Bethel University Performance Indicators and Megatropolis Hospital Essay Health Medical Assignment Help. Bethel University Performance Indicators and Megatropolis Hospital Essay Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Discussion: The response to the facilitator’s original post should be a minimum of 250 words and must be supported by at least four scholarly sources from google scholar. References should include a scholarly source outside your textbook. References and citations are required for your initial and response posts. Make sure you use scholarly references. Popular websites are not scholarly resources. Sites such as Investopedia and Wikipedia are not acceptable as these are not considered scholarly or reliable. All content that is not your original thoughts should have citations and references, including initial and response posts. Respond to this question with a minimum of 250 words and 4 scholarly sources.
1. identify one example of a performance indicator for a healthcare institution and to what would it compare in investor-owned financial reporting (publicly traded company)?
Make sure you use scholarly references. Popular websites are not scholarly resources. Sites such as Investopedia and Wikipedia are not acceptable as these are not considered scholarly or reliable. All content that is not your original thoughts should have citations and references, including initial and response posts.
For this assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least four scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.
This week we looked at using financial and nonfinancial data to evaluate the performance of an organization. Assume you are part of the management team for Megatropolis Hospital. Develop a balanced scorecard, including performance measures, that could be used to evaluate the position of a healthcare organization. Using the financial statements below for Megatropolis Hospital, calculate Megatropolis Hospital’s operating margin and days in accounts receivable. Explain how the hospital is performing based on these two ratios. Be sure to use at least four sources and use APA format.
Be sure to use at least four sources and use APA format.
Bethel University Performance Indicators and Megatropolis Hospital Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ITC 141 Information Technology and Hardware Essay Questions Writing Assignment Help
Create a 1200-word paper in APA that discusses the following:
- What was learned in ITC141, and how you plan on using this knowledge
- Various Hardware component that make up a desktop computer or Business systems.
- A procedure to address how to troubleshoot bad or failing RAM, CPU, HDD’s and GPU’s
- How to effectively respond to trouble tickets by providing situations and examples
- 2 IT opportunities you find interesting and why and how you would peruse it as a career.
- Where do you see technology advancing to in the next 5 years and the effects it may have on humanity, yourself and to the environment.
- APA Format
- 1200 word minimum
- 6 References formatted correctly
- 6 Citations formatted correctly
- Grammar & Punctuation
- Double spaced paragraphs
- Introduction, body, conclusion
- Header, Title page, Reference page
- Plagiarism Results (Maximum 20% Allowed)
Bethel University Health Care Demand in the US Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Discussion: The response to the facilitator’s original post should be a minimum of 250 words and must be supported by at least four scholarly sources from google scholar. References should include a scholarly source outside your textbook. References and citations are required for your initial and response posts.
1 Explain why we see increasing demand for health care despite some inadequate returns on investment. Explain the various government roles in health care and how these roles may impact demand..
For this assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least four scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and Attend sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format.
1. What are the major problems of the U.S. health care system?
2. What should be the focus of measuring value as health care’s share of GDP grows?
3. Discuss the social components of the U.S. health care system.
4. Discuss the different types of health care ownership. What are the ethical implications of a health care organization operating as a for-profit organization?
5. Refer to Vignette: Charlie is a 40-year-old Caucasian man in Chapter 3. What scenario would cost society less? Charlie suffering complications from his diabetes and obesity, losing his job and health insurance, and requiring inpatient hospital care; or, Charlie eating a healthy diet, exercising, losing weight, and following all of the recommendations of his dietitian?
HIST 109 Cuyamaca Household Labor Gender Roles & Family Satisfaction Event Paper Humanities Assignment Help
You will be using the outline you did for me for the Gender roles to create the final paper
Required Sources:
- 2 scholarly, library sources (journal articles, e-books, books)
What is your current event and why is it important/significant?
Things to consider when answering the prompt:
– Your argument/thesis statement is your answer to the prompt.
– You should have more than one reason for why it is important. Each of these reasons should be discussed in the body of the paper.
– Make sure the reasons listed in the argument/thesis statement are specific.
Unspecific argument: The Emancipation Proclamation is important because it helped African Americans.
Specific argument: The Emancipation Proclamation is important because it freed slaves in Confederate states, it allowed African American men to enlist in the Union Army, and it led to the passage of the the thirteenth amendment.
