Berkeley College International Competition & Global Expansion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Berkeley College International Competition & Global Expansion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. Berkeley College International Competition & Global Expansion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.

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1: 1. Do you use Uber? Have you used Lyft? Do you think there is there a real difference between the services?

2. How has the Chinese market altered the market for ride-hailing services in the US? How does the acquisition of Uber China by Didi alter the face of global strategy in this burgeoning industry?

3. According to the article, how well is Lyft doing right now? Does this latest deal in China help Lyft or hurt Lyft, all things considered?

4. If you are the CEO of Lyft, what strategic moves would you make now? How does Lyft need to readjust its strategy in the US, based on the events in the Chinese market?



2: International Factor Movements and Multinational Enterprises

Articles are to be selected from the business press. The article should be no more than 3 months old.

-Article selection must be made CAREFULLY the topic of the article you select must tie topic.(International Factor Movements and Multinational Enterprises)

-The summary of the article should not go beyond one paragraph (about 5 sentences.) The article summary must be in your own words, not duplicated from the article.

-Please also provide an opinion of the article or discuss what makes it important or interesting.

-You must include a cited link in APA format to the article.


In her 2014 book called Plato at the Googleplex, Rebecca Goldstien writes: “There used to be things that everybody thought were okay, and then just about everybody changed their minds about them, and could see that they were flat-out wrong.” (Goldstein, Pantheon Books, NY, p.113).

Take a look at the past and realize that, if in any way you think the world is getting better or worse, then you don’t think normative cultural relativism (subjectivism) is true. If you that things were “all relative” there wouldn’t be a better or worse. Go through my lecture a the resources to help that make more sense. ?

But, here’s what I want you to answer:

1. What is an example of something that at one point everyone thought was okay, but is now seen as “flat-out wrong”? (Ex. Slavery)

2. In 2016 then president Obama frequently pointed out that the world has never been “healthier, wealthier, or less violent.” (You can look it up, he said it in a number of places. He’s actually referencing John Rawls, who you read about in Chapter 14. Obama claims that if you could choose to be born at any time in Earth’s history, and you didn’t know who you were going to be, right now is the time to be born. He was saying that in 2016.)

Speak with friends, family and neighbors about whether they think our world is improving morally, or are we in a state of moral decay.

Is the world getting better?

Is the present situation effecting your overall assessment of human behavior or the overall moral trajectory of history?

Do you see yourself as more or less optimistic than those around you?

4:Minimum of 300 words

Explain why Marx’s ideas are so radical concerning Capitalism. Include on your response, the terms, “means of production, bourgeoisie, proletariat and capitalism.”

  1. How did the Ruling class or the bourgeoisie control the workers? In your opinion, does the elite or ruling class control the working class today? If so, in what ways?
  1. With conflict theory in mind, how much upward social mobility does an individual have here in the United States? If one is born a poor child, what are the odds that they will become a wealthy adult? Explain your viewpoint using the readings. Can Marx’s writings be used to explain social inequality today in the United States? Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Berkeley College International Competition & Global Expansion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Moraine Valley Community College Leadership Theories And Skills Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help


This competency will allow you to create a plan to develop as a leader and apply this to your personal and/or professional life.


Your boss has asked you to speak at the quarterly board meeting about your research into leadership.

task is to develop a PowerPoint presentation that showcases leadership
skills and offers professional practice examples. The expectation is six
slides, each containing notes with background on theories of leadership
and discussion points. The slides should focus on the importance of
leadership training and development, as well as include details about
your own plan to develop as a leader.

The following link is a great resource for creating PowerPoints.


Global Computing and Big Data Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

The rising importance of big-data computing stems from advances in many different technologies. Some of these include:

  • Sensors
  • Computer networks
  • Data storage
  • Cluster computer systems
  • Cloud computing facilities
  • Data analysis algorithms

How does these technologies play a role in global computing and big data?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Use proper APA citations and references in your post. Strictly No plagiarism. ~400 words.

