BIO 103 Santa Barbara City College Cell Molecular Biology Discussion Science Assignment Help

BIO 103 Santa Barbara City College Cell Molecular Biology Discussion Science Assignment Help. BIO 103 Santa Barbara City College Cell Molecular Biology Discussion Science Assignment Help.

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hi I have a assignment for biology that I HAVE MOST OF the answers too but I need someone to REFLECT at my friends answers and to use the other attachment in order to reword everything in ur own words. SOME OF THE QUESTIONS ARE DIFFERENT AND SOME ARE NOT INCLUDED SO MAKE SURE TO READ EACH ONE I cannot have any plagerism I had someone do this for me and all they did was reword the words in each sentence and that won’t work, also the drawings to rewdraw

reflect to the work that’s completed to see how much to write


BIO 103 Santa Barbara City College Cell Molecular Biology Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MAN 3025 FIU Creating an Innovation Lab at Neiman Marcus Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Creating an Innovation Lab at Neiman Marcus

Scott Emmons was working for Neiman Marcus, the luxury retailer, as an enterprise architect when he realized a big gap in how their stores were handling technology. “Customers were showing up with smartphones and outgunning our own associates’ capability to access relevant information that would help them on their shopping journey,” Emmons said.

Emmons brought the need for better addressing technology to the company and they supported his founding of the Neiman Marcus Innovation Lab (iLab) in 2012. A few years into running the iLab, Emmons realized that a new way of thinking was needed. Neiman Marcus needed to serve shoppers of the future and approach what customers might want in a new way.

One of iLab’s innovations for serving shoppers is the digital memory mirror that records 360-degree views of how customers look in outfits. Customers can text video recordings of these views to friends to ask them for feedback. Customers also can compare how different outfits looks side by side via video using the mirror’s technology. Recently, a new augmented-reality feature was added to the memory mirrors: customers can virtually “try on” sunglasses and makeup without having to put them on in real life. Memory mirrors have been installed in most of Neiman Marcus’s forty-four locations across the United States.

Another related innovation is memory makeover mirrors. These mirrors record how a makeup specialist in the store applies makeup. The personalized recordings are sent to the customer to ensure they don’t get home and forget the steps to follow. Customer service buttons in dressing rooms that connect to sales associates’ smartphones and a “Snap Find Shop” app that allows customers to take a picture of a product and find similar styles in the store are other examples of iLab’s work. These innovations have contributed to Neiman Marcus achieving four straight quarters of revenue growth through the end of 2018.

Unlike other companies that create an innovation center that works separate from the rest of the company, Neiman Marcus’ iLab helps other teams through the company learn from their work. They also are able to get needed resources for projects (including borrowing the work of other employees at Neiman Marcus or getting help from consultants). By offering their services to different parts of the company, they have built “a model for innovation and experimentation . . . they’ve built a culture from that, that it’s okay to experiment and fail,” according to Brian Solis, an analyst at Altimeter, an innovation-focused consulting firm.

Case Questions

  1. Why is “innovation” a more accurate word to describe Neiman Marcus’s lab than “creativity”?
  2. What structural, cultural, and/or human resource variables helped encourage innovation success at Neiman Marcus?
  3. Has Neiman Marcus achieved disruptive innovation with their iLab’s work? Why or why not?
  4. What is an example of “sustaining innovation” in this case?


ITCO 650 AIU Online Upgrading the Network Infrastructure Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Your company is in the process of upgrading the network infrastructure, which involves moving from a 10BaseT to 100BaseT network. Currently, they use Bus topology in the network. As a member of the data network team, you are asked to take care of a portion of this upgrade. And, you would also like to suggest they move from Bus topology to Star topology.

  • Justify your suggestion to update to Star topology?
  • What updates you would have about network hardware in order to move to 100BaseT?
  • How would you provide the best desktop connectivity for end users, and the fastest possible throughput and security for the payroll department?

In addition, decide what type of devices to use in the closet. Write a 2-4 page paper using the APA style that summarizes your findings, and provides enough detail to fully support your opinion and any arguments.


INT 201 SNHU Environmental Factors to Manage Business Opportunities Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Assess environmental factors to manage international business opportunities


You work at TalkBox, a company that develops and supports software solutions for workforce collaboration. Its vendors include a number of multinational corporations in English-speaking companies. Talkbox is considered a TMT (Technology, Media, and Telecom) business. Following recent and rapid growth, TalkBox is expanding further into the global marketplace.

In order to prepare the business for success in moving into Japan, your supervisor, Jim Novik, has asked you to write an email to the TalkBox leadership team that includes a PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal, environmental) analysis. After identifying PESTLE factors, explain the implications of each item. In addition, classify the factors according to importance, and recommend a strategy model for entering the market.

