Big Data Analytics R Vs Python Programming Languages Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help

Big Data Analytics R Vs Python Programming Languages Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help. Big Data Analytics R Vs Python Programming Languages Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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R vs. Python programming languages

Python and R are examples of open source programming languages both having identifiable differences. R is often utilized for statistical analysis whereas python offers a more general data science approach. Both of these languages are time-intensive (Weigend, 2019). Whereas R language is built by statisticians and uses specific language, Python is a general-purpose language that has a readable syntax. R language is the first choice for many when it comes to statistical analysis precisely during specialized analytical works. Python on the other hand, is much simpler and even though it doesn’t have much applicability as the R programming, it is slowly gaining pace (Weigend, 2019). For instance, if one needs to make use of results of the website or application analysis, Python is better compared to R. In essence thus, Python is often considered to be easier to pick up, has a smoother learning curve. The advantages of R include its regarded as the best tool for visualizing data, great for analytical analysis, and provides considerable community support. It, however, has limitations such as being slow when the code has been poorly written and is difficult to implement.

My application with coding for the Python and R languages is few and within these times, I observed them as they were being inputted. Also, as part of the experience, we got to input the codes and as a programming enthusiast, I made sure that I engaged in examples of modules that helped me to write the code. I would say that python is more comfortable but the R language is a whole different scenario which is more complicated.


Introduction to programming R and Python languages. (2017). Comparative Approaches to Using R and Python for Statistical Data Analysis, 32-77. DOI:10.4018/978-1-68318-016-6.ch002

Weigend, M. (2019). Programming languages for secondary schools, Python. Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, 1-9. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-60013-0_11-1



1) APA format.

2) 150 – 200 words.

3) At least one scholarly source should be used

4) Use proper citations and references

5) 0% plagiarism.

Big Data Analytics R Vs Python Programming Languages Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Identifying Techniques for Minimizing Measurement Bias HW Writing Assignment Help

  1. Identify and understand techniques for minimizing measurement bias.
  1. Understand the relationship between reliability and validity.
  1. Identify factors in selecting a research question.
  1. What are the aims and purpose of social work research?
  1. Compare pre-experimental, quasi-experimental, and experimental designs. Identify the types of each.
  1. Discuss the advantages of qualitative research.
  2. Distinguish between cross-sectional and longitudinal research.
  3. Differentiate between ethical and political issues in research.
  4. Identify guidelines for providing compensation for participants.
  5. What are techniques for attracting hidden and oppressed populations to participate research? What are sampling techniques for these populations?
  6. Identify advantages and disadvantages of conducting various forms of needs assessment (community forum, key informants, social indicators, target group survey)
  7. Identify the threats to internal validity. Give examples.


Southern Methodist University Leadership in Business Reflective Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

1000 word research paper – LOCAL inspiration – Be creative, choose your own interest topic, describe how that topic relates to Values in Business. Use the pre- or post- pandemic world, or perhaps a compare or contrast. between the two – the sky is the limit, aim for interesting rather than academic, but please keep track of the resources you use and create a reference list.
You must include a 100 word description of your inspiration for this topic. * Here is a movie version of the inspiration of a business deal – this is a clip from the 1988 movie WORKING GIRLS starring Melanie Griffiths and Harrison Ford – scroll forward on this clip to 1:45 and take a minute to watch how she ties a few points together as inspiration for a business deal.


ME 180 Sacramento State University Determining Material Properties Using MATLAB Engineering Assignment Help

MATLAB for mechanical engineering.

Homework Assignment 2:

Complete Problem 2 (yes, only Problem 2) in the list of problems in the document found through this link:

Homework Assignment 2.pdf


Find my solutions to all three problems (MATLAB code published to PDF) in the following:



Find my solutions to Problems 1 and 3 (m-files) in the following:



You can download and use my m-files as templates to save coding time with Problem 2.

When complete, publish your code to PDF and upload to the link on this assignment.

Note that Problem 3 involves the same tasks you perform when completing your first lab experimental analysis: True Stress-True Strain and the power equation. Feel free to complete Lab 1 analysis using MATLAB in lieu of MS Excel.


BUS 461 Ashford Week 2 Electronic Timing System for Olympics Decision Tree Business Finance Assignment Help

Read Case 6.3: Electronic Timing System for Olympics on pages 275-276 of the textbook. For this assignment, you will assess and use the correct support tool to develop a decision tree as described in Part “a” of Case 6.3. Analyze and apply the best decision making process to provide answers and brief explanations for parts “a”, “b”, “c”, and “d”. The answers and explanations can be placed in the same Excel document as the decision tree.