– Underline your argument so you and I both know what it is
Papers will be 3-5 pages in length and will follow standard formatting (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins). The paper needs to be written in an essay format, make an argument, and support that argument with evidence/examples from two library sources.
Students must complete the following steps:
- Use your 2-3 page outline as the foundation for writing your 3-5 page paper. Include 2 or more scholarly library sources (journal articles, e-books, books) in your paper. You can supplement your research with reliable internet sources (government websites, non-profits, museums, etc.), lecture material, or information from your textbook. Papers must be at least 3 FULL pages long and follow standard formatting (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins).
- Use and cite all of the library sources. All information needs to be cited including the library sources and any lecture material or information from the textbook. Cite sources in your paper using in-text MLA-style citations (Links to an external site.) e.g. (Jimenez 105) so I know where the information that you are discussing came from. In addition, to the 3 full pages of text, you need to have a Works Cited page (Links to an external site.) listing all of the sources used in the paper. Provide a full citation for each source including: author’s full name, source name, publisher’s name and location, and the publication date.
□ 3-5 page length, used standard formatting (3 full pages = down to the bottom of the 3rd page)
□ Essay format: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion
□ Clearly written, proofread, and spell-checked
□ Specifically answered all parts of the prompt
□ Underlined argument and supported it well with examples from sources
□ Used all required sources and cited them correctly
□ Submitted a Works Cited page with 2 or more library sources
□ Sources listed in Works Cited page were all used in the paper and cited
Current Event Paper Rubric (3-5 Page)
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3-5 page length, used standard formatting (3 FULL pages minimum) |
50.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssay format: introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClearly written, proofread, and spell-checked |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpecifically answered all parts of the prompt |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderlined argument and supported it well with examples from the sources |
40.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFound 2 or more scholarly, library sources, used examples from each in the paper, and cited them correctly |
50.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubmitted a Works Cited page with 2 or more library sources; all sources were used in the paper and cited |
20.0 pts |
Total Points: 200.0 |
Highline Community College Passages Positive & Negative Connotations Exercise Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Each of the five short passages below (in italics) is fairly objective and colorless.
Your job is to write two new versions of each passage: first, using words with positive connotations to show the subject in an attractive light; second, using words with negative connotations to describe the same subject in a less favorable way
- Bill cooked dinner for Katie. He prepared some meat and vegetables and a special dessert.
(1) Describe the meal that Bill prepared, making it sound appetizing by using words with favorable connotations.
(2) Describe the meal again, this time using words with negative connotations to make it sound quite unappealing. - The person did not weigh very much. The person had brown hair and a small nose. The person wore informal clothing.
(1) Identify and describe this particularly attractiveperson.
(2) Identify and describe this particularly unattractive person. - Douglas was careful with his money. He kept his money in a safe place. He bought only the necessities of life. He never borrowed or lent money.
(1) Choose words that show how impressed you are by Douglas’s sense of thrift.
(2) Choose words that make fun of Douglas or pass scorn on him for being such a tightwad.D.There were many people at the dance. There was loud music. People were drinking. People were dancing. People were holding each other.
(1) Through your descriptions, show how this dance was an enjoyable experience.
(2) Through your descriptions, show how this dance was an extremely unpleasant experience. - After sundown, the park was empty, dark, and quiet.
(1) Describe the park as a peaceful place.
(2) Describe the park as a frightening place.
HCMT 523 SUNY at Stony Brook The Effective CDSS Implementation Case Study Ques Health Medical Assignment Help
In your Health Informatics: Read the case study, “The Effective CDSS Implementation.” And answer part A & part B.
Part A
The five stages of creative design began with the premise that empathy is the foundation for human-centered design. Why would this approach be critical in CDSS development, implementation, and utilization? Please Provide supporting examples. 2 pages only.
Part B
Respond substantively to each of the five questions in 6 pages.
Q1- Identify the Five Rights in this case.
Q2- Is there an opportunity to improve at least one of the Five Rights in the rollout of this rule?
Q3- What is the importance of governance in developing and maintaining CDSS rules?
Q4- Based on the governance structure, what roles can help avoid the problems described in this case?
Q5- What are the pros and cons of having practicing clinicians build CDSS rules?