TalkBox logo in green and orange letters


To support Talkbox’s expansion efforts, your manager has tasked you with crafting an email for the leadership team that addresses the management considerations of entering the Japanese TMT market. Make sure your email includes the following:

  • A completed PESTLE analysis of the TMT market in Japan. Be sure to include positive and negative aspects of these elements. Include 1–2 factors for each of the following items.
    • P: Political
    • E: Economic
    • S: Social
    • T: Technological
    • L: Legal
    • E: Environmental
  • A determination of the potential implications and significance of current economic conditions on market entry. This includes the different types of markets, as well as how they specifically relate to the TMT market.
    • Classify the different factors according to their potential impact on TalkBox:
      • Unimportant
      • Important
      • Very important
      • Extremely important
    • In addition, explain the implications of each factor for TalkBox.
      • What effect does it have overall?
      • Is it positive or negative?
      • Is it a short-term or long-term effect?
  • Relevant international trade policies, such as trade agreements, tariffs, and non-tariff barriers.
  • Conclude your email with a rationale for your top choice of a strategy model to use in entering the market. Be sure to include the following:
    • Relevant strategies
    • Logical reasoning for your proposed model

What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

The entire email should be 1–2 pages long, including the PESTLE analysis and the final recommendation. Consider incorporating the analysis into the email or, instead, composing a brief email with the final recommendation and attaching relevant documentation (e.g., a flowchart) of your analysis.

Supporting Materials

The following resources may help support your work on the project:

Document: Graphic Organizer– see attached!
This organizer helps ensure that all elements of the project are completed and stem from one another.


SNHU International Market Attractiveness in Australia & South Africa Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Describe the factors that contribute to international market attractiveness and entry


You work at TalkBox, a company that develops and supports software solutions for workforce collaboration. Its vendors include a number of multinational corporations in English-speaking companies. TalkBox is considered a technology, media, and telecom (TMT) business. Following recent and rapid growth, TalkBox is considering expansion into a variety of global markets.

In order to prepare the leadership team for success in assessing these markets, your supervisor, Jim Novik, has asked you to create a presentation comparing the market attractiveness of two countries from the list previously culled from the leadership team. After choosing the two countries, you will gather information about the most important factors relating to TalkBox and explain the specific risks of internationalization. In addition, you will explain how different entry modes could be employed by TalkBox leadership.


TalkBox logo


Your supervisor, Jim, would like you to present your findings to the leadership team at its next meeting. He’s asked you to include the following:

  • Identify key market factors in two countries. As you work, consider which factors most relate to TalkBox specifically. Although the leadership team created this country list, it is relying on you to provide the most relevant information. Explain which factors of these two foreign markets are most attractive to TalkBox, and why. Remember that TalkBox is in the TMT sector. Be sure to do the following:
    • Use two countries from the provided list.
    • Describe the key factors as they relate to the TMT sector in the two chosen countries.
    • Explain why your two chosen markets are the most attractive to TalkBox, based on the factors.
  • In your presentation, provide a brief analysis of different entry-mode options, including the potential benefits and drawbacks of each option.
  • Internationalization comes with numerous risks; describe at least three risks of TalkBox’s choice to move into the international market in these two countries. Tip: One country may have notably fewer risks than another.

What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

Use the Market Attractiveness template to complete a 10- to 15-slide presentation with detailed information on the slides, not in speaker notes. see attached!

Reference List For each source that you cite, you need to include the author’s name, the publication year, the title of the source, and the location of the source in a References section at the end of your work. Cite all sources appropriately.

Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

Document: Country List– see attached!
Choose two countries from this list; make sure to choose countries from different continents.

Website: A Global Foreign Direct Investment Country Attractiveness Index– see attached word doc.
Use this website to compare market factors of different countries. It compares the attractiveness of foreign direct investment (FDI) worldwide.

Website: Global Risks of Highest Concern for Doing Business– see attached word doc
Use this website to compare market factors of different countries. Use the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner to choose a country, and the site will show an index of 29 market factors, as well as that country’s rating in each factor.

Website: U.S. Government International Economics Accounts List– see attached word doc
Use this website to compare market factors of different countries. The site lists links to potentially relevant information, mostly related to the United States.

Website: WIPO Facts and Figures 2017– see attached word doc

Use this website from the World Intellectual Property Organization to compare market factors of the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and the Republic of Korea. This site has information specific to the TMT market.



ART HIS 40B University of California A Shift from Materials to Skills Writing Essay Writing Assignment Help

Assignment: Choose one of the questions below and write a 3-4 page, double spaced essay. For your answer draw from lectures, discussion sections, the assigned readings, and the Met timeline when pertinent. Use MLA in text citation for references or quotations drawn from the assigned readings. MLA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken, for example: (Smith 163). For the Met timeline, include a footnote with the http link where you found the idea or quote.