I will be able to share the 2 posts from other students after I post my assignment. I will be providing extra time for responses to those 2 responses. ~125-150 words per post should be fine.

Reading assignments

  • Arora, P. (2016). The Bottom of the Data Pyramid: Big Data and the Global South. International Journal of Communication (Online), 1681. [ pdf attached]
  • Bischof, C., & Wilfinger, D. (2019). Big Data-Enhanced Risk Management. Transactions of FAMENA, 43(2), 73–84. [pdf attached]


MRKT 5500 Johnson & Wales University Strategic Marketing Initial Entrance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please show evidence of this week’s resources – must include in-text citations and references.

Here are some articles that will provide some background.

1) China – initial entrance

2) China – last 2 or 3 years

When IKEA entered the Chinese market, it dropped the prices on its products significantly, but only in that market. Prices in Europe, the United States, and the other Asian countries stayed the same.

Q1– Based on the macro environment (PESTLE), and microenvironment (market, competition, industry), identify the elements that might create opportunities in China that might be different in America. You may discuss the original entrance and/or the more current situation – feel free.

HintYour discussion should include all relevant elements of the microenvironment (market, competition, industry) and external Env. Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal/Regulations, Environment (i.e., natural resources, climate, etc.). PESTLE.

Q2 Identify at least 1 issue from each of the PESTLE elements (above) that might create an opportunity and/or threat to IKEA in America.

Note: IKEA sells Scandinavian furniture (cool designs) that are competitively priced with boxed furniture consumers find at Target and other retailers. Take a look:


USF Workplaces Are Significant in Running Daily Activities White Paper Introduction Mathematics Assignment Help

White Paper Assignment – Final White Paper

Group Assignment

Due Date: November 5, 2020, 11:59 PM EST No late assignments are accepted.

General Education Assessment 1: Information and Data Literacy Student Learning Outcome 2: critically interpret quantitative evidence (such as graphs, tables, charts) in order to identify false claims, incorrect use of evidence or contradictory statements


This assignment is the final step in producing your team white paper.


  • Submit final product by November 5th at 11:59pm. See the Assignment Completion section for more information.

Assignment Preparation

  • Review Writing for Executives in Chapter 8 Executives from The Engineering Communication Manual. This chapter discusses how to talk to executives in your writing. As the decision makes on financial outlays for organizations, company executives are the primary audience for this document.
  • Review Audience Needs in Chapter 1 section 4 Accommodating audience needs, values, and priorities (pathos). This section of the chapter provides some important information on how to respond to your audience by understanding how your document is relevant to them and by addressing them in a language they will understand.
  • Watch Design a Modern Cover: Think Simple, Clean, and Angular (Links to an external site.) (3:22 minutes) in the Graphic Design Tips & Tricks Weekly course on LinkedIn Learning.
  • Watch find and add something on basic layout and color use. Look at other cover videos

Assignment Completion

Document Elements

  • Cover – The document cover should be professional in appearance and contain all the required information. A cover should have a title for the document that is precise, brief, and interesting. Text on the layout should also include a fictitious company name, and the date, you may also include the team members’ names.
  • Table of Contents – Table of contents should include the introduction, each case, and the conclusion.
  • Introduction – The introduction should accomplish the following
    • Reach out your potential clients/funders and let them know you understand what is important to them.
    • Suggest that your company can help them meet their goals and that using probability and statistics will help them do that.
    • Indicate that the rest of the document will share cases that illustrate the types of problems that can be addressed with the help of probability and statistics. You will briefly identify what each case review illustrates.
  • Cases – Each case will be presented. Each case should start on a new page (like a new chapter).
  • Conclusion – This can be a brief paragraph or two reviewing what you have shown your clients that probability and statistics can do to help them meet their goals. Then that you hope they will work with your organization.
  • References – Include an APA formatted reference list with all the articles used in the cases and any additional references used anywhere in the document. Be sure to include in-text citations where you use the words, ideas, or images of others.