  1. Develop a decision tree that can be used to solve Chang’s problem. You can assume in this part of the problem that she is using EMV (of her net profit) as a decision criterion. Build the tree so that she can enter any values for p1, p2, and p3 (in input cells) and automatically see her optimal EMV and optimal strategy from the tree.
  2. If p2 = 0.8 and p3 = 0.1, what value of p1 makes Chang indifferent between abandoning the project and going ahead with it?
  3. How much would Chang benefit if she knew for certain that the Olympic organization would guarantee her the contract? (This guarantee would be in force only if she were successful in developing the product.) Assume p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.8, and p3 = 0.1
  4. Suppose now that this is a relatively big project for Chang. Therefore, she decides to use expected utility as her criterion, with an exponential utility function. Using some trial and error, see which risk tolerance changes her initial decision from “go ahead” to “abandon” when p1 = 0.4, p2 = 0.8, and p3 = 0.1.

In your Excel document,

  1. Develop a decision tree using the most appropriate support tool as described in Part a.
  2. Calculate the value of p1 as described in Part b. Show calculations.
  3. Calculate the possible profit using the most appropriate support tool as described in Part c. Show calculations.
  4. Calculate risk tolerance as described in Part d. Show calculations.



TIEC 3 Major Factors that Drive the Comeback Of Emerging Economies Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Identify three major factors that drive the comeback of emerging economies. Explain why you believe they would have the greatest impact on the development, performance, and potential in the economic environment

You should write as if you are trying to convince someone of your opinion. That is, you need to state your position and then give support/rationalization of your position. You should respond respectfully, pointing out what you agree or disagree with and explain why. Replying with “I agree”, “that’s awesome”, etc., will not count as it is not contributing to the discussion.

TIEC 3 Major Factors that Drive the Comeback Of Emerging Economies Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California Irvine The Overlooked Racism in the United States Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Challenging “the new racism”:

Eduardo Bonilla-Silva argues in “The Central Frames of Colorblind Racism,” that the “new racism” is more subtle than racism during slavery and Jim Crow. Today, individuals most commonly uphold racism through “colorblindness,” the idea that if one “doesn’t see race” then its effects will go away. Colorblindness fails to recognize structural racism and blames Black people for lack of opportunities and socioeconomic inequality.

Some examples of the “new racism” include:

“Asian Americans are more successful because of hard work and family values. Black families need to value education in order to close the racial wage gap.”

“Slavery ended over a century ago. Things have gotten a lot better. We shouldn’t be talking about racism anymore.”

“I can’t be racist. I’m also a person of color, and I’ve been discriminated against by Black people.”

“It’s human nature to divide and conquer based on racial differences. We can’t do anything about it.”

Reflect back on your interactions with your loved ones. Where have you seen patterns of anti-Blackness? Identify if there are specific anti-Black viewpoints, perspectives, or practices that you would like to address in your conversations.

Before drafting your script, consider the following:

Who is your audience? Your scripts should be tailored for conversations with a particular person or set of people. Be strategic about how to best reach this person, and make sure your script is culturally competent (i.e. conversations with non-Black people of color may look different than conversations with white people).

What is your purpose? Your conversation will be most effective if you set realistic goals. What are 1-2 tangible points that you want your audience to understand? What kinds of anti-racist commitments would you like to ask of your target audience? While increasing awareness is important, changing behavior should be the goal of anti-racist work.

What strategies will be most effective? Keep in mind that conversations about racism can be challenging and uncomfortable. Approach the conversation with compassion and humility. Ask questions, and listen to the responses – you don’t want to just lecture at the person you are talking with. It is important that everyone feels heard. Assess whether data, emotional appeals, your own lived experiences, or a combination of the three would be most effective for reaching your target audience.


CJA 385 University of Phoenix Policy Development and Implementation Essay Law Assignment Help

Two steps in creating, updating, or changing policy are policy development and implementation. In this assignment, you explain the aspects of policy development and implementation, and share any concerns that you have identified, along with how those can be addressed.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you include the following:

  • Identify and describe the components of policy development and implementation.
  • Provide at least 2 examples of influences on criminal justice policy development. How do each of the examples that you provided influence policy development?
  • Are there concerns regarding implementation? If so, is it because it is incorporated into policy development? Explain your response.
  • Include research, factual information, and public opinion information that supports your points.

