events Writing Assignment Help

Please research and do a short write up on a current event
related to an area of interest in tourism and hospitality . These current events must be culled from reputable news
sources and cited correctly. The world of (sport, tourism ,hospitality management) many different things of interest going on in the news that are
reported on almost every day. Your goal is to find and report on an article within the
industry that deals with issues of management or ethics. While I love talking sports and
what happened in the Eagles the night before, these types of articles cannot be used for
this assignment. Remember, this is a time to fill in your classmates on interesting and
important things going on in STHM

  1. Provide the exact title of the article (1 pt.)
  2. Cite the article correctly using APA format (2 pts)
  3. Provide a brief summary of the article in 3-4 sentences (3 pts)
  4. Provide a reaction to the article where you take a position on the issue within the article, indicate how this could potentially impact you personally, as well as your area of interest within STHM. This section should be 2 paragraphs (4 pts)
  5. The write up should be no longer then two-thirds a page single spaced.

*The proper citation
form is American Psychological Association (APA style). There are numerous formatting
manuals you can use to learn about APA. One of my favorites is the Owl at Purdue


Benner novice to expert theory Health Medical Assignment Help

Benner novice to expert theory Health Medical Assignment Help

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