Document Graphics and Layout

  • Cover – Better covers use graphics and/or images that are relevant to the topic (If you use a template or copy the layout of another document, make sure the cover is fitting to your topic.) Your cover should fit with your document. There are a range of potential clients/funders and industries that will be addressed by different groups in the course. Do you think the people you are addressing will think a conservative classic cover will show discipline and stability or lack of imagination? Do you think a cover that is a bit different will make the people you are addressing think your group is innovative or “too out there” for them? Pick a style that you think fits the type of people you are addressing.
  • Table of Contents – Must be easy to read, consistent in layout, and fit with the rest of the document. As the table of contents is likely to be short you may get creative, as long as they stay professional in appearance.
  • Document Layout – professional documents, particularly those intended to be marketing documents must be consistent in layout, with clear hierarchies, and consistent use of fonts. These type of documents use:
    • More “white space,” space that is not full of text or images. This is accomplished in several ways larger margins, the spacing between sections, and around graphics.
    • Graphics: The use of graphics is strongly encouraged, as “a picture is worth a thousand words” Tess Flanders, news editor Syracuse Post-Standard. However, the graphics MUST add value to the case. If you are using figures and tables from another document, be sure it is adding meaning and the image is readable. Be sure to include a citation.
    • Consistent approaches to graphics. Labeling of graphic elements should be in the same font and follow similar layout approaches. Tables and figures should be numbered through the entire document. The source identification of the graphics must be consistent.
    • Page numbering – the cover is not numbered, the table of contents can be without a number or with a roman numeral. The rest of the document is numbered starting with page 1.


CA1.4 2020U

CA1.4 2020U

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhite Paper CoverUp to 5 extra credit points are available for a Relevant, well laid out cover, cover image, and title.

4.0 pts

No Marks

0.0 pts

This is possible extra points

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTable of Contents

3.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGraphic LayoutGraphic Layout is consistent and professional in appearance (Students may upload a copy of the document they modeled it on. Which must be from their field and for a similar purpose.)

5.0 pts

Full Marks

3.5 pts

The document is average.

Document layout was professional in appearance or consistent but not both. Or some minimal effort was made but the document is not exceptionally done.

2.5 pts

Document is poorly done

The assignment was completed as an essay with no effort to make it appear like a professional document.

0.0 pts

No effort was made to make this professional in appearance

This would include the entire document not being formatted to appear professional which would be a group grade. OR group member not formatting their case to match what the rest of the group’s document which would be points for that individual.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConsistency of Figures and TablesFigures and tables are graphically consistent in how their layout in the documents, titles, numbering, citation, and fonts used.

3.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction

5.0 pts

Document summary is well done

3.5 pts

Document summary is average

3.0 pts

Document summary is poorly done

0.0 pts

Document summary is very poorly done or missing

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

5.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

5.0 pts

Total Points: 25.0




University of California Los Angeles Gender Independent in Childhood Essay Writing Assignment Help

Requirement: 250-500 Words

Please give an example of something that is normal or pathological in one context but not in others. Give evidence to support your claim. What are the social conditions that allow for this thing to be seen as normal in one context and pathological in another? You may use one of the examples from this week’s course material, or one of your own. In either case, cite your textual evidence.

I have attached the course material to help with the essay below.

Course material:……

University of California Los Angeles Gender Independent in Childhood Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Monash University Media Campaign in Social Platforms Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Service Required : Report
Subject : media analytics
Level of Study : Undergraduate
Target Grade : High Distinction
Length: 1250 Words (~5 pages)
Delivery Time : 5 Days
Time for requesting changes : Standard 7 days
Paper instructions : referencing style : harvard monash

Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to present the work performed

in developing a research-led, realistic media campaign in the form of a

professional report. This assessment adopts ‘report’ as a popular

communication format used across various employment contexts – and so

the skills associated with report writing (including the formulation of

executive summary and recommendations) are important employability



Task: This is an individual assessment that presents the idea for the

media campaign developed throughout the semester, while reflecting on

the group research that informed it. The report must be well-structured

and professionally presented (including appropriate sections and data

visualisation/ infographics).

this is part 3 of the assignment which the previous 2 have been failed. (will be provided)


UCSD ?Development of Saudi Arabian Economy Discussion Economics Assignment Help

The Saudi Arabian economy has developed with the use of large numbers of expatriate workers. In a critical essay, indicate the benefits and risks associated with the dependence on large numbers of expatriate workers. Should Saudi Arabia seek to include or exclude labor mobility in future regional free trade agreements? Why or why not? What implications does the Saudi Vision 2030 have on labor mobility?


Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • At least 5 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages.
  • Follow (APA) style.
  • 3 to 4 academic references are enough.


HHS 320 Ashford University Week 2 Family and Cultural Differences Discussion Foreign Languages Assignment Help


Family & Culture

Refer to readings on pages 115 – 124 to analyze and determine the most culturally competent manner in which you might respond to a family of a different culture as a human service professional. Think of what “family” means to you and how it might be different from clients you might encounter. Discuss these topics in 250-300 words as well as any issues that might enhance or impede your effectiveness related to similarities and/or differences. Support your comments with two references and respond to at least two of your classmates.




Hello Class, Hope everyone is well.

I cannot express how important as a Human Service Professional to be aware of the dynamics of a family and its community that are supported by culture identifies. According to several family concepts, some main components of family may of consist of spirituality and strong religious affiliation within a local church. In my research I found that a large number African American families usually identify themselves as Christians. Asking the client to talk about his or her beliefs, family structure, and their obligations within the family will assist me in understanding the diversity, strengths and roadblocks in his family of origin (Schmidt, 2019). As Human Service Professional you must understand how a church laid the foundation for strengthen the communities as well supported Civil Rights movements. The church was considered to be a resting place for Civil Rights participates from generations to generations. This is a fact for a Human Service Professional to understand how religion plays a dominate role, since the church was a building in the community that was beyond control of what was known as white power. The church was a place where people could express themselves without reprisal or death.

As a father of two, I learned some elements of a family may consist of the responsibility of parenting, gender roles, what we consider as marriage as well as same sex marriages etc. As a Human Service Professional, these elements can be very tricky when speaking with families. From my experience it is important to meet family members within their communities or at local function, usually at a place where they are most comfortable. I remember how I was strongly influenced by my families’ spiritual and religious beliefs. Some of my family beliefs did not coincide with dominant cultures beliefs as well other families. I enjoyed this factor due to the sensitivity of the conversations that provided daily lessons learned about how family differences effect everyday functions and holidays. For example, some families instill the belief of a white man named Santa Claus brings their children gifts during the Christmas Holiday. On the other hand, some families are strongly against anyone taking honor of supporting their families. Another example is the disbelieve of same sex marriages. Western beliefs and values do not approve of same sex marriages, but Eastern countries accept same sex marriages. These factors are very important when studying or preparing to meet a client. A professional rule of thumb, is no matter what a person’s ethnic background, beliefs, culture or values may be in place, the need to connect is your first step in gaining trust.

Resources,thisthroughwordsandactions (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)



The term “family” to me means my children, husband, parents cousins and aunts. Some family I am very close to and would do anything for and some I have not seen or spoken to in over a year but I still consider them my family anyway. Family is a group of people that love you no matter what happens, they are people you know you can always depend upon and they do not have to be blood related to be considered your family. Clients I may encounter may be foster children that consider the other children in a group home their family or the family they have been placed with because they have come to depend on them emotionally. They are considered family because they care for each other and helps them with their daily needs. They may have different families at certain points in their lives because of their situations. If they are in a bad foster situation they may feel at the time they have no family they can depend on at the moment. Children get attached to the people in their everyday environment and most often consider them family. “While a biological predisposition to develop attachment bonds to caregivers is assumed the quality of those relationships depends on the experiences children have with their caregivers”(Lang, K., Bovenschen, I., Gabler, S., Zimmermann, J., Nowacki, K., Kliewer, J., & Spangler, G.,2016).