Format your paper in accordance with APA guidelines.


NURS 6053 Walden University Wk 7 Nursing Workplace Environment Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Respond to your colleagues by sharing ideas for how shortcomings discovered in their evaluations and/or their examples of incivility could have been managed more effectively.

2 Paragraphs

4-5 Sentences each paragraph

2 References

APA Format

Student #1 Post:

A civil work environment is achieved when the workplace is healthy and positive interactions take place among nurse leaders and other team members. What is civility? Griffin & Clark (2014) describe civility as being aware of the concerns, wishes, and rights of others in your workplace, courtesy and politeness in behavior, and good manners. When a workplace is lacking in civility, negative outcomes can occur, such as a decline in the quality of patient care, a decline in workplace safety, and even a decline in cost-effectiveness, in addition to the loss of a sense of well-being which is so important to a healthy work environment (Clark, 2018).

My workplace, according to analysis, has fallen in environment and civility since the many changes that have taken place since February in response to COVID-19. Since that time, morale has significantly decreased as nurses are under pressure from the administration to do more, work more, take on more, and all without much recognition or thanks. Sometimes management attempts to recognize exhausted staff with a reward that is seen as insulting, such as a free hamburger from a fast-food restaurant. The staff is dissatisfied, tired, and feeling underappreciated. As a result, I have seen incivility from staff toward management and administration and vice versa, and so the cycle continues.

My organization can begin to rebuild its once-healthy work environment by taking the necessary steps to first recognize incivility and then prevent it. All of us in nursing need to remember the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics during these times. It requires us to show respect toward all with whom we work, and do our part to contribute to a work environment that is healthy and happy (Clark, 2015). Nursing staff must be able to express their concerns and feel safe doing so. As leaders, management and administration need to step up and address this issue, for the well-being of our teams and the health of our patients (Clark, Olender, Cardoni, & Kenski, 2011).


Clark, C. M., Olender, L., Cardoni, C., & Kenski, D. (2011). Fostering civility in nursing education and practice: Nurse leader perspectives. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(7/8), 324-330. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e31822509c4

Clark, C. M. (2018). Combining cognitive rehearsal, simulation, and evidence-based scripting to address incivility. Nurse Educator. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000000563

Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American Nurse Today, 10(11), 18-23. Retrieved from…

Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535-542. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141122-02


De Anza College Business Levels of Communication During COVID 19 Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of discussing or presenting COVID-19 in different communication contexts. First, look at the situation as if you were having a conversation with someone one-on-one (interpersonal comm), next, think about how it might play out within a group of 3-8 people (group comm), then from one person as the sender to a whole crowd (public), and lastly, an organization to a wide audience (mass comm). In this paper, you should be analyzing each part and talk about how you would handle the situation similarly or differently given the form of communication. Identify which one would be easiest for you and explain why, then which one would be the hardest. You could also find real-world examples where different forms are being played out and practice identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of their communication.


  • Your paper should have the following
  • Introduction paragraph that previews the paper, discuss the paper, and introduce the topic.
  • In your own words, define what each form of communication before using it to analyze a situation.
    • When introducing or discussing each form of communication, please bold the key term and when you mention examples or instances at the end of the sentence bold and put the form in parentheses (see below.)
  • Dedicate a portion of your paper to analyzing the different forms of communication (interpersonal, group, public, and mass) and how they would play out using the same topic (i.e. A conversation with your sibling about the BLM movement (interpersonal) versus discussing the BLM movement with your family (group), etc.)
  • Discuss both advantages and disadvantage to each of those situations and explain why.
  • Find examples where these forms of communication are being used in regard to your subject and whether or not it’s effective.
  • A conclusion to wrap it up and summarize.
  • Your paper should use at least 1 source cited both within the paper and in a citation page at the end. Only APA or MLA citations for this paper.


Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535-542. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141122-02


De Anza College Business Levels of Communication During COVID 19 Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of discussing or presenting COVID-19 in different communication contexts. First, look at the situation as if you were having a conversation with someone one-on-one (interpersonal comm), next, think about how it might play out within a group of 3-8 people (group comm), then from one person as the sender to a whole crowd (public), and lastly, an organization to a wide audience (mass comm). In this paper, you should be analyzing each part and talk about how you would handle the situation similarly or differently given the form of communication. Identify which one would be easiest for you and explain why, then which one would be the hardest. You could also find real-world examples where different forms are being played out and practice identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of their communication.