Note: Neither the title page nor the reference(s) section of the paper, will count towards the length requirement. Follow all APA 7th ed. guidelines when formatting your paper. Within the body of your paper, use the verbiage for each question in the case study as APA Level 1 headings
HCMT 523 SUNY at Stony Brook The Effective CDSS Implementation Case Study Ques Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
George Washington University Revision on The Research Paper Presentation Other Assignment Help
help me with the previous material and put it in PPT form
Part A: Informed Consent (20 points)
Using the information you learned in Lesson 10, create an Informed consent form that you would provide to your study participants as part of your data collection process. This form should be tailored to your specific research study question, study design, and population.
- You can use this example from Cornell University to help you create your informed consent statement (consent form)
- You will upload your completed form as 1 of the 2 files you will upload for this assignment.
Part B: PowerPoint (50 points)
For this part of the assignment you will be creating a full research protocol in PowerPoint format. Your PowerPoint must include the following information:
- Introduction
- Research question
- Why is this study important? (make sure to use at least 4 references that support the need for your research — you can use the two you identified in Lesson 9).
- I suggest that you highlight what the gaps in the literature exist (according to other sources), and how is YOUR research helping fill those gaps.
- Methods
- Study design – be specific here!
- Study population
- Who is your target, source, and sample population? Be specific.
- What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria? If you are doing comparison groups, make sure to include inclusion and exclusion criteria for each group.
- What strategies would you use to select your sample? Why would these strategies be appropriate for your study design and population of choice? Explain.
- What methods would you use to recruit your population? Be specific.
- Data collection methods (measuring tools)
- What methods are you using to collect the data?
- Why would you use each method of data collection?
- What type of data each tool will collect?
- What would be the delivery method for each tool?
- What obstacles may you encounter when using these tools? Be specific
- Data collection process (how would you collect the data?) — here I am not asking about the instruments used, but rather about the process you will be using to collect data from study participants.
- Informed consent: Provide a summary of the information you will be providing to study participants in the informed consent form.
- Strengths AND limitations of your study (here make sure you do not only think about the study design…think about your study population, the process used to recruit your study population, your data collection methods — essentially, think about the internal validity of your study!)
- Citation slide – VERY IMPORTANT! All citations must be in APA style. — Remember to also include in-text citations in your PowerPoint!
comment for sample population is : Is it feasible to do this?
for sampling method: clusters: This would indicate a different sampling method.
Challenges using measurement tools: You did not indicate what information you were collecting from each data collection tools. Also, you did not specify a method to collect information about the exposure
Grossmont College Surrealism and The Human Unconscious Mind Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Surrealism is about the dream state or what challenges what we logically know or are familiar with. Television and film have often used Surrealism to visually make points when words will fall short.
Discussion Questions:
Tell us why you chose this film clip.
What is it about the clip that made an impression on you?
What do you feel makes it visually effective? Discuss some principles of design that are responsible for the visual impact created in the film clip.
Avoid going to Google for answers to the questions. Adding a little info from a source is OK, but I really want to hear your very own thoughts.
Part 1: Write a short essay that answers the above questions in detail. Additions to your thread resulting from any added research is fine. But remember to stay on topic and answer the questions.
Part 2: Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Posts.
Points will be distributed in this manner: Your initial Post can earn you up to 10 points, and each response is worth up to 5 points max. Maximum points is 20. Extraordinary posts and responses will be rewarded with extra points, making totals larger than 20, but no more than 24 points. Poor spelling and grammar will result in the loss of points. Entries with any errors in spelling and grammar will receive no higher than 17/20. Be sure to make your entries perfect.
NVCC The Artificial Pancreas & People Diagnosed with Diabetes Discussion Engineering Assignment Help
Report Format – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– Minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 10 pages in length (excluding cover page, reference page and addendums)
– 12-point type, 1.5 line spacing, with 1” margins.
– Use headings, tables and charts where appropriate.
– Pages should be numbered (Page x of y) at bottom of the page. Normally no number is necessary on title page.
– Addendum – No more than 5 pages of addendum.
– Figures, sketches, tables, photos may be attached in addendum. If figures, sketches, tables, photos are included within text, the document maximum is 13 pages. All figures and tables should be clearly labeled.
Cypress College Understand the Benefits of the Public Speaking Responses Writing Assignment Help
Reply to all paragraphs/post in 2-3 Sentences each.