Approach: Again, we are looking for composed and thoughtful essays with clearly defined theses and points of view. Please underline your thesis. Remember to use the question as a starting point, but do not simply restate it as your thesis. Choose your examples of art and architecture carefully to make sure they work together in your essay to help develop your thesis. Think hard about what the question is asking you to demonstrate. Remember that even if the question does not explicitly ask you for historical information, we assume that you will frame your answer with the relevant background information that you have learned in class. The questions assume that in answering, you will provide the historical context, drawing on the required readings when pertinent. But the questions now also ask you to use visual analysis more explicitly to provide evidence for your arguments.


#1 How does Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Allegory of Good and Bad Government in Siena’s Town Hall function as a work of political theory? In your essay you should discuss in depth at least three visual details in the fresco (these can be either individual walls or portions of walls, or smaller details such as individual figures or sets of figures).

#2 How do we know that in 15th c. Florence the focus of both patrons and artists shifted from materials to skill and why did this shift occur? Your essay should include an in depth discussion of three examples of works of art that illustrate and explain the terms of this shift.

#3 How do artist’s self-portraits reflect the changing status of the arts and artists in the Renaissance? Your essay should have in depth discussion of two examples of artist’s self-portraits that illustrate how the issue of status was attacked through portraiture.

#4 The literary theorist Stephen Greenblatt used the term “self-fashioning” to describe the uniquely Renaissance focus on constructing an identity and public persona according to a set of socially acceptable standards, and the conscious effort to imitate a praised model in society. How does the new genre of portraiture that emerged in the Renaissance reflect these ideas? Your essay should discuss in depth three different examples of portraiture.

ART HIS 40B University of California A Shift from Materials to Skills Writing Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of The Cumberland Online Commerce Alibaba Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Research Paper


Santa Monica College Paragraph on Health Gorth Mindset Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

1st – Watch this video on growth mindset by the renowned Stanford researcher Carol Dweck:

Growth Mindset Video (Links to an external site.)

2nd – Download and see how the the growth and fixed mindsets are compared.
Mindset Comparison Sheet

3rd – The assignment

Think about a time in your life that you had a health related goal and failed to accomplish it. The goal needs to fit into one of the following categories: fitness (it can be sports related as well), nutrition, mindfulness (mental health), stress reduction, drugs, alcohol, sleep, or spiritual.

Here are a couple examples to get you thinking (use these as a guide to help you think of your own goals you’ve had in life):

  • Lose 10 pounds in 3 months
  • Make the varsity soccer team
  • Consume only 1,800 calories a day for 3 weeks straight
  • 10 minutes of meditation daily
  • Participate in a yoga class twice a week
  • Limit to 2 alcoholic drinks on Friday or Saturday night
  • At least 7 hours of sleep 6 nights a week

**Reminder: Think about an important health goal in your life where you failed or didn’t have the outcome you originally wanted – you did not completely meet your goal.**

Now that you have watched the Growth Mindset video and looked over the mindset comparison handout complete the following assignment:

Write 2-4 paragraphs addressing these questions:

  1. Did you go into the goal with a fixed or growth mindset?
  2. Did your mindset change as a result of failing?
    **Also, make sure to describe your specific health goal**

Addressing at least two of the components listed below how could you re-frame your mindset for the future?

  • Challenges
  • Obstacles
  • Effort
  • Criticism
  • Success of others

**Make sure to highlight or underline the two components you chose to focus on to receive full credit on the assignment.**


CHEM 222 SBCC The Synthesis of 3 Nitrochalcone via Aldol Condensation Reaction Essay Science Assignment Help

Lab 9 is a formal lab report, lab 10 is a worksheet which I dont need back but when u are ready I will send u the screenshot of questions from the canvas with questions from the worksheet, this is not timed and the lab quiz is usually timed between 10-20 minutes and about 5 questions

YOU MAY NEED BEYONDLABZ.COM login is and password is Googoosh7!

EXP 9: Hey y’all! Here is the link to the youtube video for Lab 9: Aldol Condensation: Preparation of Chalcones

I also attached TLC reference image

EXP 10 : The following “worksheet” asks questions specifically from the original worksheet as well as some questions pertaining to the simulation, but under different conditions. Keep in mind, the procedure allows you to try your own set of reagents, solvents etc. but will yield different outcomes. Try different solvents, temperatures, and even reagents to see what happens (basic and acidic media for example). Ask questions, and try new things. Also, analyze all of the products you obtain using the provided instrumentation (NMR, IR etc.). Feel free to open this “worksheet” up with the simulation and perform any experiments necessary to answer the questions. This will likely, be the best way to perform well on this otherwise simple experiment.