  • Your paper should have the following
  • Introduction paragraph that previews the paper, discuss the paper, and introduce the topic.
  • In your own words, define what each form of communication before using it to analyze a situation.
    • When introducing or discussing each form of communication, please bold the key term and when you mention examples or instances at the end of the sentence bold and put the form in parentheses (see below.)
  • Dedicate a portion of your paper to analyzing the different forms of communication (interpersonal, group, public, and mass) and how they would play out using the same topic (i.e. A conversation with your sibling about the BLM movement (interpersonal) versus discussing the BLM movement with your family (group), etc.)
  • Discuss both advantages and disadvantage to each of those situations and explain why.
  • Find examples where these forms of communication are being used in regard to your subject and whether or not it’s effective.
  • A conclusion to wrap it up and summarize.
  • Your paper should use at least 1 source cited both within the paper and in a citation page at the end. Only APA or MLA citations for this paper.


Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535-542. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141122-02


De Anza College Business Levels of Communication During COVID 19 Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of discussing or presenting COVID-19 in different communication contexts. First, look at the situation as if you were having a conversation with someone one-on-one (interpersonal comm), next, think about how it might play out within a group of 3-8 people (group comm), then from one person as the sender to a whole crowd (public), and lastly, an organization to a wide audience (mass comm). In this paper, you should be analyzing each part and talk about how you would handle the situation similarly or differently given the form of communication. Identify which one would be easiest for you and explain why, then which one would be the hardest. You could also find real-world examples where different forms are being played out and practice identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of their communication.


  • Your paper should have the following
  • Introduction paragraph that previews the paper, discuss the paper, and introduce the topic.
  • In your own words, define what each form of communication before using it to analyze a situation.
    • When introducing or discussing each form of communication, please bold the key term and when you mention examples or instances at the end of the sentence bold and put the form in parentheses (see below.)
  • Dedicate a portion of your paper to analyzing the different forms of communication (interpersonal, group, public, and mass) and how they would play out using the same topic (i.e. A conversation with your sibling about the BLM movement (interpersonal) versus discussing the BLM movement with your family (group), etc.)
  • Discuss both advantages and disadvantage to each of those situations and explain why.
  • Find examples where these forms of communication are being used in regard to your subject and whether or not it’s effective.
  • A conclusion to wrap it up and summarize.
  • Your paper should use at least 1 source cited both within the paper and in a citation page at the end. Only APA or MLA citations for this paper.


Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535-542. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141122-02


De Anza College Business Levels of Communication During COVID 19 Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of discussing or presenting COVID-19 in different communication contexts. First, look at the situation as if you were having a conversation with someone one-on-one (interpersonal comm), next, think about how it might play out within a group of 3-8 people (group comm), then from one person as the sender to a whole crowd (public), and lastly, an organization to a wide audience (mass comm). In this paper, you should be analyzing each part and talk about how you would handle the situation similarly or differently given the form of communication. Identify which one would be easiest for you and explain why, then which one would be the hardest. You could also find real-world examples where different forms are being played out and practice identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of their communication.


  • Your paper should have the following
  • Introduction paragraph that previews the paper, discuss the paper, and introduce the topic.
  • In your own words, define what each form of communication before using it to analyze a situation.
    • When introducing or discussing each form of communication, please bold the key term and when you mention examples or instances at the end of the sentence bold and put the form in parentheses (see below.)
  • Dedicate a portion of your paper to analyzing the different forms of communication (interpersonal, group, public, and mass) and how they would play out using the same topic (i.e. A conversation with your sibling about the BLM movement (interpersonal) versus discussing the BLM movement with your family (group), etc.)
  • Discuss both advantages and disadvantage to each of those situations and explain why.
  • Find examples where these forms of communication are being used in regard to your subject and whether or not it’s effective.
  • A conclusion to wrap it up and summarize.
  • Your paper should use at least 1 source cited both within the paper and in a citation page at the end. Only APA or MLA citations for this paper.


Big Data Analytics R Vs Python Programming Languages Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help

Big Data Analytics R Vs Python Programming Languages Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help

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