As a human service professional you have to realize that some of your clients have not had ideal situations when it comes to family life and they may view things totally different than someone else. We must never be judgmental about what people feel or think. Every family is different there can be no father or two fathers, a older sister raising the children or grandparents, every situation is different and we need to always understand that. Certain cultures put a huge emphasis on family and the roles that go along with it and that could be causing your client problems because it may be to much stress on them. ‘In working with such clients, counselors are particularly diligent to monitor their personal beliefs about family, connectedness, and related values, and refrain from injecting their biases about family ties or family interference in the counseling relationship”(Schmidt,J.,2006). We need to be constantly educating ourselves on our clients situations and cultures so we can offer them the help that they need.

Lang, K., Bovenschen, I., Gabler, S., Zimmermann, J., Nowacki, K., Kliewer, J., & Spangler, G. (2016). Foster children’s attachment security in the first year after placement: A longitudinal study of predictors. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 36, 269–280.…

Schmidt, J. (2006). Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling and Human Services: Multiple Influences on Self-Concept Development. Pearson Learning Solutions


UCLA Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Below I provided single key argument summarized into a thesis statement. Your job will be to write a 400-500 word response this thesis statement in which you either agree, disagree, or otherwise make an argument about the idea question. No sitting on the fence – try to pick a single claim and defend it. The challenge will be to persuasively explain what you think and why you think that way.

(Roxanne Euben, Journeys to the Other Shore, p. 23-24):

“In this context, then, “travel” signals both a metaphor for and a practice of journeying, in Nietzsche’s words, to “the other shore,” to worlds less familiar, and in terms of which a traveler may well come to understand his or her own more deeply and fully.”

***I also attached below the reading that you have to use and the citation format as well.


Schmidt, J. (2006). Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling and Human Services: Multiple Influences on Self-Concept Development. Pearson Learning Solutions


UCLA Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Below I provided single key argument summarized into a thesis statement. Your job will be to write a 400-500 word response this thesis statement in which you either agree, disagree, or otherwise make an argument about the idea question. No sitting on the fence – try to pick a single claim and defend it. The challenge will be to persuasively explain what you think and why you think that way.

(Roxanne Euben, Journeys to the Other Shore, p. 23-24):

“In this context, then, “travel” signals both a metaphor for and a practice of journeying, in Nietzsche’s words, to “the other shore,” to worlds less familiar, and in terms of which a traveler may well come to understand his or her own more deeply and fully.”

***I also attached below the reading that you have to use and the citation format as well.


Schmidt, J. (2006). Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling and Human Services: Multiple Influences on Self-Concept Development. Pearson Learning Solutions


UCLA Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Below I provided single key argument summarized into a thesis statement. Your job will be to write a 400-500 word response this thesis statement in which you either agree, disagree, or otherwise make an argument about the idea question. No sitting on the fence – try to pick a single claim and defend it. The challenge will be to persuasively explain what you think and why you think that way.

(Roxanne Euben, Journeys to the Other Shore, p. 23-24):

“In this context, then, “travel” signals both a metaphor for and a practice of journeying, in Nietzsche’s words, to “the other shore,” to worlds less familiar, and in terms of which a traveler may well come to understand his or her own more deeply and fully.”

***I also attached below the reading that you have to use and the citation format as well.


Schmidt, J. (2006). Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling and Human Services: Multiple Influences on Self-Concept Development. Pearson Learning Solutions


UCLA Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Below I provided single key argument summarized into a thesis statement. Your job will be to write a 400-500 word response this thesis statement in which you either agree, disagree, or otherwise make an argument about the idea question. No sitting on the fence – try to pick a single claim and defend it. The challenge will be to persuasively explain what you think and why you think that way.

(Roxanne Euben, Journeys to the Other Shore, p. 23-24):

“In this context, then, “travel” signals both a metaphor for and a practice of journeying, in Nietzsche’s words, to “the other shore,” to worlds less familiar, and in terms of which a traveler may well come to understand his or her own more deeply and fully.”

***I also attached below the reading that you have to use and the citation format as well.


Berkeley College International Competition & Global Expansion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Berkeley College International Competition & Global Expansion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

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