SEE-I Discussion 1
Steven Post
The most important concept in chapter 1 is to understand the benefits that public speaking has.
Chapter one starts off by thoroughly explaining to the readers all the different benefits that public speaking has personally, professionally, and publicly. We learn and realize that public speaking isn’t just something that is done at school or at work. There are times that you will have to public speak in your personal life like at a wedding or a funeral or at a special occasion with family and friends. Nowadays people believe that 70% of jobs require some kind of public speaking and that the being able to communicate well with other people is important. The more you learn about public speaking the more you will be able to understand speeches that you hear and it will allow you to participate in democracy at a basic level.
For example when I was younger I had to attend a wedding for my Uncle and Aunt. I was around 12 at the time and they had asked me to give a speech for them. Though I had written down the speech in advance it was still nerve wracking for me to be so young and give a speech in front of so many people at such an important occasion. If I were to do this today I think that it would go a little bit better and that I would stutter way less. This goes to prove that you can public speak at any moment or event in your life so learning the basics is very beneficial.
To me public speaking is kind of like working out. Both can be difficult at first but the more you continue and practice the easier and more beneficial it becomes.
Shaquille Post
The most important concept in chapter 1 is communicating through public speaking with precise organization which allows the audience to stay engaged with minimal confusion.
In other words, the importance of having effective organization is going to determine whether the audience is listening. This reduces the risk of the audience not being able to interpret or understand the information that is being given. Precise organization allows the listeners to comprehend the meaning of the speech that the speaker is trying to convey. The purpose of any speech is to make sure the audience can follow along completely. If the speech is long the more complex it is and the easier it is to lose your audience. The best way to guarantee that a speech has a good turn out is through public speaking with precise organization.
For example, having an outline is probably the most useful organizational skill to have. This helps the speaker talk about key points and subjects they need to remember. Using this method keeps the speaker actively engaged with the audience, while using a more comfortable body language. An outline is just overall effective, because you have somewhere to start whether it is a formal or informal speech. Having good organizational skills helps with a concrete speech.
Its like a coach giving a play to his players as organized as possible when practicing, or the players wouldn’t know what to do when it comes to game night.
Peter Post
The most important concept in Chapter 1 is the concept of improving your speaking skills and understanding of humans different types and abilities to communicate.
In other words chapter one introduces us to many types of benefits of different roles on public speaking, communication and language. These different roles on public speaking can be personal, public or professional but they all have a key role on how us humans have the ability to communicate with each other through different ways. Practicing and imporving your (public) speaking skills is a huge benefit for yourself, professional life and your own community. Taking reference to the linar model of communication we can see that there are three main parts, the sender, the channel and the reciever. Each person takes a different role on how these communication procceses occur, ultimately creating the linear model of communication. This is an ongoing process, thus we are always affecting and affected by the communications we have on a daily basis throughout the whole day. When we send out a message many factors can come into play such as who is the communicator, the worldviews of the sender, the reciever and even where the message comes from.
For example the 1960 televised presidential debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. They are both different senders giving out a message which each person (reciever) takes in the message diffrently depending on their worldviews and what form of channel they are using, as a television, computer, radio, in a private setting or a public setting. While one might have a bigger impact on the screen because of how he presents himself adapting with body language to the audience he has infornt of him the other might have a bigger impact on the radio because of his words and how he has well supported ideas with clear and vidid language. We all have different worldviews making a singular message be interpreted by many different ways on how individuals might think or see a certain things, such as the ability to access the internet or having to watch the news with nothing else to acquire knowledge.
Being able to conscruct an effective message with powerful communication skills and being able to adjust to your environment is a very important factor for all components of speech. The skills to communicate effectively is what differs us from the rest.
William Post
The most important concept in Chapter 1 is the ability to clearly organize a speech.
In other words, this means being able to coherently present the main points of an argument while speaking. With this said, it is important for a speaker to meticulously cover each point in a speech without overlapping. Furthermore, the speaker should utilize transitional phrases in between points in order to emphasize the digression of ideas and help the speech flow. In addition, it is important to always keep the body of a speech connected and relevant to the thesis. This step is crucial as the thesis must be addressed in order for the essay to stay on topic.