The following is an outline of what your instructor expects to see in your lab reports. As long as the order and main titles (presented below in bold type) are present, the style is completely up to each student. A carbon copy laboratory notebook is required, and all work should be recorded directly in the notebook, not on scratch paper, as the work is performed. The written laboratory report includes the following areas:

  1. Name, Lab section or day/time and the complete title of the experiment should be written in the provided section on the top of each page.
  2. The Objective should indicate the purpose of the experiment in 1 to 2 sentences be clear and concise. If the experiment involves synthesizing a compound, meaning you make something new, please include a reaction scheme.
  3. A reagent table labeled as Physical and Chemical Properties of Reagents. Within this table should be the appropriate physical and chemical properties such as molar mass, melting point, boiling point, density, refractive index, amount needed, and at least one hazard and safety precaution for each substance. You can find this information in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics or online at a credible website, such as or and the proper reference should be indicated below the table. Calculations of theoretical yield and limiting reagent should be written below this table if the experiment is a synthesis.
  4. Equipment/Apparatus section will include a list of common glassware or equipment needed, such as spatula, Erlenmeyer flask etc. OR you may be required to draw and label the apparatus primarily used in the experiment of the day unless the apparatus had been used in a previous experiment, such as distillation.
  5. Since you will be observing the experiments in a video format I want you to write the Procedure according to your observations and my narration. This way, it will be in your own words and in a manner that you understand! Yay! It should, however, be written such that any organic chemist can perform the experiment when using these procedures. It may be a flow chart, paragraph, or bullet point as an example. The first time you perform a certain technique, for example, a distillation, you must describe how to set up and perform the distillation. If a subsequent experiment requires a distillation, you may simply state that the liquid was distilled.

The above 5 sections are called the “pre-lab” and would typically be due upon entering the lab, but in this online format will be submitted with the below sections, called the “post-lab” and will include the following:

  1. Data and Results section is completed during the lab. Include all data obtained, observations (color changes, emulsions forming, liquid disappeared, melting point, crystallization), measurements (including tared masses), and results. Analytical results, such as an NMR spectra or IR should be attached at the end of the report.
  2. Calculations including items such as percent yield, or Rf values etc should be written out completely

The Conclusion section should be used to interpret the data obtained. You should summarize your results of the experiment, including data such as yields, mp, bp, purity and how you came to this conclusion, % error, spectral analysis, literature values as well as any other necessary information needed to identify if the objectives of the experiment were achieved. You may also state whether or not the procedure was a good method for making the desired compound and any suggestions on improving the methods for future experiments. Possible sources of error, and how that error would affect the overall yield are extremely important to comment on.


NECB Secure Integration of IoT And Cloud Computing Reflection and Literature Review Computer Science Assignment Help

Graded Assignment: Knowledge and Skills Paper

Paper Section 1: Reflection and Literature Review

Using Microsoft Word and Professional APA format, prepare a professional written paper supported with three sources of research that details what you have learned from chapters 13 and 14. This section of the paper should be a minimum of two pages.

Paper Section 2: Applied Learning Exercises

In this section of the professional paper, apply what you have learned from chapters 13 and 14 to descriptively address and answer the problems below. Important Note : Dot not type the actual written problems within the paper itself.

  1. Go to,,, or or in combination to find at least three customer case studies on Hadoop implementation, and then discuss the commonalities and differences of these cases.
  2. Search the job search sites like,, and so forth. Find at least five job postings for data scientist. Identify the key characteristics and skills expected from the applicants and based on what you are learned in this class, how high is your motivation now to seek these types of career choices?
  3. Important Note: With limited time for a college class, perfection is not expected but effort to be exposed to various tools with attempts to learn about them is critical when considering a career in information technology associated disciplines.

Important Note : There is no specific page requirement for this section of the paper but make sure any content provided fully addresses each problem.

Paper Section 3: Conclusions (Part 1)

After addressing the problems, conclude your paper with details on how you will use this knowledge and skills to support your professional and or academic goals. This section of the paper should be around one page including a custom and original process flow or flow diagram to visually represent how you will apply this knowledge going forward. This customized and original flow process flow or flow diagram can be created using the “Smart Art” tools in Microsoft Word.

Paper Section 4: Overall Course Conclusions and Reflection (Part 2)

After the primary conclusion of this paper, extend this conclusion into an overall class conclusion and reflection providing at least 500 additional words of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current or future work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Paper Section 5: APA Reference Page

The three or more sources of research used to support this overall paper should be included in proper APA format in the final section of the paper.

Paper Review and Preparation to submit for Grading

Please make sure to proof read your post prior to submission. This professional paper should be well written and free of grammatical or typographical errors. Also remember not to plagiarize!!!!!!!!!!!!

Important Reminder: Assessment of discussion boards and other writing assignments account for 75% of overall grading and below are how grades will be assessed for this assignment:

Requirements: 5 to 6


BIO 103 Santa Barbara City College Cell Molecular Biology Discussion Science Assignment Help

BIO 103 Santa Barbara City College Cell Molecular Biology Discussion Science Assignment Help

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