An example of excellent organization can be seen in “Ich bin ein Berliner”, a famous speech by John F. Kennedy. Here, Kennedy methodically speaks about a topic, covers it thoroughly, then moves on. In the beginning of the speech, JFK speaks about West Berlin’s strength during the troubling times of the Berlin Blockade. He then warns his audience of the threat that communism and the Soviets pose to their lives. JFK then ends the speech by pledging that he is proud to be a “Berliner” as they have shown strength in keeping their freedom even when the Soviets attempted to take over Berlin. In this speech, JFK clearly speaks about each subject in depth before moving onto his other points without having to return later to elaborate on what he said previously.
Being able to clearly organize a speech ties into a speaker’s ability to close a speech in its conclusion. Similar to the steps of organizing ideas, in order to make sure that a speech does not end abruptly, a speaker should clearly present each thought in reference to their thesis.
Meet and Greet – Discussion 1
Aastha Post
Hello Classmates!
My name is Aastha; however, everyone calls me Tanya. I currently work full time at a medical logistics company managing cold storage supply chain activities. I have decided to go back to school to expand my knowledge on supply chain management, and it can get pretty stressful managing a full time job and going to school. I try to keep this under control by only taking one class at a time. This semester, however, I’m aiming on getting into a Math 10 Stats class and take it along side with this stress management class. I want to try to take both to finish up my GEs quicker for transfer, because how stressful could a stress management class be? I am hoping that this class can help me better manage my time and properly manage the stress levels also. This class also happens to fulfill one of my GE requirements, so I am glad to get the most out of this class. I am looking forward to learning new skills and techniques to better manage my stress!
Andrew Post
1. Hello, my name is Andrew.
2. Stress plays a big role in my life as a current college student. With the recent outbreaks of COVID 19, it has not been easy for me to do my usual activities that I like to use to handle stressful things going on in my life. For the most part though, I feel like I have a good control over it at the moment. Some things that I like to do sometimes to manage my stress includes getting exercise by playing basketball, or going to the gym and lifting weights. I also really enjoy playing video games, although if it’s a competitive game, it can have some stressful factors that proves to not always be the best stress reliever. I also enjoy just simply reconnecting with my friends just to talk once or twice a week, but it can be pretty difficult to do so right now with COVID protocols going on at the moment.
3. What I hope to get out of this class is some possible better strategies to maintain a lot of the stress that pops up into my life. Sometimes it becomes hard to juggle a lot of things at once, and I admit that I am not the best when it comes to managing how many things I can and cannot handle. Working basically full time hours at my job has not made school any easier for me, but at the moment I have no choice. Sometimes I also don’t have time to do all of the de-stressing activities that I listed in the previous paragraph, so finding out some new strategies and techniques could prove to be very beneficial for me by being in this class. .
Part B: PowerPoint (50 points)
For this part of the assignment you will be creating a full research protocol in PowerPoint format. Your PowerPoint must include the following information:
- Introduction
- Research question
- Why is this study important? (make sure to use at least 4 references that support the need for your research — you can use the two you identified in Lesson 9).
- I suggest that you highlight what the gaps in the literature exist (according to other sources), and how is YOUR research helping fill those gaps.
- Methods
- Study design – be specific here!
- Study population
- Who is your target, source, and sample population? Be specific.
- What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria? If you are doing comparison groups, make sure to include inclusion and exclusion criteria for each group.
- What strategies would you use to select your sample? Why would these strategies be appropriate for your study design and population of choice? Explain.
- What methods would you use to recruit your population? Be specific.
- Data collection methods (measuring tools)
- What methods are you using to collect the data?
- Why would you use each method of data collection?
- What type of data each tool will collect?
- What would be the delivery method for each tool?
- What obstacles may you encounter when using these tools? Be specific
- Data collection process (how would you collect the data?) — here I am not asking about the instruments used, but rather about the process you will be using to collect data from study participants.
- Informed consent: Provide a summary of the information you will be providing to study participants in the informed consent form.
- Strengths AND limitations of your study (here make sure you do not only think about the study design…think about your study population, the process used to recruit your study population, your data collection methods — essentially, think about the internal validity of your study!)
- Citation slide – VERY IMPORTANT! All citations must be in APA style. — Remember to also include in-text citations in your PowerPoint!
comment for sample population is : Is it feasible to do this?
for sampling method: clusters: This would indicate a different sampling method.
Challenges using measurement tools: You did not indicate what information you were collecting from each data collection tools. Also, you did not specify a method to collect information about the exposure